Johnny Hallyday shows – Wikipedia


Johnny Hallyday, during his 57 years of career (1960 – 2017), made 184 tours, 27 Parisian return and attracted more than 29 million spectators [ first ] .


In France, the artist gave 696 performances in the capital, including: 266 at Olympia, 144 at the Palais des Sports de Paris, 101 in Bercy (including eight with Old canailles ) and 78 at the Zenith in Paris. He also performed twice at the Parc des Princes giving seven performances there and three times at the Stade de France, for nine concerts.
Johnny Hallyday has 2,840 concerts in France, for more than 3,280 performances during his career, during which he sang in forty different countries [ 2 ] .

Johnny Hallyday a concert en 2003.

  • Here we follow the chronology of the artist’s shows.
  • We also indicate exceptional tours, like the Johnny Circus of 1972.
  • We also identify the concerts given in various countries around the world, Johnny Hallyday’s participations in humanitarian concerts, as well as various scenic appearances for duets.
  • Finally, we give the singer’s live discography.

Table of Contents

The beginnings 1960-1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday’s first known service dates from , day he signs his first professional “500 new” franc contracts in the city of railway workers in Migennes, at the Cabaret l’Escale, where he gives three performances, 16 and ( Johnny Hallyday 1960: in La Roche-Migennes ).

In the spring, Johnny Hallyday occurs in the first part of Sacha Distel. During the summer, he was hired for fifteen days in Old Colombier in Juan-les-Pins [ 3 ] .

From the , Johnny Hallyday is on the stage of the Alhambra de Paris, for three weeks. The “Prince of Rock’n’Roll”, (so he is appointed to the program), goes to “American star [ Note 1 ] From the humorist Raymond Devos, sings five songs, rolls on the ground playing the guitar and obtains both triumph and scandal. If, on the balcony, the youth is enthusiastic about their performance and makes it loudly knowing, on the other hand, their elders, at the flowerbed, are indignant and have this “singing crazy”. The scandal is such that management plans to remove Johnny from the program. Raymond Devos opposes it and threatens to leave if it is returned. Johnny Hallyday will go to the end of his commitment. During this period, the press does not save it [ 4 ] .


Programmed in a jazz festival, Johnny Hallyday sings room Wagram in Paris, the . His appearance causes a general fight and he must leave the scene from the second song. The room is devastated.

The first international rock festival is organized at the Palais des Sports de Paris, the . Johnny Hallyday is scheduled for featured, he sings eight titles in an overwhelmed atmosphere. The chairs are released by spectators who want to move, fights burst, 49 arrests take place … Its performance is explosive and truly launches rock in France. ( Johnny Hallyday It Ses Fans Au Festival The Rock ‘N’ Roll ).

During the summer, several of his galas turned to the riot and Johnny is prohibited in several cities: Biarritz, Bayonne, Strasbourg, Cannes … The , he is the first to perform at the “Fêtes de la Plein Moon” in Canaaux-et-Argentières in the Gard organized by Pierre-Albert Clément for fifteen years [ 5 ] .

Olympia 1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday is the first artist of his generation to perform at Olympia. He sings featured in the famous room by Bruno Coquatrix, from At For thirty representations [ 6 ] . Accompanied by his group Golden Strings , as the tradition imposed by Coquatrix wants it, he gave the outfit of his show the day before, at Cyrano de Versailles [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] . Its recital is still essentially composed of vogue titles – thirteen on the sixteen songs interpreted. Among the new songs, we notice With a single handful of earth , You have to seize your luck Written by Georges Garvarentz and Charles Aznavour, but also the resumption of Chubby Checker Let’s Twist Again , the twist being launched in France on the occasion of this singing tour by Johnny Hallyday [ 9 ] , [ ten ] ; The twist he dances, joined on the stage by a trio of young girls Halliday’s dancers led by Lee Hallyday [ 11 ] . In the room during the first, Michèle Morgan, Roland Petit, Zizi Jeanmaire, […], Maurice Chevalier, Charles Trenet, Régine, Le Maréchal June, Charles Aznavour, Édith Piaf […] [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] And behind the scenes, following the representation hidden behind the curtain Gilbert Bécaud, “Mr. 100,000 volts” (whose fans boosted six years earlier broke the armchairs of the Olympia), observing incognito (according to his wish), the benefit of the fiery Hallyday [ 14 ] . ( Johnny Hallyday at Olympia )

Olympia 1962 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A year later, At , Hallyday is on the bill again at Coquatrix. For this second passage, he launched a new dance imported from the United States, the Mashed Potato [ 15 ] . He sings She is terrible , Not this song , Shake the hand of a madman And The fray (Adaptation of Trouble d’Elvis Presley), the song precedes a dance fight featuring a brawl between Johnny and three “thugs”, on a choreography by Conrad Pringle (no) inspired by West Side Story , with a trio of dancers including Lee Hallyday. At the end of a recital of 15 titles, Johnny sings I Got a Woman And, on his knees in front of his guitar, which he covers his jacket, he mimics the final scene of the film of Nicholas Ray, the fury of living, where James Dean covers with his jacket the body of a dying friend [ 16 ] . This Olympia is a great public success and criticisms are starting to boast of its incontestable scenic qualities [ 17 ] . The show is filmed for television by François Chatel [ 18 ] . The event is subject to a vinyl capture Johnny at Olympia .

The , Johnny Hallyday is back at Olympia for a Christmas tree, where he sings in front of three thousand children, during the 7th It is anniversary of Disk around the world [ 19 ] (see Live in Paris 31 oct. / 13 déc. 1962 ).

Night of the nation and summer tour (1963) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , for the magazine’s first anniversary Hi buddies Launched by Frank Ténot and Daniel Filipacchi, Europe n ° 1 organizes a free concert, place de la nation in Paris. Sylvie Vartan, Richard Anthony, and wild cats are on the program. Johnny Hallyday goes into closing. The impact is considerable and if the concert takes place bluntly, on the outskirts of the clashes take place between rival bands [ 20 ] . The next day and the following days, in the press, the concert goes into the background, only the degradations and arrests of black jackets are retained from the event and arrests by the police [ Note 2 ] , [ 21 ] . The daily The world , the , publishes a long article by the sociologist Edgar Morin; getting, the author invents and sacrifices the expression “yéyé” [ 22 ] , [ 23 ] , [ 24 ] which is de facto to qualify this generation and its idols [ 25 ] , because of the many onomatopoeias that dot their songs.

On summer tour, Johnny Hallyday sings in Trouville on July 14. Following the advice of his impresario, on this national day, he sings La Marseillaise. An interpretation that causes scandal to the veterans who accuse him of having sang him in rock. It was not yet Gainsbourg and its reggae version, but the incident was broadcast on the television news [ 26 ] .

Olympia 1964 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday, you At , performs for the third time at the Olympia in Paris, where he gives fifty-seven performances [ 27 ] . For this recital (where, Hugues Aufray, in particular, sings in the first part), special attention is given to the visual, too, the Joey and the Showmen group and the choristers are installed on light cubes of different heights. The Olympia orchestra is for the occasion under the direction of Jacques Denjean, under the leadership of which the training of brass and arrangements give this recital a sound new in France [ 28 ] . Johnny sings 17 titles, whose successes as long as For me life will begin , My guitar , I write you often , Yes two ron ron , or Excuse me partner . The singing tour ends with a rock’n’roll triptych made up of I Got a Woman , Shout And Tutti Frutti . ( Olympia 64 ). Johnny Hallyday still plays a few galas in the provinces [ 29 ] , before winning, the , the 43 It is Marine infantry regiment in Offenburg in Germany, or is incorporated for fifteen months of military service [ 30 ] .

1965 Johnny Return and 4 It is Olympia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Released , Johnny Hallyday obtains a military authorities the authorization to sing during the last fortnight; This is how he starts in Colmar [ thirty first ] , [ 32 ] , the the tour Johnny comes back . The The singer officially completes his military service [ 33 ] , and (that day), he gave in the morning in Strasbourg, a gala of “farewell to the friends of the army” and sings the same evening at the casino of Juan-les-Pins [ 34 ] . Now accompanied on stage by the Richard Middleton Group [ 35 ] , [ Note 3 ] (which succeeds Joey and the Showmen), the singer performs until Through France, but also in Belgium and Switzerland, where in Geneva, on the 18th, its arrival caused a riot as it is forbidden to perform there for several years for disturbance to the order to the order to the public order [ 36 ] , [ 37 ] .

Johnny Hallyday a concert a 1965.

Of At , Johnny Hallyday performs, for the fourth time at Olympia, for 48 performances [ 38 ] . Musically the singer evolves towards rhythm and blues [ 39 ] , which somewhat confuses its audience, especially as its repertoire, mainly built from the last two albums Hallelujah And Johnny Channan Hallyday (respectively released the [ 40 ] and the [ 41 ] ), is completely renewed. “The idol of young people” appears more mature, the new songs speak marriage ( My gold ring ), racism, tolerance, the death of President Kennedy ( Don’t believe that ), a cell moclu chicken kangé home ( You who are ) and the public does not really recognize the “boyfriend”, now far from surprises; Especially since Johnny ships the old songs to a medley “balanced” at the start of a recital to come back (and that for many years), alone The penitentiary escapes this “big scan”.

Johnny’s return does not really convince and his popularity marks the plunge. His sales of discs strongly falls and he sometimes occurs in rooms that do not always appear complete [ 42 ] , while, in early 1966, on the waves of singer Antoine at the bend of a verse of his song The rantings proposes to enclose it in “a cage in Medrano” … Hallyday’s reply does not take long and its reconquest of success begins with the song Long hair and short ideas which makes an equal game with the success of Antoine. ( Live at Olympia: 1965/1966 )

1966 Musicorama to Olyympia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This reconquest of the public continues at Olympia, where Johnny Hallyday sings the , on the occasion of an exceptional musicorama of Europe n ° 1. Jimi Hendrix, (discovered in London by Johnny a few weeks earlier), plays in the first part [ Note 4 ] . Hallyday is accompanied by new musicians Blackburds : guitarist Mick Jones, (future founder of the Foreigner group), and drummer Tommy Brown are responsible for the group [ Note 5 ] . New recital, new pop and/or rhythm and blues sounds, renewed stage game or by dint of energy and vocal power debauchery, it is essential and convinced. It is that evening that Johnny Hallyday proclaims for the first time his now famous: “There is someone who wants to love me”, a long rhythmic petition serving as a transition between the titles Until midnight And Black it’s black [ Note 6 ] . This Olympia was of capital importance for Johnny Hallyday, it was his artistic and scenic rebirth and marked his return to the fore. Bruno Coquatrix, director of Olympia was not mistaken. A few moments after the performance, in his lodge, he declared to Johnny: “Do you realize what happened tonight? (…), you were stronger than ever, (…), rock cannot die as long as there are people like you [ 44 ] ! »( Live at Olympia: 1965/1966 )

1967 Olympia with Sylvie Vartan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Vartan-Hallyday couple share the scene of the Olympia of At . (Initially planned until , the success is such that the show is extended by two weeks). Sylvie Vartan kicks off, while Johnny Hallyday provides the second part. He starts his singing tour with the song Shots , that he starts from behind the scenes, advancing towards the stage. On the sound side, the accent is put on the brass, in a very oriented style towards soul music [ 45 ] . He sings The lost generation , If I were a carpenter , Long hair and short ideas […], resumes the chain of 1966 Until midnight Confessions , serving as a connection to I am alone , before concluding on Black it’s black . For the final the couple interpreted in duo I think he’ll go crazy [ Note 7 ] .

After this sixth Olympia, Johnny Hallyday will no longer perform in the famous room by Bruno Coquatrix and (except for the few performances given in 1973, at the request of Coquatrix) [ forty six ] , it will take thirty-three years for him to come back. (Live album Olympia 67 fate him ).

1967 Musicorama at the Palais des Sports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Europe n ° 1 devotes to Johnny Hallyday a Musicorama exceptional At the Paris Sports Palace, in front of 7,000 spectators. Initially this Musicorama (once again) had to be done at Olympia, but it was appropriate that the famous room had become extremely for the singer. The idea of ​​the Palais des Sports came to Johnny Hallyday after attending a boxing fight that left him excited by the atmosphere [ 47 ] .

For this unique representation, 150 confetti bombs, 5 cannons launching 10,000 flowers, 1 ton of popcorn, 3.5 tonnes of scrap and carcasses of cars, 100 incense bombs, 3 giant screens, 450 projectors and 800 headlights of cars, were used. On the screens installed behind a powerful sound system, scroll images of Dracula, Frankenstein … The very heterogeneous singing turns from Shots To Love and friendship flowers , Passing by As hard as wood And San Francsico , before ending by Psychedelic And Lucille (in original version). It is that of all contrasts, oscillating between the peace and love And the most violent rock, (this is the time of the broken guitars on the stage). On Hey Joe , Johnny somewhat modifies the words: “The Vietnam The Bomb …”, of the original text war of the six days obliges, becomes: “Israel the bomb [ 48 ] … “. After a resumption of Lucille Unleashed that Johnny extends to the extreme, Hallyday leaves the scene, rushes into a car and collapses at the limit of syncope [ 49 ] .

Johnny Hallyday’s performance will be widely commented on by the French and international press [ Cit. 1 ] .

Two days later, the vinyl is with the record stores. For this 4 It is live, Johnny at the Palais des Sports , Lee Halliday artistic coordinator of his cousin [ Note 8 ] , recorded the singing tour by placing itself in the middle of the room, which has the effect of perfectly restoring the atmosphere that reigns there. You can read on the back of the cover: “Never yet a disc having such a punch has been made …”. This live There remains one of the artist’s most important.

For a month, At , Johnny goes on tour through France.

Tour 1968 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , on the occasion of the 1968 Winter Olympic Games, Johnny Hallyday gives a singing tour in Grenoble.

During the fall, back in France after a tour in South Africa, where a fall on stage in Johannesburg, it was a foot in the plaster, that the singer turned to the provinces. After each performance, plaster, which does not resist Johnny’s passion, must be replaced. Negligating the advice of the doctors, he refused to stop and one evening in December in Lyon, at the winter palace, he collapsed with exhaustion. The singer is forced to rest several weeks [ 50 ] , [ 51 ] . Immobilized, Johnny takes the opportunity to work with Mick Jones and Tommy Brown on new musical orientations. Change group training: exit The “Blackburds”, the group is now called “New Blackburds”.

1969 first is “Grand show” at the Palais des Sports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since Johnny Hallyday has resumed the scene. After Canada, he performs in France until April, giving around twenty representations making general rehearsals before his return from Paris to the Palais des Sports [ 51 ] where it occurs At .
Johnny Hallyday does not only offer a singing tour but a real show with staging and special effects, qualified by the magazine Rock & People the «Show the l’and 2000 [ 52 ] ».
On the decor side, a central scene connects five other trays. Two eight -meter -diameter balloons installed on each side, serve as a screen for the projection of short sequences displaying the program, images of wild beasts, Warsaw ghetto, volcanoes in irruption, (…), all punctuated by comments and unusual sound effects. For sound the I am has 200,000 watts through thirty columns of incorporated emplis.

On the scene appear fire spitters, stuntmen, jugglers, dancers and even a fakir. On one of the trays, an orchestra of seventeen musicians is led by Jean-Claude Vannier [ 53 ] . The group alongside Hallyday has six other musicians, including Mick Jones and for the first time Jean-Pierre Azoulay [ Note 9 ] guitars. The singing tour is interrupted by an English boxing sequence, which opposes Johnny and Lester Wilson (in) [ Note 10 ] . On this occasion, Hallyday sings Hidden . A little earlier, the singing tour started with Breaking everything , He understands : Cours faster Charlie , Young man , In my hands , new titles, River … Open your bed , I want you , Travel to the land of living
I was born in the street , (punctuated by a medley rock’ n’ roll ), closed the show [ 54 ] , [ 55 ] . Fourteen songs in total [ 56 ] , of which for the first time That I love you [ Note 11 ] that he creates for the occasion.
100,000 spectators attend what was truly his first “big spectacle”. Among them personalities such as Françoise Hardy, Jean-Jacques Debout, Jean-Claude Killy, Yves Montand, Eddy Mitchell, Claude François, Sylvie Vartan and Mick Jagger [ 57 ] .
In November, the live recording of the show named that I love you released. Recording problems did not make it possible to properly capture the sound [ Note 12 ] And the disc offers a very incomplete recital with nine of the fifteen songs interpreted on the stage of the Palais des Sports and above all it does not correctly restore the orchestration, clarinets and other Vannier wind instruments are more present than the electric guitars. The song That I love you is given there in faux live .

Tour 1970 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The singer on the occasion of his ten years of career, sings, the , at Golf-Drouot. His summer tour is hectic and causes multiple incidents. That I love you causes authentic riots and many discomforts with his admirers and after his singing tour, Hallyday is most often evacuated by the police.

In November and December, the tour poster, in the Antilles and Canada deemed provocative, caused a scandal. We see a mustachioed Johnny and the shirtless torsus crucified on a guitar. In Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, the show turns into riots. Canadian steps are also enamelled with several incidents [ 58 ] .

Sports Palace 1971 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Of At , Johnny Hallyday finds the scene of the Palais des Sports de Paris. It was a time to put a show on the theme of pollution; The project is ultimately abandoned [ 59 ] And Hallyday’s new show, unlike the previous one, abandons the visual effects and emphasizes the sound that we want to be powerful. The sound system is deliberately shattering, the fifty loudspeakers pushed into the red are unanimous against them in a severe press that proclaims in unison that the sound is too strong [ 60 ] . 540 projectors are required, including 240 in light crown allowing 4,000 lighting combinations. The training that accompanies the singer on stage has changed, finished the “New Blackburds”; We notice in the choirs the presence of Nanette Workman and Madeline Bell (in) , but also the absence of guitarist Mick Jones [ Note 13 ] , who plays (and composes), for Johnny Hallyday since 1965. Jerry Donahue Guitariste American succeeds him [ sixty one ] . The drummer Tommy Brown now only assumes the direction of the orchestra, an important place of which is made for brass.

For this show, Johnny Hallyday is, each evening, graciously accompanied to the keyboards (piano, organ, harpsichord), by Michel Polnareff [ Note 14 ] , [ 62 ] , the latter (who turns his back on the singer on stage), had two mirrors screw on his piano in order to be able to follow Hallyday’s stage game [ Note 15 ] , [ 63 ] .

After a release of doves that accompanies the artist’s entrance, performing a sign of peace, the singing tour begins, where he ended in 1969, with I was born in the street followed by Person of person . The recital has seventeen songs, essentially drawn from the last two albums, The light hair girl And That I love you are the two unique “slow” titles of a repertoire which ends on a Medley rock’n’roll , during which Johnny collapses on stage and where he is helped to regain behind the scenes, while an announcement requests “a doctor in the room, please”, who makes him straighten, spread those who support him and rush On the microphone … It was only a “Cabotine Ruse” borrowed from the rhythnors of the Rhythm and Blues shows [ sixty four ] .

Never yet the singer occurred in Paris over such a long period. The show is given at Clés closed, 160,000 spectators see his show, among them: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Ursula Andress, Claude Lelouch, Catherine Allegret, Jean Marais, Jeanne Moreau, the American director Terence Young as well as the actor Kirk Douglas . The evening of the last, Johnny Hallyday extends the Eligce rock’n’roll late at night, chaining the songs, there is more than three and a half hours left [ sixty four ] . (A double live album – Johnny’s first – entitled Live at the Palais des Sports is released ).

1972 The “Johnny Circus” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For his summer tour, the singer tries a new show the “Johnny Circus”. The concept, totally unprecedented in the “hexagon”, combines circus numbers and singing tower. Previously, in 1968 in England, a television program named Rock’n’roll Circus (broadcast the ) and hosted by the Rolling Stones, merges circus and rock music numbers [ Note 16 ] . With this difference that the “Stonian circus” is only a studio decor, when Hallyday’s that comes alive. Concretely, it is a convoy of sixty ten vehicles that crisscrosses France in 85 stages, until . Each evening, the singer performs under a marquee borrowed from the Bouglione circus, which can receive 4,000 people. Sponsored by RTL and Canada Dry, the tour begins in Chantilly the . Nanette Workman, Tommy Brown, François Wertheimer and his group Dinosaur, the Ange group ensure the first part, while Sam Bernett in Mr. Loyal, presents the program every evening and announces the entry of Hallydayday [ 65 ] .
About the “Johnny Circus”, Johnny Hallyday declares: “For this tour I rented a huge marquee where a total show takes place with dancers, circus numbers, orchestras, etc. I want to make a completely new show in France … ” [ 66 ] .

The singing tour takes place under huge bursts of light, sound -driven sound, Johnny presents several titles from his new album Country, Folk, Rock , for a recital which has about fifteen titles in total, including: Person of person , Drinking , Susie Q , Dead Or Alive , Falling is easy , You fly love , I was born in the street
Despite the originality and the ambition of the project, the “Johnny Circus” is a relative failure and a financial abyss for Johnny Hallyday. Lucid he recognizes: “Sixty trucks on the roads, 114 people to pay each evening, too many costs, too many staff, for all these reasons, the case has left no profit. But I don’t regret anything … ” [ sixty seven ] .
The losses are such that the singer cannot put together new Parisian shows for several years [ 68 ] .

1972-1973 Two Olympia and a sports palace “for a good cause” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After having performed the At the Golf-Drouot, Johnny Hallyday on the 13th during a gala for the benefit of the Lica, sings at Olympia, in the presence of Alain Poher President of the Senate. The program brings together many artists: David Alexandre Winter, Rika Zaraï, Enrico Macias [ sixty seven ]

The , at the Palais des Sports de Paris, in the presence of Jean Rostand, he participated, with Georges Brassens, Léo Ferré, Nicoletta, Serge Reggiani and Nanette Workman, in an exceptional gala for the penitentiary reform, for the prevention of crime and the abolition of the death penalty [ 69 ] .

Johnny Hallyday returns to Olympia from 19 to . In the grip of financial difficulties and threatened with closure, Bruno Coquatrix requests the artist, who offers to perform gracefully, asking him to pay only musicians [ 70 ] . Several titles of the last unusual opus are on the repertoire And for the first time for a long time, the singer takes over a song from his “Teenager years”, Your tender years [ Note 17 ] , with this return, the title remains registered with these recitals for several years.

1973 Summer tour with Sylvie Vartan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For its 30th anniversary, the , Johnny Hallyday is back on the stage of Golf-Drouot, where he sings for his fan club [ 71 ] .

During the summer season, the Vartan-Hallyday couple occurred many times on stage in France, Switzerland but also in Spain and Greece [ 72 ] . Thus in July they sing in Marseille, Alès, Toulon, Grenoble, Strasbourg… From 13 to 16, Sylvie and Johnny sing in Athens and, from 24 to 29, in Spain. In August, they occur, (among others) on the 22nd in Fréjus and on the 24th in Geneva … Each evening they complete the singing tour by their tube which currently triumphs over the airwaves I have a problem , followed by Kill you and the resumption of Fever , (became Live After its adaptation in French – this title remained unprecedented to the disc).

1974 Bochuz penitentiary, Galas with Sardou and “Rock’N’Slow” tower [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Johnny Hallyday realizes a project that has been close to his heart for a long time, sing for prisoners. Many times he wanted to do it in France, without ever being able to obtain the necessary authorizations. It is in Switzerland at the Bochuz penitentiary, that he gives body to this project [ seventy three ] . The recital that begins with I was born in the street includes sixteen titles, including two duos with Michel Mallory, ( I cried on my guitar And Orphaned prison ). Johnny sings: Person of person , That I love you , I need a friend , The penitentiary , Forbidden Christmas [ Note 18 ] . The show ends with a long rock’n’roll sequence, Blue Suede Shoes , Whole Lotta Shakin ‘Goin’ is , Tutti Frutti , Johnny B. Goode . This singing tower is produced as part of a program on French -speaking Swiss television, presented by Christian Defaye, in which Johnny, Raymond Devos participates alongside Johnny. The show For you gentlemen X: Johnny Hallyday and Raymond Devos in Bochuz The . During the interview with and in front of two hundred detainees, Johnny Hallyday declares: “(…) I was saved by my job, maybe I will be here today, if I hadn’t had this chance ». When the singer and his team leave the penitentiary, as “farewell” the prisoners strike bars with their cups [ 74 ] .

The first is July, he began a tour in France and Spain. During the summer, twice his journey meets that of Michel Sardou; sets they occur, the At the Béziers arenas and the 28th at the Geneva ice rink. The two friends played the dice the order of passage and … Sardou plays in the first part and Johnny ensures the second. He is joined by Sardou for the final, where they sing in duos The music I like And Johnny B. Goode [ 75 ] .

From the (and until ), Hallyday is on a promotion tour through France and Belgium, where he defends his new album rock ‘N’ Slow on stage. Johnny begins his recital, which for the first time is played out in two distinct parts that separates an intermission by Memories memories and registered on the program several songs from the sixties, Yes two ron ron , She is terrible , I Got a Woman […], as well as the triptych rhythm and blues Until midnight, I’m alone, it’s black [ 76 ] , creating a real surprise that seduces the public. This is the latest tour of drummer Tommy Brown with Johnny Hallyday (replaced in the spring of 1975 by Alain Weiss, who also succeeded Brown in the direction of the orchestra). Tommy Brown, died in 1978, victim of a brain tumor [ 77 ] .

Johnny Hallyday, for the upcoming tours, retains many titles from his beginnings to the program. A concept which in 1976 finds its high point with the show Johnny Hallyday story , where the artist devotes to the songs of the sixties the entire part of the show.

Tour 1975 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Johnny Hallyday performs at the Rouen exhibition center [ 78 ] . This representation marks the first collaboration with the singer of Jean-Claude Camus and Gilbert Coullier (The event, which attracts some five thousand people, is a success and after it, the two producers associate themselves to create the production company Spectacles Camus-Coullier [ 79 ] Who for fifteen years produced (in particular), the shows of Johnny Hallyday. Camus and Coullier decided in 1990 to separate and Camus continues his collaboration with Hallyday alone. It ends at the end of the Tour 66 From 2009. The following show, started in 2012, marks the return of Gilbert Coullier in the “Hallydean sphere” for a tour …) .

That same year, Érick Bamy, ex -singer of the group Les Frogeaters [ 80 ] , [ 81 ] , spotted by Lee Hallyday, joins the Johnny orchestra as a chorister as a chorister [ 77 ] .

The summer tour is enamelled with incidents: the , Johnny sings under a marquee in Thonon-les-Bains. During the recital, the CRS intervene in a muscular way to evacuate a group of young people installed between the protective barriers and the scene. During the exchange, the Hallyday driver was injured. Johnny interrupts his recital and declares: “The show is finished, (…), if you have to take it to someone, take you to the police (…)” And he leaves the scene. A complaint will be filed against Johnny Hallyday and his team, for voluntary assaults and injuries, incitement to violence and assault against exercise police. Immediate consequence, the concert he had to give the , Place de la Concorde in Paris, for the arrival of the Tour de France cycling, is canceled [ 82 ] .

Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday, the , bring together in Narbonne-Plage, 40,000 spectators, during a free concert organized by RMC [ 83 ] . The couple is again on stage in Quebec the to the Expo fair in front of 10,000 people and in Montreal, place of nations, the (broadcast in deferred on Canadian television) [ 84 ] .

In September, the singer performed in Charmes and gave three concerts in November in Belgium [ 78 ] , [ 85 ] , before starting its removal of the boards for a sabbatical year [ eighty six ] (However, he does not desert studios, where in September, he began the recordings of album recordings to appear in 1976, Behind love And Hamlet [ eighty seven ] ) .

“Johnny Hallyday Story” at the Palais des Sports 1976 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Note: sources for the whole of this section (unless additional indications) [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] , [ 90 ] .

After five years of absence, Johnny Hallyday is back on a Parisian scene, for thirty-five performances, data at closed counters, at the Paris Sports Palace At . Appointed Johnny Hallyday story , the show takes place in two parts and is its first one-man-show. Two hundred thousand people in total are present and the artist sets a new record for the greatest number of spectators for a musical show.

During the first part, Johnny Hallyday revives some of his great successes of the 1960s. Yes two ron ron opens a singing tour that ends on The fray , with on the stage, motorcycles, thugs, settling of accounts at the rifle and … police sirens. For the last performance, friend Michel Sardou takes on a black jacket and the role of the Loubard to join the bellicose bikers [ 91 ] .

After the intermission, place in the 1970s. This second part spends six titles from the last album Behind love And three from the 1975 rock album in Memphis. Supported by a solid brass formation, including saxophones (in particular), Jazzman Jean-Louis Chautemps and two former members of the group Les Chaussettes Noires, Michel Gaucher and Mick Picard (the latter in the Baryton saxophone) [ 92 ] , Rock’n’roll man opens this second act, where curiously is present That I love you (yet created in 1969). The show ends with The music I like , where the guitarist Jean-Pierre Azoulay illustrates said “Rolling” in a long introduction to the electric guitar.

For the first time Johnny Hallyday uses lasers as scenic effects (he will devote the theme of his next show). This is Johnny’s first collaboration with Jacques Rouveyrollis in lighting.

Directed by Bernard Lion, who also ensures the staging of the show, the show is filmed for television, and broadcast, (in two evenings), on TF1. (The double live album Johnny Hallyday Story – Palais des sports fate him ).

Until the end of the year and for a large part of 1977, Johnny turned with the Hallyday story .

1977 a concert for Elvis and Tour 1978 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Elvis Presley dies! Johnny Hallyday says: “It’s all my youth who dies today. I am not ashamed, still now, to admit that I was inspired by him. Spontaneous genius does not exist [ 93 ] ». The next day, Johnny on stage in Agde [ ninety four ] pays tribute to him. Changing his singing turn, for more than an hour and a half, he interprets the greatest titles of Elvis Presley [ 95 ] .

It is in this context that Johnny Hallyday replaces his professional orchestra with former ball musicians [ 96 ] , [ Note 19 ] .

1978, on winter tour for three months through France and Belgium, he begins his singing tour with an unprecedented rarity on stage, If you leave me , little -known song of the album Johnny, come back! The most terrible rocks. Songs Too bad … it’s life And I forgot to live new album That’s life are on the program [ Note 20 ] .

The , marks the “kick -off” of the summer tour, which ends to the béziers arenas, the , by a joint concert with Sylvie Vartan. Together, they sing (at the end of Johnny’s song tower), Kill you And It’s So Easy !  (in) (a classic from Buddy Holly recorded in 1958 and presented to the agenda in 1974, by the American singer Linda Ronstadt) [ 97 ] . The concert is broadcast live on Europe n ° 1, with Carlos as a co -spestor, (he also sang in the first part) [ 98 ] . Several titles from the album Solitudes for two (released in June), are a singing tour.

1979 Tour and Gala on the Foch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Johnny begins a tour in Roubaix which has 39 steps [ 71 ] . She ends in Brussels the . Out of solidarity with striking steel industries, the , Johnny Hallyday visits, at night Les Aciries de Longwy and offers them his cachet. The next day, as he leaves the city, by the road, in the rain, the strikers are present over several hundred meters, the lamp of their helmets lit as salvation and thanks [ 99 ] .

On the occasion of the navy bi -centenary festivities, he sings, the , on the aircraft carrier Foch. In front of an audience of sailors and broadcast live on TF1, Johnny Hallyday performs a dozen titles, including: Gabrielle (at the opening), This man that here is , Blue Suede Shoes and for the very first time the new Still there [ Note 21 ] . On Hi Charlie , Johnny Hallyday is accompanied by the music of the fleet, (orchestra which brings together 120 first prices of the conservatory). Johnny finishes his singing turn, with a long and desperate version of What did you believe , (a very different interpretation of the studio version). The show ends with a hallyday carried in triumph by sailors [ Note 22 ] .

The Angel in Laser Eyes at the 1979 Paris Pavilion [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Michel Drucker in his program Sunday meetings , broadcasts a sequence with Johnny Hallyday filmed during rehearsals for his show in Pantin. For the very first time, the singer performs My mouth . The version sung on this occasion is orchestrated very differently from that offered in the final version [ Note 23 ] .

Of At [ Note 24 ] . Johnny Hallyday performs at the Paris pavilion where he presents his new show The angel with lasers , designed on a science fiction theme. The singer says he has chosen a futuristic theme to please his 13-year-old son, keen on science fiction films [ 100 ] . The show required six months of preparation, it starts with the search for a room to plant the sets. Very quickly the Palais des Sports de Paris (where Hallyday produced these last three Parisian shows in 1969, 1971 and 1976), was excluded due to architectural incompatibility. We think of the Parc des Princes, but the competent authorities having refused authorizations, we must give up [ 101 ] . It is ultimately the Paris Porte de Pantin pavilion which is selected and completely renovated for the occasion [ Note 25 ] . Johnny Hallyday is accompanied on stage by an orchestra of twenty-six musicians, including a solid brass training. He appears on stage wearing glasses throwing laser rays towards the public [ Note 26 ] . Johnny sings The Angel with Laser eyes , creature from elsewhere in human appearance, he continues with Person of person . Only Like the sun , he will humanize and discover love Fire , I love you … but love is fragile and breaks ” In my hands ». Providing, he questions “what is my mouth, what does she have?” “, because ” The promised land is never where we think we can find it. ” Imprisoned, The penitentiary closes on him his doors, he then sings The end of the trip . Sentenced to death by an intergalactic court for “humanized”, he begs in vain Save me Before finishing lightning under lasers. The time of an intermission and Johnny returns in a role he knows well, that of rocker. Descendant of the hangers, in a sort of metal spider, while a laser draws his silhouette and writes his name above the orchestra. Johnny begins this second part by Lucille . He sings The first stone , Rock’n’roll man … Interpreters some classics, Behind love , Requiem for a fool , Gabrielle … New features such as Still there , It’s better that way or What did you believe are singing. Moments of emotions with Hi Charlie or This man that here is , before finishing the recital with a long sequence devoted to rock ‘n’ roll: Nothing until eight days , Frankie and Johnny , O Carole . During this sequence, the singer is accompanied on the piano by Gilbert Montagné [ Note 27 ] . The show ends with The good time of rock and roll , (Montagné is always on the piano), in a longer version and more rhythmic than the studio version [ 102 ] , [ 103 ] . Peter Frampton during a performance made “an ox” with Hallyday. For the last, the , Johnny sings with Eddy Mitchell Blue Suede Shoes , Tutti Frutti , Be-bop-a-lula , just before putting an end to the duet show with Sylvie Vartan on The good time of rock’n’roll [ Note 28 ] . That evening, a surprise is reserved for the singer: his son David (then 13 years old), accompanies him on battery on Nothing until eight days . The public attended his first appearance on stage [ 104 ] . For six weeks on closed counters, the “Laser Angel” show “attracts 250,000 spectators. As soon as completed, Johnny Hallyday expresses his intention to put on another show, always on a science fiction frame, thus announcing with three years in advance which, in 1982, will become, on the stage of the Palais des Sports de Paris , the spectacle “Fantasmhallyday”, (commonly named, by distortion “the survivor”) on a theme of Apocalypse. (The double live album Paris Pavilion: Porte de Pantin fate him and beats sales records for a record recorded in public [ 105 ] ).

1980 Liberty Festival and Last Tours of the Vartan-Hallyday couple [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The summer tour begins the , by a recital with Sylvie Vartan. Together, they sing at the Feast of freedom in front of more than 200,000 spectators [ 106 ] . That evening, Johnny Hallyday talks about the exile of Michel Polnareff (whom he does not name, just singing a short extract from The doll that does no resumed in choirs by the public), wishing that he can soon return to France [ 107 ] . Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday share the poster twice again during the summer season. They sing the in Orange and the to the arenas of Béziers. This representation marks the last meeting on stage of the Vartan-Hallyday couple. THE , they will be officially separated.

1981 Night Rider Band Tour [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday is on stage through France and Belgium of At , for a tour of forty -one stage, during which he is accompanied by a new training Night Rider Band (former musicians of Elton John) [ 108 ] . To the six American musicians who form the group, join the choristers Pierrette Bargoin (a regular at Hallyday orchestras), Frédérique Gengebach and Michel Mallory on the rhythmic guitar, the harmonica and the second voice. Johnny Hallyday defends his latest album on stage In spare parts (released in January): War (at the opening of the singing tower), Excuse me to sing rock and roll still , I can make you love , Two foreigners And Lady Divine , here sung Lady Cocaine , because interpreted without censorship imposed on the studio version [ Note 29 ] . No staging, no or few lighting effects, nothing other than music, rocks are linked without frills [ 109 ] , interspersed here and there of a few rare ballads: I cried on my guitar , Hi Charlie , If I were a carpenter . For the first time, Johnny has registered in his repertoire a title recorded in 1963, When this day comes , (adaptation of That’ll Be the Day by Buddy Holly). THE Night Rider Band Tour ends with the Paris racecourse, under a marquee which welcomes 7,000 spectators. This show is partly and in two television programs on Antenne 2 during the summer: the The program is broadcast Two foreigners , with co -representative Dominique Lavanant and (a few weeks later), the Live show in its entirety, or almost … Lady divine , not desirable on the antenna, is cut.

The recital is engraved on a soberly named double album Live , recorded in different places, hence its evasive title. This opus is singular in the artist’s discography, indeed, the lives passed, like those to come, all concern Parisian shows [ 110 ] , [ Note 30 ] (The experience is renewed in 2012 with public recording On Stage ).

The Golf-Drouot of Henri Leproux, a place where Eddy Mitchell, Johnny Hallyday and so many others started, definitively closes the doors .

1982 Recital in Fleury-Mérogis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In February and March 1982, Johnny Hallyday was on tour accompanied by a new group, Self . The singer interprets several new features (from the recent opus somewhere an eagle): The Host , Montpellier , The box ; But also older titles updated by a new musical covering of synth: Black it’s black , The music I like , That I love you , The penitentiary ; The very rare live I forgot to live is on the program. As with the 1981 Tour, we note the absence of brass except a saxophone. Bruno Victoire, group leader Self , and Éric Bouad are on guitars.

The , Johnny Hallyday, sings at the Fleury-Mérogis remand center. In the past, he has tried many times to perform in a French prison, but the authorizations were always refused to him. Johnny Hallyday gives two performances in front of the prisoners. He sings : I’ve had it up to here , Two foreigners , Behind love , but also The penitentiary , (…) And Wednesday morning ; New song, (extracted from the latest album), written specially for the occasion, which evokes the daily life of a prisoner. Since then, never more Wednesday morning has not been registered in the artist’s repertoire.

“Fantasmhallyday” at the Palais des Sports 1982 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Of At , Johnny Hallyday presents at the Palais des Sports de Paris her new show Fantasmhallyday , on a futuristic and apocalyptic theme. This show is one of the greatest shows never made in Europe [ 111 ] . Directed by Jean Renard and for the first time produced by Jean-Claude Camus in association with Gilbert Coullier, the show requires each evening the implementation of 80 people, technicians, stuntmen, musicians, plus a few (dogs). At the opening, a smoke screen, a voice that announces: “During the night of the two moons, a single man returns from the domain of shadows, this man is the survivor, for the last time, he will live for you his fantasies” . The smoke dissipates, while a few beggars enter this strange world that is the scene, at the bottom a mountain pivotes and reveals the orchestra, while Hallyday appears the survivor. First assault, he lifted an arm and assaulting him ignites. He sings Fantasies , Then The Grand Banquet (two unpublished titles at the opening); chain with Voodoo calf And The fear , before disappearing, giving way to a giant screen for the screening of a video-video. On the program: chaos and violence everywhere, no country is spared, nuclear mushroom, survivor, meeting with vampirella while zombis threats … Back on stage (accompanied by Vampirella), he sings The survivor , We will have to talk about love one day (Pacific ode that Johnny will dedicate to Nathalie Baye on the evening of the last). The song Travel to the land of living Previously precedes the confrontation with the zombies: on the scene fights by the ax (where the disaster was bloomed during a performance, a stuntman missing his blow, did not miss Johnny and struck him in the hip) [ Note 31 ] , while (dogs-) wolves rush on Vampirella and take his body. Triumphant but alone, on his knees the survivor sings I’ll never forget (Unpublished title signed Nicolas Peyrac. Alabama postcards , … I saw all this in movies in colors that make you dream … “, Sing the survivor, before ending in the stone statue in the final of Poem on 7 It is . For this first part, Johnny Hallyday dared a singing tour almost new, (eight titles out of ten). For the first time the video is used in a musical show not to imagine music, but as a vector for narration. A few songs later, new interruption of the singing tour, which for almost five minutes gave way to a succession of waterfalls. For this show, (which required much longer preparation and rehearsals than usual), the artist innovates and breaks once again the codes of the traditional song tour [ Cit. 2 ] . In the second part, Hallyday offers a more familiar recital, including a large number of standards: Shots , Until midnight , I am alone , The penitentiary , Oh ! My pretty Sarah […], before concluding, after a long medley rock ‘n’ roll , about The good time of rock and roll [ Note 32 ] . Johnny Hallyday performs for two months on the stage of the Palais des Sports, where he gives fifty-four performances for two hundred and fifty thousand spectators. “Fantasthallyday” is after Johnny Story from 1976 and The angel with lasers From 1979, the last of the artist’s themed shows (this show was for the singer the first marketed on video cassette Johnny Hallyday at the Palais des Sports 1982 (release in November); The double album Palais des Sports 82 was released in January).

After this show, Johnny Hallyday will no longer perform at the Paris Sports Palace for 24 years. He will come back to this in 2006 for the Flashback Tour .

Short summer tour for the singer in 1983, which gives some representations from 9 to . On the 18th in Palavas-les-Flots, he sings several new titles: External signs of wealth And For those who love each other , (newly broadcast in 45 rpm), but also Give me a chance (Resumption of a Bill Deraime song, extracted from the album to be published in the fall) and My little wolf (it’s going to hurt) , which remains unpublished on the disc until February 1984. Hospitalized at Cochin Hospital, the , Johnny Hallyday is operated on a hip, a prosthesis is posed to him [ 112 ] , [ 113 ] .

HALYTAY AU CANNITH 1984-1985 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From the and until , Johnny Hallyday settles for three months at the Zenith in Paris (a programming period never seen in Europe) [ 114 ] . The show produced by Jean-Claude Camus and Gilbert Coullier, is staged by Hilton McConnico (decorator on films Diva And The moon in the channel by Jean-Jacques Beineix and specialist in Broadway reviews) [ 115 ] .

On October 24, released the double live album Johnny hatyday au zenith , or the day before the first! The cost of production is such that all finances are in red. It is then decided to anticipate events and this is how the singing tour is recorded during rehearsals. Between the titles (20 in total), applause is added. This album of is therefore a “false live” [ 116 ] “!

Because of EDF strikes (which disturbed the last rehearsals), the first of the show is postponed by a day and it is therefore Friday , that kicks off the show. At the opening, a fist of five by fifteen, articulated by two hundred hydraulic cylinders, advances from the bottom of the scene to finally rotate and open above the front rows [ Note 33 ] , revealing in the heart of the hand Hallyday who sings Heart fist . This unpublished kicks off a two and a half hour song in 28 songs. Once again, Jacques Rouveyrollis is the project manager, or 4000 projectors for 4 million watts consumed at each performance (the security services have prohibited to light the whole more than thirty minutes; the whole is programmed by computer) [ 117 ] . Dancers, stuntmen, a whip fight on Excuse me partner , a guillotine (at the end of the first part), in the final of Do not kill freedom [ Note 34 ] “, under which the artist’s head falls (the action takes place in Chinese shadow), are some of the highlights of a very rock recital which gives pride of place to the last two albums Between violence and violin And Funny job . Despite his gigantism, the show does not neglect neither humor (during a brawl, Hallyday gives his opponent a hand and hurts himself, (…), it is a frail dancer who rid of a colossus), nor the moments of emotions I forgot to live (for the first time on the program of a Parisian show), the ballad I would still like to be able to suffer like that , or above all the resumption of Jacques Brel’s classic Do not leave me .

The , Philips releases a new version of the Live Johnny Hallyday at the Zénith, which this time restores the performance truly recorded live. Nothing distinguishes these two albums – which are only one – the pockets, the references, the titles are identical [ Note 35 ] .

On Sunday , Johnny completes the first stage of his marathon at the Zenith. That evening, thousands of candles are distributed to spectators, to which it is asked to light them during the interpretation of Do not leave me , while musicians push a Christmas tree on the stage. The singer, in no way warned, fails to hide his emotion and interrupts the song for a few moments [ 118 ] . Getting a break during the holiday season, the “second act” of the show is played on Friday .

Johnny Hallyday resumes his performances at the zenith . It is during this period of an extraordinary cold winter that many questions arise on the relevance of such a long program! The Orsec plan is activated in the capital, several thousand people are without electricity (the ), (…), the attendance of theaters and performance halls can be reduced by half and the show of Johnny Hallyday is no exception to the rule. Unlike his two previous Parisian shows (1979-1982), he did not play closed counters and certain evenings, he sings in a two-thirds room. Besides, obviously, a singing tour over such a duration, even for Hallyday, it turns out to be a challenge! The two previous shows attracted 200 to 250 thousand spectators – they are this time again, but the number of performances have denied them in time – and it would take much more to fill the zenith for three months. The bet turns out to be too ambitious and ultimately impossible to achieve [ 119 ] . Since , Johnny Hallyday has already given sixty-three performances of a two and a half hour show, (some) two hundred hours of stage [ 120 ] , and in his entourage, we are concerned about the physical condition of the singer who turns out to be exhausted, but refuses, despite the medical recommendations, to capitulate. Tuesday A few minutes from the end of the performance, when it has just started The good time of rock and roll , Hallyday collapses on stage victim of a syncope. The show is interrupted is the emergency hospital singer at the American hospital in Neuilly. He stayed there until 12 and is forced to interrupt the spectacle until [ 121 ] .

On the 31st, Johnny Hallyday went on stage for the last three performances. The last one, the , is broadcast live on RTL. Johnny sings in duet with Eddy Mitchell be bop a lulla and with Sheila My little wolf (it’s going to hurt) . This show at the forefront of technologies, combining gigantism and baroque, remains the biggest production and the most “big machinery” ever implemented by Johnny Hallyday.

The , Hallyday begins a two -month tour through France. It occurs in particular in the spring of Bourges, the first is And In the company of Eddy Mitchell, with whom he interprets several duos.

The Mark the return of Johnny Hallyday on stage after his second hip operation . He sings in Neufchâtel-en-Bray [ 122 ] . Johnny Hallyday is accompanied by a new formation of musicians, including: Patrick Bourgoin (saxophone and flute crossing), Yves Sanna (drums), Bernard Paganotti (bass) and Hugo Ripoll (guitar), (…) and (the always faithful) , Érick Bamy with choirs.

Two days later, Johnny sings at the Fête de l’Humanité [ 123 ] . Seven of the twenty songs interpreted are extracted from the album Rock’n’Roll Attitude . His participation in the feast of humanity is accompanied by a controversy in the media. During the recital, Johnny Hallyday addressing the public declares: “To put things in their place, I would like to tell you that I am very happy to be here with you at the Feast of Humanity, because above all It’s a celebration… of the French ”!

1986: The year has marked the very first time since its inception, where the singer does not make a stage, with the exception of two friendly participations; In April, with Michel Berger and November with Jean-Jacques Goldman, both in concerts.

1987 “Johnny gives himself to Bercy” and Tour 1988 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Of At , Johnny sings for the first time at the Palais Omnisports in Paris-Bercy. The show Johnny gives himself to Bercy is staged by Michel Berger. Jannick Top is responsible for the music direction. After the grandiloquence of previous shows, the concept of this new show is “the purity rather than excess”. The repertoire is built around the last two albums. Only seven old songs interrupt this surge of recent songs: My little wolf (it’s going to hurt) , My mouth , Fire , The good time of rock and roll , Gabrielle , The music I like And That I love you (absent from a Parisian repertoire from the 76 sports palace). The song orchestration has been fully reworked. The public ovation That I love you For several tens of seconds, forcing the singer to ask for silence in order to be able to start the first measures of I promise you (which provokes no less enthusiasm). Strong of this youthful cure, That I love you “Bercy 87 version” was broadcast, in 1988, in single and became for the second time a tube [ 124 ] . Johnny Hallyday is accompanied on stage by a training of seven musicians, (including Norbert Krief and Hugo Rippol on guitars), three American choristers and Erick Bamy. An exception is made for The music I like , for which the singer is accompanied by the big band of Jean-Pierre Aupert, who for the occasion brings together various musicians, who with the trumpet, who with the trombone, who in the saxophone, once played with Hallyday. Johnny is present on stage from the “kick -off”: after the “curtain raising”, the singer, standing, plays the piano the musical introduction “Jerry Lee Lewis” (wink to the song of France Gall He played piano standing ), before seizing the microphone for Rock’n’roll attitude , first song of a recital which has twenty-two. On Desire , Hallyday crosses an immense arc of water and it was wet from head to toe that he completed the last verse, before yielding the scene to one of his choristers for a musical interlude. Johnny gives himself to Bercy is Hallyday’s first show to be given without intermission and two hours we play in continuity. Unusual for the very first time, Johnny Hallyday completes his singing turn not on a frenzied rhythm but by a slow song, with the ballad Something from Tennessee And creates an intense moment of emotion when leaving the scene. The last representation is given for the benefit of research against AIDS. This show of twenty million francs, produced by Jean-Claude Camus and Gilbert Coullier, is played on closed counters [ 125 ] , [ 126 ] , [ 127 ] . ( Johnny in Bercy )

Johnny Hallyday tour from the , Silionne France, Belgium and Switzerland until the end of the year. It plays everywhere on closed doors and its passage in many cities is “biss” on several occasions. In Lausanne, the , for the first time, Johnny Hallyday sings in duet with his son, with whom he interprets Johnny B. Goode [ 128 ] .

After turning in winter and spring, Johnny Hallyday starts, the , its summer tour at the Montreux jazz festival (recorded and filmed, the concert will be released in CD and DVD in 2008, Live at Montreux 1988 ). This tour is the occasion of many duets: in concert in Vincennes, he sings with Bernie Bonvoisin, (singer of Trust) The music I like ; Another evening, in another city, he interpreted it with Renaud, then in Saint-Tropez, with Patrick Bruel. At the Arena of Nîmes, the , during an interlude, he talks about his beginnings intersecting his anecdotes from the songs The Davy Crockett Ballade (hummed for a few seconds), Tom Dooley , Loving you , before concluding by Whole Lotta Shakin ‘Goin’ is [ 129 ] “. That evening, he dedicated to his mother, present in the audience the song I promise you . In August, he performed at the Francofolies in La Rochelle. The tour ends the .

1989 First Tour of Enfoirés [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tour of Enfoirés across France from 6 to ! Johnny Hallyday, alongside Jean-Jacques Goldman, Michel Sardou, Eddy Mitchell and Véronique Sanson, participates in the very first tour organized for the benefit of Restos du Coeur, founded by Coluche in 1985. A live album and a single are quickly put in Sales and profits donated to the association.

“In the heat of Bercy” and “Cadillac Tour” 1990-1991 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Initially announced at the Paris Sports Palace [ 130 ] , Johnny Hallyday is in Bercy from the . Scheduled until 29, the show is extended until [ 130 ] . In the heat of Bercy is staged by Bernard Schmitt and Jannick Top ensures its musical direction. The scene of one hundred and twenty tonnes (made mobile thanks to six hydraulic trays), evolves as the show progresses. Johnny resumes Diego free in his head , song by Michel Berger written for France Gall, which made it one of the successes of his album All for the music In 1981. The muscular version of Johnny made a great impression and (broadcast in single in his live version a few months later), also became a tube and a Hallydayan standard, which the singer has since regularly registered in his repertoire [ 131 ] , [ 132 ] , [ 133 ] . For the first time, he sings I am not a hero , song that Daniel Balavoine wrote for him in 1980 and that Johnny dedicates him [ 134 ] . Honky Tonk Women Rolling Stones is also on the program [ Note 36 ] , like several extracts from his latest album: The vultures , Cadillac , Possible motorcycle (with trial sequence, a motorcycle evolving on the decor during interpretation), lookout . A Cameroonian choir, Pek-Nyambe , sing a long preamble to The music I like and accompanies it on Like to live [ 135 ] . On the side, I was born in the street opens the show, while Clear And The girl last summer , (both extracted from the Rock album in Memphis), ensure a very rock and roll final (before reminder). The singer concludes his recital by I promise you And Desire Accompanied by the European Symphony Orchestra, led by Olivier Holt [ 136 ] . The evening of the last after previous The good time of rock and roll , he adds to the program four standards of the 1950s: Mystery Train , Heartbreak Hotel , Be-bop-a-lula And Whole Lotta Shakin ‘Goin’ is [ 136 ] . The show produced by Jean-Claude Camus, is played at the counters closed in front of more than two hundred and fifty thousand spectators.

After Paris, from At the Cadillac Tour is on the roads for 51 concerts played in France, Belgium and Switzerland [ 137 ] . When 6th Music Victories Ceremony In February 1991, Johnny Hallyday received the trophy for the best musical show and that, delivered by the president of the evening Yves Montand, of the artist who gathered the most spectators of the year 1990 [ 138 ] .

The , the singer participates in Concert from Potes At the initiative of SOS Racisme Parc de Vincennes, which brings together sixty thousand people [ 139 ] . For the tenth anniversary of the Music Festival, the , organized by the Paris City Hall, Johnny Hallyday gives a Place de la République concert. As soon as his song is completed, he went to the Trocadéro to participate in the organized concert and broadcast live by TF1 [ 140 ] .

Johnny Hallyday It Son Cadillac Tour crossed the roads again in the summer of 1991, during which of the At , he gave 33 concerts, notably performing at the La Rochelle Francopholies Festival [ 141 ] , Or Something from Tennessee is sung in duet with Daniel Lavoie and Paul Person accompanies him on guitar on the good time of rock and roll [ 142 ] and September 15 at the Feast of humanity , where a large number of the hundred thousand assembled chants the name of Johnny Hallyday During the speech of Georges Marchais, forced to interrupt him to declare “Johnny you will see him and I will listen to him with you, but you will have it all the faster since I will have made my speech” [ 143 ] , [ 144 ] .

On September 21, place de la nation, in front of one hundred and twenty thousand people, with many artists (David Bowie, Jean-Jacques Goldmann, Lloyd Cole, Eros Ramazzoli, Patrick Bruel), Johnny Hallyday participates in the Concert for heroes Organized by NRJ radio in tribute to the victims of the Moscow putsch in August 1991 [ 145 ] .

Bercy 1992 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For the third time, Johnny Hallyday, of At , occurs on the stage of Bercy. The show begins with a sequence of illusionism where we see the silhouette appear then the artist descending from the limbes to the scene, in an elevator, empty a few seconds earlier [ 146 ] . The singing tour opens onto Travel to the land of living , is linked on Rock’n’roll attitude . The singer’s faces at different times parade in morphing and on a giant screen for It doesn’t change a man . Johnny resumes For me you are the only one , Hey Joe , pays tribute to Something from Tennessee to Michel Berger disappeared during the summer; He sings in a dismal staging Tien An Men , title which evokes the demonstrations of Place Tian’anmen and the repression which followed, before concluding the first part with I want to engrave you in life . The bluesman and guitarist Luther Allison provides interlude between the two parties and accompanies Johnny on the guitar on the title The guitar hurts . It is in Harley-Davidson that the singer begins I gave everything , a new song (simply announced in the show program Hard rock sequence ), interpreted during the first week and then removed from the singing tour. The final (before reminder) on Poem on 7 It is Bring back Johnny Hallyday in the limbo (from where he appeared two hours earlier), carried away by a mechanical crane. Back on stage, the singer concludes his recital with the interpretation of three rock standards ‘n’ roll. The show is, this time again, produced by Jean-Claude Camus and directed by Bernard Schmitt. Jannick Top, this time is not solely loaded with musical arrangements, but is also and for the first time, in the bass on stage. (the album Bercy 92 – Available in triple vinyl, double CD and Laserdisc 30 cm (LDV) – seems the ).

In the wake of this return to Bercy, the show of the Parc des Princes planned in .

1993 Jubilee at the Parc des Princes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For his 50th anniversary, Johnny Hallyday performs at the Parc des Princes the 18, 19 and . For this new show, named “retain your night”, the singer enters the scene by splitting the crowd; Offering himself the most beautiful jostling of his career, he takes long minutes to win the scene [ 147 ] which occupies the whole width of the stadium. The decor reproduces the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. Real bridge despite everything, which are going on at certain moments of the motorcycle show and cars, it is even the place of a brawl on The fray . Johnny Hallyday performs fifty-two songs, (eighteen are divided into four medley), flying over his entire career. The singing tour includes several duos and the participation of many relatives of the singer: Joey Greco accompanies him on guitar on O Carole , David Hallyday holds the battery for Oh ! My pretty Sarah And sings with his father lookout (in a new Franco-English version), Paul Person is on the guitar on Excuse me partner And The music I like ; Michel Sardou is in duet on Desire it eddy mitchell surf Excuse me partner And Happy birthday rock’n’roll (Eddy title, taken up for the occasion – 1980 Happy Birthday album). But the “nail” of surprises is the presence of Sylvie Vartan, an integral part of the show, where a special staging is reserved for her entry: while Johnny She is terrible , Sylvie Vartan seated at the wheel of an MG crosses the bridge. A few moments later, on the stage welcomed by an ovation from the public, she interpreted alone, against Hallyday, a cappella, Your tender years . Together, they sing Fire And I want to engrave you in my life (This duo remained unprecedented on a record). The show multiplies the special effects and winks, like this articulated metal hand which recalls that giant and gloved of the Zenith 84, but which this time, on the long introduction of Gabrielle , notes the artist not, but a dancer with the superb plastic who panics guitarists and evolves around Johnny during the song. This show of more than three hours ends on a different final each evening: Desire , Rock’n’roll man And The good time of rock and roll [ Note 37 ] .

The Triple CD is the whole of the Live Parc des Princes 1993 (this is the first time that a Hallyday album has not been published in vinyl). The show is also broadcast in double laserdisc 30 cm (LDV) and in Compact Disc Digital Video in three separate volumes (this is the only time when the singer is broadcast under this support, very quickly abandoned).

The images of Johnny Hallyday’s entry into stage go around Europe [ 147 ] And arouse many comments in the press, but also those of international artists, such as Tina Turner and Mick Jagger.

Barely concerts at the Parc des Princes completed, with two years of advances, the singer announces his return to Bercy in .

Summer tour for Hallyday, who presents a condensed of the Parc des Princes and Bercy 92. This is the last time, that the singer is accompanied on stage by Norbert Krief and Jannick Top, (the artist will soon renew his entirely musical training).

1994 Rough Town Tour [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In order to promote the album Rough Town (distributed since ), it is decided to make a mini French but also European tour. Deliberately, the choice is made to occur everywhere in small rooms. In France, Hallyday sings the in Toulon, in Lyon on 21 and Paris, where it occurs from 28 to first is November at La Cigale [ 148 ] .

Most of the song tour is in English, except for Something from Tennessee , O Carole And The music I like (sung in duet with Tanya Saint-Val, Duettiste also on the title Love Affair ). Johnny resumes Gimme some lovin from The Spencer Davis Group and gives Hey Joe In the original version and in duet with Ian Wilson (percussion, harmonica and acoustic guitar in the group).

The singer is accompanied by a new formation of musicians, among them, the bassist Phil Soussan, the drummer Ian Wallace, James Prime and Tim Moore in the keyboards (all will play with him until 1996), and especially the guitarist Robin the Measurier , who will become his regular guitarist and will play with him on stage for more than twenty years, until the last tour Stay alive of 2015-2016 [ 149 ] , [ 150 ] .

The following spring, the Arte television channel devotes to the singer a thematic evening Johnny Hallyday, near rock, closer to blues , offering the concert at La Cigale and a report on the tour Rough Town , made by Claude Ventura [ 151 ] . (In the same period, released in cassette video and laserdisc 30 cm (LDV) le live Johnny Hallyday at La Cigale ; Remaining unprecedented in CD, it will be necessary to wait until 2003 and the release of a Live integral, that it was published under this support – at Cigale).

Bercy 1995 “Lorada Tour” 1995-1996 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Of At first is October 1995, Johnny Hallyday sings in Bercy. The scene is designed with an advance in a half circle in the room, on which the singer and the musicians can evolve (part of the audience is standing inside). The recital opens onto Gabrielle , after an entry on the stage playing on the shadows in a smoke screen. The last two albums Lora And Rough Town are largely represented, in a singing tour which, unusual, has a large number of titles interpreted in English, including the resumption of Hot Legs  (in) by Rod Stewart. During the show, Johnny accompanied by his guitarists, bass player and drummer, settled at his end, on a mini scene, for a long acoustic sequence. He plays several old songs, including Your tender years , Loving You , Cours faster Charlie , I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) , Play no rock’n’roll for me And between two conversed songs with the public. This sequence ends with The music I like , on which, after staying alone in the center of the room, he joined the musicians on the central scene, under a surge of fireworks. The show ends with the resumption of The Hymn to Love from Edith Piaf.

At the end of this fourth Bercy, which somewhat renews the show Hallyday, two principles will be adopted: acoustic sequence and at the end of the song Tour de vocals the recovery of a great classic of French song! They will be found in almost all of the shows to come: Stade de France 1998 and 2009, Palais des Sports de Paris 2006 (acoustic and recovery part), Eiffel and Olympia 2000 (resumption) / Only Las Vegas 96 recitals and Parc des Parc des Parc des Parc Princes 2003 will derogate from this now tradition. (The show releases in cassette and laserdisc 30 video cm (LDV), in November and in The double CD Lorada Tour).

At the same time, when Johnny Hallyday invested Bercy is launched the project of a concert in Las Vegas next fall for the French public. It is not only a question for Jean-Claude Camus to organize a show, but also the transport and accommodation of several thousand people. The show Destination Vegas , at first, is announced for the , at the Casino Hotel Riviera [ 152 ] ; But in front of the influx of the request, we opt for another room and another date.

1996 « Destination Vegas » [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Initially scheduled for September at Riviera [ 153 ] , in order to cope with the request, the concert is reprogrammed at Aladdin and pushed back to Sunday . Johnny Hallyday sings in front of seven thousand fans from France, who specially made the trip to Las Vegas. For this, thirty-four planes were used; Each of them was baptized with a title of Hallyday song registered on the cabin (this is how the passengers embark on the plane That I love you , My little wolf etc [ 154 ] ). In addition, the authorization was given from a Paris-Végas direct flight, this destination is completely unusual comprising a step [ 155 ] .

Johnny gives a very rock song ‘N’ Roll, which includes many times of old adaptations of Elvis Presley, to which the show is dedicated [ 156 ] . It also includes thirteen new written and/or adapted songs for the occasion [ 157 ] . Johnny plays this one night show and totally new, in a very minimalist staging [ 156 ] . A show that almost did not take place, the singer being the victim of a tracheitis for several days, the doubt subsisted until the last moment on his ability to sing. It is therefore the rocky and diminished voice that Hallyday enters the scene, a voice which however finds its brilliance as the titles are linked [ 158 ] . Aware that the public will come out somewhat taken aback, to which is added the frustration of having been seen by the order service of the room which made every effort to maintain them, Johnny Hallyday, as a catch -up session will invite spectators of Vegas, at the Zenith in Paris in 1998, to attend two rehearsal concerts, a few days before his show at the Stade de France [ 156 ] .

The representation is partially disseminated the on TF1. The integral of the show releases on video cassette and for the last time in Laserdisc 30 cm (LDV) (This support will soon be abandoned to give way to the DVD), but not in CD, (you have to wait until 2003 and the release of a Live integral for a first diffusion under this support.

Ends the show Vegas , that already promises to be a next entry from Johnny Hallyday in Bercy from the [ 159 ] … Finally it will be at the Stade de France and in .

1997, for the second time in thirty-seven years of career, apart from his participation in the Enfoirés concert, Johnny does not make a stage.

The , Johnny visits the (future) Stade de France, then in construction site. The decision is stopped, the next show will be there!

Stade de France 1998 and Tour 1999 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Spectators who made the trip to Las Vegas in 1996, are invited the 29 and , at Zenith. In front of them, Hallyday plays the general rehearsals of the next recital at the Stade de France.

Friday , while the stadium is packed and that the singer’s entrance must be broadcast live on TF1, it is ultimately producer Jean-Claude Camus who on the stage (and live on television), announces that this First performance is canceled due to rain (it has been raining for several hours and only the first part – provided by Sinclair and FFF – taking advantage of a slight lull could be played). A replacement concert is announced for the .

The Saturday , is finally the day of the first. At the opening, a helicopter (controlled by Michel Drucker), deposits, Johnny Hallyday on the roof of the Stade de France. An arrival that the public can follow in detail on a giant screen. As soon as his harness was removed, Hallyday disappears, to reappear a few seconds later in a smoke screen in the middle of the stadium, where on a long advance that prolongs the scene, he begins his singing tour by The music I like , before joining the musicians on the main scene. The artist for three hours of show sings a large number of old titles, classics but also rare songs that have left his repertoire for a long time: The light hair girl , The lost generation , This man that here is , Hi Charlie , (Michel Mallory Author of the song accompanies him to the Harmonica). The singer performs several duos with his guests: And then I know With Patrick Bruel, The penitentiary With Florent Pagny, Rock’n’roll attitude With Pascal Obispo, I believe it every morning With Jean-Jacques Goldman, Knock we too hard as wood in a bilingual duo with Lionel Richie (only Sunday ) . During a symphonic game, Johnny, for the second time (see) , is accompanied by the European Symphony Orchestra leads Olivier Holtl, during a sequence where are sung: That I love you , What I know , Requiem for a fool In duet with Lara Fabian – for the introduction The choirs of Paris XIII join the symphonic orchestra – Diego free in his head And Desire . Played under a deluge of light and fireworks, Light the fire concludes a rock sequence ‘n’ roll, as well as the representation (before a reminder). The show ends with On my life , famous song by Charles Aznavour.

In its Sunday edition , the newspaper Le Parisien publishes that Johnny Hallyday sang in playback yesterday at the Stade de France. The same evening, a few hours before the second performance, Johnny on television, on TF1, live from his lodge, denies (he will initiate legal action and obtain reparation with damages). On stage, that evening, Hallyday, voluntarily breaks the rhythm of the songs, in order to demonstrate, (to those who could doubt it), which he sings live live.

“Heaven has its moods”, and it is in torrential rain, that Johnny Hallyday gives Friday the third and last performance at the Stade de France, thus ending where he could not start [ 160 ] .

Johnny Hallyday is the only artist to have given three consecutive performances at the Stade de France [ Note 38 ] (the The live Stade de France 98 Johnny comes out on the fire).

1999, as part of his tour, the 17 and , Johnny sings at the Baie-Mahault velodrome in Pointe-à-Pitre and at the Dilo stadium in Fort-de-France. With Tanya Saint-Val, he sings in duet Clear And Light the fire .

Tour 2000 Concert at the Eiffel Tower, return to Olympia and Montreal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The artist gives, the , a free show at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, in front of more than five hundred thousand spectators. If it is for the singer the opportunity to celebrate his forty years of career, the show supported by the town hall of Paris is given within the framework of the festivities planned for the change of millennium [ 161 ] . The show is broadcast live on TF1 and establishes an audience record with eight million spectators [ 162 ] . Since the , le double CD live 100% Johnny: Live to the Eiffel Tower is available (this live will not know any vinyl broadcasting).

It is in concert at the Park de Sceaux in front of sixty thousand spectators, that the singer celebrates his birthday [ 163 ] . The concert is organized by the desire of the artist who wished to be on stage this anniversary day and this despite the reluctance of his producer Jean-Claude Camus, doubting the ability to mobilize the public on two events in the Parisian region at five days intervals (especially since the concert on the contrary of the first is not free) [ 164 ] . Reserve shared by the Hauts -de -Seine General Council, which ultimately agrees (after having obtained the assurance that the baccalaureate tests – the same day of the concert – of a high school near the Park de Sceaux, would not be disrupted by no rehearsal or balance of sound [ 165 ] . During the performance, several surprise guests sang in duet with Johnny Hallyday: Michel Sardou, Sonia Lacen, Jean-Louis Aubert, Paul Person, Pascal Obispo, Laurent Gerra, Patrick Bruel and still Nawfel, 14-year-old guitarist who ‘accompanies on The music I like [ 166 ] , [ 167 ] , [ 168 ] ( HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIVE – PARC DE SCEAUX 15.06.2000 , Unpublished live album until 2020).

After twenty-seven years of absence, Johnny Hallyday is back in the famous room by Bruno Coquatrix! THE , it gives the first of the forty-two representations provided for at the Olympia, where it occurs until [ 169 ] .

The Parisian representations are interspersed with several concerts in the provinces and abroad. Thus he gives eleven performances in June at the Olympia and thirteen in July. During the same month, he performed in Brussels, Nancy, Lausanne. At the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille, it was applauded by fifty-five thousand spectators and gathers in Lyon at the Gerland stadium, forty-two thousand spectators. In Vichy, at the Omnisports center, he sings in front of twenty-five thousand spectators and finally on 30 in Objat, sixteen thousand people await him.

In August, he gave eighteen performances at Olympia. (Olympia 2000 was released in November in double CD) [ Note 39 ] .

The tour ends the to Montreal. Since June, more than a million spectators have attended Hallyday’s singing tour [ 170 ] .

(No stage in 2001 and 2002).

2003 Parc des Princes – Stades tour – “closer to you” tour [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday begins his tour in Reunion Le , where he sings in Saint-Denis at the East stadium.

10, 11, 14 and , he performs for the second time at the Parc des Princes (becoming the only artist to have given four performances in this enclosure; the concert of 15 is broadcast live on TF1). (Live album 2003 Princes Park Sort in novel).

During the summer, Johnny tours stadiums in France, Switzerland and Belgium (twelve in total) [ Note 40 ] ! He also gave three performances to Sporting in Monaco at the end of July and completed his performances in August in Lebanon.

In the fall, Johnny Hallyday begins, the , at the Zenith of Caen, the tour Closer to you For which he travels the roads and which ends, 35 concerts later, at the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, where he occurs on 15, 16, 20 and (The 18th, he sings at the Zénith d’Auvergne) [ 171 ] , [ 172 ] . The evening of the last in tribute to Jerry Lee Lewis, he ignited the piano during the interpretation of the American standard Whole Lotta Shakin ‘Goin’ is . (remained unprecedented to the disc at the time, the album Live BERCY 2003 Black one ).

2004: The only contribution to the scene of Johnny Hallyday that year is a participation, alongside and in duet with Charles Aznavour, in an evening given for the benefit of the National Cancer Institute. (He did not stage in 2005).

« Flashback Tour » 2006-2007 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

“Flashback Tour” is the name of the new tour of Johnny Hallyday, who aims for the capital, to perform in all the Parisian rooms that have marked his career. First act, of At , the artist sings at the Palais des Sports de Paris. This is the seventh time that the singer has performed in this room, where he has not been produced since 1982. (Live Flashback Tour: Sports Palace 2006 , spell – in CD and double vinyl – the ; This is the artist’s first album at Warner).

In July, “stadium tours and festivals” in the province for the singer. He occurs in particular in Carhaix, the , at the Vieilles Charrues festival and the 22nd at the Poupet festival in Saint-Malô-du-Bois.

Flashback Tour Paris Act two! Johnny Hallyday sings in Bercy les 29, and the first is october. The representation of is broadcast live on TF1. For the occasion, Johnny sings in duos with several guests: Laura Pausini ( The law of silence ), Laurent Voulzy ( Something from Tennessee ), Amel Bent ( Light the fire ), Patrick Bruel ( Behind love ). Back in the capital, he again occupied Bercy, the 20 and . The tour until the end of the year alternates representations in the capital and in the provinces.

Flashback Tour, Paris Act 3: Johnny is at the Zénith in Paris for three evenings in November. In December, he finished his Tour des Salles Parisiennes at Olympia (from 4 to 9) and finally at La Cigale, for five performances, during which he offers a modified and more “rock and roll” song. Johnny Hallyday resumes: Person of person , Nashville Blues , She is terrible And some “rock and roll” standards of which it is customary, Tutti Frutti , Blue Suede Shoes , Be-bop-a-lula , Whole Lotta Shakin ‘Goin’ is , Heartbreak Hotel . He also interprets with Chris Isaak the classic of Fats Domino Blueberry Hill . (The , will release the album Live La Cigale: December 12-17, 2006 – Available in CD and vinyl).

2007: The singer is still in the provinces from January to March and gives a final step to Bercy the . Johnny Hallyday gave 111 performances of the Flashback Tour (including 41 in Paris), and attracted more than a million spectators.

2009 « Tour 66 » [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Johnny Hallyday invited to the 8 p.m. TF1 newspaper, announces that his next tour, scheduled for 2009, will be the last. However, he claims not to want to give up singing, or even performing on stage, but more in the context of long tours (2007 and 2008 are the longest period when the singer remained far from the scene).

The , at the Zénith de Saint-Étienne (which he inaugurates), the singer kicks off the tour 66. He gives eight performances in this room from 7 to .

The Tour 66 Go through Brussels before Paris. 19, 20, 22 and , Hallyday sings at the National Forest of Brussels. For the occasion, Johnny Hallyday gives an interview to a television news where he confirms that this tour will be his last long tour. Evoking his ever -increasing cinema desires, without wanting to give up or sing, he even refers to a next show in two or three years.

After a general rehearsal at the Stade de France, the , in front of a few thousand members of the fan club, the 29, 30 and , Johnny Hallyday makes his show in front each evening, 80,000 spectators. The show opens under a “storm” of sparks behind which Hallyday appears, alone, motionless, silent, holding for more than a minute the public (far from being silent), in suspense, before starting the chapel My mouth , while the group appears. During a singing tour of more than two hours, Johnny offers a selection of old songs, including: Play no rock’n’roll for me , Excuse me partner , Diego free in his head , Behind love … The last album is not abandoned ( It can change the world , Unchained Melody-les chained – in duet with his chorister Amy Keys), contrary to the previous one The heart of a man (whose ambition displayed by the principal concerned was however to offer his interpreter “equipment for the scene”). During a long acoustic sequence, given in the middle of the stadium on a small scene connected to the main by a horizontal arch, Johnny, followed by his guitarists, bass player, drummer and harmonicist gives a rock ‘n’ roll sequence, alternating standards of standards In the original version and French adaptations, he sings: The daughter last summer , That’s All Right Mama , The promised land , I Got a Woman … This acoustic interlude ends with Something from Tennessee , on which, the singer left alone joined the musicians on the central scene and continues with a sequence Rhythm’n’Blues . It is with sobs full of voice that Johnny addresses his thanks to the public before interpreting It will never end . ; the time of a reminder and he concludes with the resumption of And now by Gilbert Bécaud. The show is broadcast live on TF1 the . That evening (and the next day), David Hallyday sings with him Blood for blood and Sylvie Vartan The good time of rock and roll . The , sort le live Tour 66: Stade de France 2009 .

Of and until , the artist performs in several stages of France interspersed with a stage at the Geneva stadium (twelve in total).

The , within the framework of national festivities, it brings together between 700,000 people (according to the police) and more than a million (according to the organizers) on the field of March at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, during a free concert for the Public, in accordance with the wishes of the President of the Republic, who since 2007 wishes to associate a large popular concert with the festivities of the National Day. From 18 to , he sings at the Sporting Salle des Étoiles de Monaco, thus completing the first part of his tour.

The , the singer is hospitalized for ten days, officially for a series of exams at the request of insurers of the Tour 66. At the beginning of August, the American magazine New York Post said Johnny Hallyday has undergone a colon operation. Initially denied, his entourage confirms the information a few days later. In early September, in an interview with the magazine TV star , Johnny Hallyday reveals that he was operated on after it was detected colon cancer.

The , marks the start of the second part of Tour 66 , where around twenty cities are waiting for it, but also Geneva and Brussels. (A concert was planned at the Jean-Ivoula stadium in Reunion, the , but it was canceled due to influenza a). Johnny Hallyday completes the second act in Orléans Tour 66 Tuesday .

On the 26th, he was operated in Paris, of a herniated disc. THE first is December, the singer is in Los Angeles, where the , he is urgently hospitalized at Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills. Suffering from pain in the back, it is immersed in an artificial coma. THE , it is re -operated from the back, following a postoperative infection. The 11th, for the second time, it was rehabilitated artificial coma until .

On the 16th, producer Jean-Claude Camus officially announced the cancellation of the third and last part of Tour 66; (Planned from In Amiens, the tour was to end twenty-two performances later, by four concerts in Bercy on 9, 10, 12 and ).

The , Leaving hospital for Johnny Hallyday.

Johnny Hallyday gave sixty-seven performances of the Tour 66. With more than a million spectators, the Tour 66 is one of the largest tours ever made in France. She provided in particular a stage in Madagascar and Vietnam; These two concerts with humanitarian vocations, in order to finance an orphanage for the benefit of UNICEF (of which his wife Læticia is godmother), were finally canceled for reasons of organizations and the extreme difficulties they would generate. However, Johnny Hallyday will sing well for Unicef ​​during Tour 66, offering him his cachet during the concert he gave in Geneva .

Johnny Hallyday announces the , that he separates from his producer Jean-Claude Camus. Gilbert Coullier takes over; They already worked together, Coullier was with Camus the co -producer of the artist during the 1980s. We are talking about a return on stage planned in 2012 and we announce the return of Johnny Hallyday in 2011 at the theater.

The Mark the return of Hallyday on a scene after his health problems. On the scene of the Montpellier arena where Matthieu Chedid, (alias M) occurs, he joins him on stage to interpret in duet Tanagra .

M and Johnny recur on 15, 16 and , in Bercy, where Louis Chedid’s son completes his tour.

Theater and Tour 2012 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday concluded (before a reminder), Tour 66 by the title It will never end , on which he sings to the public: “We will do the road I promise you” . A time announced as his last (long) shot, it sounded as a contradiction, before health problems, forced him to cancel the last part of the tour …

Restored, the singer declares, during a mini recital the SUR RTL [ 173 ] that he does not hear “Not stop there and that he liked to finish what he started!” »» Here is Johnny Hallyday in preparation for a new lap.

After a passage on the boards, where At , he plays the Édouard VII theater the play by Tennessee Williams Paradise on Earth [ 174 ] , Johnny Hallyday, le , on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower, officially presents to the press its next tour named, (a time), as his new album Never alone , followed by a mini concert in front of an audience of 300 guests [ 175 ] . It will be made up of 64 concerts spanning 8 months.

This 181 It is Tour of the artist does not limit exclusively to France and its French -speaking neighbors, but also is international. This is how he starts in California, the , at the Theater Orpheum (Los Angeles) [ 176 ] . Alternating representations in the “France”, he also sings in Quebec, Montreal, New York, London, but also for the first time in Moscow and Tel Aviv.

French concerts start at the Montpellier Arèna, where Hallyday gives four performances in May [ Note 41 ] , [ 177 ] .

15, 16 and , for the third time Johnny Hallyday performs at the Stade de France, thus becoming the only artist to have given nine performances in this enclosure [ 178 ] .

If the Coullier production succeeds Camus, the technical team remains largely unchanged. Thus Jacques Rouveyrollis conceives this time again the Games of Enlightenment and Bernard Smith the staging. Yvan Cassar is back in the orchestrations, while Yarol Poupaud, new in the team, ensures the musical direction and accompanies the Hallyday guitar on stage [ 179 ] . Concerts at the Stade de France are the occasion for Duos with Eddy Mitchell on The music I like , Marie-Mai on Live for the best , Pascal obispo sur Rock’n’roll attitude and Louis Bertignac, who provides all the first part over the tour, on Person of person .

The show revolves around three musical sequences: rock (the longest), interspersed with a symphonic part, then acoustic [ 180 ] . Giant screens, videos, pyrotechnics and special effects enhance a singing tour made exclusively old titles – Marie , the most recent of the list dates from 2002) – the last four albums are completely ignored [ 181 ] .

If the artist performs in large open-air spaces, he also turns in smaller places, such as the Jean-Deschamps theater in the city of Carcassonne, which forces to modify the staging and to give up grandiloquent effects to refocus exclusively on song [ 182 ] .

The first part of Tour 2012 , ends in Colmar the , for a recovery scheduled for early October.

During this break, Johnny Hallyday records the album The wait In Los Angeles, where new health problems suggest for a time that history is repeating itself and caused doubt a new impossibility of completing the tour [ 183 ] . The , the singer is hospitalized in Guadeloupe, where he spends a few days of rest [ 184 ] , then in Los Angeles for more in -depth exams, before regaining the studios path [ 185 ] .

“Will sing, will not sing?” », Doubt is lifted with the singer’s presence on stage at the Bell Center in Montreal, on 4 and October [ 186 ] . The press highlights the great vocal and physical form of the artist [ 187 ] , [ 188 ] , [ 189 ] .

During the fall tour, which ends in Marseille the , some titles of his 48 It is Studio album, are added to the recital, The wait , Love to death And 20 years . (see live album On Stage ).

Born Rocker Tour (2013-2014) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Building on the success of this 2012 Tour, Johnny dates on stage in June 2013, for a mini tour of 14 dates, named Born Rocker Tour . There are three evenings at the Paris-Bercy Omnisports Palace [ 190 ] . The , the second concert in Bercy is broadcast live on TF1 [ Note 42 ] . The concert completed, the singer gives a second performance at the Théâtre de Paris, (broadcast live on MyTF1), which welcomes a thousand spectators, for a more rocky song ‘N’ Roll, during which he interprets several duos with Brian Setzer L ‘ex singer of the Stray Cats. (see live album Born Rocker Tour ).

Johnny Hallyday, in the spring of 2014, of At , turns in the United States and Canada, with the Born Rocker Tour [ 191 ] . A live album of the concert of In New York at the Beacon Theater, was broadcast in 2020, under the title His American dream – Live to the New York 2014 Beacon theater ; Fall 2022 sees the vinyl and/or CD boxes appear North América Live Tour Collection , offering nine of the fourteen American concerts.

Three Old canailles in Bercy (2014) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Johnny Hallyday, Eddy Mitchell and Jacques Dutronc Ensemble on stage. The idea was born from the passion shared by producer Valéry Zeitoun and Eddy Mitchell for the Rat Pack, famous American trio in the 1950s in the United States [ 192 ] .

During the fall of 2013, the producer talked about it to the respective managers of the three artists: Sébastien Farran, Rose Léandri and Claude Wild. The three friends meet in for a lunch [ 193 ] . Johnny Hallyday, the first, evokes him on Twitter. The project is officially launched in and three concerts are announced, 5, 6 and , in Bercy [ 194 ] . Places are sold in one morning and in front of the crowds of the public, two new dates are added 8 and 9 [ 195 ] , [ 196 ] ; A sixth representation is still added in October [ 197 ] .

They choose to occur under the name Old canailles (The appellation refers to the song by Serge Gainsbourg Old canaille [ 198 ] ). Twenty three songs are on the program, seven from Dutronc, seven from Hallyday and six from Mitchell (+ Old canaille ). The artists sing ten times in trio, Johnny Hallyday and Eddy Mitchell perform four duos, Jacques Dutronc has a duet with Mitchell, another with Hallyday and each of them sing two solo titles. Hallyday sings on 18 songs (plus a participation in the end of Blues ), Eddy Mitchell on 17 titles and Dutronc out of 15.

Stay alive (2015-2016) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This new tour begins in ; Month during which Johnny Hallyday performs in a dozen festivals, in France, in Switzerland [ 199 ] and in Lebanon [ 200 ] . It begins where the previous one ended, at the Arena of Nîmes, the 2 and [ 201 ] , to conclude, on the 28 and 29, at Sporting Monte-Carlo in Monaco [ 202 ] . This first act of Stay alive played without frills, abandons decor and special effects, to devote itself to essential music [ 203 ] . The singer is accompanied by twelve instrumentalists and four choristers; The whole, very rock and rhythm’n’blues is led by guitarist Yarol Poupaud. The repertoire oscillates between standards ( The music I like , Light the fire , Gabrielle , […]) and covers of rare titles, mostly coming from the 1970s and neglected since ( Falling is easy , Nadine , I need a friend , I cried on my guitar , […]).

The second act of Stay alive begins with two performances, the 2 and , in Nice [ 204 ] . Conversely summer concerts, Hallyday offers a total show, with videos and pyrotechnic effects [ 205 ] . The use of six giant mobile screens in all directions, giving “the art of scenography a new dimension” to the art of scenography “, is a world first. Hidden at the top of the scene at the start of the show, the screens (designed by a Lille, Xavier Barra), unfold at the whim of the show and, appearing to sail in space, envelop the scene [ 206 ] ; so on I cried on my guitar Waterfalls seem to pour out on the edges of the stage [ 207 ] .

In the aftermath of the attacks of November 13, 2015 in France, in concert at the Zénith in Strasbourg, Johnny Hallyday dedicates the representation to the victims and their families, before observing a minute of silence with the public [ 208 ] . In Bercy, where he gives three performances, the artist for the first time performer A Sunday in January (title extracted from his last and 50 It is Studio album published, ironically, the ). A Sunday in January is a tribute to the Republican marches in reaction to the January attacks. The evening of the first in Paris, the (day of the national tribute to the victims), while he sings, the background of the scene is tinged in national colors, to the applause fed by the public who spontaneously begins a Marseillaise, while Johnny Hallyday hooks at the foot of a Micro a French flag [ 209 ] . The singer gives his fiftieth and last concert of the year, at the Zenith of Amiens, the [ 210 ] .

, the twenty semi-trailers carrying the equipment [ 211 ] are in Montpellier, where Johnny Hallyday on 22 and 23, kicks off the third part of Stay alive at the Arena [ 212 ] . The 2 and , the tour is back on the stage of Bercy, on which the singer occurs for the 93 It is time [ 2 ] (99 representations in total, including six within the old scoundrels), which makes him the solo artist having most often produced there [ 213 ] . He is in Barcelona, ​​at the Grand Théâtre du Lisu and the 26 and 27 at Palais 12 in Brussels (the representation of the 26 is broadcast live in more than three hundred cinemas [ 214 ] ). “We thought we would never get there,” said the artist to the Belgian public [ 215 ] , referring to the attacks in the capital on March 22 and also to the cancellation of the representation of – and postponed to – by the Brussels authorities after the attacks of November 13, 2015 in France [ 216 ] . Johnny Hallyday sporting a Belgian flag, modifies the end of his recital by taking up Jacques Brel’s song when we only have love [ 217 ] . The third act of the tour ends the in Noumea in New Caledonia [ 218 ] and the in Tahiti in Papeete [ 219 ] .

The “stay alive tour” takes up the At the Louis -Dugauguez stadium in Sedan (this is the first time since its inauguration – in 2000 – that the enclosure welcomes a musical event) [ 220 ] . Johnny Hallyday gives twelve performances during this fourth is the last part of his tour, with a given “point” as a “high point”, the , at the Paris Opera Garnier, for the benefit of cancer research [ 221 ] , [ 222 ] .

Once again, the tragic news catches up with the festive and the day after the July 14 attack in Nice, in concert in Sion (in Switzerland), the singer observes with the public a minute of silence in tribute to the victims. THE , in concert at the Arena of Nîmes (where he occurs for the third time during the Stay alive ), he modifies the end of his singing tour by interpreting (this time again), when we only have love by Jacques Brel; The song ends with the spontaneous takeover of the Marseillaise public. This final and tribute to the victims [ 223 ] is kept during all the latest representations of the tour [ 224 ] .

Johnny Hallyday gives the 90 It is and last representation of his tour, the At the ancient theater in Vienna [ 225 ] . During the Stay alive , the artist interpreted 48 different titles [ 226 ] ( Stay alive ). This concert of is Johnny Hallyday’s latest solo concert [ 227 ] , [ 228 ] .

Tour of Old canailles (2017) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Two years after the first series of concerts in Paris, the Vieilles Canailles reform, on the initiative of Johnny Hallyday [ 229 ] and Valéry Zeitoun, the producer. A scheduled tour in June and July 2017 is announced in [ 230 ] .

Following the announcement of Johnny Hallyday cancer in [ 231 ] , many rumors give back due to the latter’s participation in the trio [ 232 ] . However, these rumors are swept away by the principal concerned who confirms his presence [ 233 ] .

The old scoundrels give the first concert, of a tour which has 17 [ 234 ] , on June 10 at the Pierre Mauroy stadium in Lille [ 235 ] . Sometimes sitting on a stool, but the voice intact, Johnny Hallyday is present when returning to the mythical trio on stage. THE , the first of the two performances provided for at the Paris-Bercy Omnisports Palace is broadcast live on TF1 [ 236 ] . The last one is played on July 5 at the Carcassonne festival [ 237 ] .

Directed by Michel Gaucher, an orchestra of 22 musicians accompanies the old Canailles. Thomas Dutronc, several times during the tour, joins the trio and accompanies him on the guitar on the title And me and me and me .

The list of songs remains unchanged, except for I forgot to live , sung by Johnny and Dutronc in 2014, which gives way to Play no rock’n’roll for me , that Hallyday sings with Mitchell.

The representation given to Carcassonne the , is Johnny Hallyday’s latest concert, who died five months later.

1962: passenger on France, to the United States, the Johnny gives a recital, Jackie Kennedy is from the public.

In May, still in the United States (where he recorded in Nashville the album Sings America’s Rockin ‘Hits), Johnny is touring university campuses, singing in particular in Washington, Chicago, New York…

1963: In January, Johnny Hallyday sings at the Palladium in London, where he met Mick Jagger [ Note 43 ] And meet, (without knowing who is tackling it insistently), Francis Bacon [ 238 ] , [ Note 44 ] .

After England, Johnny goes to Lebanon for a series of galas. In Beirut, he learns that all of his galas are canceled, his arrival risking causing a political crisis. Unwanted, Johnny Hallyday returns to France, where the incident is debated in the National Assembly.

The singer occurs the In Amsterdam, he interpreted a dozen songs, including an unprecedented version of The fray On different words. The final on I got a woman (Resumption of Ray Charles), turns to the riot and the order service has many sorrows to contain the public. The service was recorded for television [ Note 45 ] .

1966: In this difficult context for him in France at this moment of his career where success seems to escape him, in the spring, Johnny Hallyday turned in Eastern Europe, singing in particular in Poland and Czechoslovakia. It also occurs in Greece, Canada and Cameroon.

1967: New successful tour in South America, in this spring for Johnny [ 239 ] .

After a common Olympia, Sylvie and Johnny meet in Rio de Janeiro for a three -week South American tour. In Rosario in Argentina, they sing in front of 25,000 people.

After a tour where it occurs in more than a hundred cities across France, the singer is again in South America, in September, for a series of galas. (He will come back for the third time this year, at the end of October).

1968: In March, Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday tour in South America, the Antilles and Canada [ 240 ] , each time in front of several thousand people [ 241 ] . In May, the singer is on tour in Africa [ 240 ] .

In October, in South Africa in Johannesburg, dazzled by a spotlight, Johnny Hallyday fell in the orchestra pit and fractures one foot. Refusing to forfeit despite his injury, the singer ends his recital. With a plastered foot, a chair next to the microphone on which he puts his knee, he honors each of his contracts.

1969: In February, Johnny Hallyday turned in Canada for a day.

1970: Johnny Hallyday is on tour in the Antilles (from 21 to ) and in Canada (from At ) [ 242 ] . The poster which shows it crucified on a guitar causes scandal and, after stir in Pointe-à-Pitre, the Canadian steps are also enamelled with several incidents [ 58 ] .

1971: The song occurs in February in Senegal in Dakar [ 243 ] .

1973: Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday during their common summer tour, sing in Greece, Spain and Italy [ 72 ] , [ 244 ] .

1974: Johnny Hallyday turns, from 22 to , in South America [ 245 ] , where he occurs, in particular, twenty-one people twice in a stadium [ 246 ] .

1975: Johnny is on a promotion tour in Italy during the month of May. The following month, the singer performs in Spain in Brazil and Iran [ 246 ]

The Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday sing in Quebec and Montreal on 31 [ 78 ] (the recital is televised [ 247 ] ).

1980: Johnny Hallyday sings in Germany, Spain and South America [ 248 ] .

1994: as part of the promotion tour of the album Rough Town, the singer travels from 4 to , several cities in northern Europe: Zurich, Munich, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Brussels, Düsseldorf and Hamburg.

2000: Johnny Hallyday completes his tour in Quebec, where he sings in Montreal on 29, 30 and , at the St Denis Theater.

2003: the singer’s summer tour ends in Lebanon, where the 2 and , he participated in the Baalbek International Festival.

2012: La 181 It is Hallyday tour stops at: Los Angeles, London, New York, Montreal and for the first time Moscow and Tel Aviv.

2014: using the Born Rocker Tour , Johnny Hallyday you At runs in the United States and Canada. It’s in the Funda Theater (in) From Los Angeles that he begins this American journey which leads him to San Francisco, three rivers, Quebec, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, Boston, Miami Beach, New Orleans, Houston and Dallas. THE , he sings at the New York Beacon theater (six years later, posthumous album is broadcast His American dream – Live to the New York 2014 Beacon theater And in 2022, nine of the fourteen concerts were broadcast in vinyl and/or CD boxes North América Live Tour Collection ).

2015: as part of his festivals tour (from 2 to ), Johnny Hallyday performed on the 9th, at the International Jounieh Festival in Lebanon [ 249 ] .

2016: Johnny Hallyday gives a representation of Stay alive , the , in Barcelona at the Grand Théâtre du Lisu [ 250 ] .

, Johnny Hallyday joins Michel Polnareff on the stage of the Paris Olympia, for the last of his Polnarévolution show , the opportunity for them to play a rock’n’roll standard medley [ 251 ] .

1985: The , Johnny Hallyday participates in La Courneuve in the humanitarian concert singers without borders, where he interprets a version of Like to live Very different from the original, (Rock’n’Roll Attitude album). The concert, which brings together some eighty artists, is broadcast live on television. The public did not go en masse to this demonstration which was a relative failure. The funds raised were donated for the benefit of Ethiopia and Restos du Coeur.

In December, Johnny Hallyday on the stage of the Zenith sings The music I like In duet with Jean-Jacques Goldman [ 128 ] . After Michel Berger, Goldman is expected to write and produce the singer’s next album.

1986: In April, Michel Berger performed at the Zenith in Paris. This is the occasion of a duet with Johnny, with whom he sings Something from Tennessee . Hallyday’s look caused a sensation, it appears very short hair and dyed white, new genre adopted for the needs of his next film Terminus by Pierre-William Glenn which he filmed in June.

The , Jean-Jacques Goldman is in concert in Saint-Etienne, joined by Johnny Hallyday, they interpret I am waiting for you [ Note 46 ] , song written by Goldman.

These two events apart, in this year 1986, for the very first time in his career, Johnny Hallyday did not perform on stage.

1988: The electoral campaign for the presidential election is in full swing. THE , at the Vincennes hippodrome, Johnny Hallyday sings in a “first part” of a meeting of the candidate RPR Jacques Chirac – then Prime Minister and declared to the final of Something from Tennessee : “We all have something in us … Jacques Chirac”. Michel Berger author of the song hardly tasted this statement [ 252 ] .

1989: Johnny Hallyday chairs, in December, the third Film Film Film in Val-d’Isère. On this occasion, he sings, on the 14th, The music I like Accompanied by the Trust group, with Pierre Billon, the actor Pierre Richard and Vincent Palmer, (ex guitarist of the jewel group), Je t’attends – Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On [ 253 ] .

1991: David Hallyday sings at the zenith in February, for two performances. During the last, Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday interpret with their sons Johnny B. Goode The Chuck Berry [ 254 ] .

The singer tour multiplies the demonstrations, so the , Johnny Hallyday sings for SOS racism on the esplanade of the Château de Vincennes, in front of sixty thousand people. The music I like is interpreted in duet with Amina. THE , he sings in front of one hundred thousand spectators at the Festival of Humanity and the 21 place of the Nation, he participated in a concert given in tribute to the victims of the Moscow putsch, one hundred and twenty thousand people are present [ 255 ] .

1997: The , he participated in the Restos du Coeur evening at the Zenith, where he sings The Hymn to Love With Patricia Kaas and Desire With Roch Voisine, Patrick Bruel and Jean-Jacques Goldman. (This is the singer’s only scene during the year). (see The Zenith of the Enfoirés ).

1998: this year again, Hallyday participates in the now traditional concert of the Enfoirés, the at Zenith. He sings Requiem for a fool With Lara Fabian and Excuse me partner With Éric Cantona, (Jean-Jacques Goldman is on guitar). ( Buffy in the heart ).

2000: fall is still (after his tour)), for Johnny the opportunity of a few scenes. We see him , at the Zenith in Paris, where Patrick Bruel performs, with whom he sings And then I know . On the same scene, but this time during a representation of Pascal Obispo, the , he is in duet with him on Light the fire [ Note 47 ] .

2001: The , Johnny Hallyday sings in duet with Brian Setzer, (singer of the group The Stray Cats), Blue Suede Shoes On the stage of Olympia. (This participation is the singer’s only scene in 2001).

2004: Johnny Hallyday, in duet with Charles Aznavour, sings On my life , the , live from the Palais des Congrès, during a special program broadcast on TF1 for the 80 It is Aznavour anniversary. The evening is organized for the benefit of the National Cancer Institute. The President of the Republic Jacques Chirac and his wife are present. A double CD and a DVD entitled Happy birthday Charles! , sold for the benefit of the National Cancer Institute, will be released in December.

2007 : Eddy Mitchell et son Jambalaya Tour are at the Geneva arena . Johnny and Eddy sing in duet We want legends And Be-bop-a-lula , (in VO and in French, Mitchell giving a resumption of the adaptation that he once made in his period the black socks). (These duos are present on the Live which seems Jambalaya Tour).

2009: Sylvie Vartan sings at Olympia the 18, 19 and . Each evening, at the start of the second part, Johnny Hallyday is on stage by his side. Together, they interpret a Medley Édith Piaf bringing together the songs The Hymn to Love And No, I do not regret anything . ( Sylvie live ).

2014: Gad Elmaleh celebrates her twenty years of career on the stage of the Paris Sports Palace; The evening of the last, the , Johnny Hallyday joins him on stage and performer in duet with him The music I like .

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Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The American star is the last artist to perform in the first part.
  2. Johnny Story , 1979, p. 65 , François Jouffa Quote: “Part of the press will pour the worst slander after the night of the nation. In The cross From June 25, we read: “The Twist Festival has been wrong”, in France-Soir : “At the festival of the nation’s twist, there were 1000 thugs and 140,000 friends to see Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Vartan …” in Paris-press (…), under title we can see: “500 thugs terrorize 150,000 spectators attracted by the idols of young people.” In the report (…), there is almost no questions of the services of Johnny, Sylvie, Richard and Cie; But especially damage caused by this “night”. »»
  3. Richard Middleton : guitare solo
    Johnny Taylor: rhythmic guitar
    Peter Hollis : basse
    Andy Steel : basse
    Jean Tosan : saxophone
    Raymond Give: organ, piano, harmonica
    Source : Brieu 2003, p. 57.
  4. From this meeting Hendrix-Hallyday is born a solid friendship and a great bond between the two men. Johnny Hallyday says that during the two years that followed, during their respective Franco-English stays, everyone lived with the other [ 43 ] .
  5. True employees of the singer, they will compose many songs for him
  6. From then on, this “Rhythm’n’Blues sequence” – thus often named on record covers – will become a must in the Hallyday song tour; It will be of all major meetings with the public: Olympia 67, Palais des Sports 76, that of 82, Parc des Princes 93 and 2003, Tour Eiffel 2000, Stade de France 98 and 2009
  7. Duo which remains unpublished on the disc until 1991, year or the album Olympia 67 Says for the first time in CD in an edition which presents the recital in its entirety / source: – Accessed June 22, 2019.
  8. From 1961 to 1975, Lee Halliday produced almost all of Johnny’s albums.
  9. Jean -Pierre Azoulay was born in 1949, he accompanied Johnny Hallyday until 1977 – on stage and on many records, notably the Rock album in Memphis from 1975, which earned him to be applauded by American technicians and musicians Studio greeting its virtuosity
  10. Lester Wilson is an American dancer, director of one of the great successes of the moment in Broadway, Golden Boy , with Sammy Davis, Jr. – Source: Brieu 2003, p. 103.
  11. We have sometimes read that the song That I love you was not interpreted at the Palais des Sports in 1969, which is false. The error is certainly due to the confusion that creates on the live album of the Palais des Sports (named That I love you ), a version of the title recorded in false live. An period sound document attests to it; Broadcast live on Europe n ° 1 the evening of the first – April 26, 69 – you can hear Johnny Hallyday declare to the public “That he would like to sing this beautiful song to them with silence in the room” . After he interpreted That I love you , the commentator announces: “Johnny sang this song by looking at Sylvie Vartan in the eyes, she is there in the front row between Jean-Claude Killy and Claude François. »»
  12. The aluminum structures of the scene have caused a strong static electricity which deeply disturbed the sound intake: source: L’argus Johnny Hallyday Daniel Lesueur, editions alternatives, chapter 3 pages 102, 103
  13. Absent since the summer tour which preceded this school year in Paris, Mick Jones went to the United States, where he joined the Spooky Tooth group see Quinonero Page 160. If Mick Jones no longer plays with Hallyday on stage, he accompanies him Still regularly in the studio until 1974. In 1976, in the United States, he was one of the founding members of the Foreigner group.
  14. It was Michel Polnareff himself who proposed to Johnny to play with him on stage, without remuneration, simply for pleasure
  15. From this scenic adventure Michel Polnareff will say: “I liked playing with him. Johnny was the only one, before me, to try to renew the traditional singing tour. Since then, almost everyone seems to have understood that a singer behind a microphone is a past! »» As for Johnny Hallyday he declares: “Michel Polnareff was criticized when he accompanied me. People said: it shouldn’t work for him if he plays the musician for Hallyday. It was not done for this purpose. In England, in America is common […], we wanted to do the same thing. Michel came to take his foot every night on stage with me. »»
  16. John Lennon, Eric Clapton, The Who, Jethro Tull, Marianne Faithfull participent au programme. Source : Hallyday Exist is insisting … , Rémi Bouet, Limited Access edition, 2012, p. 52 .
  17. Johnny Hallyday has completely abandoned the songs of his beginnings since 1965, the year he started his singing tour at Olympia with a medley of his first songs. Nothing since and until 1973, alone The penitentiary , from 1964, resisted this “closet”.
  18. Released in the fall of 73, this song talks about unhappy childhood, delinquency, the prison universe. This is probably the only time Johnny Hallyday interpreted him in concert.
  19. This decision selects the departure of the guitarist Jean-Pierre Azoulay, an instrumentalist who was the singer’s official instrumentalist since 1969.
  20. There is no official public recording of the song Too bad … it’s life , which never appeared in the repertoire of a Parisian recital. As of I forgot to live , Despite its success, it was not until the show at the Zenith in Paris in 1984-1985, that the singer gave a version recorded in public.
  21. Available in 45 laps from October 3 -45 laps Still there , The end of the trip . With this new song Johnny talks about his twenty years of career. He quipped on those who had declared in 1960: “Johnny Hallyday, who will still remember him at the end of the summer?” »» , filled with pride he sings loudly: “” … And that’s it, I’m still there, there is no question of abandoning me demobilized ” », Before addressing his audience: “” … like a frenzied I swore to never weaken, never betray, all those who in the dark we so much need hope, and here I am always there, you and I will not stay there and Here we are still there … ” »(The lyrics are from Franck Langolff)
  22. Thirty years later, this recital on the plane door will be broadcast on DVD – DVD box “Johnny Hallyday – Volume 2 – The years 1970/84” – Reference: Mercury Universal 531 626-0
  23. This rarity remained unknown and unprecedented for thirty years, before appearing in a DVD box in May 2009.
  24. Initially scheduled until November 18, in front of the crowd of the public, the show will be extended until 26 – Source: Brieu 2003, p. 138
  25. Electrical connection (an electricity that must be fought in Pantin on the other side of the device); Six thousand five hundred armchairs are installed, ten thousand square meters of carpet are placed, we break ramps, go up the stands, we isolate the roof with tarpaulins, in order to put the spectator away from the whims of the sky …
  26. For security reasons, sending the radius is absolutely prohibited to the public, we develop a system triggering its light whenever the singer lifts his head, to end up above the spectators.
  27. singer whose career is then broken down and who is thus relaunched. Recognizing, Gilbert Montagné dedicates a named song to Hallyday Johnny In 1981
  28. Gilbert Montagné gives up the piano to death Shuman and Michel Mallory accompanies them to the harmonica
  29. The song Lady Divine which is intended to warn the consumption of illicit and dangerous substances, was originally called Lady Cocaine , but the record company opposed and forced the singer to round the corners somewhat. Source : L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Daniel Lesueur, editions alternatives, chapter 4 page 131
  30. The album Live With its nineteen titles, does not reproduce the entire recital, it is missing for that: Frankie and Johnny , I Got a Woman And Blue Suede Shoes , interpreted some evenings by Hallyday during the tour
  31. “Already injured in the hip by a motorcycle fall during the shooting of the video in August, it took for the rest of the show, calling on the doctor and the support of bites to calm the pain. A hip which never left the singer in peace, the problems will go from bad to worse, […] until surgical intervention and the installation of a prosthesis. »» – Source : Brieu 2010 )
  32. During a performance, for the final Johnny Hallyday sings with Liza Minneli Whole Lotta Shakin ‘Goin’ is . For the last it is dead Shuman, Gilbert Montagné and Eddy Mitchell who visit him. The training counted within it several English musicians who following many disagreements passed the hand, they were therefore in an emergency replaced by (among others): Pierre Billon with percussion, and Marc Demesleter, then Roadie, on the guitar. Soon nicknamed “Rocky”, the latter will become the official guitarist of Hallyday for a few years
  33. The installation of this gloved hand required that the architecture of the zenith be modified to allow the passage of a horizontal crane; Thus an entire wall is shot down and a 20 -meter long hollow tunnel – Source: Brieu 2003, p. 167.
  34. Song broadcast in 45 laps on August 31: Do not kill freedom , Nothing to anyone – Original reference Philips 880281-7
  35. Nothing, apart from the back of one the presence of a red fist with Johnny written in white for the “false live”; While on the version of November 12, (“real live”), a fist of white color is distinguished while Johnny is written in red. So much for the visual, listening side, on the “real live” Do not leave me And Nothing to anyone are preceded by a comment. The real surprise comes from the “false live”, where the given version of Nothing to anyone Understands a verse with totally different words; This version remains one of the most unknown and rare songs of the singer.
  36. In 1974, Hallyday recorded a French version of the title, (It’s a) Honky Tonk Woman , (album Rock ‘n’ Slow)
  37. Detail of the singing tour per evening:
    • June 18, 1993
      • Part 1 : 1 Musical introduction – 2 The idol of young people – 3 I was born in the street – 4 my little wolf – 5 medley: not this song, when the night comes back, hold at night, if I was a carpenter – 6 In my hands – 7 Cours faster Charlie – 8 o Carole – 9 The fight – 10 Mirador (with David Hallyday) – 11 oh my pretty Sarah (with David Hallyday on drums) – 12 I forgot to live – 13 black is black – 14 medley rhythm and Blues: the blows, until midnight, as hard as wood, bad, I am alone
      • Part 2 : 1 The abandoned singer – 2 medley: for me life will begin, the lost generation, to break everything, the arms on the cross – 3 The penitentiary – 4 The daughter of last summer – 5 hey Joe – 6 Laura – 7 Requiem For a madman – 8 My mouth – 9 medley: memories memories, leaves the girls, at the Hotel des Cœurs broken, Let’s Twist Again, Da Dou Ron Ron – 11 The good time of Rock’n’roll – 12 that I love you
      • Part 3: 1 musical introduction – 2 Gabrielle – 3 sons of person – 4 something from Tennessee – 5 It doesn’t change a man – 6 It is terrible – 7 your tender years (Sylvie Vartan) – 8 The fire (with Sylvie Vartan) – 9 I want to engrave you in my life (with Sylvie Vartan) – 10 I will be there – 11 The music I love – 12 Excuse me partner (with Eddy Mitchell, accompanied on guitar by Paul Person) – 14 Happy Birthday Rock’n’Roll (with Eddy Mitchell) – 15
    • June 19, 1993
      • Part 1 : 1 Musical introduction – 2 The idol of young people – 3 I was born in the street – 4 my little wolf – 5 I will be there – 6 medley: not this song, when the night comes back, remember at night, if I was a carpenter – 7 o Carole (with Joey Greco on guitar) – 8 The fight – 9 Mirador (with David Hallyday) – 10 oh my pretty Sarah (with David Hallyday on drums) – 11 I forgot to live – 12 black is black – 13 medley rhythm and blues: the blows, until midnight, as hard as wood, bad, I am alone)
      • Part 2 : 1 The abandoned singer – 2 medley: for me life will begin, the lost generation, to break everything, the arms on the cross – 3 The daughter of last summer – 4 hey joe – 5 Le penititier – 6 Laura – 7 Requiem For a madman – 8 medley: memories memories, leaves the girls, at the Hotel des Cœurs broken, let’s twist again, da dou ron ron) – 9 The good time of rock’n’roll – 10 that I love you
      • Part 3: 1 musical introduction – 2 Gabrielle – 3 sons of person – 4 something from Tennessee – 5 It is terrible – 6 your tender years (Sylvie Vartan) – 7 The fire (with Sylvie Vartan) – 8 I want to engrave you in my life ( With Sylvie Vartan) – 9 L’en desire (with Michel Sardou) – 10 The music I love – 12 Excuse me partner (with Eddy Mitchell) – 14 Happy Birthday Rock’n’Roll (with Eddy Mitchell + at the end Sylvie Vartan, David Hallyday, Michel Sardou) – 14 Rock’n’roll man
    • June 20, 1993
      • Part 1 : 1 Musical introduction – 2 The idol of young people – 3 I was born in the street – 4 my little wolf – 5 I will be there – 6 medley: not this song, when the night comes back, remember at night, if I was a carpenter – 7 o Carole (with Joey Greco on guitar) – 8 The fight – 9 Mirador (with David Hallyday) – 10 oh my pretty Sarah (with David Hallyday on drums) – 11 I forgot to live – 12 black is black – 13 medley rhythm and blues: the blows, until midnight, as hard as wood, bad, I am alone
      • Part 2 : 1 The abandoned singer – 2 medley: for me life will begin, the lost generation, to break everything, the arms on the cross – 3 The daughter of last summer – 4 hey joe – 5 Le penititier – 6 Laura – 7 Requiem For a madman – 8 medley: memories memories, leaves the girls, at the Hotel des Cœurs Broken, Let’s Twist Again, Da Dou Ron Ron – 9 that I love you
      • Part 3: 1 musical introduction – 2 Gabrielle – 3 sons of person – 4 something from Tennessee – 5 It is terrible – 6 your tender years (Sylvie Vartan) – 7 The fire (with Sylvie Vartan) – 8 I want to engrave you in my life ( With Sylvie Vartan) – 9 L’en desire (with Michel Sardou) – 10 The music I love (with Paul Person on guitar) – 12 The good time of Rock’n’Roll

  38. That same year, the Rolling Stones themselves had to give up for lack of important reservations to give a second concert / source: Brieu 2010 / The group occurred at the Stade de France on July 25, 98, that’s the very first musical event given in this enclosure
  39. A collector’s box of three vinyls is also broadcast but in a very confidential way, because they are offered to those who will send all of the forty coupons inserted in the CD re -editions of Studio / Source albums: Chapter 5, page 178, L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Alternatives editions, Daniel Lesueur
  40. Thus he sings on June 18 in Brussels at the King Baudouin stadium, on 22 in Strasbourg at the Stade de la Meinau, (…), the 28 and 29 in Geneva at the Praille stadium, (…), July 13 at the Chaban-Delmas stadium in Bordeaux, in Lyon) at the Gerland stadium on July 1 and 2 and in Nantes at the Beaujoire stadium on July 9 and 10
  41. May 14, 15, 17 and 18.
  42. This broadcast obtains, with 5.8 million viewers and 30% market share, the best audience of the evening
  43. singer of the group Les Rolling Stones, who published their first 45 laps in June
  44. Jean-Pierre Pierre-Bloch, longtime friend and former secretary of the singer, says: “At the end of the night and a trip in the boxes of London, a guy clings to us, tenacious, sticky. He says he is a painter and wants us to visit his workshop. Wearing war, we follow it. On the edges of the Thames, he actually lives surrounded by paintings. He gives Johnny one. Twenty years later, on the Champs-Élysées, I see a poster that announces an exhibition. I recognize the painter, the click, everything comes back to me. I phone Johnny: “You remember, London, the sticky painter, the canvas … You know who it was … Francis Bacon! Is it worth millions, where is this painting? I don’t know, replied Johnny, I had to lose it in a move ” (sic)
  45. The French public was able to (re) discover in 1993 on Canal+ on the occasion in June of the Nuit Hallyday / In 2008, it was broadcast on DVD, included in the box program Johnny Hallyday – Volume 1 – The 60s – Reference: Mercury Universal 531 175 3
  46. New 45 rounds of the singer, recently released which precedes the new album of Hallyday Gang) written and directed by Jean-Jacques Goldman. They will repeat in December on television, in the program Champs Élysées , giving a different version with a long spoken / source introduction: L’argus Johnny Hallyday , alternative editions, chapter 7, page 235, Daniel Lesueur
  47. These duos will be broadcast on two live albums; Respectively in May 2001, CD Bruel Live Pactric: Nothing fades … de Bruel and November 13, date of the release of the live of Pascal Obispo Vintage Live 00/01

Citations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. “It is the year – 1967 – where Johnny Hallyday began to dominate his voice and his body to climb to the rank of the best vocalists and the greatest show men international ” – Source : Brieu 2003, p. 89.
  2. A show that only Johnny can afford to undertake. Because he is the only one of all the survivors of the 1960s to want to take risks again // Source: “Rock” magazine n O October 57, 1982

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. / Accessed February 4, 2018.
  2. a et b Tours » , on (consulted the ) .
  3. Daniel Lesueur, Johnny Hallyday L’Idole (+ Argus) , white truck edition, page 52
  4. Jean-François Brieu , Johnny Hallyday Complete Live , Mercury, , p.8 .
  5. Quinonero 2012, p. 47, quote: “[…] Johnny Hallyday was behind the launch of Full moon festivals , in Canales […] an event that will host for fifteen years the biggest names in French song, from Jacques Brel, to Claude François, via Sylvie Vartan, Françoise Hardy […] Pierre Albert Préjean n ‘ is not proud to have given his commune […], a national audience which earned him the flattering name of “Olympia des Cévennes”. »»
  6. Frédéric Quinonero , Johnny Live 50 years of scenes , The archipelago, , p.48 .
  7. –VERSAILLES-UGC-REHabilite-La-mythique-Salle-du-Cyrano.php / Accessed July 26, 2020.
  8. Jean-François Brieu, book Johnny Hallyday Integral Live 2003 , page 23, quote: “The kick -off of this inaugural Olympia, brings us back […], to Tuesday 19 [September] at the Versailles Cyrano. It is indeed a rite which is due to the heart of the Coquatrix house: any artist who starts a new recital is entitled to a running session in this Yvelines cinema … ”
  9. Johnny Story , François Jouffa, 1979, page 49, Quote: (Lee Hallyday “We decided to launch the Twist at Olympia. […] The Twist allowed Johnny to be accepted […], thanks to Twist […], Johnny made a triumph from the first … ”
  10. Bob Brandard et Jean-Louis Rancurel, Johnny Hallyday’s first complete discography , Deville edition, 1982, p. 16
  11. Quinonero 2012, p. 48-50.
  12. Jean-François Brieu, book Johnny Hallyday Integral Live 2003 , page 23.
  13. Quinonero 2012, p. 49.
  14. Jean-François Brieu, book Johnny Hallyday Integral Live 2003 , page 24, quote: “[…] This first of Olympia, to which Gilbert Bécaud had wanted to attend not from the room but from behind the scenes. The man, for whom so many armchairs had immune six years earlier, wanted to take the measure of his young successor. ”
  15. Quinonero 2012, p. 67, Quote: “Johnny, framed by eight dancers seeks to impose a new dance close to the Charleston, the Mashed Potatoes …”
  16. Quinonero 2012, p. 67-68, quote: “Thus, after the effective She is terrible […], and a reported success of Nashville, Shake the hand of a madman […], The Blond Devil translates Trouble from Elvis Presley in The fray . […], a trio of dancers, including the cousin lee, on a choreography of Conrad Pringle, former comrade of touring Halliday’s, simulates on the stage a fight inspired by West side story . […] The final is just as spectacular, with its resumption of the standard of Ray Charles I Got A Woman , […], connecting Rock’n’Roll and Cinema […], Johnny kneels, sleeps his guitar forward scene and, as well as James Dean deposited his red jacket on the inert body of Sal Mineo to the end of The fury of living , he covers her with his jacket. The show is over. ”
  17. Quinonero 2012, p. 68, quote: “[…], the Olympia displays complete at each of the representations (thirty -one in total). Likewise, the press finally seems to adhere to the cause of the singer … ”
  18. He went out in videocassette in 1994 / Reference: Video Johnny Olympia 62 , Video polygram.
  19. Quinonero 2012, p. 70, Quote: “Johnny sings in the afternoon for Christmas celebrated at Olympia by Disks around the world , in front of a room of three thousand children aged six to thirteen. »»
  20. Jean-François Brieu , Johnny a French passion , Edition of the layer, , p.30 , Quote: “… The play area includes one of the territories most frequented by black jackets. Result: an impressive concert which, contrary to what we say happens as in a dream. Except that on the outskirts of the main axes, it plays a bit from the motorcycle chain, even the stop knife. »»
  21. / The unprecedented party is also transformed into a violent demonstration: grids torn off, destroyed cars, fights and confrontations with the police.
  22. Edgar Morin : “I was the first to use the” yéyé “expression.
  23. The world (10.12.2009), “Hi friends”, Guide of the “Decovers” of 1963 “:” Yé-Yu, Morin invents the term in the world “.
  24. Johnny Story , François Jouffa, 1979, p. 65 , Quote: “In The world From July 6, the sociologist Edgar Morin damages the word Yéyé and defends youth. »»
  25. Franck Ferrand, “Hi Copains”, program At the heart of the show On Europe 1, September 14, 2012
  26. L’argus Johnny Hallyday alternative editions, p. sixty one , Daniel Lesueur
  27. 1964 tour » , on (consulted the ) .
  28. Brieu 2003, p. 45-47.
  29. file:///G:/01%20DOSSIERS%20PHILIPPE%20(S.27.04.2019)/01%20JOHNNY%20HALLYDAY/A%201960%20-%202017/01%20CHRONOLOGIE%20(1960%20-%202017)/ANN%C3%89ES%201960/1964/00b%20Sc%C3%A8nes%201964/Sc%C3%A8nes-Dates%20et%20Set%20List%201964.htm / consulté le 22 juin 2019.
  30. Rémi Bouet, Johnny Hallyday thousand and … a life , Solo éditions, 2003, page 49, quote: “He went to the army, May 8, 1964, […]. He joined the 43 It is Armored regiment of naval infantry in garrison in Offenburg. »»
  31. Jean-François Brieu, book Johnny Hallyday Complete Live , 2003, page 57.
  32. François Jouffa, Jacques Barsamian, Johnny Story , 1979, page 79, quote: “He left directly from Offenburg to Colmar where this tour began and the next day we went to Ostend …” (Testimony of Gilles Paquet his press attaché).
  33. Brieu 2010, p. 48.
  34. 1965 tours » , on (consulted the ) .
  35. Daniel Lesueur, Argus Johnny Hallyday Discography Global and Quotes , 2003, editions alternatives, page 76, quotation: “Liberated with its military obligations, Johnny will be able to resume tours. […] He will now move with the Richard Middleton Group. »»
  36. François Jouffa, Jacques Barsamian, Johnny Story , 1979, page 79, quote: “In Geneva, firefighters intervened with fire spears and, following this gala, Johnny could not spare in Geneva for something like five years. (Testimony of Gilles Paquet his press attaché).
  37. Daniel Lesueur, Argus Johnny Hallyday Discography Global and Quotes , Editions Alternatives, 2003, page 78, Quote: “[…] In other cities the situation turns to the riot, Johnny will be prohibited from stay in Geneva for five years. ».
  38. Brieu 2003, p. 58
  39. Brieu 2003, p. 57, Quote: “I try to set up in France the rhytm’n’blues he declares (Johnny Hallyday to the press), […] we will see what it gives to Olympia. »»
  40. / Accessed July 3, 2019.
  41. / Accessed July 3, 2019.
  42. Rémi Bouet, Johnny Hallyday thousand and … a life , Solo edition, page 60.
  43. Interview with TV Magazine, March 13, 2011, page 16.
  44. Television document, rebroadcast on Canal+ in 1993, on the occasion of the Hallyday night
  45. Brieu 2003, p. 76.
  46. L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Daniel Lesueur, editions alternatives, chapter 3 page 89
  47. Brieu 2003, p. 89
  48. Daniel Lesueur L’argus Johnny Hallyday , editions alternatives, chapter 3 pages 93 94
  49. François Jouffa, page 98, Johnny Story (1979)
  50. François Jouffa, Johnny Story (1979), page 103
  51. a et b Brieu 2003, p. 101.
  52. magazine Rock & People n O 29, June 1969, article by François-René Christiani
  53. Quinonero 2012, p. 143.
  54. Brieu 2003, p. 103.
  55. Johnny Story (1979), pages 103-104, François Jouffa
  56. / Accessed September 20, 2019.
  57. François Jouffa Johnny Story (1979), page 104
  58. a et b Complete Johnny Hallyday 1993, fascicle 1967-1972
  59. Johnny Story , François Jouffa, page 111
  60. Brieu 2003, p. 113.
  61. / Accessed November 15, 2019.
  62. Brieu 2003, p. 114.
  63. Johnny Story , (1979), François Jouffa, page 115
  64. a et b Brieu 2003, p. 115.
  65. Hallyday Exist is insisting … , Rémi Bouet, Limited Access edition, 2012, p. 50 .
  66. François Jouffa Johnny Story (1979), page 117.
  67. a et b Johnny Story (1979), François Jouffa, page 117
  68. Rémi Bouet Johnny Hallyday thousand and… a life , Sala Éditions, page 83.
  69. Johnny 100 cult concerts that have marked his life , 2012
  70. François Jouffa Johnny Story (1979), page 119
  71. a et b “Discography Johnny Hallyday”, by Bob Lampard and Jean-Louis Rancurel, 1982, Delville edition
  72. a et b Magazine Mademoiselle Age Tender N ° published in August 1973, interview with Jean-Michel François
  73. https://www.24heures. / Accessed April 7, 2020.
  74. François Jouffa Johnny Story (1979), page 122
  75. Johnny Story (1979), pages 123-124, François Jouffa
  76. Quinonero 2012, p. 191.
  77. a et b Quinonero 2012, p. 193.
  78. A B and C Tours 1975 » , on (consulted the ) .
  79. Quinonero 2012, p. 193-194.
  80. / Accessed May 29, 2020.
  81. Dominique Grandfils, White truck: anthology of French rock from 1956 to 2017 , , 1066 p. (ISBN  978-2-35779-927-1 , read online ) , p. 250 .
  82. François Jouffa, page 126 Johnny Story (1979)
  83. Johnny Story (1979) Page 126, François Jouffa
  84. Quinonero 2012, p. 196-197.
  85. Quinonero 2012, p. 197.
  86. Quinonero 2012, p. 197-198.
  87. / Accessed May 29, 2020.
  88. Jean-François Brieu Johnny Hallyday Complete Live , 2003.
  89. Johnny Story , François Jouffa, 1979.
  90. Daniel Lesueur L’argus Johnny Hallyday , 2003, alternative editions.
  91. Quinonero 2012, p. 201.
  92. Quinonero 2012, p. 200.
  93. François Jouffa Johnny Story (1979), pages 129 130
  94. 1997 tour » , on (consulted the ) .
  95. Johnny Hallyday thousand and… a life , Rémy Bouet, Sala Éditions, pages 91, 93
  96. François Jouffa, page 130, Johnny Story (1979)
  97. Quinonero 2012, p. 210.
  98. L’Argus Johnny Hallyday , chapter 7 page 230, editions alternatives, Daniel Lesueur
  99. Johnny , book by Daniel Rondeau, Nil éditions, 1999
  100. Johnny Story (1979), François Jouffa, page 134
  101. Daniel Lesueur, L’Argus Johnny Hallyday , chapter 4, page 128, editions alternatives
  102. Brieu 2003
  103. François Jouffa Johnny Story (1979) – Daniel Lesueur Johnny Hallyday L’Idole (+ Argus) , white truck editions
  104. Johnny Hallyday L’Idole (+ Argus) , page 257, white truck editions, Daniel Lesueur
  105. Collection Johnny Hallyday , Integral CD 1993, 1976-1980 booklet
  106. 1976-1980 booklet, Integral CD 1993, Collection Johnny Hallyday
  107. Daniel Lesueur, Argus Johnny Hallyday discography and quotes , 2003, alternative editions, p. 231 .
  108. L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Alternatives editions, Daniel Lesueur, chapter 4, page 132
  109. Johnny Hallyday Integral Live 2003 , pages 149-150
  110. Daniel Lesueur, alternative editions, L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Chapter 4, page 132
  111. Magazine Rock , n O 57, October 1982
  112. Brieu 2010, p. 122
  113. Fascicule 1981 – 1983 Collection Johnny Hallyday Integral CD 1993
  114. Brieu 2010, p. 124.
  115. Johnny Hallyday Integral Live 2003 , page 168
  116. Daniel Lesueur, alternative editions, L’argus Johnny Hallyday , chapter 4, pages 142-143
  117. Brieu 2003, p. 167.
  118. Brieu 2003, p. 168.
  119. Brieu 2003, p. 167 and 169.
  120. Complete Johnny Hallyday 1993, Fascicle 1985-1991
  121. Brieu 2003, p. 169.
  122. Johnny Hallyday » , on (consulted the ) .
  123. Collection Johnny Hallyday Integral CD 1993, Fascicle 1985-1991
  124. L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Daniel Lesueur, editions alternatives, chapter 5, page 151
  125. Brieu 2003, p. 179-180
  126. Brieu 2010, p. 137
  127. Daniel Lesueur: Johnny Hallyday L’Idole (+ Argus) , pages 150-151
  128. a et b Daniel Lesueur, L’argus Johnny Hallyday , alternative editions, chapter 7 page 235
  129. alternative editions, L’argus Johnny Hallyday , chapter 7 pages 235 236
  130. a et b Jean-François Brieu Book Johnny Hallyday Integral Live 2003 , p. 187
  131. / Accessed September 5, 2021.
  132. https://www.centpourcent-vosges.fry/life-style/hightech/johnny-hallyDay-diego-Plebiscite-depuis-la-mort-du-chanteur/ Accessed September 5, 2021.
  133. Quinonero 2012, p. 267, Quote: “[…], introducing an innatent song, which will register in the pantheon of Hallydennes works: Diego free in his head , written by Michel Berger for France Gall and admirably rendered here in a raging hymn … ”
  134. Quinonero 2012, p. 266.
  135. Johnny Hallyday thousand and … a life , Rémi Bouet, page 112, Sala Éditions
  136. a et b Quinonero 2012, p. 268.
  137. 1990 » , on (consulted the ) .
  138. Quinonero 2012, p. 268-270, quotes: “The show is played for three weeks at closed counters [… / and], brings together two hundred and fifty thousand fervents. […] THE Cadillac Tour Then travels France, Switzerland and Belgium […]. The voters of the Victoires de la Musique soon awarded him two prizes, that of the best musical show and that of the artist who broke the record for the number of spectators in the year (more than three hundred and fifty thousand), which Yves Montand gives him . »»
  139. Quinonero 2012, p. 271, quote: “They are sixty thousand gathered on the Esplanade du Parc de Vincennes to attend on Saturday June 8 at the exceptional concert given for the benefit of SOS Racisme. »»
  140. Quinonero 2012, p. 272, quote: “Friday June 21. The Paris town hall celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Music Festival […], by two major shows, […], the other on the Place de la République with Johnny Hallyday. […], his singing turn completed in the Republic, the star goes to Trocadéro to interpret Diego , Gabrielle And The music I like Live on television (TF1). »»
  141. Tours 1991 » , on (consulted the ) .
  142. Quinonero 2012, p. 273.
  143. Quinonero 2012, p. 273-274, quotes: “Among the crowd gathered on September 15 – one hundred thousand people according to the press – a majority came to applaud Johnny and does not hesitate to whistle the speech of the secretary general of the Communist Party, Georges Marchais, forced To make a conciliation with the first rows: “Johnny, you will see him and I will listen to it with you, but you will have it all the faster since I will have made my speech!” »»
  144. / Accessed September 5, 2021.
  145. Quinonero 2012, p. 274.
  146. Brieu 2010, p. 156.
  147. a et b Brieu 2010, p. 160.
  148. Tours 1994 » , on (consulted the ) .
  149. -allait-mouririr-scene -citaristististe-rockeur / Accessed July 14, 2018.
  150. / Accessed July 14, 2018.
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  152. programme “Lorada tour” 1995
  153. program of Lorada Tour
  154. Hallyday Exist is insisting … , Rémi Bouet, Limited Access edition, 2012, p. 53 And p. 57 .
  155. Video documentary Making of Végas
  156. A B and C Hallyday Exist is insisting … , Rémi Bouet, Limited Access edition, 2012, p. 57 .
  157. Brieu 2010, p. 168.
  158. Hallyday Exist is insisting … , Rémi Bouet, Limited Access edition, 2012, p. 53 And p. 57 Quote: “Forgot the tracheitis, Johnny lets go of the wild beasts and the scene is only a concentrate of energy …”
  159. programme “Destination Vegas”
  160. Brieu 2010, p. 174.
  161. Frédéric Quinonéro, Johnny Live 50 years of scenes , 2012, Éditions l’Archipel, page 316, quote: “[The concert] supported by Jean Tibéri, mayor of Paris, within the framework of the festivities of the year 2000 …”
  162. L’argus Johnny Hallyday , Daniel Lesueur, chapter 5, page 178, editions alternatives
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  173. Élisabeth Perrin, Johnny Hallyday, Chropique the to concert » , on , TVMag , (consulted the ) .
  174. Collected by Didier Méreuze, ” Johnny Hallyday under the gaze of Bernard Murat », The cross , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  175. AFP, «  J. Hallyday in concert at the Eiffel Tower », Le Figaro , ( read online , consulted the ) .
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  208. Paris attacks: Johnny Hallyday asks for a minute of silence in Strasbourg » , on Le Figaro (consulted the ) / Accessed December 24, 2015.
  209. Johnny Hallyday’s tribute to victims of the attacks during his concert in Bercy » , on Le Huffington Post / Accessed December 24, 2015.
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  221. / Consulted on October 19, 2016.
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  223. / Consulted on January 25, 2023.
  224. Johnny Immortal 1943-2017 , Frédéric Quinonero, 2017, Éditions l’Archipel, pages 878, 879, quote: “Then, comes the summer and the turn of the festivals. A summer bereaved by a new terrorist attack on the Truck in Nice, […], July 14. […] Johnny sings to the arenas of Nîmes on the 17th and in the end La Marseillaise with the public. “In this cruel world, […], Ile has only love left,” he said at the Arcachon Velodrome before taking over Jacques Brel’s song. »»
  225. Johnny Immortal 1943-2017 , Frédéric Quinonero, 2017, L’Archipel editions, page 879, Quote: “[…] It is at the ancient theater in Vienna that the tour ends on July 21. »»
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  234. / Consulted on September 19, 2017.
  235. / Consulted on September 19, 2017.
  236. Anthony Martin, «  “This tour is morally beneficial to me,” says Johnny Hallyday », RTL.FR , ( read online , consulted the )
  237. http://www.lindependant.Fr/2017/07/04/Festival-de-carcassonne-les-vieilles-canailles-a-la-lite-Pour-le-ironer-active-da-tournee-2017, 3031578.php / Consulted on September 19, 2017.
  238. The artist offers him one of his paintings – a painting which he will later lose in a move // ​​sources: They walked on their heads – 450 incredible news items, unpaid and hilarious , Pierre Bellemare & Jérôme Equer, Éditions Albin Michel, September 2010, p. 52 (ISBN  978-2-222-20623-7-7 )
  239. L’Argus Johnny Hallyday , Daniel Lesueur, editions alternatives, page 88, chapter 3
  240. a et b 1968 tours » , on (consulted the ) .
  241. Johnny Story (1979), page 100, François Jouffa
  242. 1970 » , on (consulted the ) .
  243. / Accessed October 30, 2019.
  244. Tours 1973 » , on (consulted the ) .
  245. Tours 1974 » , on (consulted the ) .
  246. a et b Complete Johnny Hallyday 1993, 1972-1976 booklet
  247. / Accessed January 25, 2018.
  248. Integral CD 1993 Collection Johnny Hallyday 1976-1980 booklet
  249. / Accessed August 2, 2015.
  250. / Accessed March 19, 2016.
  251. Frédéric Quinonero, Johnny Live , , 390 p. (ISBN  978-2-8098-0730-1 , read online ) , p. 123 .
  252. Brieu 2010, p. 140.
  253. L’Argus Johnny Hallyday , Alternatives editions, Daniel Lesueur, chapter 7, page 236 / + Collection Johnny Hallyday Integral CD 1993, Fascicle 1985-1991
  254. Collection Johnny Hallyday , 1993, integral CD, booklet 1985-1991
  255. editions alternatives, chapter 5, page 156, L’Argus Johnny Hallyday , Daniel Lesueur
  256. / Reference for all duets in 2000 / accessed June 25, 2020.

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