Jean-Paul Grandjean of Fouchy — Wikipedia


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Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy , born the in Paris where he died the , is an astronomer and listener at the Accounts Chamber. We remember him mainly because he was perpetual secretary of the Royal Sciences of France Academy for 32 years.

Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy is the son of Philippe Grandjean de Fouchy (1665-1714) [ first ] , known for having invented a font called “Roman (s) of the king” or “Grandjean [ 2 ] ».

After starting to work with a printer, Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy became a listener at the Chamber of Accounts, then secretary of the Duke of Orleans. He studied science and astronomy, with Joseph-Nicolas Delisle from the Collège de France.
In , he entered the Société des Arts in Paris. Among other astronomy work, It presents a memory [Ref. necessary] important on the medium -time meridian [ 3 ] (See Analemme). He especially made himself known in gnomonic.

The , he was elected perpetual secretary of the Royal Academy of Sciences to replace Dortous de Mairan. He comes into office and fulfills this function until , day when, resigning, he was appointed resident veteran and honorary perpetual secretary.

He pronounces 64 “praise” of academicians; Indeed the custom is, after the death of a member of the academy, to read a text, called praise, where his life is told. Grandjean de Fouchy thus marks the disappearance, in particular, of James Bradley [ 4 ] , from Clairaut, Nollet, Réaumur, Giovanni Poleni and his friend Lacaille; It is he who pronounces the praise of Fontenelle, whose name remains associated with this literary genre.


Fouchy speaks little about politics; However Charles B. Paul [ 5 ] signals two exceptions. One is the promise not held in Guillaume-François Rouelle; The other concerns Théodore Baron to whom we had asked to abandon medicine, and then cut his post for reasons of economy.

He died the . He was a member of the Royal Society since . His praise is pronounced by Condorcet in the public meeting of the [ 6 ] .

Publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Works of works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. [PDF] Father Claude Barraud, Notes in the town of Chasselas-en-Mâconnais (1921) , on the site, accessed November 19, 2014.
  2. Philippe Grandjean de Fouchy – The King’s Roman , on the site, accessed November 17, 2014.
  3. The meridian of the Paris Obervatory, the equation of time , on the site, accessed November 21, 2014
  4. In 1762: “T. de L.”, “Scientific eloquence” , in Henri Stein, Polybiblion: universal bibliographic review , vol. 49, p. 509 , 1887.
  5. Charles B. Paul, p. 59
  6. Irène Passeon, Grandjean of Fouchy, Alembert and Condorcet: harassment and arrangements of perpetual secretaries , on the site, accessed November 19, 2014.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [PDF] Dominique Abouaf, Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy , Biography, Cahiers Clairaut
  • Nicolas de Condorcet, “Praise of M. de Fouchy” , In Praise of academicians from the Royal Academy of Sciences Dead from the year 1666 until 1790 , t.  IV , Brunswick and Paris, 1799, p. 336-364 (Note: Charles B. Paul, ( p. 184 ) indicates the existence of a manuscript written by a son of Fouchy and communicated to Condorcet).
  • J. B. J. Delambre, “Grandjean de Fouchy” , In History of astronomy in the eighteenth century , Paris, Bachelier, 1827
  • Jean-Pierre Fouchy, The praise of the lights , Ovadia, 2013

    The praise written by Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy as perpetual secretary of the Royal Academy of Sciences in their context (family, academic, economic conditions).

    Jean-Pierre Fouchy, the play “Good kisses by Catherine de Russia or controversy on the state of Russia in the time of the Enlightenment”. First representation on In the auditorium of the Louis-Nucéra library in Nice. Piece written from the praise of Father Chappe, written by Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy. This is the dispute between the Grande Catherine to the Astronomer of the Academy of Sciences, Father Chappe.

  • (in) Charles B. Paul, Science and Immortality : The Éloges of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1699-1791) , 1980 (ISBN  0520039866 And 9780520039865 )

    “We know little about it-and it is a shame-by Jean-Paul Grandjean de Fouchy. »»

  • Denis Savoie, The gnomonic aspect of Fouchy’s work: the medium -time meridian , International Synthesis Center. Science History section, CNRS (France), 2008

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