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Jean-Jacques Monnier , born in London in 1944, is a French writer, a recognized specialist in the political history of Brittany [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

Born in 1944 near London where his parents were engaged in the free French forces, he lived in Saint Brieuc in 1946. He studied at Lycée Anatole Le Braz then, in geography, the Faculty of Letters in Rennes and the Sorbonne (1962 -67). He devoted his 3rd cycle thesis to the geography of political opinion in Ille-et-Vilaine (1971). In 1972, he began a state thesis on the history and geography of political opinion in Brittany and supported it in 1993, under the direction of Michel Phlipponneau: she will be published in the University Press in Rennes in 1994. After sixteen months Teaching at ESM-EMIA (Coëtquidan) He was appointed to high school in Cherbourg, Rennes, Tréguier, Lannion and Rezé before exercising ten years at the IUT of Lannion-Rennes1 in journalism and communication.

In 1973, he joined the teacher historian Per Honoré to finalize a “History of Brittany and the Celtic countries” in five volumes, published by Skol-Virizh editions. From 1996, Jean-Jacques Monnier coordinated with the medievalist Jean-Christophe Cassard a more synthetic version in a single volume, “all the history of Brittany”. In 2020, he coordinated the mini-encyclopedia Brittany the essentials , Chez Skol-Vreizh [ 4 ] .


As early as 1965, Jean-Jacques Monnier had joined the Breton Democratic Union and lastingly participated in the editorial staff and the realization of his monthly newspaper the Breton people. He became, from September 1984 to December 1992, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, in which he continued to sign articles, notably historical and geo-electoral analysis. He was elected city councilor in Lannion from 1989 to 2014 [ 5 ] .

From 2012, with director Olivier Caillebot, the historian is moving towards the integration of audiovisual into the popularization process of regional history. The tandem produces an audio book (2012) and a story in video, as well as a version adapted to local televisions of the five departments (2015-2019). It is put online and accessible for free all over the world on You Tube [ 6 ] . Caillebot and Monnier also release a series of historical documentary films devoted to different Breton territories, disseminated by the Brittany Culture Diversity Association [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] . Their latest film, The Trégor Valley saga , is devoted to the history of the development of the telecommunications industry in Lannion and in Trégor [ 9 ] .

  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , The political behavior of the Bretons (1945-1994) , Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, coll. ” Companies “, , 436 p. , 23,8 × 16 cm (ISBN  2-86847-112-9 )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , History of the Breton Democratic Union , Lannion, Populaires of Brittany, coll. “The notebooks of the Breton people” ( n O 7), , forty six p. (ISSN  0245-9507 )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier ( pref. Yves Plasseraud, postface Loïc le Bec), The seagull and the Ajonc: half a century of fighting for Brittany or the route of a left Breton , Mist land, , 192 p. , 24 × 14 cm (ISBN  978-2-84362-046-1 , Online presentation )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , Jean-Christophe Cassard And collective , The whole history of Brittany: origins at the end of XX It is century Skol vreizh, , 828 p. , 24,6 × 16,4 cm (ISBN  2911447832 )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , Jean Boutouiller and Michel Guillou ( pref.  Roger Huguen), Summer 44: resistances and release in Trégor Skol vreizh, coll. “Blue notebook” ( n O 56), , 83 p. , 21,6 × 19,4 cm (ISBN  291562304X )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier and Yves Coativy , The Trégor , Palantines, coll. “Contemporary history and geography”, , 240 p. (ISBN  2911434544 )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier ( pref. Mona Ozouf), Breton resistance and conscience (1940-1945): the hermine against the swastika Embanner, tired , 21,4 × 15,6 cm (ISBN  2916579095 )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , Yves Coativy and Daniel Giraudon , Le Goëlo , Palantines, (ISBN  2356780289 )
  • “History of a century-Brittany 1901-2001, The emancipation of a world”, collective: Michel Denis, Claude Geslin, Patrick Gourlay, Ronan Le Coadic, J.-J. Monnier (co-author and author of the chapters . 3: “1919-1939: an awakening which takes up, despite everything” (with Michel Denis), 4: “The occupation: individual choices which announce the collective choices (with Michel Denis)”, 5: “A huge movement of catch-up (1950-72) “and 6:” development and difficulties: 1972-1992 “, Morlaix, Skol-Vivre, 2010.
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier and Olivier Caillebot , History of Brittany for all: from -700,000 to the present day Skol vreizh, coll. “Audio-book”, , sixty four p. , 25,2 × 14,6 cm + 4 CD (ISBN  2915623899 )
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , Lionel Henry and Yannick Very man (postface Michel Nicolas), History of the Breton Democratic Union: 50 years of struggle , Fouesnant, Yoran Embanner, , 392 p. , 15,5 × 22 cm (ISBN  978-2-916579-60-3 , Online presentation )
  • Brittany: the essential , Ouvr. coll., Coordinated by J.-J. Monnier, Morlaix, Skol Vreizh, 2020, 192 p., (ISBN  978-2-36758-117-0 )

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Lionel Henry , Biographical Dictionary of the Breton movement Embanner, tired , 432 p. , 17 × 24 cm (ISBN  9782916579597 , Online presentation ) , p. 335
  • Georges Cadiou , Emsav, critical, historical and biographical dictionary: the Breton movement from A to Z , Coop Breizh, , 368 p. , 15,5 × 24 × 3,6 cm (ISBN  9782843465741 , Online presentation ) , p. 292
  • Erwan Chartier et ronan Larvor ( ill. Malo Louarn), The Breton question: Investigation of Breton political movements , Plougastel-Daoulas, An Here, , 175 p. , 22 × 28 cm (ISBN  286843262X , Online presentation ) , p. 33-34
  • Jean-Jacques Monnier , The seagull and the Ajonc: half a century of fighting for Brittany or the route of a left Breton , Mist land, (ISBN  978-2-84362-046-1 )

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