Jan Victors — Wikipedia


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Jan Victors or Jan Factor ( , Amsterdam – C 1676-1677, Dutch East Indies) [ first ] is a Dutch painter from the golden century. He is known for his paintings of portraits, biblical scenes and genre scenes.

Jan Victors was born in 1619 in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

It is cited in a Haarlem tax register in 1722 as a pupil of the painter Rembrandt van Rijn. Table Young girl at the window With the finesse of the line and the expressive style of the character, shows the influence of Rembrandt on Jan Victors. Like many painters, after the disastrous year of 1672 or Rampjaar, and the crisis that followed, he is forced to combine several jobs such as Infirmier and pastor to the Dutch company of East India in 1676.

He died just after his arrival in Indonesia in 1676.

  • Young girl at the window (1640), Louvre museum, Paris [ 2 ]
  • Isaac blessing Jacob , Louvre museum, Paris [ 3 ]
  • Woman portrait , Museum of Fine Arts, Lille
  • Joseph performing the dreams of the baker and the butler [ 4 ] , Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
  • The pig butcher [ 5 ] , Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
  • David’s anointing , Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg
  • The generosity of scipio the African , Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg
  • Le ferry-boat ,, Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg
  • Agar’s rejection ,, Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg
  • Orphans’ clothes at the orphanage [ 6 ] , Amsterdam Historical Museum, Amsterdam
  • Anna, mother of Samuel, in a prayer position [ 7 ] , Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht
  • Abraham’s departure from the Lot family [ 8 ] , Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Paris Fine Arts:

  • Young woman supported by two men: dying lucrèce [ 9 ] , Copy, feather, brown ink, pencil traces, H. 66; L. 155 mm. There is a second copy of this sketch, which is considered to be the original (private collection), the presence of an underlying drawing on the sheet of the School of Fine Arts designating it as a copy. The original is compared to a painting kept in Detroit, Lucret’s death, also awarded to Victors [ ten ] .
  • Woman kneeling with open arms [ 11 ] , Entourage of Jan Victors (?), Plume, brown ink, H. 99; L. 101 mm. This sheet recalls the rebellious style of the 1630s, but has too many weaknesses to be allocated to it (Lugt fries). We find this type of workshop exercise under multiple variants and throughout the years, in the work of Rembrandt students. Certain elements present on the two sides of the leaf can be compared with drawings today attributed to Jan Victors whose presence in Rembrandt’s workshop is located between 1635 and 1639. We observe stylistic resemblances to his drawings Aman imploring the forgiveness of Esther in Brêmes and Isaac blessing Jacob of a private Italian collection [ twelfth ] .
  1. Biography of Jan Victors on the Dutch RKD website
  2. Notice n O 13834 , Atlas base, Louvre museum
  3. Notice n O 13829 , Atlas base, Louvre museum
  4. Work of Jan Victors at Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
  5. Work of Jan Victors at Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
  6. Work of Jan Victors at Amsterdam Historische Museum in Amsterdam
  7. Work of Jan Victors at Dordrechts Museum in Dordrecht
  8. Work of Jan Victors of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
  9. Young woman supported by two men: Lucrèce dying, Jan Victors » , on Cat’zArts
  10. Under the direction of Emmanuelle Brugerolles, Rembrandt and his entourage, study notebooks 23 , Beaux-Arts de Paris Les Éditions, 2012-2014, p. 142-144, cat. 44
  11. Woman kneeling with open arms, Jan Victors » , on Cat’zArts
  12. Under the direction of Emmanuelle Brugerolles, Rembrandt and his entourage, study notebooks 23 , Beaux-Arts de Paris Les Éditions, 2012-2014, p. 145-147, cat. 45

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