Katyń (Film) — Wikipedia


Katyn is a Polish film by Andrzej Wajda which deals with the Katyń massacre, according to the book Post Mortem, L’Ostoire de Katyń , d’law Mularczyk. La Première a eu lieu le , on the anniversary of the Soviet invasion (1939). He was appointed for the 2008 Oscar 2008 for the best foreign film. This film was released in France, in , in a small number of rooms.


Me- , the Red Army invades the eastern part of Poland. In the spring of 1940, on the order of Stalin, more than 20,000 Polish officers and resistant were summarily executed in the forests of Katyń, Tver and Kharkov. The Germans partially discovered the mass graves of Katyń in 1941 and more completely in 1943. As soon as the defeat of Hitler and until 1990, the truth about these massacres was falsified by the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of Poland, Who officially make the Nazis rest the responsibility of this war crime.

The film presents the massacre of Katyń from the point of view of the living, that is to say from the point of view of wives and mothers who waited for years before knowing what the Polish officers arrested by the L ‘Soviet army in 1940. He also stopped on the post-war period, showing the falsification company of history led by communist power and the attempts of certain relatives of the victims to defend the truth. It is only in the last scene that Wajda puts an end to all alterations in history by showing the assassinations from the point of view of the victims.

Andrzej Wajda on the shooting of the film, in Krakow in 2006
  • Title : Katyn
  • Réalisation: Andrzej Wajda
  • Scénario: Andrzej Wajda, Władysław Pasikowski et Przemysław Nowakowski, d’A après le Roman d’LEj Mularczyk, Postmortem
  • Costumes: Magdalena Biedrzedcka
  • Photographie: Paweł Edelman
  • Montage: Cezary Grzesiuk
  • Musique: Krzysztof (Eragm. De la 2 and 3 Symphony, Gloria, Chaconne))
  • Polish film
  • Production: Michał Kwiecinski
  • Sociétés de Production: Akson Studio, TVP, Polish Film Institute, Telekomunikacja Polska
  • Distribution companies: Iti Cinema, Kinovista
  • Budget: 15 million Złoty (€ 4.3 million in 2007)
  • Native country : Drapeau de la Pologne Pologs
  • Language: Polish
  • Format: Colors – Son Dolby Digital Surround Ex digital – 4K digital shooting, and 35 mm transfer
  • Genre: Historical film, war film
  • Duration: 118 minutes
  • Exit dates:

Maja Ostaszewska plays the wife of one of the Polish officers
  • Maja Ostaszewska: Anna
  • Artur Zmijewski: Andrzej, Anna’s husband, captain of the 8 It is Uhlans Regiment
  • Maja Komorowska: La Mère d’LEAN
  • Władysław Kowalski: Professor Jan, Andrzej’s father
  • Andrzej Chyra: Lieutenant Jerzy, du 8 It is Uhlans Regiment
  • Jan Englert: the general
  • Danuta Stenka: Róża, General’s wife
  • Magdalena Cielecka: Agnieszka, La Sśur du Lieutenant Pilote
  • Agnieszka Kawiorska: Ewa
  • Stanisława Celińska: Stasia, the general family employee
  • Joachim Paul Assböck: Obersturmbannführer Bruno Müller (“Docteur” Müller)
  • Jacek Braciak: Lieutenant Klin, Ami du Lieutenant Jerzy
  • Wiktoria Gąsiewska: «Nika” (Weronika), La Fille d’An et d’rzej
  • Agnieszka Glińska: Irena
  • Paweł Małaszyński: Lieutenant Piotr
  • Sergueï Garmach: Major Popov (Sous Le Nom Sergei Garmasz)
  • Antoni Pawlicki: Tadeusz
  • Oleg Drach: The Commissioner (under the name Oleg Dracz)
  • Oleg Savkin : L’Officier DU NKVD (Sous and nom oleg sawkin)
  • Tadeusz Wojtych: Władysław, Le Photographe
  • Waldemar Barwinski: the Polish officer
  • Sebastian Bezzel: the propaganda officer
  • Stanisław Brudny: The old man of the bridge
  • Alicja dąbrowska: the actress with a bald skull
  • Aleksander Fabisiak: a teacher
  • Krzysztof Globisz: the chemistry teacher
  • Krzysztof Kolberger: a priest
  • Zbigniew Kozlowski: the militia officer
  • Olgierd Lukaszewicz: Un Prêtre
  • Leszek Piskorz: a priest
  • Jakub Przebindowski: the young priest
  • Anna Radwan: Elżbieta
  • Dariusz Toczek: L’Angicier Polonais

The first takes place in 2007, in Poland, at the Warsaw Opera, the , anniversary of the Red Army invasion during the Second World War [ first ] . The film obtained significant success in the country, ending at the 2 It is Annual box office square [ 2 ] . He is projected in Moscow in [ 3 ] .

The filmmaker regretted the little dissemination abroad [ 4 ] . The broadcast of Katyń in France is indeed limited to some very rare neighborhood cinemas, in very small rooms. Some projections are organized, in , in cities in the North and Pas-de-Calais.


The film officially only releases the , in a very limited circuit [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , comprising only 13 rooms [ 7 ] . Many operators refused a wide distribution to the film, thus limiting the presentation of this story to the general public [ 3 ] . He will, in all, 25,414 admissions in France [ 8 ] . In a letter to the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA), the French deputy Marc Le Fur deplores that “this film did not benefit from the support usually attributed to foreign films”. Marc Le Fur also asks the CSA the broadcast of the film on public service [ 6 ] . The film will however be broadcast by television on Arte the [Ref. necessary] .

In Switzerland, the film will only be entitled to a single projection, the in Geneva [ 9 ] .

On the television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This film went to a prime time on a Russian national television channel (Kultura). The Paris-Prime French channel programmed it, the , at 8:35 p.m. Swiss French television broadcast it on its first channel (TSR 1) on Tuesday , at 11:30 p.m. It is programmed on Arte the 14 and [ ten ] .

The opinions of specialized journalists are, Most of them positive [evasive] [ 11 ] .

In an article published in The world , Jean-Luc Douin Critique Andrzej Wajda for “The back to back of the Nazis and the Soviets as predators of the national territory” And “The strange confusion between Katyń and the genocide of the Jews. Nothing, no allusion, in the film, on the Shoah, but a description of the roundups, the hunt for the families of Polish officers, as if it were the deportation of the Jews. Disturbing detail: these prey of a programmed massacre are viscerally attached to their teddy bear. However, the Yad Vashem museum in Jerusalem has made the bear a symbol of the extermination of Jewish children, the martyrdom of a people [ twelfth ] » . This analysis arouses a vigorous position of Adam Michnik, published in the same daily life. Michnik declares himself dismayed by the “Troubling ignorance” French daily life:

“At the time, Poland was fragmented by two totalitarian powers bound by the German-Soviet pact. The terror in the two occupied parts of the country was comparable; The brutality and the cruelty with which the two occupants imprisoned and murdered the Poles was the same. […] In Western Europe, […] The ideological dogma prohibited the side of Hitler and those of Stalin. Criticism of World is therefore trapped in this dogma, while Wajda defies it. The Polish director breaks the wall of silence. […] It was a taboo subject for the French left. For many years, she kept silent around the invasion of Poland by the Red Army, the crimes of the Soviets, as well as on Katyń. Until today, this tragic historical event is a corpse in the closet of the French left, so long indulgent with regard to the great linguist, Joseph Staline [ 13 ] . »

An article published in Humanity the cultivates ambiguity. Its author recalls what the Soviet official thesis was for a long time, but he continues by writing that the result does not convince [ 14 ] .

  • Appointment for the 2008 Oscar for the best foreign film.
  1. LA POLOGNE Revit Le Drame de Katyn , Maja Zoltowska, Liberation, 18 Sep 2007
  2. Poland Yearly Box Office 2007 , on boxofficemojo.com
  3. a et b The film Katyń and the dumplings of Jean-Luc Douin. , Saint Poland, 8 Avril 2009
  4. “I wanted to evoke crime and lie” , The world , 31 mars 2009.
  5. Event: Katyn’s DVD release, an essential film on Politics.com Freedom.com
  6. a et b A deputy requires the dissemination of Katyn on France Télévisions , article by Thierry Dupont, 04/13/2010 on L’Express.fr
  7. France entry sheet of Katyn , on jpbox-office.com
  8. Katyn Sur Jpbox-office.com
  9. On the occasion of the publication by Delphine Debons, Jean-François Pitteloud and Antoine Fleury, acts of the historic conference in Delphine Debons, Antoine Fleury, Jean-François Piteloud, Katyn and Switzerland: experts and medical expertise in humanitarian crises, 1920-2007 , Geneva, Georg, , 432 p. (ISBN  978-2-8257-0959-7-7 , read online ) .
  10. Téléobs.nouvelobs.com, programs of April 2011
  11. Critics: Katyn , on cineserie.com
  12. Jean-Luc Douin, Katyn : poignant and painful film for Wajda » , The world .
  13. Adam Michnik, Katyn or the film of the Polish massacre by the Soviets ” , The world .
  14. J.R., “You haven’t seen anything in Katyn” , Humanity , .
