Joseph-andré Motte — Wikipedia


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Joseph-André Motte , born in Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur (Hautes-Alpes) and died in Paris 13 It is the [ first ] , is a designer, decorator, French interior designer.

In 1948, Joseph-André Motte left his promotion from the School of Arts Applied to Industry, now the National School of Applied Arts and Arts of Art (ENSAAMA). Among his teachers are René Gabriel and Louis Sognot. He began his career at the cheap art workshop [ 2 ] . In 1954, he felt the plastic research workshop (ARP) with Pierre Guariche and Michel Mortier. He also works in group 4, trained with René-Jean Caillette, Geneviève Dangles and Alain Richard [ 3 ] . Motte is known thanks to a braided rattan armchair called “tripod”, whose hull shape is suitable for all bodies [ 2 ] . From the 1950s, he collaborated with the furniture manufacturer Steiner [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

Seat Motte , RATP 1973, 10/20 sheet in sheet metal on metallic rails, metro station The chapel , Paris

His agency worked on large public orders such as the interior design of Orly airport from 1958 to 1961, on the Le Havre Maritime Gare from 1963 to 1964 or the decoration of the Cergy-Pontoise prefecture in 1970 and the Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport (Roissy 1 and 2). It develops stations from the Paris metro on an order from the RATP placed in 1973 [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] . Motte brings a new style, known as “Andreu-Motte”, characterized by white tiles, benches and colored lighting lines along the quays broken radically with the “sheep” style and its orange tiles [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . He notably draws a seat which would become emblematic of the metro, by creating the individual nickname, which still endowed many metro and RER Parisian resorts today [ 6 ] .

Motte chairs the Society of Decorators from 1966 to 1968. He teaches for thirty years at the National School of Decorative Arts, is a lecturer at the Boulle school and the Camondo school [ 3 ] .

Despite its fame in the designers, Motte is still little known to the general public [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

In 2014, the Galerie Pascal Cook paid tribute to him through an exhibition presented to Design Miami/ Basel then in Paris: “Tribute to Joseph-André Motte”. About fifty pieces designed at the start of his career were exposed, from the most emblematic to the rarest [ 8 ] .

The forms of furniture created by Joseph-André Motte revisit the classic, while remaining simple and accessible to the general public and always taking great care of the choice of materials [ 3 ] , [ 9 ] .

Motte received the René Gabriel Prize in 1957 [ 6 ] and the Compasso Prix d’Oro in 1970 [ 3 ] .

  1. INSEE files report
  2. a et b Xavier de Jarcy, Tribute to Joseph-André Motte, the unknown of the Paris metro » , Telerama ,
  3. a b c d e f and g Mélina Gazsi, Joseph-André Motte, interior designer and design master » , The world ,
  4. a et b Marie Godfrain, Reissue: head office » , M, the world magazine ,
  5. Axelle Corty, Joseph-André Motte, the elegant of the Thirty Glorious » , Knowledge of the arts ,
  6. A B and C [PDF] Joseph -André Motte, Design Élysée, October 20 – 24, 2011 » , Gallery Demisch Danant
  7. Pauline Fontaine, Joseph-André Motte is exposed to Steiner » , She ,
  8. Joseph-André Motte, a designer of his time » , on House side (consulted the )
  9. Biographical notice of Joseph-André Motte » , Paris Decorative Arts Museum

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Patrick Favardin, The decorators of the 1950s , Paris, Éditions Norma, 2002
  • Patrick Favardin, Steiner and the adventure of design , Paris, Éditions Norma, 2007
  • Dominique Forest, The explosion of design in France, 1945-1975 , Paris, Decorative Arts Mad, 2010

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
