Joseph Pascot — Wikipedia


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Joseph Pascot (it give ) is a French rugby player in XV and Minister of the Vichy regime, born on in Port-Vendres (Pyrénées-Orientales) and deceased on in Ribérac (Dordogne).

Player of 1.75 m for 80 kg, having held the position of half opening at USAP and in the French team.

In Club [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

National team [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Club [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

National team [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 6 selections in the French team between 1922 and 1927 (1 test)
  • Selections per year: 3 in 1922, 1 in 1923, 1 in 1926, 1 in 1927

From sports department to ministry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Joseph Pascot in April 1942.

Colonel Joseph Pascot (to G.), and the mayor of Magnac-Laval M.Bancel, in March 1943.

He was a colonel of the French army, in the movement of René de Chambrun (son-in-law of Pierre Laval), himself selected for the French Stadium Stade Stade Toulousain du . Under the Occupation, he was first, from August 1940 to April 1942, Director of Sports in the cabinet of Jean Borotra (Minister of the regime who became collaborationist of Marshal Pétain) then, to the disgrace of his minister, he took the succession of this one of the At .

Of the , with Jean Borotra, in accordance with the moralizing and ruralizing ideology (“the land, it does not lie” …) set up by the supporters of the national revolution which condemned professionalism in sport, he takes the arrangements for ::

During the year 1941 and at the very beginning of 1942, he dissolved by decree at least four Un-Sport national federations and seize (spoliation) their respective federal heritage; These were, for years, the respective official representatives of the Rugby sport in XIII, table tennis, palm game, badminton (i.e. prohibits them immediately from ) .

In , he is responsible for the immediate ban and spoliation of two other national, secular and official federations for years: multi-sport Ufolep and USEP.

By the law of :

  • He also dispossessed during the 1943-44 season, the elite football clubs of their professional status, prohibited them foreign players, set up a “regionalized” championship of players-functionaries whose declared emoluments emanated from a Government budget line
  • He prohibited any financial remuneration, in kind of the participants in competitions, exhibitions and fixing sentences for non-compliance: fines, disciplinary sanctions, even prison.

He received the Francisque [ 2 ] .

His role in the ban on XIII rugby [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The majority of historians attributes a full and whole responsibility to him, as a summit authority. But, if he was present in Toulouse the , on the day of the decision, “the machine had already been launched” by the interview between Albert Ginesty (FFR XV) and Jean Borotra the in Vichy. Following this interview, Borotra had asked for a “rugby report” to Doctor Paul Voivenel who transmitted it on October 4. According to his book, My beautiful rugby Edition of the Heraklès, Toulouse, 1942, p 219-233, it was he who set up the ” Rugby reorganization project “And” at the Thursday meeting in Toulouse, in one of the offices of the Capitol; what they called the Meeting of the four Commander JEP PASCOT, representing the Commissioner General, President Ginesty (XV), President Marcel Laborde (XIII) and Dr. Voivenel, decisions were taken, which were to be ratified ”.

At the release [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the liberation of France, he was tried and sentenced to 5 years of banishment and to the deprivation of his civil rights. This conviction was quickly canceled because he managed to justify that he had also had resistance activities. [Ref. necessary]

A quote :

“Our principle is to grasp the individual everywhere. In elementary school, we hold it. The higher he tends to escape. We strive to make up for it to all turns. I obtained that this EG discipline is imposed on students (…). We provide sanctions in the event of desertion ”(Colonel J.Pascot, speech of June 27, 1942)”

  1. Jérôme Prevot, One day, a story: the thirteen striped of the card » , on , Olympic Midi , (consulted the )
  2. Henry Coston, The order of the Francisque and the National Revolution , Paris, Définna, coll. “Documents for history”, , 172 p. (ISBN  2-913044-47-6 ) , p. 146 .
