Jaen (Peru) — Wikipedia



Jaén is a Peruvian city in the province of Jaén located in the northwest of the country. Since its creation Jaén has been appointed Jaén de Bracamoros in honor to the indigenous populations of the region: the “Bracamoros” but also to differentiate it from its Spanish homonym.

It is the second city in terms of inhabitants of the Cajamarca region with a population estimated at 93,631 in 2015.

The city was founded in by Spanish Diego Palomino. THE saw the political creation of the province of Jaén with the birth of the Republic of Peru.

It is located near the Marañon river, one of the Amazon components.

It is the capital of the homonymous province.


First inhabitants [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The origin of the city dates back to the period between 1,000 and 1,500 years before J-C where major human establishments were located in the valleys in the current Jaén provinces, Bagua y San Ignacio. We still find their traces today in particular by parts of ceramics. In the Jaén Valley is the large archaeological site of Montegrande with the presence of mounds and ceramics of pre-Chavin culture but also the immense pre-Columbian cemetery of Bellavista. Other similar places are located in the Chamaya, Shumba, Tabaconas, Chinchipe and Utcubamba valleys. In these rich lands of North Peru flowered the culture of the jibaros, which belonged by the Huanbucos and Patagons. The Inca Huayna Huayna Cápac in his attempt to submit these peoples under the influence of the vast Inca Empire, experienced a catastrophic rout nicknamed Pukamoros, word quechua wanting to say painted in red, referring to the local custom of painting the face and Other parts of the body in red during festive and warrior events.

The natives of this region lived in groups of 5 or 10 families. Their dwellings were made up of two parts, one closed with a roof to protect themselves from the rain and a second open to the outside used when it was not raining for agriculture. They had large corn plantations. Agriculture was an activity they practiced as well as hunting, fishing and beekeeping. They did not have any chiefs properly speaking, but the main lords leader 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100 people. This autonomous development was interrupted by the colonization process, at the end of 1535 Fransisco Pizarro sent the Spanish captain Juan Porcel de Padilla to conquer the Bracamoros.

Invasion era [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The first of the Hispanic Conquistadors in foray into the northwest part of the country, was Captain Pedro Vergara, who is considered the first explorer of the region and the tribe of Pakamuros, Bracamoros and Yahuarsongo and who managed to establish his domination On these cultures by the use of military force.

Geographically the conquered area was one of the four provinces forming the eastern region, bringing together the current countries of Peru and Ecuador. Were founded cities and villages named other cities in Castile and Andalusia like Jerez and that of Jaén.

Foundation of the first city and conquest process [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Inca Métisse Garcilaso de la Vega was the first columnist to point out that it was Captain Juan Porcel de Padilla who first discovered and conquered the Bracamoros; Referring to the agreements concluded between Pizarro and Almagro, Garcilaso indicates that Porcel left at the end of the year 1535 for his conquest of the Bracamoros arrived there in the region at the beginning of 1536 by the shortest and easy path was that of Huancabamba and Tabaconas.

At the beginning of this year on the basis of the populations present in the valley, the foundation of the first city was found with the name of Jerez de la Frontera, a proces rebellion of Manco Inca. After it was done, the construction of the city was resumed. From this first city today are only abandoned ruins of little archaeological value, named the old Jaén and located in the province in the district of Santa Rosa in the province of Jaén.

Second city: the new Jerez de la Frontera [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Porcel has moved its new Jerez from the Frontera de la Vallée de Buchaon to the Yuramarca site, located five places from Vieux Jaén. This change was realized at the beginning of 1543 with the end of the construction of the Church. Being in full consolidation of the new daughter, Porcel was again called by the new viceroy Blasco Núñez de Vela but this time to fight against Gonzalo Pizarro. By his loyalty to the king and in merit of the services rendered to the Spanish crown, the peaceful Don Pedro of the Gasca confirmed to Porcel his conquest of the Bracamoros but this time for much less time.

Fondation of the Première Ville de Jaén de Bracamoros [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Captain Diego Palomino authorized by the Pedro Pacifier de La Gasca, continued the conquest initiated by Pedro Vergara. Arrived at the edges of the Chinchipe river he explored the land where a city was founded With the planting of the cross where the Plaza de Armas would be. Traced the streets and assigned land to 26 settlers.

The name that was given to the new city was that of Jaén de Bracamoros, Jaén in reference to the hometown of the Spanish captain Diego Palomino and Bracamoros in order to perpetuate the name of the main indigenous tribe of the region. It was located on a height called Yuramarca which is 80 kilometers from the current Jaén. Saint Léandre was assigned to him as a patron of the city.

Era of the colony [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the year 1607 the site of the first city of Jaén de Bracamoros had changed four times, to remain permanently located a little north of the branch of the Huancabamba and the Marañón rivers, in the small Tomepende valley. The installed industry which was the most important was that of Fraguas to forge metals, making a very useful machete and axes in a region where it is continuously necessary to cut the trees and branches. Was also installed a sanitary center for all patients and especially to fight malaria. This city of Jaén was going to finish its life cycle, since another place with better conditions to live was sought. This change occurred between the years 1804 and 1805.

Jaén during vice-kingdom [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since its creation, the city of Jaén has belonged to the vice-rotay of Peru, its territories became part of the newborn vice-king of Santa Fé in 1717 which was abolished in 1723. Until 1739 it was part of the Peruvian territory where On this date it was reincorporated in the new vice-rotay of Santa Fe or Grande Granada. Traffic and communication difficulties; The huge distance to Santa FE motivated the inhabitants asked for the return of administrative management to the vice-kingdom of Peru since it has limited as capital, the distance is much less. At the end of the 18th century was given permission to change the site of the city in the Quintana valley. In 1802 by royal decree the city passed under the management of the Peruvian vice-kingdom. In 1805 the land was divided and then began the construction of the first houses in the current city of Jaén.

Period of independence [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Jaenians convinced of their love for freedom and for Peru, warned of making the decisive step of their emancipation. They organized a public assembly made on the Plaza de Armas where the delegates of Chirinos, San Ignacio, Topenda and Colasay La Réunion ended the Reunion. And all in one voice proclaimed the independence of Jaén de Bracamoros.

The population of Jaén was estimated in 1999 at 85,000 inhabitants and in 2012 at around 170,000 inhabitants. It therefore pursues a strong increase in terms of population, a population which has the particularity of being very young. It was previously a fairly dangerous city [Ref. necessary] , but for a few years, the delinquency was eradicated [Ref. necessary] . There are nevertheless a few active bands, especially in the Barrio Chino, a popular district located below the Plaza de Armas. For foreigners, he is not recommended to go out after 11 p.m.

There are very few cars traveling in the city center [Ref. necessary] . On the other hand, there is a crowd of motorcycle taxis circulating day and night in the arteries of Jaén which makes it noisy and unpleasant. [Ref. necessary]

It is a relatively poor city. [Ref. necessary] It is far from the major Peruvian agglomerations. However, despite its rental in a mountainous region with many valleys and escarpments which complicate access to the communication channels, the City of Jaén has a strategic position between the coastal territories of the Lambayeque region, and the regions of the Peruvian jungle . It is this location that allowed it to develop and an economic dynamism based mainly on agriculture and mining.

The City of Jaén and its province is a strategic and very commercial area by the trade which takes place in particular of rice and coffee and other products mainly produced in its surroundings. Jaén is an expanding city becoming a solid, modern and progressive city and agricultural center of the Selva Alta in the northwest of Peru.

On the basis of the distribution in percentage of the economically active population, it can be deduced that the productive structure of the Diversified Jaén province although according to the 2007 national census, small farms represent 50.8% of the hand work. With a much lower percentage follow the services and among these we find the education sector which brings together 6.1% of the active population and the first workers’ sensor sector. Among the other sectors of the Services, we find trade (5.1%) and the Manufacture sector a low 3.7% consequence of the recent level of industrial processing which is linked to the agrarian sector.

Agricultural activity, according to the agrarian regional department, brings together 332,356 hectares located in various terrains influencing cultures. Thus on the flat terrains we find the production of rice while the most steep that of coffee. The latter remains the fundamental base since it represents 15,350 producers with that of rice. While other smaller products are cocoa (1,220 producers), yellow corn (550 producers) but also Chirimoya (250), mango (120) and lawyer (30). In the field of livestock, milk producers are detached 820 in number and India pig breeders with 460 producers.

The province of Jaén is located in northwest Peru and has the capital of the city of Jaén de Bracamoros which has a dynamic economy based on its agriculture. Since 2007 it has developed a real estate bubble. Especially in land titles of the land, a consequence of the new avenues which have been quickly built and which cross the city promoting the price of land located near 400%. This has considerably benefited from some merchants in the area that have strategically invested in these very profitable exchanges.

In 2008, the construction law of the National University of Jaén was approved. This allows an ever greater development in the city.

The structure The economic dynamics of the city of Jaén are determined directly and strongly by its physical capital, understood here by the richness of its soil and by its geostrategic location, factors which place it as one of the production and export centers agricultural and most important economic articulation in the northwest region of the country. This generated an increase in the population and the urban area defining it as the second most populous city in the Cajamarca region.

The City of Jaén in addition to being a redistribution center with its own dynamic by the flows of entry and exit of the goods and people who pass there and with strong links with the other regions such as that of Piura, Lambayeque and of the Amazon. It has great prospects not only of market increase for its local products but also to become one of the major logistics operators in the economic sectors mentioned above.

Transport terrestre [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • À from Lima, Trujillo, Chiclayo et Lambayeque

Take the Pan American road from northern to kilometer 785, then take the Lambayeque-Olmos road. Arrived in Olmos, turn right the interoceanic road from the North and go up to the Porculla valley and follow in the direction of Chamaya. Then turn the deviation on the Chamaya-Jaén road to the left.

There are many bus companies from Chiclayo that make trips several times a day.

  • From Paita and Piura

Take the northern interoceanic road and follow towards Cruz de Caña, Vicús, DV. The Matanza, Querpón, Insculas, Olmos, Abra Porcuya. And then follow in the direction of Pucará y Chiple to Chamaya. By taking the deviation that leads to Jaén on the left.

  • À from Yurimaguas, Tarapoto et Moyobamba

Follow the northern ocean road to Chamaya where then it will be necessary to take the deviation to Jaén.

  • À starting from Cajamarca, Bambamarca, Huaygaloc, Chota et Ctervo

Take the Cajamarca – Porcón – Bambamarca – Chota – Montán – Huambos – Cochabamba road and take the deviation in Cutervo on the right. Following the direction of Santo Domingo de Capillas to the town of Chiple, then taking the interocéanic road from north to right to Chamaya. Finally take the deviation for Jaén.

Air Transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jaén Airport is located in the Bellavista district ten minutes from the city and connects it by air the capital and other cities in the country thus connecting Jaén and Haut Marañón with the rest of Peru and the world.

There are regular flights to Lima, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Cajarmarca and Chachapoyas.

Panorama de la Ville de San Ignacio

Montegrande: the origin of Andean civilizations and the culture of cocoa [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The archaeological site of Montegrande was considered by the archaeologist Quirino Olivera as the place of origins of Andean civilizations in the Amazon. In this enigmatic pyramid of Bracamoros culture, more than twenty remains of human bodies have been discovered as well as sacred ceramics and sea shells “Concha spondyllus”. The site would be dated 5,500 years according to the archaeologist Quirino Olivera who is at the origin of the excavations, which would explain its spiral shape different from other archaeological sites in the region which are more recent. This site containing a complex architecture never discovered before in the Selva makes the public discover the religious character that the populations maintained at this place but also highlights a cocoa road which would seem to be the oldest in America since it would be 2 000 years older than that of central America cultures. This site is therefore today of major importance to understand the culture and history of the region and constitutes an essential element of the valuation of the historical heritage of the region.

San Ignacio [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

[ first ] San Ignacio is a province close to that of Jaén. Founded on a territory populated by tribes such as Huaros, Chirinos, Huambisas and Pakamuros. This province is home to many very important archaeological, tourist and natural places such as Faical’s rock paintings. The presence of the mountains and the surrounding tropical forest where there are many waterfalls offering from the heights of the city a magnificent panorama and very pleasant landscapes pleasant to browse by performing walks in the surroundings.

Bellavista Plage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bellavista beach is located in the district of the same name and is a short distance from the city of Jaén. This district houses the Bellavista seaside resort located 10 minutes’ walk from the city and constitutes a privileged place of relaxation by the Marañon river. It is possible to do boat trips. In summer, the river shrinks to make way for a long stretch of sand. The contrast of colors forms a framework and makes it a privileged place for holidaymakers. However, it is necessary to pay attention to swimming which remains dangerous due to a strong current.

La Lagune Bleue de HuanRango [ 2 ]

Located in the Huarango district, San Ignacio province in the Cajamarca region, the blue lagoon extends a kilometer long and 600 meters wide and reaches a depth of 25 meters.

Surrounded by large expanses of pastures, the high place of local tourism and regional natural heritage offers a very appreciated and enchanting color contrast.

Baptized by the always azure reflections of its waters, it is also a fishing place that you can visit by boat and accompanied by a guide.

San Andrés waterfalls [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Waterfalls from San Andrés

Located about an hour from the city of Jaén, these waterfalls are also known as “cataratas San Andrés”. It is preferable to visit these important elements of the natural heritage of the province of Jaén between November and June since by more important rains, the flow of waterfalls is only more impressive. These waterfalls are surrounded by the decorations of the tropical jungle with its birds, its lush vegetation and its humid climate, so many characteristics which make it a very appreciated place for steps through the paths of the jungle and the mountain.
