Jean du Fou – Wikipedia


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Jean du Fou , or John II of Fou , deceased in 1492, was a trap and Chambellan of King Louis XI.

He is the son of Jehan I of the Fou, from Juveigneurie des Viscount du Faou, in Cornouaille, squire, lord of Kerjestin in Ergué-Gabéric, Ker an Lan en Névez and Rustephan in Nizon, died in 1460 before Madeleine [ first ] And had for brothers Yvon du Fou, Tresnson, Grand-Veneur and advisor to Louis XI, and Raoul du Fou, bishop of Angoulême, Périgueux and Évreux.

He was cited for the first time as an trading in 1454, he was then part of the suite of Dauphin Louis. The latter named him in letters of Captain and squire of Beaumont-en-Trièves [ 2 ] .

In 1461, he was an advisor and Chambellan then first cupnson of Louis XI, captain of Cherbourg in 1463. In 1469, he was again cited first [ 3 ] , in a receipt of and the same in 1475.

The , he ratifies for the king the treaty of Ancenis against the Duke of Brittany. In 1479, he was appointed Bailli de Verneuil and the Tour-Grise.


Bailli and governor of Touraine from 1484 to 1491 [ 4 ] .

Jean du Fou married around 1458 Jeanne de la Rochefoucauld, lady of Montbazon Audit Location, of Sainte-Maure Audit Place, of Nouastre Audit Place, from Brandon en Athée sur Cher, de Hérisson audit place, from Leigné en l’Houmois, d ‘ Aizie Audit Place and other places, Putchy daughter of Aymard de La Rochefoucauld, knight, lord of Montbazon, Sainte-Maure, Nouastre, Brandon and other places, died around 1461, Chambellan du Roi, and Jeanne de Martreuil, Lady of Aizie Audit Place, hedgehog audit place and the referral in Vautebis, from Liborlière en Pamproux, from Leigné to Houmois, from Argentières to Melles, Plessis-Olivier in Chiche and other places, living in 1467 , of which :

  1. Yves du Fou, died before 1484;
  2. N du Fou, died before 1470 who was asked to marry by Jean de Daillon for his eldest son Jacques;
  3. N du fou, deceased before 1484;
  4. N du fou, deceased before 1484;
  5. N du fou, deceased before 1484;
  6. Renée du Fou, lady of Nouastre, Hérisson and Crémilles, then Kerjestin, Rustéphan, Montbazon, Sainte-Maure, Saint-Georges, Aizie, La Bourdinière en Parthenay from 1518 and other places, born towards 1470, married in the first wedding by contract passed in Tours the Louis III de Rohan-Guéméné, and in second weddings Guillaume de la Marck, including posterity of the two beds.

Jean du Fou died in [ 5 ] .

  • Rustéphan in Nizon
  • Kerjestin in Ergué-Gabéric
  • Saint-Georges en Pougne-Hérisson

Jean du Fou (large weapons)

Jean du Fou is the first to wear as a coat of arms azure with the golden flower, summoned by two Speeds faced with money instead of Azure with gold leopard . These weapons were reportedly granted by King Louis XI, who had already borrowed various furniture from hunting in order to endow his favorites with coat of arms. Chancellor Pierre Doriole (1407-1485) bore Azure with three golden flights , the grand master of artillery Tristan l’Hermite Silver to a sand deer meeting , Lescun swept away first is And 4 It is : a fleur -de -lis, and 2 It is And 3 It is : four current rabbits .

  1. Loire-Atlantique Departmental Archives: B 2012. (Bundle.)-41 pieces, parchment; 17 pieces, paper. Kerjestin’s mansion , by Jean du Fou, squire, lord of Rustephan (1460); Other Jean du Fou (1503). Jehan du fou lord de Rustephan died in 1460 and his son Jehan presented his acquisition to the Ducal recipient of Quimper, especially for the Kerjestin manor in Ergué-Gabéric. – If it is the Holy Madeleine in reference to Marie de Magdala: he would therefore be died before July 22.
  2. Catalog of acts of Dauphin Louis who became the King of France Louis XI, relating to the administration of the Dauphiné , Emmanuel Pilot de Thorey, Grenoble, 1899. Letters by which the Dauphin concedes the office of captain and squire of the mandates and castle of Beaumont-en-Trièves, as well as all the revenues of this mandate, in his exchangon, Jehan du Fou , squire, man in arms of his bodyguard, replacing Félize Reynard, widow of Jean Pic, squire, who is unloaded. Recorded, in Grenoble on January 9, 1456 N.S. Copy B 3225, f ° 508. This Félize Reynard , whose name has also been written Regnard was the mistress of Louis XI and had given him at least one girl; See Patrick Van Kerrebrouck, The Valois , Villeneuve-d’Ascq, 1990, p. 148 and notes 48 to 53.
  3. Methodical encyclopedia, or in order of materials – society of people of letters of savans and artists , Paris 1804.
  4. National Library of France – Ms. Fr. Clairambault 49. Crazy first is Echançon du Roy Jean du Fou November 24, 1484 I Jehan Du Fou Councilor and Chambellan du Roy Nostre Sire his first Eschanson and Bailly and Governor of Touraine .
  5. Loire-Atlantique Departmental Archives: B 2012/6. In February 1503, Guillaume de la Mark (de la Marck-Arenberg), lord of Aigremont and his wife Renée du fou adamous of the manor of Keristin who had expressed them noble homs Missire Jehan du Fou, lord of Nouastre and Rusteffan [deceased] at the Moys de Juign the year Mil IIII C (Ent) IIIIXX DOZE [1492].
