Jean-Claude Henselsh – Wikipepith


Jean-Claude HessageBarth is a Swiss painter and designer. Born the in Lausanne and died the In Montélimar [ first ] , he had established himself in Grignan in Drôme Provençale. .


Jean-Claude Hesselbarth was born on In Lausanne, of a Swiss naturalized German father in 1931, and Julie Clerc, daughter of Eugène, dentist in Lausanne. He shares his first school board with Philippe Jaccottet who will become his best childhood friend; He will find him for years later in Grignan, in the Drôme Provençale, where the poet has established himself.

In 1933 the young sculptor Jean Clerc, his uncle, suddenly died at the age of 25 of a diphtheria. The shadow of this early genius will mark the whole life of the painter. At that time, he himself reached tuberculosis and his parents sent him to a sanatorium in Leysin. This one year exile deprives him of his family and his first friends.

At the age of 11, he entered the classic college in Lausanne, in the Latin-Greek section. During his studies at the college then at the gymnasium his best friends will be the writer Gaston Cherpillod, the writer and translator Georges Arès (his real name Cornelius Heym) and the theater man Marcel Imhoff, with whom he maintained a intense correspondence. Passionate about music, he discovers jazz and attended the Lausanne jazz club assiduously.

After his baccalaureate, he undertook studies of letters which he interrupts two years later to register for the School of Fine Arts. From 1947 to 1952 there followed the courses of Casimir Reymond and Marcel Poncet. From his trips to Greece, Italy and France, he brings in figurative drawings and boxes, to which he will quickly prefer an abstract formal research which will definitively guide him towards lyrical abstraction.

As early as 1954, he was recognized as one of the first tachetist painters in Switzerland.

“His pictorial research on the wall, on the large format, on a type of art applied to hangings and curtains, lead him to introduce precise geometric structures into his painting in which colored masses often very dark. From During his painting goes towards a very colorful gestural tachub, he will remain faithful to this technique, with as a striking evolution, a clear shift in deaf colors towards more sound colors, a progressive and inevitable clarification of the palette. He practices in parallel the Chinese ink drawing with a small steel feather and bamboo cut on watercolor paper [ 2 ] . ”


In 1955 his first personal exhibition took place at the Galerie L’Entr’acte, in Lausanne. The same year, he founded with André Gigon, sculptor and ceramist, Charles Oscar Chollet, painter, creator of mobiles, and Arthur Jobin, painter, later joined by Denise Voïta, painter, and Antoine Poncet, sculptor, the Vaudois college of artists Concrete, a group that militates for the integration of the work of art in the city and for the participation of artists in the construction and restoration of buildings.

In 1956, he was a winner of the Alice Bailly Stock Exchange. In 1957, he participated in the first re Exhibition “Abstract painters in Switzerland” at the Museum of Art and History of Neuchâtel. Consequently, active member of the Vaud Section of the SPSAS [ 3 ] , he will participate in many collective and personal exhibitions.

For 12 years, from 1962 to 1973, he was a drawing professor of drawing in the architecture section of the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne. In addition to his work and his courses, he carries out a number of monumental works: murals, stained glass, ceramics, glass mosaics, enameled sheets, tapestries, polychrome wood entertainment. He collaborates closely with architects for the coloring of public and private buildings.

In 1970, he married Liliane Annen, director on French -speaking Swiss television, whose life he has shared for 13 years. They live between Lausanne, where he practices drawing and works his projects of monumental works, and Drôme Provençale, where he devoted himself to painting, in his outdoor workshop.

He participated in the Beginn exhibition of the Tachismus in der Schweiz at the Kunsthaus of Zurich in 1978 and very regularly exhibited his work, in particular at the Galerie Plexusus [ 4 ] In Chexbres, between 1980 and 2012. In 1998 a retrospective was dedicated to him at the Jenisch museum in Vevey. In 2004 an exhibition at the Musée de Pully gathered his work and that of his uncle, the sculptor Jean Clerc, while in 2012, the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts of Sion devoted a room to the five major paintings acquired in donation.

From 1956 to 2010, Jean-Claude Hesselbarth lived in the rue de Bourg, in Lausanne, the street where he was born, and occupied various workshops including that of the royallon, demolished in 2004. In 2010, he left his Lausanne apartment for S ‘ Definitely install in Grignan. His declining health, he renounces painting but continues to draw regularly and expose his work. Liliane Annen Hesselbarth survived him in Grignan until May 2020.

In 2016, she had deposited the painter’s archives at the Lausanne cantonal and university library . The fund thus created is the subject of an exhibition, on the site of the Palais de Rumine, from December 3, 2020 to April 25, 2021.

Personal exhibitions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1955: Galerie l’Entr’acte, Lausanne
  • 1972: Galerie Impact, Lausanne]
  • 1975: Galerie Claudine Planque, Lausanne]
  • 1976: Galerie Vercamer, Paris
  • 1980 : Galerie Plexus, Chexbres
  • 1992 : Galerie West, Berne
  • 1998: House of plexus arts, chexbres
  • 1998: Museum Jeniesch, Vevey
  • 2004: House of plexus arts, chexbres
  • 2004: Pully Museum, Pully
  • 2006: Galerie Land of Scriptures, Grignan
  • 2006: House of plexus arts, chexbres
  • 2012: House of plexus arts, chexbres
  • 2011: Galerie Land of Scriptures in Grignan [ 5 ]
  • 2014  : Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny
  • 2015: François-Auguste Ducros art space, Grignan
  • 2020-2021: Archives of a painter Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne https://www.bcu-lausanne.

Collective exhibitions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1956: Vaudois college of concrete artists , Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bienne
  • 1957: Abstract painters in Switzerland , Museum of Art and History, Neuchâtel
  • 1960: 42 Young Swiss Plastic, painting, drawing, urban museum , Leverkusen, Germany
  • 1970: Impact group , Galerie Impact, Lausanne
  • 1972: Romand painters and sculptors , Kunstmuseum, Thoune
  • 1978: Start of tachism in Switzerland , Kunsthaus, Zurich
  • 1983: Seven contemporary Swiss artists , Palais des Congrès, Brussels
  • 1997: Saxifrage, despair-with painter, the expressive trend in contemporary Swiss painting , Museum of Art and History of Friborg
  • 2009: Lyrical explosions. Abstract painting in Switzerland (1950-1965) , Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts in Sion

Collections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His work is present in several public collections, among others

  • 1956 Bourse Alice Bailly
  • 1980 Pierre Monay Prize
  • 1985 Swiss credit price
  • 1996 Price of the Cantonal Bank Foundation
  • Jean-Claude HessageBarth , Texter, PICHIERE AI-Liisch, Jacqukers, Jawench Jarda Gbells, Christians Rabes, Christians Ranös, Duelus Ranut, Chef hos, Du Sfesbr, Char, Chef brother, Cxboes, Duellees Raxes, Child Schféb, Dulewer, Chef hos, Du Sfesbr, Char.
  • Hesselbarth, recycled suffering , interviews with the artist by Jil Silberstein, editions of the Cultural Alliance Romande, Lausanne 1990. Reissue increased under the title Hesselbarth painting, butterflies and other roosters , Éditions L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 2011.
  • Jean-Claude Hesselbarth paintings and drawings , under the direction of Nicolas Raboud, with the text “Saturn in his garden” by Philippe Jaccottet, Éditions Musée Jenisch, Vevey, 1998.
  • Jean-Claude HessageBarth , texts by Léonard Gianadda, Nicolas Raboud, Philippe Jaccottet and Amaury Nauroy, Éditions Foundation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, 2014.
  • Hesselbarth, painting the country where the orange tree flourishes Now faces Labs Nabe Rabe Rue, AVECES, Jean Capital Joll, Bevilit, 2015
  • Earth against walls , 26 ‘produced by Liliane Annen between 1967 and 1969 on the installation of a monumental ceramics by Jean-Claude Hesselbarth for the Olympic Stadium in Lausanne. Watch the film:
  • To you… Series of portraits produced by Michel Soutter in 1976 for French-speaking Swiss television, including one of 7 ‘devoted to Jean-Claude Hesselbarth
  • The bushy head , 44 ‘produced between 1986 and 1988 by Gilles Pache, in collaboration with Nicolas Raboud. Watch the film
  • Jean-Claude Hessage Bath, penetre , Collection Plans-Fixes, Eric Burnand interlocutor, Realization Willy Rohrbach, 2003.
