Julián Carrón — Wikipedia


The father Julian Carrón (born in Navaconjo, the ) is a Spanish priest, theologian and linguist.


He is a specialist in former Aramaic and Biblical Greek. Since 2005, after the death of its founder Luigi Giussani, he has directed the Communion and Liberation movement (CL): as president of the communion and liberation fraternity, and as ecclesiastical advisor of the association Memores Domini.

Ordained a priest of the diocese of Madrid in 1975, doctor of theology in 1984 and full member of the Biblical school of Jerusalem, Julián Carrón has long taught Holy Scripture at the Institute of Biblical Studies Saint-Damase in Madrid, ‘Current time Saint-Damase University: Among its main centers of interest, the study of the historicity of the Gospels, where it represents what is called the exegetical school of Madrid; In this area, he published, in addition to many articles, the book JESUS ​​THE MESAS DIFFERENT ( Study Semitic Novi Testaments , 2 – Madrid 1993).

With a group of priests very attached to Father Javier Martinez (currently Archbishop of Granada), Carrón gave life in Spain, between the 1970s and 1980s, to the experience of a young movement, named after New Earth . In these same years, a decisive meeting took place between these priests and some meats Spanish [ first ] , and consequently with M gr Luigi Giussani.

In 1985, Carrón and his friends decided, with the majority of the members of their original movement, to effectively join communion and liberation, recognizing a common inspiration, and they stored in the number of disciples of M gr Giussani.

Carrón then became director of the Spanish publishing of the International Theology Review Communion And one of the CL leaders in Spain.

In 2004, M gr Luigi Besussi A appeama in Italy, Milan (Tu’u Father Carrón is a professor of theology at the Catholic University), this “call” corresponds to an explicit designation to succeed him to the direction of the communion and liberation movement: this news was disseminated in , to the annual meeting for the friendship between the peoples in Rimini.


After the death of M gr Giussani le , Father Julián Carrón was elected and actually took the direction of the communion and liberation movement ( ) of which he was elected president, and he was appointed (the ) ecclesiastical advisor to the association Remember the Lord , the two associations had been founded by Father Giussani. Here is one of his first statements:

“The loss of don Giussani left me speechless. Compared to him, I am a little man, a poverty. And that’s why his disappearance touches me all the more. […] I am sure that from up there Don Giussani, like a father, will continue to accompany me, as he has already done until today ”
( The Republic , , 2005)

In the summer of 2005, Father Julián Carrón was received for the first time by Benoît XVI. The pope did not just show his esteem towards M gr Giussani, but he invited Father Carrón to the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist who was held in the fall of the same year. Besides, the In Rome, Place Saint-Pierre, on the occasion of the celebration of vespers during the meeting between the Pope, the ecclesial movements and the new communities, Father Julián Carrón intervened with a commentary by the Apocalypse.

In , he participated in the Synod on “the Eucharist: source and summit of the life and mission of the Church”, as father Synodal designated by the Pope.

In , he was appointed by Benoît XVI Consultant of the Pontifical Council for the Laïcs.

In , he participated in the synod on “the Word of God in the life and in the mission of the Church”, as a synodal father designated by the Pope.

In , he was appointed by Benoît XVI Consultant of the new Pontifical Council for the promotion of new Evangelization

The Father Julián Carrón is given the presidential medal and the doctorate Honorary From the Catholic University of America in Washington, during the annual diploma ceremony. The doctorate was awarded to him “for its exceptional service in the field of theology, in particular of the Holy Scripture, and for its direction of an international ecclesial movement recognized by the Pope. »»

In He participated in the synod on “the new evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith” as Synodal Fathers designated by the Pope.

  1. Appellation given by communion and liberation members (abbreviated CL).
