Jean-Gabriel Domergue-Wikipedia



Joseph Charles Louis Jean Gabriel Domergue , born the in Bordeaux and deceased the In Paris, is a French painter and engraver.

Jean-Gabriel Domergue is the small-cousin of the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. His brother, René Domergue, will become a newist, art critic, then editor at Freedom and at The echo of Paris .

He is a student at the Montaigne high school in Bordeaux then at the Rollin high school in Paris. He is passionate about drawing and enters the fine arts of Paris where he is a pupil of Jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert-Fleury, Jules Adler, Ferdinand Humbert and François Flameng [ first ] .

He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1906 and obtained an honorable mention in 1908, a medal of 3 It is Class in 1912 and a gold medal in 1920, the year he went on off-right [ first ] .

He was the winner of a second Grand Prix de Rome de Painting in 1913 [ 2 ] .


In 1938, he executed a composition comprising a young naked woman intended for the campaign of the new perfume Fairyland of Rigaud and that same year, he was also a member of the jury for the election of Miss France [ 3 ] , as in 1936.

He creates the famous poster of the first edition of the Cannes Film Festival which shows an applauding woman, the naked back, the luxuriant hair, alongside a man in clothes, the first two spectators of the festival [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

In 1950, he was elected member of the Institut de France (Armchair 14), and became curator of the Jacquemart-André museum in Paris from 1955 to 1962, where he organized exhibitions on the painting of Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Goya .

Jean-Gabriel Domergue tells in the ORTF television show of , Live from Cannes , having hired Lenin in 1911 as ” cleaning man ” [ 7 ] . In 1966, Claude Lelouch placed the anecdote in the dialogues (towards the 20 It is minute) d’ A man and a woman Where Anne Gauthier (Anouk Aimée) teaches Jean-Louis Duroc (Jean-Louis Trintignant) who accompanies her and does not know rue Lamarck: “It was however in this street that Jean-Gabriel Domergue a little before 1917 hired a Russian servant called Vladimir Oulianov. He learned well after it was Lenin. »» In Stedevaart to Paris , the Dutch writer and journalist Jan Brokken reports the anecdote in the form of the commitment of Vladimir Ilitch Oulianov by Jean-Gabriel Domergue to deliver his bicycle orders from his workshop on rue Lamarck. For Jan Brokken, the fact that Lenin, who lived at that time with his family in the 14 It is Paris arrondissement, delivered the painter’s orders is not very plausible [ 8 ] .

He lives with his wife [ 9 ] , the sculptor Odette Maugendre-Villers (1884-1973), in the Villa Fiesole From the California – Pezou district to Cannes. After the death of the painter occurred in the 8 It is Paris arrondissement, the home was baptized Villa Domergue and, in 1990, was registered as Historic Monuments [ ten ] .

In , the painter and his wife are buried in the Etruscan style mausoleum designed for this purpose in the garden of the villa by Odette Maugendre herself [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .

The Parisian is one of the favorite subjects of this painter “World” and plethoric [ 13 ] : “I am the inventor of the pin-up,” he said [ 14 ] . Its model was, among others, Nadine Lhopitalier, Future Nadine de Rothschild.

He is a painter who is hardly appreciated by the majority of criticism and art historians. They describe an artist who painted in a “stereotypical invoice” of couples to races, opera, theater … or even naked or half nurses, always very fluffy, with a long and at the forefront of fashion , whose treatment quickly executed, in line with a Giovanni Boldini, sometimes suffers from “drawing” blunders ” [ 15 ] [Ref. necessary] .

Paintings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Several of these paintings are kept at the Museum of Fine Arts in Bordeaux as well as in other museum establishments [ 16 ] , of which :

  • Young woman with a big hat (Museum of Fine Arts of Bordeaux);
  • Sunny sleep (Lying naked) (Museum of Fine Arts of Bordeaux);
  • The port of Bordeaux (Museum of Fine Arts of Bordeaux);
  • René Domergue [ 17 ] , 1916
  • Madame Olympe Hériot (Senlis Vénerie Museum);
  • To the princess of fairy tales; Portrait of Génia Minache (Museum Alfred-Danicourt);
  • The rope dancer (Berardo – Art Deco Museum (in) , Lisbon);
  • Portrait of the Duchess of Grammont, born Graffulhe (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Strasbourg);
  • Joséphine Baker , naked (1936, private collection) [ 18 ]
  • Nadine de Rothschild [ 19 ] .
  • Josephine Baker , oil on canvas, 227 x 161 cm – signed lower right, Berko Fine Paintings, Belgium.

Prints [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • German atrocities (1915).
  • The afternoons of a fauna , forty original etchings (Paris, 1924).

Sets [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Around 1932, he painted the sets of the Venetian living room of the Château de Thorenc in Cannes.

After the war, he used one of his female portraits, that of the bust of a young woman with naked shoulders dressed in a green dress, long black gloves and a veil hat named Chou , to illustrate the coverage of the map of the “Cabaret”-Maison G.H. Rabu, 4, avenue Franklin-D.-Roosevelt in Paris (copies dated 1949 and the ).

  1. a et b René Édouard-Joseph, Biographical dictionary of contemporary artists , volume 1, a-e, art & edition, 1930, p. 419
  2. CTHS – Domergue Jean -Gabriel » , on (consulted the )
  3. Fabricio Cardenas, Old papers of the Pyrenees-Orientales, Miss Pyrénées-Orientales elected Miss France in 1938 , December 7, 2014
  4. Alomée Planet, 40 years of festival. Cannes, Cinema in celebration , Londreys, , p. 26
  5. Cannes 1939 » , on
  6. Birth of a festival » , on
  7. Live from Cannes » , Till,
  8. (nl) Jan Brokken, Stedevaart to Paris , Amsterdam, Publisher Atlas Contact, , 415 p. (ISBN  9789045040141 , OCLC  1130760871 , read online )
  9. Their marriage takes place on .
  10. Villa Domergue » , notice n O PA00080954, Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture .
  11. Villa Domergue and its gardens » , on , (consulted the )
  12. Discovering the Villa Domergue, a legendary place in Cannes » , on Le Figaro properties (consulted the )
  13. “Weekend: Sales heritage” , The echoes n O 18498 of September 28, 2001, page 108.
  14. “I am the inventor of the pin-up.” And Domergue created the Parisian » , on Artscape
  15. The artist often has trouble aligning the eyes of his models at the same level
  16. Jean-Gabriel Domergue » , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  17. Portrait of René Domergue by Jean-Gabrieldomergue » , on (consulted the )
  18. Jean-Gabriel Domergue 1936 Josephine Baker, nude » , on (consulted the )
  19. Nadine de Rothschild von Jean-Gabriel Domergue Auf Artnet » , on (consulted the )
  20. Dictionary Bénézit, Gründ, 1999, Tome 2, page 630.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Les Illustres de Bordeaux: catalog , vol. 1, Bordeaux, Aquitaine files, , 80 p. (ISBN  978-2-84622-232-7 , Online presentation ) .
  • E. Bénézit, Dictionary of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers , Paris 1999, Vol. 4, p. 648.

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