Kehl — Wikipedia


Throat ( / k It is ː l / [ first ] Listen ) is a German commune in the Land of Baden-Wurtemberg and the District of Ortenau ( Place ). With a population of around 38,000 inhabitants on December 31, 2022, the municipality of Kehl constitutes the eastern part of the agglomeration of Strasbourg; It is part of the Strasbourg-Ortau Eurodistrict and forms with Strasbourg the cross-border space Strasbourg-Kehl, a “Eurocity” of the European Union.

Located on the right bank of the Rhine at the Île aux épis, opposite Strasbourg, it is made up of a city center located by the river and neighborhoods ( Districts ), former villages integrated into the Kehl communal ban during the 1965-1975 municipal reform in FRG [ 2 ] . The city center, burnt down at XVIII It is century, was rebuilt according to a checkered plan.

City situation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kehl is located in the Rhine ditch, about three kilometers from the mouth of the Kinzig in the Rhine, making it an ideal port city. It is in the old flood zone of the Schutter, Kinzig and Rhine.


It is a city of average size in the area of ​​influence of Offenburg (within the Region of the Upper Rhine), but also of Strasbourg, of which it is interdependent: it is in a way the “German district” of the ‘Strasbourg agglomeration.

Kehl also has particularly strong relationships with the neighboring municipalities of Rheinau and Willstätt.

Neighboring municipalities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Urban structure [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The municipal territory of Kehl brings together, following the municipal reform of the 1970s, the former commune of Kehl and the old communes of Sundheim, Auenheim, Bodersweier, Goldscheuer, Hohnhurst, Kork, Leuteheim, Neumühl, Odelshofen, Querbach and Zierolshofen . These districts of the city are ancient villages, each managed each by its own magistrates.

To these districts are added a few hamlets or localities, which have only few inhabitants and whose limits are not formally identified: Niedereich and Wolfsgrube near Kehl; Kittersburg (Kittersburg), Kittersburger Mühle (“Moulin de Kittersbourg”), KommissionSinsel (“island of the Commission”); Auenheimer Mühle (“Moulin d’Auenheim”), Korker Mühle (“Moulin de Kork”), Ziegelei Kork (“Kork Tuilerie”), Leutersheimer Mühle (“Moulin de Leutesheim”).

Transports et communications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kehl is served from the city center of Strasbourg by line D of the Strasbourg tramway via 3 stations: since Kehl train station , and since University/Läger And Kehl-Rathaus Its terminus near the town hall.

The monument in memory of the war of 1870-71.

Toni Vetrano, mayor of Kehl between 2014 and 2022.

Middle Ages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kehl is mentioned for the first time in 1038.


In 1333, a first bridge was built between Strasbourg and Kehl and from 1388, a permanent link was established between the two sides of the river. At that time Kehl was A component of the city of Strasbourg [not clear] .

At XV It is century took place three new locations: Lenidits Bridgehead (“Bridgehead”) and Mitteldoerfel (“Middle hamlet”, a district which follows due to floods of the Iringheim locals in the south and Hundsfeld in the upper part of the current Kehl), and the village of Sundheim. These three locations are linked to various lords (Geroldseck, Boeklin, Nassau, Grohstein and Bock) between which the seigneurial rights are shared.

In 1497, half of the city was part of the ban of the Baden Margrave.

Modern times [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1678, France conquered by a seat and annex Kehl, considered as a section of the Strasbourg defense system, which is still an imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire. Strasbourg was in turn taken and annexed in 1681.

In 1683, Kehl was transformed into a fortress by Vauban and the engineer Jacques Tarade. East of the fortress, the inhabitants of the old village found a new city, Kehl city , which will remain an autonomous commune until 1910.

In 1698, the fortress was ceded to Frédéric VII, margrave of Baden. It will undergo three other seats: by France in 1703 (War of Succession of Spain) and in 1733 (Polish Succession War), by Austria in 1796-1797 (war of the first coalition).

The heads of Pont de Huningue, Khell, Cassel, etc. provided these great advantages to the French army during the last war. »»

Simon François Gay de Vernon Elementary treaty of military art and fortification [ 3 ]

The , Marie-Antoinette is officially “exchanged” between France and Austria on an island of the Rhine near Kehl. This island, which was still inhabited before the First World War, is called “island of the commission” ( Commission island ), in reference to the Marie-Antoinette exchange committee.

War war memorials 1914-1918 in the “Garden of Roses” (Rose Garden)

In 1774, Rights in the municipality of Kehl, inside the Homonym Fortress [not clear] Charles-Frédéric de Baden margrave are conceded to the Margrave Charles-Frédéric.

XIX It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1800, Kehl was part of Baden Margraviat, which became the baden electorate in 1803, then the Grand Duchy of Baden (capital: Karlsruhe), integrated into the German Empire in 1871 (until 1918).

After Several exchanges between France, the country of Baden and Austria [not clear] , the fortifications were dismantled in 1815 in accordance with the Paris Treaty of 1814, signed after the abdication of Napoleon in Fontainebleau. The city and the village of Kehl (including Sundheim) then belonged to the administrative district of Kehl, whose headquarters are in Kork.

The first port facilities were built between 1842 and 1847 by the administration of the railways of Baden. With the construction of the railway bridge on the Rhine in 1861, Paris was connected for the first time directly to Vienna by the train. The locomotive changes and correspondence are made in Kehl.

During the Franco-German war of 1870, the city was again the target of French attacks and suffered significant damage.

In 1881, the local administration’s headquarters was transferred from Kork to Kehl.

At the end of XIX It is century, in order to fortify Strasbourg (Germany again in 1871), a network of twelve forts was built by Von Biehler, including the Fort Blumenthal de Kehl-auenheim, which will be destroyed during the First World War, while the forts Bose and Kirchbach will be energized during the Second World War. There are still forts of this type on the Hausbergen hill or Reichstett.

XX It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kehl was occupied by the French army from 1919 to 1930 (Rhineland occupation area).

In 1924, the administration of Kehl was transferred to the Landkreis (canton) of Kehl which took over some municipalities from the Landkreis of Oberkirch, abolished.

After the annexation by Germany of Alsace and Moselle in 1940, Kehl, as well as the municipalities of Schiltigheim, Bischheim, Hœnheim, Eckbolsheim, Oberhausbergen, Lingolsheim, Ostwald and Illkirch-Graffenstaden, is integrated into the new City of Strasbourg .

This status persists a few years at the start of the post-war period. In 1953, the city was reintegrated into the Land of Baden-Wurtemberg, established in 1952 by the Federal Republic of Germany (the occupation zone proper until 1955).

In 1960, the Pont de l’Europe was inaugurated between Strasbourg and Kehl.

Following the communal reform of 1971, tending to the grouping of existing municipalities, Kehl crossed the CAP of 20,000 inhabitants. The municipality then asks to have the status of ” Large district town (Grande City Canton), which is accepted by the government of Baden-Wurtemberg and enters into force the . With the reform of the districts of , the district ( Circle ) Regional of Kehl is dissolved and its territory integrated in the arrondissement of Ortenau.

In 2004, the rapprochement between Kehl and Strasbourg was relaunched thanks to the Festival des Deux Rives and by the construction of the Passerelle des Deux Rives, inaugurated on April 23, which created a pedestrian and cycling link between the two cities.

In addition, in partnership with Strasbourg Eurometropole, the realization of the Beatus-Rhenanus bridge on the river makes it possible to extend the line D of the Strasbourg tramway at Kehl station in April 2017 then at the town hall in November 2018 [ 4 ] .

The city is administered by a council of twenty-six members elected for five years. The last elections were held on .

The city is a member of the Eurodistrict intercommunality in Strasbourg Ortnau.

The town hall [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town hall ( City hall ) is located at No. 85 of the HauptStrasse. It is also an important pole of public transport.

Racing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kehl central station ( Kehl train station ) is the second most important station in the Ortnau and is one of the two stations that serve Kehl and its urban community. The station is adjacent to the city center and is close to all the shops in the city center pedestrian area.

City Center Kehl [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The City Center Kehl (CCK) is the most important shopping center in the city and is located a few hundred meters from the station. It is reached by three car parks, the interior parking, the roof parking and the Läger parking lot [ 5 ] .

The hospital [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

L’ Ortenau Clinic Kehl is the only hospital in the city [ 6 ] .

Museums [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Kehl-Kork craft museum [ 7 ] : “Craft museum”
  • Hanauer Museum : place of temporary exhibitions
  • German epilepsy museum cork : “German museum on epilepsy”

The Deux Rives Garden [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bassere connecting the two banks

From April to Kehl welcomed the State garden show (“Land horticultural exhibition [ 8 ] »), Organized event of each in the Baden-Wurtemberg and in other Land. Important cultural event in Germany, it often attracts nearly three million visitors. [Ref. necessary]

That of 2004, organized in collaboration with Strasbourg, was also called Garden show of the two bank (“Horticultural exhibition of the two banks”).

The highlight of this event was the inauguration of the Jardin des Deux Rives, a cross-border park, the design of which was the subject of a competition won by the German team Brosk (landscaper) and AGIEBAS-WIENSTROER (Architects- urban planners). The park, established on the two banks of the Rhine, is equipped in its center with a footbridge reserved for pedestrians and cyclists, designed by the French architect Marc Mimram. On the German side, we decline the concept of floralies and we present environment -related technologies. On the French side, we insist more on an artistic and conceptual approach with nineteen “ephemeral gardens” on the theme of water.

This cross -border demonstration allowed local authorities to launch the process of constituting a Eurodistrict between the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and the ORTENAU, with the establishment of a local cross -border cooperation (GLCT).

Today, because of its particular situation on the two banks of the Rhine, the Jardin des Deux Rives is a symbol of friendship between France and Germany, but also of the European spirit.

A few minutes from Strasbourg and Kehl, the Jardin des Deux Rives, which covers 150 hectares, offers its visitors the pleasure of an international ride where French and German languages ​​rub shoulders naturally. The garden has children’s play areas, relaxation places, a panoramic tower and also hosts the Kehl municipal swimming pool.

Symbolic representation of Mother Kinzig [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It was the sculptor Franz Xaver Reich who created this cast iron statue, the “mother Kinzig”. Originally it was a symbol of the Kinzig river and was in a niche of the tower of the railway bridge, inaugurated in 1861. When in 1870 the bridge was partially destroyed, the sculpture sank in the Rhine , but could be recovered later. It was then placed in front of the old town hall as part of a war memorial. Today, it constitutes the central figure on the city market square.

Europa 1 pump boat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The city of Kehl is one of the main operators, with the Bas-Rhin department and the SDIS 67 of the Europa Pompea 1. The city firefighters provide with the Strasbourg firefighters, the various interventions [ 9 ] .

International cooperation organizations sitting in Kehl [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kehl is headquarters like its neighbor Strasbourg “capital of Europe” of several international institutions. At the “Rehfusplatz” international district are domiciled by many organizations of cross -border and international cooperation, namely:

In the town are also based on networks:

  • Trischola (for school partnerships in the Upper Rhine) and
  • TRION (Network on the Energy of the Metropolotian Region Trinational of the Upper Rhine) [ 18 ] .

Next to the station, in the immediate vicinity of the Franco-German border, we have been there since 2013:

  • The first cross -border investment service, a joint agency in Pôle Emploi and the Bundesagentur für Arbeit [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] ,
  • EURES -T – Oberrhein/Upper Rhine cross -border and
  • The European Consumer Center (Euro-Info-Consummators).

Not far from there, a Franco-German river gendarmerie company was installed in 2012 [ 21 ] . The Franco-German center for police and customs cooperation has its headquarters.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Standard German pronunciation transcribed according to API standard.
  2. This distribution in several well-individualized urban entities explains the use of the term “center-center” to designate the historic urban nucleus.
  3. Simon François Gay de Vernon, Elementary treaty of military art and fortification: for the use of students of the Polytechnic School, and students of military schools , vol. 2, Paris, Allais, .
  4. Philippe Dossmann, A motion to celebrate the agreement » , (consulted the )
  5. Your shopping experience in Kehl » , on City Center Kehl (consulted the )
  6. (of) Ortenau Clinic Offenburg-Kehl , » , on Ortenau Clinic Offenburg-Kehl , (consulted the )
  7. Cf. page Museums on the site of the city of Kehl.
  8. See German pages State garden show and English page Regional Garden Show , which gives the list of Garden show organized in Baden-Wurtemberg and other land.
  9. Cf. [first]
  10. The Metropolitan Region Trinational of the Upper Rhine – RMT -TMO: Metropolitan Region Trinational of the Higher Rhine » , on (consulted the )
  11. Franco-Germano-Suisse du Rhin Upper-Home conference » , on (consulted the )
  12. Euro Institute » , on Euro Institute (consulted the )
  13. The Rhenish Council – Rhine Council » , on (consulted the )
  14. Infobest – Network of information and advice on cross -border issues in the Upper Rhine » , on (consulted the )
  15. European Consumer Center France: Home » , on (consulted the )
  16. Eurodistrict | At the heart of cross -border cooperation » , on (consulted the )
  17. Franco-Allemand Committee for Cross-border Cooperation (23 (…) » , on (consulted the )
  18. Home page » , on The trio (consulted the )
  19. Work in the border region – agentur für arbeit offenburg » , on (consulted the )
  20. Franco-German employment agencies to help cross-border unemployed » , on E-employment connection , (consulted the )
  21. Ministry of inside , A Franco-German river gendarmerie company » , on 2012-dossiers/une-compagnie-de-gendarmerie-fluviale-franco-allemande (consulted the )

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