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Jean-Baptiste DUFART (born in 1752 in Bayonne and died on the night of At in Bordeaux) is a French architect.

French theater in Bordeaux

Jean-Baptiste Dufart was born in Bayonne where he had to start his learning as a designer. When he arrived in Bordeaux, in 1769, he was a desired designer to directly integrate the road service of the city under the direction of the architect Richard-François Bonfin.

In 1774, probably thanks to the support of Bonfin, he entered as a designer in the cabinet of Victor Louis for the construction of the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux to the appointments of 800 pounds per year. He will be the collaborator of Victor Louis for ten years.

In 1783, he took care of the Sainte-Bazeille bridge which was built a little later.


To ensure his training, Dufart bought several books dealing with the uses of mathematics in construction and perspective. The inventory of his library made after his death gives books devoted to the various architectural orders and to the works of several architects. It was probably this knowledge that led him to introduce the “archaic” Doric to Bordeaux. Dufart never went to Italy, it was therefore in books and during his training in the cabinets of Bonfin and Louis that he acquired his knowledge of Antiquity and Architecture.

If the second part of XVIII It is century wanted to return to Greek and Roman simplicity in neoclassical architecture, it was also passionate about a return to nature. He became interested in staging the gardens, in particular by the use of water. There are several books dealing with this subject in the inventory of his library.

He is approved by the Academy of Painting, Sculpture, Civil and Naval Architecture of Bordeaux, in 1787. He then began his architectural career with the realization of the Château du Burck [ first ] , in Ambès, and Château Peychotte. At the Salon of 1787, in which the members of the Academy exhibit, it shows the plans of the Château du Burck, the country house of M. de Navarre, the Château de Feuillas, on the hillsides of Floirac, as well as a project of House.

On the paintings of the Bordeaux Academy he carries the title of architect-engineer of the Order of Malta and the Comedy.

The French Revolution is the occasion for many festivals. He organized many public, revolutionary and country festivals for which there were fireworks. He was the creator of the first country kermes in Bordeaux Tivoli as well as pyrotechnic festivals. In 1791, he raised the altar of the fatherland to the Champ-de-Mars.

Between 1793 and 1800, he built the Fenwick Hotel for Joseph Fenwick, the first United States Consul in Bordeaux appointed by George Washington, and the French theater, opened the , in Bordeaux. He had reserved a housing in the theater that still bears the name of the Dufart pavilion.

In 1805, he published the emblems that decorated the triangle lodge which were in the house of Bardineau.

He was appointed engineer of the Bordeaux roads in 1806 where he succeeded the architect François Lhote. After the choice of his urban planning project, this position will allow him to be appointed in 1817 Director of the Place Louis XVI Place, current Place des Quinconces, on the site of the trumpet castle. When he dies, the castle is destroyed but the new place is just beginning to appear.

We know of him a plan of the Gallian palace drawn on a scale of 40 toises, engraved by Lagardette, for the History of the city of Bordeaux , Dom becomes.

  • 1783: He worked on the Sainte-Bazeille bridge project;
  • 1785-1789 : Château Peychotte ;
  • 1787: Maison de Maître called Château du Burck in Ambès, for Monsieur de Navarre Lieutenant General of Admiralty [ 2 ] ;
  • 1787: Château de Feuillas, in Floirac, for an advisor to the Parliament of Bordeaux;
  • 1793-1800: French theater in Bordeaux;
  • 1795: Fenwick Hotel, in Bordeaux [ 3 ] ;
  • 1813: Château de Marcellus in Marcellus [ 4 ] ;
  • 1817-1820: He provided the plans of the Place des Quinconces de Bordeaux, produced between 1818 and 1828, at the site of the trumpet castle. He directed the work until his death. His plans are inspired by those who had been presented by Victor Louis and Louis Combes.

Publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Plan of the Gallian Palace drawn on the scale of 40 toises, engraved by Lagardette, for the history of the city of Bordeaux, of Dom becomes.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Laurence Chevallier, Jean-Baptiste Dufart (1750-1820) and the Bordeaux artistic environment , Doctoral thesis, Michel University of Montaigne-Bordeaux III, 2010
  • Laurence Chevallier, Three architectural libraries in the Age of Enlightenment , p. 159-176, Revue Française d’Histoire du Livre, Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne, n O 126-127, 2005-2006 Extracts
  • Charles Marionneau, Bordeaux fairs, or, exhibitions of fine arts in Bordeaux in the 18th It is century, 1771-1787 with biographical notes on the artists who appeared in these exhibitions , Widow bookstore Moquet, Bordeaux, 1883 Text
  • Laurence Chevallier, ” The Domaine du Burck in Ambès en Gironde: an example of rural modernity in the career of Bordeaux architect Jean-Baptiste Dufart (1750-1820) », On-site , vol. 21, , p. 26 ( read online , consulted the ) .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
