Kandanda Camara – Wikipédia


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Kandia Camara , born In Abidjan, is a teacher by training and Ivorian politician. She was Minister of National Education in several governments of President Alassane Ouattara, before being appointed Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs in April 2021.

Holder of an English license obtained at the University of Abidjan and a certificate of advanced studies in education from the University of Lancaster in England, Kandia Camara taught English between 1983 and 1986 at Modern College de Cocody and at Treich-la-Pute college. From 1986 to 2002, she was a specialty English teacher at the Abidjan hotel vocational high school.

She is a former handball high-level player [ first ] . Twice champion of Côte d’Ivoire (in 1974 and 1980), she won the African Cup of Champion Clubs in 1981 with ASC Bouaké [ 2 ] .

Between 1987 and 1991, it was a member of the National Bureau of the National Union of Secondary Teachers of Côte d’Ivoire (SYNESCI) and, between 1989 and 1991, member of the Association of Women Teachers of French -speaking Africa.

Her husband, Inza Camara, holds Ivorian and American nationalities. He was, in 2021, Consul General of Côte d’Ivoire in New York [ 3 ] .


In 1990, she founded the group for the gathering and awareness of women for the PDCI-RDA.

From 1990 to 1994, she was secretary general of the National Office of the Women’s Union of the PDCI (UFPDCI) and also a municipal councilor at the town hall of Cocody.

Between 1994 and 1998, she held the post of Secretary General of the Rally of Republican Women (RFR), of which she ensured the national presidency of 1998 in [ 4 ] .

In 2003, she was appointed special councilor of the Prime Minister of the Government of National Reconciliation and Transition, which she held until 2010.

She is assistant to the mayor of the commune of Abobo from 2001 and deputy of the said municipality from 2011.

Kandia Camara is Minister of National Education from 2011 [ 5 ] . The title of his post is modified in the new Amadou Gon Coulibaly government of the Third Republic formed the [ 6 ] .

It is chosen by Alassane Ouattara as a new secretary general of the Rally of Republicans (RDR) , after the 3 It is Ordinary Party Congress [ 7 ] . With the creation of the RHDP, which mainly contains the RDR and the former members of the PDCI, it loses this position of secretary general in the new party [ 8 ] .

In 2020, it must set up children’s remote schooling, schools being closed for several weeks because of the Cavid-19 pandemic [ 9 ] .

On April 8, 2021, Minister of National Education for ten years, she succeeded Ally Coulibaly at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Côte d’Ivoire [ ten ] . It is the number two of the government [ 11 ] .

In July 2021, she was elected mayor of the commune of Abobo by the municipal council, replacing Hamed Bakayoko, who died a few months earlier [ twelfth ] .

  1. Kandia Camara (Minister of National Education) -Abidjan.net who? » , on Abidjan.net (consulted the )
  2. Exclusive /Ivory-Biography-Biography File: Course and curriculum /All about the members of the new government of the 3rd Republic » , on http://abidjantv.net/
  3. The Cornelian dilemma of Inza Camara, husband of Minister Kandia Camara and consul in New York » , Africa Intelligence,
  4. Weblogy, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Cote d’Ivoire, Ivory coast « Kandia Camara (Minister of National Education) – Abidjan.net who is who », Abidjan.net , ( read online , consulted the )
  5. Ten things to know about Kandia Camara, Ivorian Minister of National Education – Jeune Africa » , on Jeuneafrique.com , (consulted the )
  6. Ivory Coast: The list of the new government unveiled – Youngafrique.com », Jeuneafrique.com , ( read online , consulted the )
  7. Henriette Diabaté, President, Kandia Camara SG: women take ’’ power ’’ in the RDR » , on Abidjan.net , (consulted the )
  8. Côte d’Ivoire: defectors of the party of Henri Konan Bédié promoted to the RHDP of Alassane Ouattara », Young Africa , ( read online )
  9. Project ‘‘ School closed, but Cahiers Open ’’: Kandia Camara reveals how distance lessons will take place | Fratmat » , on www.fratmat.info (consulted the )
  10. Florence Richard, Ivory Coast: Kandia Camara, the tireless faithful of Alassane Ouattara » [html] , on young Africa , (consulted the )
  11. Benjamin Roger, «  New government in Côte d’Ivoire: a tight and rejuvenated team », Young Africa , ( read online )
  12. Ivory Coast: How Kandia Camara was elected mayor of Abobo » , Young Africa,

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