Kévin Lalouette – Wikipedia


Kévin Lalouette , born the In Abbeville is a French cyclist. Former member of several training courses in amateurs (including CC Nogent-sur-Oise and Ussa Pavilly Barentin), he is professional in the French continental team Roubaix Lille Métropole between 2011 and 2013. Selected many times French team, he participated in several world track cycling championships under the tricolor banner.
His father, Éric Lalouette, is also a former professional cycling runner who participated in the Tour de France in 1976 in the ranks of the Lejeune-BP training and garnered nearly two hundred victories during his career [ first ] .


Career with amateurs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cycling beginnings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A native of Abbeville, it is quite naturally in Picardy that Kévin Lalouette begins with amateurs. He is a member of several clubs including VC Beauvais-Oise and AC Clermontois but runs long enough in the Isarian training of CC Nogent-sur-Oise [ 2 ] .

Dominator with the cadets where he gleaned several bouquets including the title of regional champion in his category, he is selected for the first time in the French on road team at the end of 2000 [ first ] .

He won his first regional event among the juniors in March 2001 by defeating his Skrzypezak teammate to the Sprint during the Sainte-Genevière Prize [ 3 ] .

In 2002, Kévin Lalouette obtained three titles of Picardy champion and the silver medal of the junior team pursuit at the French track cycling championships [ 4 ] . These performances allow him to participate in the world junior track cycling championships in Melbourne in Australia from twenty-one to August twenty-five [ 5 ] . He ranks, on this occasion, fifth of the individual prosecution tournament [ 6 ] .

2003-2008: runner at CC Nogent-sur-Oise [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He climbed on the third step of the podium during the French championships of cycling on track 2003. The same year he was the victim of a serious fall on Paris-Mandes Hope which hinders his progress [ 7 ] .


In 2005, he was second in the Picardy on the road championship and the points race enabled him to obtain bronze at the French Championships on the track hopes.

Kévin Lalouette is selected several times in the French track cycling team during the 2006 season. He competes for the European track cycling championships in Athens in the Espoirs category with his future Roubaisian teammate Morgan Kneisky [ 8 ] And is a part of the team prosecution quartet which participates in the World Cup during the 2006-2007 off-season [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

In 2007, he disputed the Artois loop [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] And the world’s world track cycling championships in Spain with French pistards [ 13 ] , [ 6 ] . On this occasion, he finished eleventh in team prosecution with Alexandre Lemair, Nicolas Rousseau and Fabien Sanchez. On the road, he won the price of Saint-Maximim, the first stage in mid-August in Brittany and the champions trophy where he won in front of professional runners Steven Tronet and Jérémie Galland.

During the year 2008, he won a round in mid-August Soissonnaise as well as the classification of the regularity of this test run over several days. Kévin Lalouette also finished fifth in the Grand Prix of the City of Pérénchies and the Grand Prix de Guerville, he is also seventh from Paris-Chauny. In October, he made the choice to leave CC Nogent-sur-Oise to engage in favor of Ussa Pavilly Barentin [ 14 ] .

2009-2010: runner at Ussa Pavilly Barentin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For his first season in the colors of the Norman training, he won the three days of Cherbourg [ 15 ] In front of Arnaud Courteille, the second stage of Saint-Brieuc Agglo Tour and the title of Normandy champion of the time trial. He also signed a few places of honor and finished in particular second in the Grand Prix of opening in Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët, of the Armorique circuit and third of Saint-Brieuc Agglo Tour. During the summer he stood out by finishing on the second step of the podium during the Grand Prix des Marbriers and mid-August in Brittany, two races belonging to the UCI Europe Tour calendar.

The following year, he won in April during the second stage of the Artois loop (Manche of the French Cup of Cycling Clubs of DN 1) in front of the future professional runners Evaldas Šiškevičius and Ramūnas navardauskas [ 16 ] . In total, he gleaned eight success in 2010, including the Beauchamps Grand Prix, the Armorique circuit, Saint-Brieuc Agglo Tour thanks to his talent in the trial test [ 17 ] and retains his title of champion of Normandy [ 18 ] . In July, he won two silver medals to the French track cycling championships disputed on the Hyères Velodrome. He reiterates, a few weeks later, his 2009 performance at the Grand Prix des Marbriers and mid-August in Brittany. He actually stands out as one of the best French amateurs and ends in third place in the national ranking established by the FFC [ 2 ] .

2011-2013: professional career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Its results encourage sports directors of the continental team Roubaix Lille Métropole to have them sign a professional contract at the end of 2010 [ 2 ] , [ 19 ] .

In 2011, and for his first steps at this level, the neo-professional finished third in a stage [ 20 ] and second in the general ranking of the Oise round at the end of spring [ 21 ] . These two performances obtained in its region of origin constitute its best results of the year on the road. It is also ninth of the Guerville Grand Prix in September.

In 2012, he ranked second in the third stage of the four days of Dunkirk behind Jimmy numbed the future winner of the event [ 22 ] . He occupies the same place at the arrival of the Grand Prix Beeckman-De Caluwe in Ninove in Belgium and also finished tenth in Paris-Chauny [ 23 ] .

The following season, his first semester of competition is disrupted by climatic conditions and some health concerns [ 24 ] . There are only few results in the exception of an eighth place in the Critérium d’Amiens. During the summer, Kévin Lalouette finished sixteenth in the Pévéloise Ronde on July seven. The next day he ranked eighth from the Gayant Criterium in Douai then third in the Golden Star at the end of the month. THE , he won the Gommegnies Grand Prix in front of his teammates Franck Vermeulen and Maxime Le Montagner thus offering Roubaix Lille Métropole an unprecedented triple [ 24 ] . A few days later, Lalouette seized the climbing jersey during the first stage of the Limousin Tour by going to the top of the last difficulty of the day but the next day.

2014-2018: Return to amateurs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Not kept by Roubaisian leaders at the end of the 2013 season, he was recruited by Ussa Pavilly Barentin after being announced at ESEG Douai [ 25 ] .

In the spring of 2014, he finished fifth from the Gainsbarre and third of the Gislard which allowed him to win the challenge known as “Super G En Cotentin”, he also won the cantonal in Aix-en-Issart. During the summer, he finished on the last step of the podium of the Grand Prix Cristal Energie, the Challenge d’Or-Directvélo and the Grand Prix des Marbriers before winning on a round of the Mayennais Challenge in Fougerolles-du-Plessis. Kévin Lalouette also won the Blangy-sur-Bresle Grand Prix by ahead of Hugo Hofstetter and his former teammate of the Roubaix Lille Métropole Benoît Daeninck team. He succeeds Jérémy Leveau, the 2014 French Espoirs Champion, at the list of the event [ 26 ] . At the end of the season, he is third in the Norman trio, a team trial by teams, with his teammates from the Ussa Pavilly Barentin Florian Taillefer and Christopher de Souza [ 27 ] .

In the first half of 2015, he finished second in the Gislard then the price of major sales. He also becomes Seine-Maritime Champion [ 28 ] . In May and June, he won a stage of Sportbreizh and the Tour de la Manche. He also won the Moon Grand Prix. Subsequently, he multiplied honorary places during the summer and fall. It is thus second in the Saint-Aubert Grand Prix, the Jean Bart circuit in Dunkirk and the Norman trio [ 29 ] . At the end of the season, he won the Norman duo in the category reserved for amateurs. In the grip of financial difficulties, the Ussa Pavilly Barentin frees it from its contract at the end of the year [ 30 ] .

While some are considering their sports retirement [ thirty first ] , the newspaper La Voix du Nord announced in October that Lalouette engages with the EC Raismes Petite-Forêt led by Daniel Horain for 2016 [ 32 ] . In March, he ranked second in Châtillon-Dijon behind Bastien Duculty and fourth in the Tour of the canton of the estuary and then won his first victory of the season in May during the Marne loops (French Cup of Cycling Clubs of Cycling Clubs DN2). In June, he won the title of champion of Nord-Pas-de-Calais in Longueville [ 33 ] and the Wallonia circuit. On this occasion he became the first French runner to win on the Belgian event registered in the UCI Europe Tour calendar [ 34 ] . In July and August, he obtained several honorary places on the races he competes. He ranks third in the prize for the three villages behind Benoît Daeninck and Samuel Leroux [ 35 ] , fourth of the Grand Prix de Cherves in the French DN2 and second of the Grand Prix of Boussières-sur-Sambre [ 36 ] . In October, the regional daily The Parisian announces that the runner leaves EC Raismes Petite-Forêt in cessation of payment [ 37 ] To join the Isarian training of CC Nogent-sur-Oise [ 38 ] .

Apart from a sixth place during the price of major sales and a seventh at the Buxerolles Grand Prix, its start to the season in its new colors is quite any. He must wait until June to garner his first victory during the inter-regional championship bringing together the runners of Hauts-de-France and Île-de-France. Exhausted with his teammate Samuel Leroux and Anthony Pinaud, he attacks in the last difficulty of the circuit and won the scratch classification of the event as well as the first title of champion of Hauts-de-France in history [ 39 ] . This success obtained on the Villequier-Aumont circuit near Chauny intervenes almost a year to the day after that gleaned during the inter-regional championship which had allowed him to become the last champion of Nord-Pas-de-Calais just before the merger with the Picardy region. In August, he multiplies accessits and notably took second place in the Grand Prix de Saint-Souplet behind Melvin Rullière [ 40 ] And the fourth of the Prix des Trois Villages in Nivelle. Engaged by his team on the Tour de Côte-d’Or, he ranks third in the first stage [ 41 ] and sixth in the general classification of the test. He also finished thirteenth from the Marbrie Grand Prix (UCI Europe Tour [ 42 ] . In September, it is sixth of the three days of Cherbourg after wearing the jersey for the best climber of the race disputed in the Channel [ 43 ] And thirteenth of the Grand Prix of the City of Nogent-sur-Oise (a professional event that his father won twice in the past). He also wins the Norman trio with his teammates Samuel Leroux and Romain Bacon [ 44 ] .

Discreet in the first half of 2018, he often played a role of teammate and road captain in his training. He thus helps Clément Penven to win the Tour de la Mirabelle and Romain Bacon to win that of the Channel. He also garnered some accessits and ranks for example fourth in the Masnières Grand Prix in April and Ham in May. He went up twice on the podium of the races in which he participated in June thanks to a third place obtained at the Grand Prix of Saint-Aubert and a second gleaned nine days later at the Chartres Grand Prix. Unlike in previous years, he did not participate in the French road cycling championships, he also did not defend his title of Champion of Hauts-de-France in July in Saint-Quentin. In August he finished again third at the Bavay Grand Prix in the North department [ 45 ] . Still in August, Kévin Lalouette tries out ultracycling and participates in the 24 Hours of Le Mans Bike in a team sponsored by the firm Socopa. He ranks second in the Mancelle event with his teammates for a day Dany Maffeïs, Romain Bacon, Rémy Gras, Cyril Saillard and Alexandre Delettre [ forty six ] . He retires sporting at the end of the season and hooked his last bib during the classic Paris-Connered fall [ 47 ] , [ 7 ] , [ 48 ] .

Per year [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

World rankings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

World’s Championships [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

French Championships [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Jean-Marc HECQUET, Eric Lalouette is not worried about her son » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  2. A B and C Interview: 2010, the year of Kevin Lalouette » , on velostory.net , (consulted the )
  3. Kevin Lalouette Superb » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  4. Champ de France on track in Hyères: the results until the 4th day » , on velo101.com , (consulted the )
  5. Kevin Lalouette selected » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  6. a et b Jean-Philippe Gaillard, Kevin Lalouette in worthy heir » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  7. a et b Delphine Toujas, Lalouette, Cycling father in son » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  8. Young people – European track championships, in Athens » , on Lequipe.fr , (consulted the )
  9. CM Los Angeles track the program » , on Lequipe.fr , (consulted the )
  10. World Cup # 4 in Manchester: Presentation » , on velo101.com , (consulted the )
  11. Cycling: Artois loop or Russian loop? » , on Echo62.com , (consulted the )
  12. Christian Defrance, Artois loop, more than 200 runners at the start » [ Archive du ] , on lechodupasdecalais.com , (consulted the )
  13. World Championships: the French delegation » , on velo101.com , (consulted the )
  14. Michael Gilson, Kévin Lalouette at Ussa Pavilly Barentin » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  15. Cycling: Kévin Lalouette wins the three days of Cherbourg » , on Saint-laville.com , (consulted the )
  16. The Artois loop: the CLM for Lalouette » , on sportbrreizh.com , (consulted the )
  17. Kévin Lalouette thanks to the time » , on Ouest-France.fr , (consulted the )
  18. Normand chrono: Kevin Lalouette Best Runker » , on velostory.net , (consulted the )
  19. Meeting with Kevin Lalouette » , on echodelo.com (consulted the )
  20. Ronde de l’oise #2: Bagdon s’IMPSOS » , on velochrono.fr , (consulted the )
  21. Round of Oise #4: Bagdonas Final winner » , on velochrono.fr , (consulted the )
  22. Engoulvent leader » , on Lequipe.fr , (consulted the )
  23. Paris-Chauny: classification of the event » , on CSC-CHAIY.FR , (consulted the )
  24. a et b [PDF] In Gommegnies, Kévin Lalouette signs proof by three » , on veloclubroubaix.fr , (consulted the )
  25. Nicolas Gachet, Ussa Pavilly Barentin: the 2014 workforce » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  26. Grand Prix of Blangy-sur-Bresle: Kévin Lalouette 1er » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  27. Lillebonne 2014 – Trio Normand » , on siteducyclisme.net , (consulted the )
  28. Frédéric Gachet, Price of Grandes-Ventes: classification » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  29. Cycling – Norman trio: Lyonnais kings of the time » , on Paris-Normandie.fr , (consulted the )
  30. Pierre Carrey, The USSAPB cuts off in its budget and its workforce » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  31. Cycling – Storm opinion at Ussa Pavilly/Barentin » , on Paris-Normandie.fr , (consulted the )
  32. Quentin Bernard, Cycling: the 2016 ECRPF is growing » , on lavoixdunord.fr , (consulted the )
  33. Regional championships: the results (2/3) » , on velo101.com , (consulted the )
  34. Cycling: Kévin Lalouette hits a big blow in Wallonia » , on lavoixdunord.fr , (consulted the )
  35. Cycling – Nivelle: Benoît Daeninck was very strong » , on lavoixdunord.fr , (consulted the )
  36. Cycling – National Elite: Stéfan Dewulf, winner in the Sprint in Boussières, will be this Sunday in Bavay » , on lavoixdunord.fr , (consulted the )
  37. Philippe Guilbaud, EC Raismes-Petite-Forêt, in cessation of payment, puts the key under the door » , on lavoixdunord.fr , (consulted the )
  38. Penven and Lalouette back in Nogent » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  39. Kévin Lalouette opens the list » , on Courrier-Picard.fr , (consulted the )
  40. Jean-Marie Gerrr’r Derrye, Cycling – Grand -Prix de Saint -Souplet – Guérin Anime, Rullière wins, Rouen was at the top » , on lavoixdunord.fr , (consulted the )
  41. Tour de Cote-d’Or: the complete classification of the first step » , on infos-dijon.com , (consulted the )
  42. Grand Prix des Marbriers in Bellignies: classification » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  43. Frédéric Gachet, 3-Day-of-Cherbourg-et-3-Classements » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  44. Frédéric Gachet, Norman trio: rankings » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  45. Grand Prix de Bavay: Aaron Van Poucke 1er » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  46. 24h Pearl Izumi bike: new distance record and victory for the Roadborn team » , on endurance-info.com , (consulted the )
  47. Delphine Toujas, Lalouette-Dassonville: end clap » , on leparisien.fr , (consulted the )
  48. Antoine Pouillard, Kevin Lalouette: “You have to know how to stop” » , on Directvelo.com , (consulted the )
  49. UCI 2005 route rankings » , on UCI.HTML.Infostradasports.com , UCI (consulted the )
  50. UCI 2005-2006 route rankings » , on UCI.HTML.Infostradasports.com , UCI (consulted the )
  51. UCI 2007 – 2008 – 10/17/2008 route classifications – UCI continental circuits – Individual classification – Men Elite and under 23 – Europe Tour » , on UCI.HTML.Infostradasports.com , UCI (consulted the )
  52. (in) UCI Europe Tour Ranking – 2009 – Individual » , on dataride.uci , UCI (consulted the )
  53. (in) UCI Europe Tour Ranking – 2010 – Individual » , on dataride.uci , UCI (consulted the )
  54. (in) UCI Europe Tour Ranking – 2011 – Individual » , on dataride.uci , UCI (consulted the )
  55. (in) UCI Europe Tour Ranking – 2012 – Individual » , on dataride.uci , UCI (consulted the )
  56. (in) UCI Europe Tour Ranking – 2014 – Individual » , on dataride.uci , UCI (consulted the )

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