Jean de Cleves (1293-1368)-Wikipedia


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Jean de Cleves (° V.1293 – † ), Cadet son of Count Thierry VII of Cleves and Marguerite de Habsburg. He was count of Cleves, from 1347 to his death in 1368.

As a younger son, Jean initially has no prospect of inheriting the County of Cleves. Also, from the year 1310, he began a career as a clergyman and became canon of Cologne, Mainz, Trier, Utrecht and Xanten. From 1320 to 1347, he was dean of Cologne Cathedral.

In 1310, his older brother Otton died without children. Second in the order of succession, Thierry succeeds him as count of Cleves.

Around 1333, a dispute opposes Thierry to Jean about the succession. After two marriages, the Count of Cleves has only three daughters and no sons. Thierry finally accepts his brother as a successor.

Thierry dies the . Jean immediately renounces his career as a clergyman and married Mathilde de Gueldre. He thus entered the single feet in a new war of succession between his two brothers-in-law Renaud III and Édouard. Jean takes sides for Renaud. He was rewarded with the gain of the city of Emmerich who comes to expand his territory. But Renaud is defeated in Tiel and imprisoned in the castle of Nijenbeek.


Jean de Clèves dies the . During his majority, the county of Cleves has grown and modernized. But the count having no child, it is his nephew Adolphe III of the Marck succeeds him. The county thus goes from the Maison de Clèves to the house of the Marck.

In 1348, Jean de Cleves married Mathilde de Gueldre (1325-1384), Duchess of Gueldres (1371-1381), daughter of Renaud II de Gueldre and Sophie Berthout, lady of Mechelen. They had no children.
