Kashō era – Wikipedia


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L’ Kashō era, ( Jiaxiang ? ) , also known as Kajō , is one of the eras of Japan ( Year number , nengō ? , bed. “Name of the year” ) After the Jōwa era and before the Ninju era. This era covers the period from the month of Until the month of [ first ] . The reigning emperors are ninmyō ( Emperor Neki ? ) et montoku ( Emperor Bunkoku ? ) [ 2 ] .

  • Kashō Gannen ( The first year of Jiaxiang ? ) : The name of the new era, Kajō (meaning “auspicious”), is created because a white turtle was discovered in the province of Bungo and which it was presented to the Emperor. The old era ends when the news begins, in JōWA 15, the 13 It is day of 6 It is month of 848 [ 3 ] .
  • ( Kashō 1, ten It is day of first re month ): The Dainagon Fujiwara no yoshifusa (904-872) is appointed Udaijin . He is the former brother SADAIJIN Fujiwara Fuyutsugu (775-826). Fujiwara no Akira-Keiko, the daughter of Yoshifusa, becomes the wife of the emperor Montoku and the mother of the emperor Seiwa [ 4 ] .
  • 848 ( Kashō 1, 6 It is month ): A white turtle is discovered in the province of Bungo. As it is an extraordinary thing, all the officials of the court appear before the emperor and comment on the auspicious that this turtle represents [ 5 ] .
  • 849 ( Kashō 2, 4 It is month ): An ambassador of the kingdom of Baekje is received at the Court [ 5 ] .
  • 849 ( Kashō 2, 5 It is month ): Baekje’s ambassador is received by the emperor who distracted him. Emperor Tenmyō Charge Ono No Takamura to prepare a letter which must be presented to the Baekje court [ 5 ] .
  • 849 ( Kashō 2, ten It is month ): Nimmyo celebrates sound 40 It is birthday and many gifts are offered to him [ 5 ] .
  • 849 ( Kashō 2, 11 It is month ): The emperor goes around the capital in major procession and when he passes in front of the prison, he orders Yoshifusa to release all the prisoners locked up there. Ninmyo has rice and small currency distribute to the poor [ 5 ] .
  • 850 ( Kashō 3, first re month ): The emperor makes an official visit (Chōkin) to his mother’s residence to testify to his filial piety [ 6 ] .
  • ( Kashō 3, 21 It is day of 3 It is month ): Emperor Ninmyō died at the age of 41 and his older sister receives the estate ( sense ) [ 7 ] . Shortly after, the emperor Montoku formally accesses the throne ( SOKUI ) [ 8 ] . Depending on his wishes, he is buried without pump or ceremony. After that, the emperor is sometimes called the “Fukakasa emperor” according to the name given to his mausoleum. Emperor Ninmyo reigned 17 years. 14 years during the Jōwa era and 3 years during the Kajō era [ 9 ] .
  • 850 ( Kashō 3, 5 It is month ): Tachibana no Kachiko widow of the emperor Saga, mother of the emperor Ninmyō and grandmother of the emperor Montoku dies. This very pious Buddhist created a temple called Danrin-ji ( Tanlin Temple ? ) On the site of the current Tenryū-ji ( Tenryu temple ? ) – more ceremoniously known as tenryū shiseizen-ji ( Tianlong Shengzen Temple ? ) , located in what is nowadays Susukinobababa-Chō, Ukyō district in Kyoto. Before his death, the former empress is known by her honorary name and his title, Danrin-Kōgō ( Queen Tan Lin ? ) and is honored as if it were a saint [ ten ] .

  1. Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2005). ” Kashō ” in Japan Encyclopedia , p. 486 on Google Books ; N.B., Louis-Frédéric is the pseudonym of Louis-Frédéric Nussbaum, see German National Library Authority File
  2. Titsingh, Isaac. (1834). Annals of Japanese emperors , p. 106 -112; Brown, Delmer et al. (1979). Gukshō , pp(3-284; Varley, H. Paul. (1980). Jinrooro Site , p. 164-165 .
  3. Brown, p. 284 ; Titsingh, p. 111 .
  4. Titsingh, p. 111 ; Brown, p. 284 .
  5. A B C D and E Titisngh, p. 111 .
  6. Titingh, p. 111 ; Varley, p. 165 .
  7. Brown, p. 284 .
  8. Varley, p. 44 ; A distinct act of sense is not recognized before the Emperor Tenji and all the sovereigns, with the exception of Empress Jitō, of the emperor Yōzei, the emperor Go-Toba and the emperor Fushimi have the sense and the SOKUI The same year until the reign of the Emperor Go-Murakami
  9. Titsingh, p. 112 , Brown, p. 284 .
  10. Titsingh, p. 112 .
