Jean-Marie Beffara — Wikipedia


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Jean-Marie Baffara , born the In Châteauroux, is a French politician, member of the Socialist Party. He was deputy for the 3 It is Railing of Indre-et-Loire from 2012 to 2017 to replace Marisol Touraine appointed to the government.

Professionnal career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After secondary studies in Châteauroux, history studies and a “social careers” IUT at François-Rabelais de Tours University, Jean-Marie Beffara begins his professional life in the popular education sector, then runs a home Young workers, a social center and founds an association that still supports business creators today.


After failure in the 2017 elections, he is registered in Pôle emploi [ first ] .

Loches [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Leader of the municipal opposition since 2001, Jean-Marie Beffara has the list of rally “Loches 2014: Change era! In the 2014 municipal elections. Bearer of an ambitious Loches renewal project based on the revitalization of the city center, economic development, associative animation, cultural influence and the development of the gastronomic identity of the territory . Taking note of the defeat, Jean-Marie Beffara withdraws from the municipal council.

Referent regional elected representative within the Touraine country on the south side, he continues to carry the development projects of South-Touraine.

At the Center Regional Council [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Elected regional councilor in 2004, Jean-Marie Beffara became president of the PS-PRG group in 2007. In , Jean-Marie Beffara becomes vice-president in charge of finance, major contractualizations and general means. Its responsibility covers the regional budget (1 billion euros), 3,200 agents, and the negotiations for the 2015-2020 line plan contract. Jean-Marie Beffara notably implies the implementation of a purchasing policy (the Center region is then the only region of France to dispose of it) and a regional purchasing power station. THE , He becomes first is Vice-president of the Regional Council [ 2 ] .

In view of the 2015 French regional elections, he is dismissed from the head of the PS list in Indre-et-Loire for the benefit of Jean-Patrick Gilles. He then refuses to appear on the said list.

In the National Assembly [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Substitute for Marisol Touraine, Jean-Marie Beffara enters the Bourbon Palace , and sits within the radical and citizen socialist group. Jean-Marie Beffara is a member of the finance committee. As such, he is special rapporteur of the budget of the mission “media, book and cultural industries” and is therefore responsible for controlling the credits allocated to these sectors during annual finance laws [ 3 ] .

The He signed with 208 other socialist deputies, in the newspaper The world , a platform calling for the rally behind François Hollande [ 4 ] . Note that Jean-Marie Beffara is the only socialist deputy in Indre-et-Loire having signed this forum [ 5 ] .

In , he presents the conclusions of the information mission on public audiovisual financing of which he is the rapporteur. It makes a number of proposals to improve the financing of the French audiovisual subject to upheavals due to the digital revolution. Among these, include the reform of the contribution to the contribution to the public audiovisual (CAP, ex royalty) or the development of own resources by the development of co-production shares and marketing income [ 6 ] .

Jean-Marie Beffara was also a member of the information mission on agricultural taxation and is currently a member of the working group on simplification and information mission on the French automotive offer in an industrial, energy and fiscal approach .

  1. Jean-Marie Beffara: “Over the next day, everything stops” The New Republic , June 28, 2018
  2. “Jean-Marie Beffara First vice-president” , The New Republic , September 20, 2012
  3. M. Jean-Marie Baffara » , on National Assembly (consulted the ) .
  4. Collective « “The Call of 200” Socialist deputies, neither Godillots nor disloyal », The , (ISSN  1950-6244 , read online , consulted the )
  5. TV Tours , Gathering around Holland: interview with J-M. Beffara » , (consulted the )
  6. N ° 3098 – Information report of MM. Jean-Marie Beffara and Éric Woerth deposited… » , on Assemblee-NATIONALE.FR (consulted the ) .
  7. [missing title] » , on The new Republic of the Center-West (consulted the ) .
  8. [missing title] » , on The new Republic of the Center-West (consulted the ) .
  9. [missing title] » , on The new Republic of the Center-West (consulted the ) .
