Jules Corrard des Essarts – Wikipedia


Jules Corrard des Essarts is a French politician born the in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) and died the in Vanves [ first ] .


Lawyer in Lunéville, he was a municipal councilor and deputy of Meurthe-et-Moselle from 1902 to 1906, registered in the group of liberal action.

Fifth child of Théodore, Jules, Edmond, Corrad des Essarts, born in Nancy, 15 until Place Lafayette, Monday . He did his first studies and his first re Communion, as internal, at the college of Malgrange in Nancy. In 1879, he entered as external in the class of 3 It is to college B x Pierre Fourrier in Lunéville, where his father has just been appointed justice of the peace.

In 1882, he was received in the baccalaureate in letters first re part, and the following year, to philosophy. He is intended for the military career but, finding few provisions for mathematics, he branches off towards the law whose courses he follows at the faculty of Nancy, while continuing to live with his parents in Lunéville.

He was dismissed in law in 1887, prepares for some time the doctorate which he abandoned as too expensive, and does his military service as a volunteer of one year in the ninety four It is of line, at Bar-le-Duc. He goes out n O 1 of the course with the grade of corporal, refusing that of second lieutenant in the reserve.

Back from the regiment, he spent a few days in Monaco, at his uncle Ferdinand Corrard des Essarts, then is part of a Lorraine pilgrimage to Rome, where in the company of Traxelle, Castara and others, he is received in solemn audience by the Pope Léon XIII. Unforgettable vision that will follow him all his life.

He was registered in 1889, as a lawyer at the Lunéville bar and began to plead. He treats little business, despite a real talent for speech.


Already, politics attracts him. As a law student, he is affiliated with the Christian Socialist Party that Albert de Mun trains in Paris. With his student friends, young lawyers, Becker, Castara, Mequillet, Niceville, etc., he travels the neighboring villages every Sunday, conferences which most often bring together a nice audience. The country is in the midst of Wilsonism, Panama, baked, demonstrations of the Patriots League, Dreyfus affair.

In Lunéville itself, Jules Corrard des Essarts becomes one of the leaders of the Catholic circle of workers whose extension he organizes, in concert with M Stef. He cooperates with workers’ assistance works: purchase of joint coal, placement office mainly in favor of the Alsatians-Lorrainers released from the Foreign Legion where they came to serve in large numbers, not wanting to be German soldiers. His popularity grows every day in workers who recognize their defender and guide them.

At that time, the Lunéville municipal council is made up of full radicals. In the municipal elections of 1896, his influence on the workers brought the two main leaders of the liberal opposition to the Council, MM. Edmond Guérin and Georges Keller, director owner of the earthenware of Lunéville as well as Jules Corrard des Essarts.

In the legislative elections of 1898, no one in the Liberal Party dares to face the struggle, so much the electoral situation of the outgoing deputy, Nicolas Fenal, earthenware in Pexonne, seems unassailable. 8 days before the elections, Corrard presents himself with the support of the Catholic circle under the label of “Republican Catholic candidate, anti-Jewish” as well as “liberal and independent”. His political adversaries take him into derision: the reactionary bourgeoisie considers him as a dangerous socialist, but the clergy of the campaigns which found his freedom by the repeal of the Concordat, walks as one man in his favor.

The struggle is tough, the workers do not abandon their candidate. The demonstrations follow one another in his favor of the cries of “Long live Corrard, low the Jews” . We are still right in the Dreyfus affair. The electoral posters follow one another, violent, sometimes insulting. To a manifesto of the radical party chaired by M. Erard, miller to Jolivet, who reproaches Corrard for being a lawyer without cause, maintained by his parents, Corrard responds with the following poster which sets the tone of the in progress:

Mr. FENAL who fled all the public meetings where everyone could have exhibited their program, made me insult by M. Erard.

M. Erard criticizes me for being a lawyer without causes. I will not blame him, I, of being a miller without bags of wheat in his granaries.

Workers who have seen the price of bread increase in last days, you know something about it.

Down with speculators and contempt for insults who criticize a democrat for not being rich. »

At the examination of the ballot, after an 8 -day campaign, during which he could not visit all the villages, Corrard obtains 8,500 votes against 11,000 in his competitor M.  Fenal.

Suddenly, his name is featured. In the 1902 elections, a committee trained composed by M. Michaux, Director of the Cristalleries of Bacarrat, Klopstein, director of the Cirey ice cream factory, Bouvier, a big owner of Bayon, Turckeim from the Wagons factory, Guérin, director of the earthenware of Lunéville. Workers’ representatives are part of the committee, money tributary.

The radical party is in disarray. It is difficult to find a man capable of fighting the favorite of workers, who is himself documented on all social questions, ardent to the struggle and popular speaker of a real talent. In despair we fall back on the mayor of Lunéville, M. Ribierre, ex-Harmacian, man of thin value but popular in the city by his bonhomie and his carelessness. In the ballot, Corrard leads first with 10,500 votes, against 9,000 to his competitor. He does not have an absolute majority, there is a banker.

In the second round, in order to remove the votes of the campaign from Corrard, the radical party arouses him a new opponent in the person of M. Switzerland, cultivator-owner in Monel, vice president of the agricultural comice. M. Switzerland is a liberal republican, very honest man but resolutely hostile to the social ideas of the Count of Mun, highlighted in the district by the Corrard candidacy.

During this week, the meetings always contradictory and public held by Corrard follow one another without interruption. They are often tumultuous and violent. In Gerbéviller, that the Corrard family has lived since 1865, the candidate, despite his great habit of electoral assemblies, has a lot of trouble being heard. He was criticized for his privacy with the Marquis de Gerbéviller; his father’s reactionary conduct at , while he was just justice of the peace. It is alternately called for Calotin, royalist, revolutionary.

MP for Lunéville – May 11, 1902 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On the evening of the ballot, the voices are distributed as follows:

  • Corrard des Essarts: 12,000 votes – elected.
  • Ribière: 6000 votes
  • Switzerland: 4,000 votes

Enthusiastic demonstrations take place all evening in front of the house of Jules Corrard and at the headquarters of his committee.

Lorraine has therefore released [not neutral] With a stroke of the Dreyfusard and Combist block. Indeed, Marin, Gervaise, Fery de Ludre are elected in Nancy, Lebrun in the Meuse, Frerette in the Vosges, all nationalist deputies.

Thanks to the efforts of Corrard, in 1904, the majority of the municipal council was itself overturned. Henri Castara becomes mayor; The radicals only have 3 votes, Ribierre, Moquillet and Langenhagen. Corrard himself entered the municipal council in 1900.

The new deputy moved to Paris, Boulevard Malesherbes. He takes his former prescription from the ninety four It is Online, H Hebert, whom he will bring in the police prefecture as a peacekeeper and who will later make a fortune as director of a cookie factory in the vicinity of Paris.

He is registered in the National Party chaired by Jacques Piou.

As a deputy, he takes the floor for the first time in the gallery of the Chamber, in , in the case of Father Delsor

Father Delsor, former protest deputy at Reischtag for the Ribeauvillé borough, is one of the most influential men and one of the leaders of the Autonomist Party at the time, whose doctrine holds in these words:

Unable to be French

Not wanting to be Germans

We will be Alsatians »

Father Delsor passing through Lunéville is invited by Corrard to do in the village hall of the Catholic Circle of Lunéville, a conference on Alsace intended for Alsatians and their family, conference having no political goal since women and children are invited.

As he went to this meeting, at 8 o’clock in the evening, Father Delsor was arrested by the city’s police commissioner who notified him an immediate decree of expulsion from French territory. The decree in which Father Delsor is qualified as ” German subject “Is signed by the President of the Council, Minister of the Interior, Emile Combes and carried out at the very moment. Father Delsor returns to the border in Avricourt in the care of plainclothes.

The event went unnoticed in Lunéville, but the newspapers take hold of the case which produces great effervescence not only in Lorraine but in annexed Alsace, where it greatly satisfies the German party.

Corrard challenges the government. In his speech to the House, speech reproduced in all the newspapers of the opposition, he recounts the facts simply and without animosity, about Alsace then stopping, paraphrasing the word of Gambetta: “Let’s always think about it, let’s never talk about it” He pronounces these words which carry the applause of most of the assembly: “This silence, M. The President of the Council, whom we have never considered oblivious, you have interrupted it voluntarily without being forced by any necessity; You knowingly interrupted it, knowing that you were going to injure the Alsatians – Lorrainers by the words “German subject”; You interrupted it with a brutal verb, as if you wanted to abolish a dream by awakening pain. ”

In his fairly vague response, Minister Combes affirms that by the expulsion of Father Delsor, he only wanted to prevent the return of tumultuous scenes of which Lunéville is often the theater, and on the words “German subject”, are only ‘An administrative term. Then he violently attacks Delsor in his capacity as an autonomist and accuses the opposition parties mainly in Lorraine of playing patriotism for an electoral purpose. Ribot then speaks and, in a masterful improvisation, castigates the entire ministry. He accuses him of not understanding anything in the Alsatian soul and by his expulsion decree, of having encouraged the movement of disaffection in France, chased for 30 years by Germany. In the ballot, the majority of the Combes ministry which is normally 150 votes, dropped below 50.

During the legislature, Corrard had to speak several times on administrative issues. It is called in many cities to make political conferences there, especially in Lyon and Geneva.

His marriage April 25, 1904 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , he married in Nancy Marie-Antoinette Didierjean, born in 1874, daughter of Count Didierjean, deceased (Count of the Pope), former director of the Cristalleries of St Louis, in annexed Lorraine. Ceremony celebrated at St Epvre by Father Fruminet, parish priest of Lunéville. Witnesses: the deputies of Nancy, count of Ludre and Gervaise. Lunch seated at the Grand -hotel in Nancy – DOT 400,000 fr. The new cleaning moved to Paris, 182 Boulevard Péreire (XVIIth). THE , a daughter was born, Bernadette, and in 1911 a second daughter, Marie-Antoinette, who will marry the M. André Imbernotte, industrialist in Courbevoie.

The 1906 elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the 1906 legislative elections, Corrard presented himself again in the Lunéville district. The electoral struggle is tough. The campaigns were strongly worked by the radical party beaten in 1902. The opponent, Official candidate, Raoul Mequillet, talented lawyer in Lunéville, defector of the royalist party (he was once greeted the Count of Paris in Switzerland) is ardently supported by all the functionalism of the district. [not neutral] Besides, Corrard seems to have lost his ardor and his former enthusiasm. He is disillusioned, tired, perhaps he is already suffering from the disease which will prevail a few years later. However, the working -class world to whom each year he has reported his mandates remains faithful to him, but many hesitant rally to the candidate who has government favors.

In the ballot, Corrard obtains more than 11,000 votes, Mequillet 10,500. There is a ballot. It is a serious disillusionment for the supporters of Corrard. They are discouraged and in the following ballot, Mequillet is elected with 100 votes at most of them.

Without a situation now, Corrard hesitates to resume his lawyer dress, to remain in politics by writing in the newspapers, or to seek a situation in a society where his knowledge in law could serve him. In any case, he does not want to return to Lunéville where, by politics, he has made many enemies, any more than Haby Nancy, where his wife has kept in the upper bourgeoisie, relations or a kinship which displease him.

Enter the rue d’Uzès – 1908 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1908, he entered as a pole sponsor in the trade house of his brother-in-law Alexis, 10 rue d’Uzès, with an contribution of 280,000 FR, constituted by a good part of the fortune of his wife. He has just lost his mother-in-law, Madame Didierjean, as well as his wife’s brother, Antoine Didierjean, artillery captain. The affairs of the rue d’Uzès volu and he withdrew soon after.

He is already seriously ill, complains of neck pain and must have, without result, a season at the waters of Martigny near Vittel in 1909. During 1910 his character changed, he became violent, lost his memory, speaks a lot, is excessive generosity. The worried doctors ask for a consultation from the famous Doctor Babinsky, a neurologist, who diagnoses the beginning of general paralysis and prescribed his transfer to a clinic.

He entered a health center in Vanves, near Paris, where, after one or more periods of remission, he weakens morally and physically day by day. He sometimes realizes his state, but most often remains indifferent to everything around him, even to his family.

The , was born in Paris, avenue de la Grande-Armée where he installed his family before entering the health house of Vanves, his second daughter, Marie-Antoinette, whom he will not know.

He dies slowly, the in the Vanves health home. Provisional burial in the Saint-Ouen cemetery, pending his transfer to Nancy, in the Préville family tomb, which will take place in 1912.

His widow, Marie-Antoinette Didierjean, remarried in 1913 with Mr. Bardel de Jugnac, director in Paris of a banking agency. She will have a son, Charles Bardel.

  • “Jules Corrard des Essarts”, in the Dictionary of French parliamentarians (1889-1940) , under the direction of Jean Jolly, PUF, 1960 [Edition detail]
  • Ba notebooks “Family site Transcription of the Memoirs of his young brother on Colonel Marie Ernest Alfred Paul Henry dit Gabriel Corrard des Essarts
  • Jean El old , François Roth and Jean-Claude Delbreil , Dictionary of Lorraine parliamentarians of the Third Republic , Serpenoise, (ISBN  2-87692-620-2 And 978-2-87692-620-2 , OCLC  85885906 , read online ) , p. 144
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