Koultsy Lamko — Wikipedia


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Koulsy Lamko at the Geneva Book Fair in 2012

Tongue French

Theater, poetry, novel, essay

Kouls Lamko , born in Dadouar the [ first ] , is a playwright, novelist, poet, essayist and university professor of Chadian.Koulsy Lamko holds a doctorate in languages ​​and literatures of the University of Limoges (France) and a DEA in texts and language, general and comparative literatures. He also holds a certificate in entrepreneurship and cultural management.

The civil war in Chad led Lamko to leave his country in 1983 for Burkina Faso where he actively participated in the democratic and popular revolution of Thomas Sankara. He devoted himself to the promotion of the community theater, participated in the birth of the Institute of Black Peoples as a program designer and also participated in the Foundation of the International Theater for Development Festival. After a stay in France at the International Festival of Francophonies, he moved to Rwanda, where he founded the University Center for Arts at the National University of Rwanda (CUA) and taught theater and literary creation. From the CUA, it actively takes part in cultural strategies for conflict prevention and management and reconciliation in the post-genocide context of Rwanda.


Son roman The Phalen of the Hills (2000) evokes the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda.

In 2003, he arrived in Mexico, invited by the International Parliament of Writers to stay at Casa Refugio Citlaltepetl. From then on, he decided to settle in Mexico where since 2010, with the support of the city government, founded Casa R. Hankili África, a refuge house for African writers and artists and a cultural center dedicated to the Promotion of African cultures and those of the black diaspora.

In 2009, he stayed, as a guest of Amsterdam Vluchstad, in the former apartment of Anne Frank and his family at Amsterdam Merwedeplein.

As a researcher and a speaker, he taught and shared numerous conferences on literary creation, semiology in scene arts, theater in Africa, African literature and cinema, management of cultural businesses and African studies in international relations, this in several universities and institutes: American University of Nigeria, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Casa Hankili África México; Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (Cultural Diffusion Coordinador Y Universitaria), Universidad Autónoma del estado de Hidalgo México; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, National University of Rwanda; Institute of Black Peoples, Burkina Faso.

In January 2020, Koulsy Lamko and around fifty intellectuals published a declaration requesting the opening of a “popular and inclusive” debate on the reform of the in progress CFA and recalling that “the question of money is fundamentally political and that The answer cannot be mainly technical ” [ 2 ] .

Theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The camp is reaching out , 1988, Editions Presses Universitaires de Limoges [ 3 ]
  • Ndo kela or aborted initiation , 1993, Lansman editions [ 3 ] – Rééd. 2016
  • Very low … so low , 1995, Lansman editions [ 4 ]
  • Like arrows , 1996, Lansman editions
  • The word in dew , 1997, Actes Sud Papiers [ 5 ]
  • T bladder heater for lantern, Collection of 10 works by the writer , EDITIONS KuljaAma, 2005
  • That of the islands, Editions Acoria, 2012
  • Bintou Were, a Sahel Opera , Libretto, focused on the stage in Bamako, Amsterdam Muziekgebouw (Holland) and Théâtre du Chatelet (France) 2007
  • Africa 50, Mounted to Addis Abeba for the 50th anniversary of OUA-UA), 2013
  • Head under the armpit , 1997, Editions League of Education and Dger

Short stories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Look in a tear , 1990, Éditions Mondia-Canada
  • Masks rest , 1995, Marval editions
  • Penny, penny, willing, grateful, grateful , 1995, Éditions Fol 87, Limoges / International Festival of Francophonies in Limousin (Collection supervised by Nadine Chausse & Marc Bruimaud)
  • Dawn , 1997, Leise from others
  • Off Karnac , in Europe seen from Africa, Editions Le Cavalier Bleu, 2004

Romans [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Phalen of the Hills , 2000, university center of arts [ 6 ]
  • Sahr, Champ de Folie, 2010, Vignaubière Edition
  • Yucca roots 2011, Edition Philippe Rey [ 7 ]

Poetry and musical album [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Exile , Solignac 1993, the noise of others
  • Bir Ki Mbo (with Stéphane Scott and Rémi Stengel) 1997
  • Dabirbiti (with Napoleon Ochoa) 2012

Essay [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Koulsy Lamko on exotic man, 2009, the power of culture
  • Freedom is conquered , Collection in Spanish of speech by Thomas Sankara Ed. UACM/Casa Refugio Citlaltepetl, Mexico, 2007
  • Rwanda Tutsi genocide, memory on the way , (enlaboko Christ obbouba Board anPalmira grapher), ED. Ed. Hankili Sorica/Prirince Slauya, Mexico, Mexicko, Mexicko, Mexicko, Mexicko, Mp.
  • Theater of participation in Africa , Doctoral thesis, published by European University Editions, Saarbrücken, 2017
  • “Bintou Wéré, African Opera “, Essay on the Sahel Opera, published by Prince Claus Fund, Amsterdam, 2017
  • We, the others, those hallucinated in the azur, are not Africanists , EDICATIONS. Hankili Sorica/cocaxita, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, 2018

Scenario and text for film and documentary

  • The long walk , 1992, led by Dramane Deme, Diproci.
  • Dusk , 1997, in collaboration with François Woukoache
  • The fatal event , 1997, in collaboration with Jean Claude Boussard
  • The minds of the children In collaboration with François Woukoache
  • Karame Mana In collaboration with Woukoache
  • The scales of hope , in collaboration with Wasis Diop,
  • Feeding Roots , realisé’s parisy lamko, nur / prince CLUS FUND AND DOES
  1. Notice from BNF
  2. Declaration of African intellectuals on CFA franc reforms » , on Mediapart , (consulted the ) .
  3. a et b Françoise Ligier (dir.), “Like a cry of pain and hope: interview with Koulsy Lamko”, in Texts and dramaturgies of the world 1993 , Lansman, Brussels, Radio France Internationale, 1993, p. 25-30 (ISBN  2-87282-065-5 )
  4. Sylvie chalaye, «tout bas … si bas», in African dramaturgies today in 10 courses , Lansman, Carninière-Morlanwelz (Belgium), 2001, p. 73-82 (ISBN  2-87282-323-9 ) .
  5. Reading sheet, the theater house [first]
  6. The Phalen of the Hills , from Koulsy Lamko, flies above a country ravaged five years after the genocide. Write after Rwanda ”, in Humanity , August 22, 2002 [2]
  7. Yucca roots or the wandering of a Chadian author in Mexico ”, in Young Africa , June 11, 2011 [3]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Marcel Bourdette-Donon, Anthology of literature and Chadian arts , L’Harmattan, 2003, p. 189-198 (ISBN  9782296315655 )
  • Sylvie Chalaye, Black Africa and its theater: at the turn of the XX It is century , Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 2001, 240 p. (ISBN  9782868476326 )
  • Françoise Ligier (dir.), “Like a cry of pain and hope: interview with Koulsy Lamko”, in Texts and dramaturgies of the world 1993 , Lansman, Brussels, Radio France Internationale, 1993, p. 25-30 (ISBN  2-87282-065-5 )
  • Ahmad Taboye, Critical panorama of Chadian literature , Center Al-Mouna (Tchad), 2003, 395 p.

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
