Jewish control theory in the media


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Among the theories of the anti -Semitic conspiracy one of the most widespread is, without doubt, the accusation, aimed at Jews, of checking the media to converge public opinion to one’s interests. The theory is to connect to the other accusations, according to which, Jews would control American and international finance, also placing themselves as a heavy strength of influence in the world political and economic scene. [first] [2] [3] [4]

nineteenth century [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The emancipation of the Jews in the 19th century “allowed them to possess lands, enter the civil service and serve as officers in the national armed forces. It created the impression to some – in particular to those who felt left behind, traumatized by change or unable to achieve professional satisfaction and economic security according to their expectations – that the Jews were replacing the non -Jews in the professions traditionally reserved for Christians. He also created for some the impression that, at the same time, the Jews were overpassed in the Professions oriented towards the future of the end of the 19th century: finance, bank, trade, industry, medicine, law, journalism, art, music, literature and theater ” [5] . Journalism was therefore one of the first objectives of the theories of the conspiracy artificially unleashed against the Jews.

The accusation was among the main contents of the Savi Savi protocols [6] And he was resumed and deepened by the publications of the Learbon Independent of Henry Ford in the United States during the 1920s.

First half of the twentieth century [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

During the 1920s, Dearborn Independent, a newspaper owned by the entrepreneur Henry Ford, began a series of publications focused on the alleged influence that Jews had in American society, in particular in journalism and cinema. [7] Much of the material, including the accusations of media control, drew inspiration from the protocols of the Savi di Zion, and were later republished in the form of a book: The international Jew . [8] However, in 1927 before, and in 1942 later, Ford apologized to the community of American Jews for the damage that the campaign of his newspaper could have created. [9]

According to the ADL reports, The international Jew It continues to be published today in the United States by Liberty Bell Publicactions. [ten]

Today [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

According to the data reported by the historian Robert Michael for his book A Concise History of American Antisemitism , at a 2002 survey, 48 million Americans would have replied that they believe that “the Jews control the media”. [11]

In July 2010, the director Oliver Stone, already in the past in the center of controversy for his statements on Hitler, declared during an interview with the Sunday Times concerning his intentions for the realization of a film on the Holocaust, who would have it Developed by “Jewish overwhelming power in the world of media”, saying that “they [Jews] are always on top of any comment, they are the most powerful lobby that acts in Washington. Israel has fuck American foreign policy for years ». On the other hand, in addition to the complaints of Jewish organizations, the ADL replied that “its conspiracy theories are anti -Semitic and its words feed the stereotype of the illegitimate power held by the Jews”. Some time later, the director apologized by saying he misunderstood himself about his thoughts. [twelfth] [13]

  1. ^ Foxman, Abraham H., The Deadliest Lies: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control , 2009, Chapter 5 : “the old canard and conspiracy theory of Jewish control of the media.”
  2. ^ Aviva Cantor, Jewish women/Jewish men: the legacy of patriarchy in Jewish life, Harper, SanFrancisco, 1995, p 24 , p 25 : “[refusal] to believe the reports in the wartime Jewish press of the mass murders of European Jews was rooted, in large part, in their conscious or unconscious acceptance of the myth of Jewish power.”, “So much for the myth of Jewish control of the mass media.”
  3. ^ Miller, Mark Crispin, “The Jewish Media: The Lie That Won’t Die”: “It is an old canard.”
  4. ^ Gerald Krefetz, Jews and money: the myths and the reality , 1982, p 45, 71 : “The major economic myth to pursue the Jews is simply stated: They control the banks, the money supply, the economy…”, “Another corollary to the conspiracy theory is that Jews control the press and the communications industry.”
  6. ^ Jacobs, Steven L., and Weitzman, Mark, Dismantling the big lie: the Protocols of the elders of Zion , KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 2003., pp 21-22, 34-38, 77-81, 82-83.
  7. ^ *ADL report: “The assertion that Jews ‘control’ Hollywood, the media, banking and finance, among other things, is an anti-Semitic canard which dates back more than 70 years to an anti-Jewish campaign waged in the 1920s by the Dearborn Independent , a long-defunct publication backed by the late industrialist Henry Ford.”
    • Carr, pp 82-90
    • Levy, pp 163-164, article “Dearborn Independent and The International Jew”
    • Dumenil, LYN, The modern temper: American culture and society in the 1920s , Macmillan, 1995, p. 216:
    “Thus the Dearborn Independent, week after week, presented the Jewish conspiracy to destroy Christian civilization as Jews embarked on their relentless pursuit of power. And it presented a successful pursuit: Jews allegedly had already ascended to a dominant role in … the media.”
    • Representative quote from the Dearborn Independent: “The motion picture influence of the United States – and Canada – is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind… the picture business, on its commercial side, is Jewish through and through… This ill-concealed propaganda of the Jewish movie picture control is also directed against non-Jewish religions. You never saw a Jewish rabbi depicted on the screen in any but a most honorable attitude. He is clothed with all the dignity of his office and he is made as impressive as can be. Christian clergymen, as any movie fan will readily recall, were subjected to all sorts of misrepresentation, from the comic to the criminal. Now, this attitude is distinctly Jewish. Like many unlabeled influences in our life, whose sources lead back to Jewish groups, the object is to break down as far as possible all respectful or considerate thought about the clergy.” The Dearborn Independent, 19 February 1921
    • Gabler, p 277:
    Gabler quotes the Dearborn Independent: “Jew-controlled not only in spots, not 50 percent merely, but entirely; with the natural consequences that now the world is in arms against the trivializing and demoralizing influences of that form of entertainment as presently managed…. As soon as the Jews gained control of the ‘movies’, we had a movie problem, the consequences of which are not yet visible. It is the genius of that race to create problems of a moral character in whatever business they achieve a majority.”

  8. ^
    “Ford charged the ‘International Jew’ with a string of intrigues, from bringing the United States into World War I, to manipulating American business and finance for their own ends, to corrupting Anglo-Saxon virtues through their control of Hollywood and the music industry.”
    “To the present day, anti-Semites have continued to allege that Jews are engaged in a conspiracy to “control” Hollywood. Indeed, the Dearborn Independent’s anti-Jewish writings continue to be circulated by anti-Semitic entities such as Liberty Bell Publications under the title The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem.”

  9. ^ ADL report
  10. ^ ADL report:
    “To the present day, anti-Semites have continued to allege that Jews are engaged in a conspiracy to “control” Hollywood. Indeed, the Dearborn Independent’s anti-Jewish writings continue to be circulated by anti-Semitic entities such as Liberty Bell Publications under the title The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem.”

  11. ^ Robert Michael, A concise history of American antisemitism , Rowman & Littlefield, 2005, p 210
  12. ^ Oliver Stone/ “Jews control the media”. Platoon’s director apologizes but the controversy remains high
  13. ^ “The Jews control the media” is storm on Oliver Stone –
  • Alexander, Edward, The Jewish idea and its enemies: personalities, issues, events , Transaction Publishers, 1988
  • Alterman, Eric, “Intractable Foes, Warring Narratives”,, March 28, 2002. online .
  • Anti Defamation League, “Alleged Jewish ‘Control’ of the American Motion Picture Industry” (cited as “ADL report”), September 1999, online .
  • Brook, Vincent, Something ain’t kosher here: the rise of the “Jewish” sitcom , Rutgers University Press, 2003.
  • Carr, Steven Alan, Hollywood and anti-semitism: a cultural history up to World War II , Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  • Cash, William, “Kings of the Deal”, The Spectator , 29 October 1994, p. 14-16.
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  • Alan T. Davies, Antisemitism in Canada: history and interpretation , Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1992, ISBN 0-88920-216-8.
  • Dearborn publishing Co., The International Jew: Jewish activities in the United States , The Dearborn publishing Co., 1921.
  • Foxman, Abraham H., The deadliest lies: the Israel lobby and the myth of Jewish control , Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • Gabler, Neal, An empire of their own: how the Jews invented Hollywood , Crown Publishers, 1988.
  • Goldberg, J.J., Jewish power: inside the American Jewish establishment , Basic Books, 1997.
  • Jacobs, Steven L., and Weitzman, Mark, Dismantling the big lie: the Protocols of the elders of Zion , KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 2003.
  • Karsh, Efraim, Arafat’s War: The Man and His Battle for Israeli Conquest , Grove Press, 2004
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  • Kramer, Naomi, Civil courage: a response to contemporary conflict and prejudice , Peter Lang, 2007
  • Küntzel, Matthias, Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11 , Telos Press Publishing, 2007
  • Levy, Richard S., Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution, Volume 2 , ABC-CLIO, 2005
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  • Rafael Medoff, Jewish Americans and political participation: a reference handbook , ABC-CLIO, 2002, ISBN 1-57607-314-9.
  • Melnick, Jeffrey Paul, A Right to Sing the Blues: African Americans, Jews, and American Popular Song , Harvard University Press, 2001.
  • Michael, Robert, Dictionary of antisemitism from the earliest times to the present , Scarecrow Press, 2007.
  • Miller, Mark Crispin, “The Jewish Media: The Lie That Won’t Die”, article for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting , FAIR: The Jewish Media: The Lie That Won’t Die . are .
  • Milton-Edwards, Beverly, Islamic Politics in Palestine I.B.TAURA, 1999
  • Silberman, Charles E., A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today , Simon & Schuster, 1986.
  • Robert Singh, The Farrakhan phenomenon: race, reaction, and the paranoid style in American politics , Georgetown University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-87840-658-1.
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  • Weinraub, Bernard. “The Talk of Hollywood; A Stereotype of Jews in Hollywood Is Revived” , The New York Times , November 7, 1994, p. C11.
