Jean Cerergue — Wikipedia


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Jean Clergue (1905-1971) is a French composer and conductor. If its musical production has somewhat remained in the shadows, it remains in the memories as a very active conductor, especially at the head of the Toulouse-Pyrénées Symphony Orchestra Station of French television as well as in 1940s from radio to Paris.

His style, typically French, can be defined as a continuator of Debussy or Fauré. Jean Clergue was above all a representative of the free miniature, as the pochades where the Ingenious music , which sometimes have less than a minute. However, he will have discussed larger forms, with for example the violin and orchestra ballad.
Only some of his works are currently published:

  • Swing (melody for voice and piano) – COMBRE editions
  • Poem For violin and organ (or piano) – Combre editions (1967)
  • Scrolls – spring For two altos saxophones – COMBRE editions
  • Malaguena extracted from Ingenious music For piano – Henry Lemoine editions
  • Prelife, Lied It Rondo For Cor and Piano – Henry Lemoine editions
  • Sarabande and Rigaudon For trumpet (or cornet) and piano – Henry Lemoine editions

But you also have to add:

  • Crew of blades For symphonic training
  • Trouble For violin and orchestra
  • Northern song For piano alone
  • Pochades For piano alone
  • Ingenious music For piano alone
  • Carmen For violin and piano
  • String Quartet
  • Elegy , for song and string quartet
  • Adonis , trio for women’s voice
  • Marcel Dardigna and Jean Clergue – Lyric poems and ingenuous music, the transfigured night, ref. 340125
