Jesus Posada — Wikipedia


Jesus Posada
Jesús Posada, in 2015.
President of the Congress of Spanish deputies

( 4 years and 1 month )
Legislature X It is
Predecessor José Bono
Successor Patxi López
Minister of Public Administrations

( 2 years, 2 months and 12 days )
President of the Government José María Aznar
Government Aznar II
Predecessor Angel Acebes
Successor Javier Arenas
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries
and food

( 10 months and 12 days )
President of the Government José María Aznar
Government Aznar I
Predecessor Palace loyola
Successor Miguel Arias Cañete
MP for general cortes

( 25 years, 8 months and 12 days )

Constituency Soria
Legislature IN It is , WE It is , VII It is And VIII It is ,
IX It is , X It is , XI It is And XII It is
Political group Popular
President of the Castille-et-León junta

( 1 year, 9 months and 20 days )
Government Inn
Legislature II It is
Coalition PPCyL
Predecessor José María Aznar
Successor Juan José Lucas
Birth name Jesús María Posada Moreno
Date of birth (78 years old)
Place of birth Soria (Spain)
Political party PP
Graduated from Polytechnic University of Madrid
Complete University
Profession High official

Jesús Posada Jesús Posada
President of the Congress of Deputies of Spain
Spanish Minister of Public Administrations
Spanish Minister of Agriculture
Presidents of the Junta of Castille-et-León

Jesús María Posada Moreno , born the In Soria, is a Spanish politician, member of the People’s Party (PP).


High civil servant during the democratic transition, he was elected regional deputy of Castille-et-León in 1983, then became president of the autonomous community six years later. He was replaced in 1991, and then entered the Spanish government, as Minister of Agriculture in 1999, then Minister of Public Administrations from 2000.

Replaced two later, he obtained the chairmanship of the Congress Budget Commission of the Congress of Deputies following the 2004 legislative elections. In 2011, after the victory of the People’s Party in the early elections, he was elected president of the Congress of Spanish deputies.

Formation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Road engineer, channels and ports graduated from the University Polytechnique de Madrid, he was dismissed in economics from the compluten university of Madrid. He then successfully passed the competitions of the High Public Service, becoming a civil administrator of the State.

High official [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1976, he was appointed vice-secretary general technical general of the Ministry of Public Works, then, three years later, civil governor of the province of Huelva. He returned, in 1981, within the central administration of the State, to occupy the post of director general of land transport of the Ministry of Transport and Communications [ first ] . It was replaced the following year.

Regional career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1983, he was elected regional deputy ( attorney ) from the province of Soria to Polite of the Autonomous Community of Castille-et-León, under the colors of the Popular Alliance (AP). Following the regional elections of 1987, won by AP, he was appointed advisor to the equipment of the regional government ( Board ) by José María Aznar. After the election of Aznar to the presidency of the AP, Jesús posada becomes, the , President of the Junta of Castille-et-León.


National journey [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Not invested by the new People’s Party (PP) for the regional ones in 1991, he was elected, two years later, deputy for the province of Soria at the Congress of Deputies. In 1996, the PP won the general elections, and he was elected president of the Congress Infrastructure Committee.

He entered the government, led by Aznar, the , as Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, replacing Loyola de Palacio, candidate for the European elections. After the power renewal of the PP during the 2000 general elections, he was appointed, on April 27, Minister of Public Administrations. He left this position during the ministerial reshuffle of July 9, 2002.

At the Congress of Deputies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Socialist Party (PSOE) having won the general elections of 2004, the PP returns to the opposition. Posada is then chosen as chairman of the Congress budget committee. He is renewed in this position following the 2008 general elections, again won by the PSOE.

In the 2011 general elections, the People’s Party won the absolute majority of seats. Proposed, on December 12, as president of the Congress of Deputies by the President of the PP, Mariano Rajoy [ 2 ] , Jesús posada was elected the next day, during the constitutive session of the tenth legislature of General cuts By 202 votes for, no voice against and 146 white bulletins [ 3 ] . The , it is in Jesús Posada, in his capacity as president of the Congress of Deputies, that it is up to chair the ceremony of enthronement of King Felipe WE .

Re -elected during the parliamentary elections of , he is replaced by the former Lehendakari, Patxi López, as president of the general cortes after the PP lost his absolute majority [ 4 ] . He was then chosen to take the chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Briefly confirmed in his responsibilities after the early election of , he is elected president of the prestigious Constitutional Commission, replacing Juan Ignacio Zoido, appointed Minister of the Interior [ 5 ] .

Private life [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His wife is cited in 2017 in the Paradise Papers case for tax evasion [ 6 ] .

  1. (is) José Luis Álvarez, Royal Decree 376/1981, of March 6, which appointed Don Jesús Posada Moreno General Director of Terrestrial Transport. » , Official state bulletin , ( read online , consulted the )
  2. (is) Carmen Refinez de Ganuza , Jesús Posada will preside over Congress and Pío García-Escudero the Senate » , The world , ( read online )
  3. (is) Jesús Posada, elected president of Congress, with the support of 202 deputies » , Cope chain , ( read online )
  4. (is) Patxi López is installed in the ‘president’s palace’: 1,000 meters, gym and sauna. » , on , (consulted the ) .
  5. (is) The PP leaves Margallo without the Constitutional Commission in Congress. » , on , (consulted the ) .
  6. (is) The Spaniards of the Paradise Papers » , The Objective , ( read online , consulted the )

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