Jean Delphy – Wikipedia


Jean Delphy (Noisy-le-Sec, – Mugron, ) is a zoologist, entomologist, specialist in French marine and individualistic anarchist fauna.


Coming from a family of Catalan peasants, originally from Latour-de-France his father, a walking chief of the posts, emigrated to Paris, left the family home early (before 1900). Nevertheless, the young Jean Delphy, the third child of a family of five, will continue secondary and university studies. To live, he passed the capacity patent for primary education (1906) which allows him to be a teacher.

However, he pursues higher education. Licensed ès Sciences (1908), he was a doctoral scholarship holder of the National Museum of Natural History (1912-1914) and briefly professor at the Fesch college in Ajaccio in 1913. The , he marries in Valognes (Manche) Germaine Lesauvage, a teacher who will stimulate him in his research, and , he obtained the position of head of practical work from the Tatihou maritime laboratory (in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue), dependent on the Museum. He was, a little later, director of this laboratory (from 1915 to 1924). Elected member of the Zoological Society of France, the , he will therefore publish there many contributions.

Reformed because too small, Jean Delphy escapes the Great War. A chance for him who has never hidden his sympathy for anarchist ideals, but too individualistic to ever participate in militant actions. The war is happening and allows him to continue his work. The war completed, he resumed and finished his doctoral thesis in natural sciences, supported the at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris. The following year he was appointed work manager at the Hautes-Etudes School, annex to the Zoology Chair. It was at this time that he became friends with the brothers, Edmond Perrier and especially Rémy Perrier, his masters in zoology.

The , the family permanently leaves the island of Tatihou, and joined Paris where he was an trainer (1923-1926), then assistant (1927-1937) at the Sorbonne. He adheres or participates in many learned companies in which he publishes noted articles. During the 1930s, he participated very largely in the work of his friend Rémy Perrier, the publication director of France’s fauna in illustrated synoptic tables, writing four of the eleven volumes which constituted this encyclopedia or collaborating there. He was promoted to an officer of public education in 1932.

At the same time, he was involved as soon as he returned to Paris in social actions with libertarian trends: he published, in 1924, in the new city (ex primary, review of university fraternity), acts in 1926, alongside the National Union of Public teachers, providing their help from young teachers without resources who engage in higher education, gives conferences where he makes the link between science and philosophy, within the framework of the group of philosophical and scientific studies (1931).

His anarchist sympathies, his lifestyle and his frank speak blur him with the university. Sanctioned by the Sorbonne (1938), he was transferred to the Lycée de Châlons-sur-Marne, but prefers to expatriate to the Faidherbe high school in Saint-Louis in Senegal where he will teach physics.


Upon his return to Paris, he regained his activities and in collaboration with the activist Fernand Planche he published a book devoted to the life and ideas of Kropotkine (Paris, 1948). But, having lost his wife on , he finds himself widowed and lives alone now. Some time later, victim of gas intoxication of which he will keep significant neurological sequelae, he was collected from his younger daughter, he died shortly after in Mugron .

France fauna in illustrated synoptic paintings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This mistress work, of which Rémy Perrier is the director of publication, includes 11 volumes which appear without determined orders from 1924, in Paris at the publisher Delagrave. Jean Delphy is the author, or actively participates, in four of them including in terms of illustrations:

  • Volume 1a Coelentéré, Spongaires, Echinodermes – Rémy Perrier, in collaboration with Jean Delphy and Protozoa – Author Jean Delphy.
  • Volume 1b to and Némathelminthes – Author Jean Delphy.
  • Volume 5 beetles ( first re part) – The second edition is fully reviewed and corrected by Jean Delphy.
  • Volume 6 Coleoptera ( 2 It is Part) – Author Jean Delphy.

The work was crowned by the Academy of Sciences (Thore 1926 Prize) and by the Entomologique de France (Dollfus 1930 Prize). It will be the subject of successive reissues in Paris, in 1954 and 1964 at the same publisher.

Kropotkin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Scientific publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Participation in scientific journals among others:

  • Bulletin of the Zoological Society of France (from 1917).
Atrophy of the chabot ventral fin (1917). [ Read online (internet archive) ]
  • Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural History (from 1916).
  • The organic year (from 1916)
  • French association for the progress of science (1921)

Philosophical and political publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • General review of pure and applied sciences (from 1920).
The struggle and the entry (1946, n ° 10 p. 198-200 and n ° 11 p. 227-229). [ Read online (internet archive) ]
  1. This study served as memory for the doctorate of science.
