Kraljevec on Sutli – Wikipédia


Kraljevec on Sutli (pron. Kralyevets na soutli ) is a village and a municipality located in the comitat of Krapina-Zagorje, in Croatia. It is 28 km northwest of Zagreb on the left bank of the Sutla valley ( SHELTER in Slovenian), which here marks the border of Croatia with Slovenia.


The municipality of Kraljewavec Na Sutli had been suppressed in 1954, it was restored in 1993 after the independence of Croatia.
It has 10 localities:

In the 2001 census, the municipality had 1,815 inhabitants, including 98.46% Croats [ 2 ] And the village alone had 372 inhabitants [ 3 ] .

There is no precise data on the date of foundation of the village of Kraljevec Na Sutli. We assume that he is a Sieur Kralj (“Leroy”), probably from Klanjec, at 7 km further north, or from Radakovo to 3.4 km further west, which would have settled there first.

Before XV It is century The region was not populated, covered with forests. When in 1463 the Kingdom of Bosnia fell into the hands of the Ottomans, many of its inhabitants, led by the Franciscans, took refuge there, building new villages. As the Franciscans retired against the raids of the looters of the Ottoman light cavalry (called Raids ), Count Erdődy attributed possessions to them.

On the hill of Radakovo today called Jantunušak , the Franciscans had built a church dedicated to Saint Antoine de Padoue, and alongside a monastery. At XVII It is Century, the region underwent several earthquakes, including that of 1625 which destroyed the monastery and the church of jantunušak.
Adalbert Pogačić, who lived on the spot, says these events in his poem ” Antunusak », In Kajkavian dialect.
The Franciscans then fell back to Klanjec where they had possessions.

The ruins of the Erdődy Country Château are at the Novi Dvori Klanječki [ 5 ] , in the municipality of Klanjec but only at 3.8 km AU Nord du centers de Kraljevec on Sutli.


The association of volunteer firefighters ( Volunteer Fire Company Kraljevec ), now chaired by Dragutin Pavlić [ 6 ] , was founded in 1928.

The parish of Most Holy Trinity ( Blessed three ), directed by Stjepan Tenšek [ 7 ] , was founded in 1789. The parish church was built in 1836 in a neoclassical style.
In 1880 this building was damaged by the earthquake of magnitude 6.3 [ 8 ] which destroyed part of the city of Zagreb.

At the southern entrance to the village, next to the town hall, is the chapel of the Virgin Mary, and in Kapelski VRH a Saint-Joseph chapel.

La Mairie de Kraljevec on Sutla

The first school in Kraljewavec Na Sutli was a private school founded in 1849 by the priest Ferdo de Krajačić and the deacon Ročić.
His first teacher was Josip Fabijančić, born in Krapina.
She became public in 1859.
In 1863, the school settled in Movrač in the house known as View , until it is destroyed by a fire.
In started the construction of the “old school” in Kraljevec Na Sutli, near the Church of the Holy Trinity. She had 254 students in the first four years.
In 1938, the school of Kraljevec being overloaded, the decision was made to create a new school for the villages of Radakovo, Pušava, Goljak and Bratovski VRH.
It was in 1947 that the work began for the new school, in the neighboring village of Radakovo; This school opened in 1951: it covered four school years and then had 90 students.

The current main school building was born from the trip to the village hall in 1961, when there were 438 students.
In 1974, the College (“Osnovna Škola”, from 7 to 15 years old) Kraljevec on Sutli took the name of the poet Pavao ŠTOOS:
His official name is therefore now Paul Stroos Elementary School .
The development of the college began in 1969 and was completed in 1972.

In recent history, it is necessary to mention the construction of its sports hall, commissioned in 2005.
We are working on the completion of the recreation court of the regional Radakovo school [ 9 ] .

For the 2011-2012 school year, the college has 157 students divided into 12 classes, including 3 in Radakovo for classes from 1 ° to 4 ° Croats (students from 7 to 11 years old) [ ten ] .

The association of musketeers ( Kuburasko Society ) Ban Toma Erdődy , chaired by Marijan Berić [ 6 ] , unites periodically in period costume to commemorate the XVI It is century and enhanced the festivals by the discharge of their weapons.

The cultural and artistic association ( Folklore Society ) Lira Kraljevec on Sutli , founded in 1927 and today chaired by Mladen Trbušić [ 6 ] , hosts the fanfare, which is the glory of the village.
This one, led by Zoran to feel [ 7 ] , includes 38 members and appears to all the demonstrations of the town, to gatherings of fanfares, to all the important festivals of the city of Klanjec as well as in neighboring Slovenia.
It occurs about forty times a year.
In 2004 the commune of Kraljewavec Na Sutli expressed its recognition for its exceptional work and its contribution to the development and promotion of the associative and cultural life of the municipality, as well as many other brands of gratitude for various representations and meetings musicals.
She is particularly proud of her 2007 concert in the room Vatroslav Lisinski of Zagreb, and to have in 2006 obtained the bronze plaque of the Croatian council for culture ( Croatian Parliament of Culture ) at the National Fanfare Festival ( State Wind Orchestra Festival ) de Crikvenica [ 11 ] .

La Chorale de Kraljevec on Sutli, Kraljevec Choir on Sutli , is chaired by Biserka Trbušić [ 6 ] .

The agricultural association of winegrowers Vincek ( Agricultural Vinogradska Vincek Wine Association ) is chaired by Franjo Hlad [ 6 ] .
The hunting association Pheasant ( Hunting Association for Breeding, Protection of Game Hunting and Fazan Festival and Shooting ) is chaired by Ignac Štrucl [ 6 ] ; She collected three golaria who have become adult wild boars [ twelfth ] .
There is also a cynophile association, the Kinology Association “Sutla Valley” Kraljevec on Sutla , chaired by Andrija Murić [ 6 ] .

We can now see the village of Kraljewavec Na Sutli [ 13 ] On “Street Wiew” in Google Maps And Google Earth :
To the north of the village of Kraljvec, the road crosses Kačkovec, Draše (where on a cross path you can visit a monumental cross – crucifixion in Croatian), then Lukuvec Klanječki; At the northern entrance to Klanje with we discover a tiny Saint-Florian chapel ( Chapel of St. Florian [ 14 ] ) Next to the hangar of the association of volunteer firefighters ( Volunteer Fire Company Kraljevec on Sutli ); In the center, at the crossroads which leads to Gornji čemehuvec, the church of the Most Holy Trinity, and to the south, the town hall and the no less tiny chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
On the path which starts from the Church of the very Sainte Trinity, one can west visit Gornji čemehovec which leads to a passage from the border to Slovenia [ 15 ] , and returns east by Movrač.
South of Kraljewith route 2181 crosses Movrač and Strmec Sutlanski;
In Movrač, “Street View” also covers Strmec Sutlanski Street which, having crossed the village which bears this name, to continue to Radakovo and Pušava: only Kapelski VRH is not accessible.

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  1. (hr) Government of Croatia, Address and contact of the municipality » , on (consulted the )
  2. (in) 2001 census: Population by ethnicity, by towns/municipalities, census 2001 » , on , Crostat – Central Statistics Office (consulted the )
  3. (in) Population by sex and age by settlements, census 2001 » , on , Crostat – Central Statistics Office (consulted the )
  4. – Republic of Croatia – Central Bureau of Statistics: Settlements and Population of the Republic of Croatia 1857-2001. (hr)
  5. New Dvori Klanjecki Sur Google Maps
  6. a b c d e f and g Associations and societies in the Kraljevec municipality on Sutli (hr)
  7. a et b Kraljevec on the Sulti , presentation film shot by the HR2 television channel (hr)
  8. Vlado Kuk, Eduard Prelogovic, Ivica Sovic, Kresimir Kuk, Kristina Sariri, Seismological and seismotectonic features of the wider Zagreb area (hr)
  9. Paul Staosa Kraljevec Elementary School on Sutli – History (hr)
  10. Paul Staosa Kraljevec Elementary School on Sutla – About School (hr)
  11. Kraljevec on Sutli , Article of Wikipedia in Croot (hr)
  12. “Kraljevec na sulti”, presentation film shot by the HR2 television channel (hr)
  13. The town of Kraljewave na Sutli on Google Maps: the little yellow guy on the left is the “street view” tool that must be placed on the main road – the 2181 which is called on site Kraljevec Street on Sutli – To have access to the succession of panoramic views taken by Google’s car
  14. Question directly asked on the page Facebook de la Fanfare “Lira Kraljevec on Sutli”
  15. The Slovenian villages closest to this border post are Dramlja and Stara Vas-Bizeljsko
