Joris Lacoste – Wikipedia


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Joris Lacoste , born in Langon (Gironde) the [ first ] , [ 2 ] , is a French author and director.

Joris Lacoste is known as the theater author from the end of the 1990s: his texts were published in Open Theater and in Inventory/Invention, and translated into English, Italian, German, Croatian and Portuguese.

From the 2000s, after several collaborations with directors and choreographers, he created his own shows: 9 Lyrics for actress and Caisse Claire in 2005 (Aubervilliers laboratories), Purgatory In 2007 (National Theater of the Hill), Parliament In 2009 (Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art), The real show In 2011 (Fall Festival in Paris). His pieces invent original forms of writing and speech playing with the codes of representation. They borrow as well from theater, dance, visual arts, music, sound poetry, and non -artistic forms such as play, conference, political discourse, sport.


His work claims a research dimension, underpinned by a strong theoretical activity (articles, conferences, workshops, seminars).

He initiated two collective projects: the project IN (theory, practice, criticism of performance and creation of the performance notation of the performed action Organ ) since 2004, and the Speech encyclopedia (exploration of the diversity of oral forms) since 2007, with which he has created the shows Parliament (2009), Suite n°1 (two thousand and thirteen), Suite n°2 (2015), Suite n°3 ‘Europe’ (2017), Suite n°4 (2020) and with Élise Simonet Jukebox (2019 -…) [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

He also practices hypnosis through the project Hypnography As part of which he achieved various performances, a radio part, a sound installation, a show and several exhibitions.

His work was shown in particular at the Théâtre de la Bastille, at the Center Pompidou, at the Théâtre de Gennevilliers, at the Festival d’Automne, at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, at the Théâtre de la Ville, at the Wiener Festwochen, at the Teatro Municipal Do Porto, at the Baltoscandal festival of Rakvere, at the Bitéf de Belgrade, at the National Theater of the Hill, in the spring of September, at the Villa Arson, at the Garonne theater in Toulouse, at the TNBA in Bordeaux, at the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, at the Fiaf de New York , at the Biennale, at the Red House, at Mac/Val …

He was co -director of the Aubervilliers laboratories with Yvan Chapuis from 2007 to 2009 [ 5 ] .

  • 2020 – Suite n°4 (Show – With the ICTU set, Pierre -Yves Macé and Sébastien Roux co -entry – Strasbourg National Theater / Musica Festival)
  • 2019 – …: Jukebox (show – Artistic direction Élise Simonet – T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers)
  • 2018: Nor nor fixed (show – Paris workshop / Fall Festival / Talents Adami Words of actors)
  • 2017: Suite n°3 (Pierre-Yves Macé co-entry show-Garonne Theater, Toulouse)
  • 2017: blabla (Composition of the show – Festival de la Bâtie, Geneva)
  • 2015: Suite n°2 (spectacle — Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Bruxelles)
  • two thousand and thirteen : Suite n°1 (spectacle — Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Bruxelles)
  • 2012: 4 prepared dreams (for April March, Annie Dorsen, Tony Conrad and Jonathan Caouette) (performance — Crossing The Line, New York)
  • 2012: The empty house (performance — °far Nyon)
  • 2012: 12 prepared dreams (exposition — Level One/gb agency Paris)
  • 2011: The real show (show – T2G, fall festival in Paris)
  • 2010: The hypnosis cabinet (performance and video installation – September spring in Toulouse)
  • 2009: At the sleep museum (Radio and Installation Piece – France Culture and Villa Arson Nice)
  • 2009: Hamlet after Hamlet de Shakespeare (Translation – Permanent Theater, Gwénaël Morin)
  • 2009: Parliament (Show – Cartier Foundation)
  • 2008-2009: W games (Devices-Performances, with Jeanne Revel-Aubervilliers laboratories)
  • 2007: Purgatory (show – National theater of the hill)
  • 2005: 9 Lyrics for actress and Caisse Claire (show, with Stéphanie Béghain – Aubervilliers laboratories)
  • 2002: How to make a block (Radio text – Inventory/invention)
  • 2000: What’s called screaming (Radio text – Inventory/invention)
  • 1999 : New revelations about the young man (Theater text – Open theater)
  • 1997: How did it happen (Theater text – Open theater)
  1. Lacoste, Joris (1973 -….) , BNF General catalog » , on , 81001-Fri (consulted the )
  2. Joris Lacoste » , on National Center for Scriptures and Show (consulted the )
  3. Fabienne Darge, ” With Joris Lacoste, speech is a theater », The world , ( read online )
  4. Joamen gayot, « Joris Lacoste: speech encyclopedia », France Culture , change of decor, ( read online )
  5. Archives | Aubervilliers laboratories » , on (consulted the )
