Jagdgeschwader 301 — Wikipedia


The Hunting squadron 301 ( JG 301 ) [ N 1 ] is a Luftwaffe hunting squadron during the Second World War. Active from 1943 to 1945, it was dedicated to missions Wilde after Before being incorporated into the defense of the Reich.


JG 301 Opera on Messerschmitt BF 109G hunters, Focke-Wulf FW 190A and D and was the only German squadron to fly on Focke-Wulf TA 152 [ first ] , [ 2 ] . She notably stationed in France in Saint-Dizier in [ 3 ] , and à Épinoy de June at .

Strengthening Wilde after (1943) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Adaptation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Created from September to as part of the new 30. Hunting division , JG 301 specialized in missions Wilde after [ 4 ] . Like the JG 300, the instructors and bombers’ pilots were used because these aviators had more experience for the flight to instruments essential to night hunting missions without radar support [ 5 ] . The JG 1 and JG 11 provided at first the necessary hunters who will fly for the day day and night [ 6 ] .

Until then, the Nightly And the German DCA took turns to fight against the heavy bomber command bombers. From now on, Luftwaffe was also due to count on small groups of single-rate hunters intervening directly in the flow of bombers above cities illuminated by fires. Coordination between the batteries of Flak and units Wilde after So proved to be essential, the first to settle their shots at specific altitudes in order to avoid shooting German hunters [ 7 ] .

Bombardier Lancaster above Hamburg illuminated by fires.

The RAF now regularly used the H2S radar on its bombers to locate their targets overnight in a more efficient way. As a result, instead of imposing an extinction of fires from German cities now useless, Major Hajo Herrmann, creator of the Wilde after , on the contrary proposed that we light up and teams them with many spotlights. Thus, the silhouettes of the heavy bomber command bomber were distinguished more, causing the use of close detection means. The idea was daring and ended up making its way [ 8 ] .


First commitments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The night of 22 at saw the first successes of JG 301 when the three groups hired bombers on Hanover. They claimed a dozen, but four pilots were in return killed and two other injured. More modest success four days later still on Hanover with 4 victories at the price of two dead and one injured [ 9 ] . We are still far from the big scores at the same time of the pilots of the JG 300, it is already true experienced for this kind of missions since the end of spring [ ten ] , which for once recovers the III./jg 301 barely formed to constitute its III. group . A new III./JG 301 will however be reformed before the end of the year [ 11 ] .

The month of October remained quite similar with 2 to 3 victories only respectively the 3, 8 and 18 for three injured [ twelfth ] , the I. group As for him losing four pilots on In a day without victory [ 13 ] . On the night of 22 at , the RAF struck in the Frankfort sector. The efficiency of German guidance enabled 42 bombers, half less to the account of the Wilde after . The JG 301 claimed this time 9 successes, including a third for the Oberfeldwebel Kurt Welter [ 14 ] . With 7 wins – two doubles and the latter tripled – he is then the only one to stand out from the squadron. He and others will confirm during their passages to the JG 302 (see below) [ 15 ] .

Amputation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the squadron again gives up two of its groups (I. and II./jg 300) to the new JG 302 [ 16 ] . Thus decreased, the JG 301 claims only 3 small successes until the end of the year, including one at the account of Commodore the Major Helmut Weinreich (on the night of 18 at ). Seriously affected in turn, the officer tries to regain his base but the engine of his FW 190 explodes little before landing [ 17 ] , [ N 2 ] . The I. and II./JG 301 are soon reconstructed, at least on paper because in fact, the first has no device while the second has only three [ 18 ] ! It’s the Major Manfred Mössrger (head of III./jg 301) who commands the squadron for a few days before taking the reins of JG 302 and leaving his place himself Major Ewald Janssen in early December [ 19 ] .

Only the III./JG 301 recently reconstructed still has a sufficient number of hunters but its actions are summed up in seven pilots killed between the and the end of the year, including almost half by accident [ 20 ] . These losses were mainly due to the weather. Few were indeed those who could pierce the cloud layer in the middle of the night without risking getting lost and then crashed for lack of fuel. The Me 109 was also particularly nervous in takeoff and landing and familiarize itself with the small Messerschmitt hunter with a narrow cockpit remained difficult for the old bombers of bombers recruited for this task [ 21 ] .

Nights and days (1944) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Difficult winter and spring [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At the beginning of 1944, the JG 301 finally had its own hunters [ 22 ] But the different interceptions here and there will not give anything and several pilots will be injured or killed all causes combined [ 23 ] . 20, 29 and , 5 small victories are claimed for as many losses. THE Flag junker sergeant Fritz yung [ N 3 ] , [ N 4 ] in turn accesses the title of AS. It was also at this time that the high command decided to involve the units more and more Wilde after In daytime missions, the JG 301 is no exception despite an unfavorable victories/loss ratio [ 24 ] .

Thus, the JG 301 will alternate all the month of February between day and night hunting missions, a difficult task for its aviators whose big one is still composed of former pilots of bombers and transport. Most of them have little experience in air combat, some will then prefer to attack bombers when others were more comfortable in the face of escort hunters. Finally, the two groups learned from each other and the return of experience benefited from all [ 25 ] . The fact remains that the month ended in only 3 bombers destroyed the day and as much at night, all for 4 killed and 9 injured [ 26 ] .

Missions Wilde after Gradually give way to daytime interceptions, especially since American escort hunters could now accompany the quadrimoturs to the heart of the heart of III It is Reich [ 27 ] . The 15 and , JG 301 descended 8 bomber command bombers for 2 losses and one injured [ 28 ] and 4 other USAF devices per USAAF . In the latter case, the Germans concentrated – American hunters obliged – on the outdoor box of the training in order to increase the chances of success while dodging the cross shots of defense machine gunners [ 29 ] . Between two, Fritz Yung reached his ten It is Victory after a double on P-38s [ 30 ] .

The first half of April sees the 15th Air Force Strike the Reich from the Italian bases. The 2 and , the Germans descend 4 opponents and 4 others the next day at the price of three dead and four injured. Past 7. at 1. Series , the Hauptmann Helmut Suhr in turn won his 5 It is hit [ thirty first ] . The , American attacks target the air bases in southern Bavaria. Appliances from I. and III./JG 301 take off to intercept them, but the P-51 has the advantage of the altitude. For the loss of one of their own, the Mustang affect 7 Messerschmitt and three pilots are killed and four others injured [ 32 ] , [ N 5 ] . At night, the III./JG 301 takes again against a British raid: assessment, a Lancaster descended but again three pilots killed [ 33 ] . The alternation between day and night missions quickly became unbearable. In May, III./JG 301 is dismantled [ 34 ] and completely dissolved the [ 35 ] .

Défense de Ploiesti [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From the beginning of 1944, a fourth group was planned but only one squadron (10./JG 301) was finally created, then deployed in Romania to counter the American raids from Italy who came to attack oil refineries [ 36 ] . The unit experienced its first success the 4 and Going down 6 bombers. She does it again the 15, 17 and by downwards 5 quadrimoters again [ 37 ] . The , II./JG 301 joins the 10./JG 301 and won its first victory the same day. But the successes in this region generally remained sporadic for the following two months [ 38 ] . In fact, the American muscular escort most often prevented Messerschmitt from approaching bombers. THE , the captain from 10./JG 301 is injured and three other pilots are killed for a low result [ 35 ] . The , 5./JG 301 in turn deplores two killed and two wounded, all for only 2 victories [ 39 ] . Other air fights 23, 24 and 28 gave 1 p-51 and 3 B-24 shot, this time at the price of a few injured [ 40 ] .

To these difficult conditions was added the inexorable approach to Soviet troops by the East. It is therefore likely that JG 301 planes on site were asked to support German ground forces [ 41 ] . The vice of the allies tightening more and more, it became more and more difficult for the Luftwaffe to counter strikes going by intensifying. THE , the 10./jg 301 descended two B-24 above Romania, whose 5 It is for the sergeant Gerhard Mett, best driver in this sector, one of the last two claimed in Romania [ 42 ] . The , two German pilots were killed and two more injured for a zero result [ 43 ] . At the end of July, the 10./JG 301 disappeared from the workforce while the II./JG 301 still lived in the area [ 44 ] .

The , the rapid advance of the Soviets took the group by surprise as well as the change of camp in Romania. The losses suffered had reduced each Series To a few pilots but not all managed to fly away in time. It is the ground staff who deplore the most losses. The female auxiliaries were evacuated as a priority by truck then by two Me 323, but which both cried out killed by the Romanian DCA. Those who fled by vehicles will not be spared either. Taken under enemy fire, the staff – including young women – were killed, injured and even dying on the spot. One of them, Rita Weiß distressed by helping men defend themselves from the attacks. The survivors will finally manage to join Debrecen in Hungary [ 45 ] .

The i. group in Normandy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the summer of 1944, the I./JG 301 remained one of the last units to keep its night hunting capacity. Transferred to the base of Saint-Dizier, the group is found under the thumb of Stab JG 27 with the mission of defending the launching sites of V1 rockets. During the night of 12 to , the Hauptmann Helmut Suhr claims a first Wellington twoff. Although operating under difficult conditions, the II pilots. group benefit from their experiences in night flight as well as different beacons and projectors scattered on a large area facilitating both air navigation and interception [ 3 ] . On the night of 24 to , the I./JG 301 takes care of the mistel escort for one of his first uses [ forty six ] . One of the projectiles notably damages the British frigate HMS Neat in the bay of Seine.

In the night of , the spotlights supervise – like a spider web – of the bomber command quadrims come to attack the V1 sites. The BF 109 of I./JG 301 in patrols descend 11 heavy bombers without any loss. 24 hours later, the group reoffends and claims 6 other English devices [ 47 ] . However, it was on the night of 7 at that the biggest success will take place. The British, determined to put an end to the threat of flying bombs, come back in number which is no exception to German detection. The night is clear and the Messerschmitt fell 5 B-26 and a record of 20 quadrimotors, 6 other devices being to take into account Nightly [ 48 ] . The lieutenant Wilhelm Esche, already winner the two previous nights, reached the status of AS [ 49 ] .

This BF 109G-6 of I./JG 301 was mistakenly landed on the British basis of Manston on the night of 21 to After a navigation error of his pilot [ 50 ] .

Between mid-July and late August, the I./JG 301 continues its Misel escort missions, sometimes evolving above Belgium and the Netherlands, far from the Norman Front. But the nights are black in this season and the visibility above the sea is poor. Two pilots (Helmut SUHR and the Oberfelfdwebel Hans Todt) will still win four victories over isolated planes: 2 quadrimoters, 1 Wellington and a P-61 Black Widow recently entered service. But the weak clarity now obliged hunters to approach dangerously very close to their opponent to identify him before opening the fire, or even wandering long in the night without finding the slightest target. Some will even get lost. This is what happened to lieutenant Horst Prenzel who on the night of 21 at , put his BF 109G-6 in short fuel on the British base of Manston, while the sergeant Manfred GROMOLL crashed into the English countryside; Both will be captured [ 51 ] .

The intervention of the I./JG 301 in Normandy ended the When the planes flew to join the Berlin region [ 51 ] . The group will have had one of the best ratio of all those engaged in this battle, well helped it is true by its distance from the front line: to the 48 aerial victories won, the I./JG 301 deplored only 2 captured, at the minus 2 killed [ N 6 ] , 1 missing and 6 injured [ 52 ] , [ 53 ] .

Reorganization [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From its creation, the JG 301 could not act as a real hunting squadron. It was almost entirely dismantled after a month of service and then divided between the heaven of Germany, Romania and that of France [ 54 ] . From now on, the different groups were going to be able to fight in the same region. Unusual thing, III. group is reconstituted (a third time!) From I./JG 302 (itself ex i./jg 301!) Under the orders of the Hauptmann Heinrich Wurzer [ 55 ] , holders of 26 victories [ 56 ] , [ N 7 ] . Among the other pilots are also several AS with fleshed offices: the Oberfeldwebel Anton Benning, (more than 20 victories), the sergeant Willi Reschke (14), L ‘ Lieutenant Heinz Seidel (11) or the sergeant Hans-Wilhelm Schellner (8) to name a few [ 57 ] . They are reinforced by pilots freshly out of recognition, heavy hunting or bombing schools, but also instructors who will quickly have to go from theory to practice. They will also have to train at first on a country aerodrome whose track and the barracks leave something to be desired. Their conversion on FW 190A-8 will however be without too much difficulty, this device being much less nervous to takeoff than the BF 109 [ 58 ] .

The training finished, the I., II. and III./JG 301 each each have a 4 It is Squadron and all fly on FW 190A-8 and A-9 based in central Germany on well-equipped aerodromes [ 59 ] . The activity at the start of this fall remained quite calm despite its share of losses (a dozen fatal) due to accidents. In fact, the German staff inexplicably left the JG 301 on the ground despite the different American raids in September and October which greatly impacted on the morale of the pilots like that of the technical staff. But faced with the intensification of increasingly massive allied raids, this ubiquitous situation could not last very long [ 60 ] .

Since the , the bombing group III./KG 1 is dissolved to convert hunting. Renamed II./JG 7, it becomes IV./JG 301 The and operates on BF 109G-10. Still in training and separated from the rest of the squadron, the IV./JG 301 will only carry out its first missions in [ sixty one ] .

The longest month [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the Americans launched a typing force of almost 1,300 B-17 and B-24 escorted by more than 950 Mustang on the cities of Merseburg, Osnabrück and Hamburg. Placed on alert, JG 301 pilots had to wait a long time before being allowed to take off. If the cloud cover complicated the maintenance in training, the deployment was ordered too late and only the III./jg 301 was able to make a short frontal pass on the bombers. Only one was shot down by the sergeant Willi Reschke before the group was taken to task by the US escort. In fact, the long waiting on the ground combined with the inactivity of the pilots for several months had as much impact, if not more, as the numerical superiority of American hunters. For a handful of p-51 slaughtered, 13 German pilots perished while eight others were injured in this action [ 62 ] , including a group commander and two squadron leaders [ N 8 ] . The inexperience of the German pilots also played a lot: half of the pilots who took the air that day carried out their very first war mission [ 63 ] !

USAAF returned five days later with more than 1,130 and 730 P-51 hunters. Their targets, the cities of Bielefeld, Meersburg and Hanover in Ciel this time cleared. The III./JG 301 took off first followed by the two other groups for what was going to be the greatest air fight in the history of the squadron [ sixty four ] . Well positioned, the III./JG 301 was able to make a fatal shooting pass on a whole box of B-24, the rest of the squadron doing the same on the B-17. Several pilots hit the bull’s eye in actions not exceeding a few seconds, all in an indescribable hubbub on the radio which has quickly become saturated [ 65 ] . Result, 84 claimed US devices (including 9 hunters) [ 66 ] , a figure necessarily exaggerated, several FW 190 inevitably shooting on the same opponent. A minimum of 22 victories will nevertheless be granted (including a hat -trick for the Oberfeldwebel Hans Müller de la 2. Series ), especially since the Americans admired that day the loss of 44 bombers and 11 hunters [ sixty seven ] , the JG 301 not being the only squadron to intervene in this . But in a report of 1 to 10, the Mustang took advantage of their numerical superiority to style the FW 190 after their shots on the bombers, and many German hunters could not pass between the American balls [ 68 ] . 25 pilots fell and 14 others found themselves injured, including a succumb to nine days later. In just two fights, the unit had just lost half of its workforce [ 69 ] .

The month of November ended with a new disappointment the next day, when the first two groups took off to counter a new raid while a low ceiling nailed to the ground the III. group . The Germans could only see the condensation trails of the bombers when the American escort hunters fell on them. Again, the inexperience of many of them played against them and seven of them perished and four others were injured. The number of German victories remains unknown [ 70 ] .

Against P-51 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After two missed interceptions and 2 and , the III./JG 301 receives the visit of three allied allied hunters the next day [ N 9 ] repainted in German colors in order to accustom pilots to the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents [ 71 ] . On the 5th, the tests started before being quickly canceled by approaching enemy training on Münster and Berlin. The three groups took off but the escort is this time almost twice as many times as the bombers [ N 10 ] . Difficult under these conditions to approach the latter, however and despite the combined numerical superiority, the lessons learned from the last missions bear fruit. The Germans are this time combating the surprise of the Americans who lose 2 B-17 but also 10 Mustang in isolated fights. However, the JG 301 still leaves 18 pilots on the tile in more than 3 injured [ 72 ] .

The next day, the German offensive in the Ardennes mobilizes the bulk of Hunting squad to the west leaving only JG 300 and 301 the defense of Berlin and its surroundings. Their bases therefore constitute priority targets for American strikes without counting the fuel reserves which drastically decrease [ seventy three ] . Other interceptions will take place on 17, 24 and until . To their habits, the I. and II./JG 301 – equipped with the first FW 190D -9 ” long nose ” – hired the escort leaving a short respite to III. group For the time of one, see two shooting passes on the quadrimotors. During these three outings, the JG 301 won only dozen victories, half being to credit alone sergeant Willi Reschke [ N 11 ] . If the losses of the 17 and 24 remain unknown, those of (15 dead and 5 injured) are symptomatic of the conditions in which the units engaged in the defense of the Reich operated at that time [ 74 ] .

Defense of Berlin (1945) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Last major clashes with USAAF [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , JG 301 is not involved in the operation Base plate But still remains operational against American strategic bombing. Willi Reschke and Oberfeldwebel Hans Todt and Josef Keil were the only winners that day, the latter even obtaining a double [ N 12 ] While the FW 109D-9 of 6./JG 301 specialized in the high altitude struggle managed as best they can to respect the escort [ 75 ] .

Thirteen days later, the USAAF hit again and notably targeted fuel factories in Germany. Although having to travel a long journey, the whole JG 301 takes off but its planes are still in the ascent phase when arriving in the area when the Mustang and the Thunderbolt sting on them with a higher altitude: 19 pilots are killed and 9 other injured, some of which will not go back to battle. Including the 32 deaths of the JG 300 also involved [ 76 ] , This remained the deadliest day in the history of the Luftwaffe. The JG 301 will be satisfied that day of 4 small victories, including 2 hunters for the sergeant Willi Reschke. Now the pilots were no longer afraid to say that the war was lost [ 77 ] .

Russian parenthesis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the I. II. and III./JG 301 received the order to be transferred to the east. Objectives, strike Soviet forces on the ground in Silesia and western Prussia. But the bad time and proximity of the front line made the activity untenable. In addition, German pilots were absolutely not used to this kind of mission and only wasted fuel that has become rare. In the absence of sufficient knowledge of the field, distinguishing enemies and friends was also almost impossible [ 78 ] . The , le Ii II. group In the meantime is removed from operations to be converted to your 152 (see below) [ 79 ] .

IV./JG 301 reinforced the squadron in early February but lost its leader on Hauptmann Wilfried Schmitz during the very first mission of the group. In general, the Wehrmacht could only receive a very limited support on the front of the front, most of the bombing units having been dissolved to strengthen hunting [ 80 ] . Actions east of JG 301 therefore proved useless and only made the losses in its ranks, with 11 injured, 26 dead and disappeared, very often because of the DCA [ 81 ] . Success side, only the Oberfeldwebel Hans todt could claim a U-2 twin-engine [ 80 ] , in addition to the various objectives on the ground destroyed on the ground by the whole squadron, the archives remaining incomplete on this subject [ 82 ] .

The 9 and , the I. and II./JG 301 take off again to intercept massive air raids, the second aiming for the city of Dresden. The Germans could not once again penetrate the defensive curtain of American hunters, even if the reduced workforce of each group made it possible to limit the breakage [ 83 ] . The , the situation in the east forced all JG 301 to join the Berlin West zone [ 84 ] .

Entrance to the TA 152 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At the end of January as we saw, the III./JG 301 found itself at the schooling on your 152, the last Focke-Wulf piston hunter. The pilots who took charge of it could immediately appreciate the enormous acceleration capacity and the ascending speed of the device. Initially, 35 copies were to be delivered to the group but the Soviet taking of the main production plant based in Marienburg in eastern Prussia highly limited deliveries [ 85 ] . Consequence, the III./JG 301 returned to combat with a mix of TA 152 and the traditional FW 190A [ eighty six ] . The , l’ Oberfeldwebel Josef Keil won the first victory over this device against a B-17 [ eighty seven ] .

The , La 8th Air Force struck the rail nodes between Salzwedel, Wittenberge and Stendal. American hunters now attack the Germans directly on their own bases preventing any interception. Again, only Hans Todt can claim a P-51 while four of his comrades were descended to takeoff and that another crashed after a breakdown [ 88 ] . The According to, the whole JG 301 flew to intercept a massive bombardment targeting chemical factories as well as various industrial installations in the Magdeburg region. But once in the area, BF 109 (maybe those of IV. group ) Establish the dozen TA-152 present for target [ N 13 ] . The German formation shattered and it took the Americans more to make a new box: 19 pilots were killed or raised missing and 6 others injured, while only 2 B-17 were slaughtered. It is the IV./JG 301 which paid the heaviest price with half of the losses, resulting in its dissolution in early April [ 89 ] .

The allies dominating the airspace, the JG 301 now focused on the low -altitude support missions. Meanwhile, the III./JG 301 covered its few TA 152 to Squadron . The best pilots such as Josef Keil and Willi Reschke were assistant there [ 90 ] . The rest of the squadron had to make ground attacks on the columns of vehicles and allied infantry [ 91 ] . Divided on several budding terrains, the JG 301 hid its devices literally under the trees while the staff were satisfied with summary barracks, all defended by formidable batteries of Flak [ 92 ] . Despite some youth faults [ N 14 ] , the TA 152 always took off the first to cover other squadron hunters loaded with bombs [ 93 ] . Towards the end of April, the actions concentrated more against the Russian forces until . The same afternoon, the JG 301 joined the JG 11 on the Leck air base and remained there until the capitulation [ ninety four ] .

Mixed results [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From 10 to , JG 301 lost around twenty pilots [ 95 ] and won a dozen successes, including 10 on your 152 [ 96 ] . In total, the scores of JG 301 stood between 200 and 290 aerial victories [ 97 ] But for the loss of 258 pilots, plus 141 injured and 9 missing. Flooring staff dep in 125 dead, injured or missing, most of the Romania evacuation [ 98 ] . Reworked several times, the JG 301 could not enjoy the same prestige as the other squadrons of the 30. Hunting division , even if his pilots will not have deserved given the difficult conditions in which they must have faced.

Stab [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Formed the in Neubiberg on an order of [ 5 ] .
Dissolved in , then reformed in September [ 99 ] .

Faorrow Commodores:

Beginning END Grade Name
Lieutenant colonel Helmut Weinreich (Mort Au Combat) [ 100 ]
Major Manfred Mössinger [ 19 ]
Spring 1944 Major Ewald Jansen [ 101 ]
Lieutenant colonel Fritz Aufhammer [ 102 ]

I. group [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Fine formed in Neubiberg/Donau with:

  • Stab I./JG 301 newly created
  • 1./jg 301 newly created
  • 2./jg 301 newly created
  • 3./jg 301 newly created

The group then share his planes with those of JG 11 and JG 11 [ 5 ] . In November, the I./JG 301 is renamed I./JG 302 [ 6 ] :

  • Stab I./JG 301 devient Stab I./JG 302
  • 1./jg 301 becomes 1./jg 302
  • 2./jg 301 becomes 2./jg 302
  • 3./jg 301 becomes 3./jg 302

Reformed in in GardeLegen with:

  • Stab I./JG 301 newly created
  • 1./jg 301 newly created
  • 2./jg 301 newly created
  • 3./jg 301 newly created

In , the I./JG 301 increases its workforce to four Sacrifice [ 103 ] :

  • 1./jg 301 unchanged
  • 2./jg 301 unchanged
  • 3./jg 301 unchanged
  • 4./jg 301 newly created

Group manager:

Beginning END Grade Name
Hauptmann Richard Kamp (injured) [ 104 ]
Major Walter Brede (injured) [ 33 ]
Hauptmann Wilhelm Burggraf (Mort au Combat) [ 105 ]
winter 1944 Winter 1945 The I./JG 301 is temporarily ordered by the one most experienced officers in the group [ 106 ]
Hauptmann Gerhard Posselmann [ 84 ]

II. group [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Fine formed in Altenburg from elements of II./jg 300 [ 5 ] , [ N 15 ] :

  • Stab II./JG 301 newly created
  • 4./jg 301 newly created
  • 5./jg 301 newly created
  • 6./jg 301 newly created

The group does not have its own planes until , and until then, share planes with those used by I./JG 11. , II./JG 301 is renamed II./JG 302:

  • Stab II./JG 301 becomes Stab II./Jg 302
  • 4./jg 301 becomes 4./jg 302
  • 5./jg 301 becomes 5./jg 302
  • 6./jg 301 becomes 6./jg 302

Reformed in in Wien-Seyring with:

  • Stab II./JG 301 newly created
  • 4./jg 301 newly created
  • 5./jg 301 newly created
  • 6./jg 301 newly created

In , the II./JG 300 increases its workforce to four Sacrifice [ 103 ] :

  • 5./jg 301 unchanged
  • 6./jg 301 unchanged
  • 7./jg 301 from the old 4./jg 301
  • 8./jg 301 newly created

Group manager:

Beginning END Grade Name
Hauptmann Karl Graf Resugier [ 5 ]
Hauptmann Wilhelm Fulda [ 107 ]
Hauptmann Rolf Jacobs (Death in Combat) [ 108 ]
Hauptmann Herbert Nölter (deceased from his injuries) [ 109 ]
Hauptmann CESCOTS RODERIC [ 109 ]

III. group [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Fine formed in Zerbst with [ 5 ] :

  • Stab III./JG 301 newly created
  • 7./jg 301 newly created
  • 8./jg 301 newly created
  • 9./jg 301 newly created

The same month, III./JG 301 is renamed III./JG 300 [ 11 ] :

  • Stab III./JG 301 becomes Stab III./jg 300
  • 7./jg 301 becomes 7./jg 300
  • 8./jg 301 becomes 8./jg 300
  • 9./jg 301 becomes 9./jg 300

Reformed in in Zerbst with:

  • Stab III./JG 301 newly created
  • 7./jg 301 newly created
  • 8./jg 301 newly created
  • 9./jg 301 newly created

III./JG 300 is dissolved in [ 34 ] . Again reformed in to alperstett to Partir Du I./jg 302 [ 98 ] :

  • Stab Iii./jg 301 to partir du Stab I./JG 302
  • 9./jg 301 from 1./jg 302
  • 10./jg 301 from 2./jg 302
  • 11./jg 301 from 3./jg 302
  • 12./jg 301 from 4./jg 302

Group manager:

Beginning END Grade Name
Hauptmann Manfred Mössinger [ 110 ] , [ N 16 ]
Major Siegfried Wegner [ 111 ]
Hauptmann Heinrich Wurzer [ 112 ]
Hauptmann Wilhelm Fulda [ 113 ]
Hauptmann Karl-Heinz Dietsche (Par Intérim) [ 106 ]
Major Guth [ 114 ]

IV. group [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Only the 10./jg 301 is formed in and deployed in Romania, before being dissolved in [ 115 ] .
IV./JG 301 is formed the in GardeLegen from II./jg 7 [ 116 ] with :

  • Stab IV./JG 301 from the Stab II./jg 7
  • 13./jg 301 from 5./jg 7
  • 14./jg 301 from 6./jg 7
  • 15./jg 301 from 7./jg 7

IV./jg 301 is dissolved the [ 117 ] .

Group manager:

Beginning END Grade Name
Hauptmann Wilfried Schmitz (mort au combat) [ 118 ]
IV./JG 301 probably no longer had any commander Since.

Staff trick [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Staff trick /JG 301 is formed the in Rechlin from the Trial command Ta 152, but remained in Rechlin [ 79 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. For an explanation of the meaning of the designations of the units of the Luftwaffe: see organization of the Luftwaffe (1933-1945).
  2. Helmut Weinreich was a former KG 30 pilot. He had 320 missions and had the knight’s cross since the . He will be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant colonel posthumously (Reschke 2005, p. 30).
  3. Flag junker sergeant : student officer’s warrant officer (struck 1999, p. 344).
  4. It seems that Fritz Yung did not go to 1./jg 302 when the i./jg 301 was renamed I./JG 302, but reintegrated the new I./JG 301 (Reschke 2005, p. 271-272).
  5. Among them Flag Junker Oberfeldwebel Fritz Yung who manages to eject but who will have to be amputated with one foot. He had 11 victories (Reschke 2005, p. 68, 272).
  6. Including the lieutenant Wilhelm escap, abate le At the same time as another pilot, after being five -time winner in Normandy (Reschke 2005, p. 132).
  7. Heinrich Wurzer will nevertheless be replaced by the Hauptmann Wilhelm Fulda shortly after the creation of III./jg 301, a decision misunderstood by the whole group and remained unanswered (Reschke 2005, p. 160).
  8. The Hauptmann Wilhelm Burggraf, commander You I. group , l’ Lieutenant Heinz wise Relay leader of the 3./jg 301 et l ‘ Lieutenant Hans-Georg Kretschmer, Relay leader from 10. Series (Reschke 2005, p. 164, 166).
  9. To P-38, to P-51 it to SPITFIE (RIGHT 2005, p. 182).
  10. Nearly 950 hunters for just under 600 bombers (Reschke 2005, p. 182).
  11. Successs confirmed by her on -board film (Reschke 2005, p. 187, 189, 192).
  12. This pilot had an atypical career. Having reached the AS status after the battles of France and England with JG 3, he was seriously injured in November 1940 which earned him a long convalescence. He will find an operational unit that in September 1944 within III./JG 301 http://www.liftwaffe.cz/keil.html .
  13. It was the first outing of IV./jg 301 against a big American training (Reschke 2005, p. 228).
  14. The TA 152 suffered in particular from a dysfunction on the third floor of its compressor (Reschke 2005, p. 236).
  15. Another source mentions elements of 10./jg 4 (Reschke 2005, p. 19).
  16. Manfred Mössinger Servit Comme Pilote de Stuka (Reschke 2005, p. 19).

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Breffort 2014, tome 2, p. 9.
  2. The JG 301 page on WW2
  3. a et b Struck 1999, p. 276.
  4. Lorant-Goyat-2005-tome 1, p. 59, 61.
  5. a b c d e and f Reschke 2005, p. 19.
  6. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 20.
  7. Reschke 2005, p. 23.
  8. Reschke 2005, p. 21.
  9. Reschke 2005, p. 24-25.
  10. Lorant-Goyat-2005-tome 1, p. 59.
  11. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 26.
  12. Reschke 2005, p. 26-27.
  13. Reschke 2005, p. 28.
  14. Reschke 2005, p. 29.
  15. Reschke 2005, p. 264-272.
  16. Reschke 2005, p. 25-26.
  17. Reschke 2005, p. 30.
  18. Reschke 2005, p. 37.
  19. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 34.
  20. Reschke 2005, p. 37, 273.
  21. Reschke 2005, p. 38-39.
  22. Reschke (2005), p. 39.
  23. Reschke 2005, p. 40, 42-43.
  24. Reschke (2005), p. 43-44, 46.
  25. Reschke 2005, p. 46-48.
  26. Reschke 2005, p. 47, 52, 274.
  27. Reschke 2005, p. 53-54.
  28. Reschke 2005, p. 55-58-59.
  29. Reschke 2005, p. 60.
  30. Reschke 2005, p. 56.
  31. Reschke 2005, p. 61-62, 64-66.
  32. Reschke 2005, p. 67-68, 70.
  33. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 70.
  34. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 74.
  35. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 79.
  36. Reschke 2005, p. 58.
  37. Reschke 2005, p. 66-67.
  38. Reschke 2005, p. 71-72.
  39. Reschke 2005, p. 82.
  40. Reschke 2005, p. 88, 93.
  41. Reschke 2005, p. 93.
  42. Reschke 2005, p. 102.
  43. Reschke 2005, p. 114.
  44. Reschke 2005, p. 131.
  45. Reschke 2005, p. 144-145.
  46. Struck 1999, p. 277.
  47. Struck 1999, p. 277-278.
  48. Struck 1999, p. 278-279.
  49. Reschke 2005, p. 265.
  50. Struck 1999, p. 281.
  51. a et b Struck 1999, p. 280-281.
  52. Struck 1999, p. 276-281.
  53. Reschke 2005, p. 275.
  54. Reschke 2005, p. 151.
  55. Reschke 2005, p. 153.
  56. Reschke 2005, p. 271.
  57. Reschke 2005, p. 264, 268-269.
  58. Reschke 2005, p. 153.
  59. Reschke 2005, p. 155, 157.
  60. Reschke 2005, p. 157, 160-161.
  61. Reschke 2005, p. 197-198.
  62. Reschke 2005, p. 163-164, 166.
  63. Reschke 2005, p. 167.
  64. Reschke 2005, p. 168.
  65. Reschke 2005, p. 169.
  66. http://cieldegloire.fr/jg_301.php
  67. Reschke 2005, p. 170.
  68. Reschke 2005, p. 170, 172.
  69. Reschke 2005, p. 177-176.
  70. Reschke 2005, p. 178-179.
  71. Reschke 2005, p. 180, 182.
  72. Reschke 2005, p. 182-185.
  73. Reschke 2005, p. 186.
  74. Reschke 2005, p. 186-197.
  75. Reschke 2005, p. 197-198, 201.
  76. Lorant-Goyat 2005, tome 2, p. 158-170.
  77. Reschke 2005, p. 204-208.
  78. Reschke 2005, p. 209.
  79. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 211.
  80. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 218-219.
  81. Reschke 2005, p. 280.
  82. Reschke 2005, p. 209-210.
  83. Reschke 2005, p. 219-220.
  84. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 224.
  85. Reschke 2005, p. 211-212.
  86. Reschke 2005, p. 216.
  87. Reschke 2005, p. 225.
  88. Reschke 2005, p. 225, 227-228.
  89. Reschke 2005, p. 228, 230, 233-234.
  90. Reschke 2005, p. 235.
  91. Reschke 2005, p. 240-241.
  92. Reschke 2005, p. 249.
  93. Reschke 2005, p. 236, 251, 256.
  94. Reschke 2005, p. 257-260.
  95. Reschke 2005, p. 281-282.
  96. Reschke 2005, p. 251, 254, 257-260.
  97. Reschke 2005, p. 262, 264-272.
  98. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 262.
  99. Reschke 2005, p. 74, 262.
  100. Reschke 2005, p. 19, 30.
  101. Reschke 2005, p. 34, 262.
  102. Reschke 2005, p. 151.
  103. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 157.
  104. Reschke 2005, p. 19, 27.
  105. Reschke 2005, p. 151, 164.
  106. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 179.
  107. Reschke 2005, p. 151, 160.
  108. Reschke 2005, p. 151, 183.
  109. a et b Reschke 2005, p. 250.
  110. Reschke 2005, p. 19, 31.
  111. Reschke 2005, p. thirty first.
  112. Reschke 2005, p. 153, 160.
  113. Reschke 2005, p. 151, 160, 179.
  114. Reschke 2005, p. 221.
  115. Reschke 2005, p. 58, 131.
  116. Reschke 2005, p. 197.
  117. Reschke 2005, p. 234.
  118. Reschke 2005, p. 153, 218.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Georges Bernage and François Francis , Historical dictionary-La Luftwaffe-La Waffen SS , Bayeux, Heimdal, , 480 p. (ISBN  2-84048-119-7-7 )
  • Series The Grand Duke . Tome 3: Wulf & Lilya .
  • Internal encyclopedia in IL-2 Sturmovik video games, presenting the devices of this simulator.
  • (in) Willi Reschke , Jagdgeschwader 301/302 “Wilde Sau”, in Défense of the Reich with Bf 109, Fw 190 and Ta 152 , Schiffer Publishing, , 284 p. (ISBN  0-7643-2130-7-7 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Jean-Yves Lorant and Richard Goyat, Battle in the heaven of Germany: a hunting squadron in the debacle , t. 2, Clichy, Larivière, , 349 p. (ISBN  2-84890-103-9 )
  • Jean Yves Lorant and Richard Gay , Battle in the heaven of Germany , t.  I : A hunting squadron in the debacle , Clichy, Larivière, , 349 p. (ISBN  2-84890-100-4 )
  • Jean Yves Lorant and Richard Gay , Battle in the heaven of Germany , t.  II : A hunting squadron in the debacle , Clichy, Larivière, , 349 p. (ISBN  2-84890-103-9 )
  • Jean-Bernard Struck , La Luftwaffe against the Allied landing: June 6 to August 31, 1944 , Bayeux, Heimdal, , 352 p. (ISBN  2-84048-126-X ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
