Kuliokite-(water(y) — wikipedia


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Category IX  : silicates [ first ]
Classe de Strunz
Chemical formula H 2 AlF 5 O ten And 2 AND 4 AND 4 Al (sio 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 F 5
Mass form [ 2 ] 695,7778 ± 0.0038 one
H 0.29%, at 3.88%, F 13.65%, or 22.99%, if 8.07%, and 51.11%
Color colorless, rose-class, white
Crystalline class and space group pedal –
P first
Crystalline system Triclini
Bravais network Primitive p
Cleavage bad on {010}
Habitus flattened
Mohs scale 4-5
Trait blanc
Glow adamantin
Optical properties
Refractive index n a = 1,656;
n b = 1,700;
n c = 1,703
Briefing biaxial(-) ; 0,0470
Dispersion 2 in With ~ 19 to 29
Transparency transparent
Density 4.35
Physical properties
Radioactivity 137 BQ/G

SI & CNTP units, unless otherwise indicated.

The SUPPORTING- (Y) is a mineral species of the group of silicates and the subgroup of the born, Formula Y 4 Al (sio 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 F 5 , présentant des traces de Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu et H2O.

History of the description and names [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inventor and etymology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kuliokite- (Y) was described in 1986 by Voloshin and Pakhomovskii [ 3 ] ; His name was given to him according to his typical locality: the Kuliok river in the Kola peninsula in Russia. The “(y)” comes from the presence of yttrium in its composition.

Topotype [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The topotype is at the Kuliok river, Kola peninsula, Oblast of Mourmansk, in Russia [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .
  • The reference samples are deposited at the Museum of Geology of St Petersburg, as well as at the Mineralogical Museum A. E. Fersman in Moscow, in Russia.

Determination criteria [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kuliokite- (y) is in the form of flattened crystals exceeding 0.5 mm . It has a bad cleavage on {010}.

Its crystals are transparent, of adamantine and birefringent radiance; Its color varies between colorless, rose-class and white. Its line is white.

It is radioactive, with a mass activity of 137 Bq/g .

Crystallography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kuliokite- (y) crystallizes in the triclinical crystalline system, of space group P 1 (Z = 1 Form unit per conventional mesh) [ 6 ] .

  • Mesh parameters: a = 8.606 To , b = 8,672 To , c = 4,317 To , a = 102.79 °, b = 97.94 °, c = 116.66 ° (volume of the mesh: IN = 270.16 To 3 )
  • Calculated density = 4.28 g/cm 3

Associated gitology and minerals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kuliokite- (y) is in inclusions in fluorite or in the cracks of microcline pegmatites.

It is found associated with the following minerals: Thalenite, Xenotime, Kainosite, Bastnäsite, Keiviite- (Y), Keiviite- (Yb), Quartz, Fluorite.

Producer deposits of remarkable specimens [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Drapeau de la Norvège Norway

Drapeau de la Russie Russia

  1. The classification of the minerals chosen is that of Strunz, with the exception of the polymorphs of the silica, which are classified among the silicates.
  2. Molar mass calculated after Atomic weights of the elements 2007 » , on www.chem.qmul.ac.uk .
  3. (ru) A.V. Voloshin et al. , Kuliokite-(Y), a new yttrium-aluminium fluorine-silicate from amazonite pegmatites of the Kola Peninsula » , Mineral. Zhurn. , vol. 8, , p. 94-99
  4. a et b (in) A.V. Voloshin et ya. A. Pakhomovskii, Minerals and mineral formation evolution in amazonite pegmatites of Kola peninsula , Leningrad, Nauka, 1986, p. 168
  5. (in) I. Pekov, Minerals First discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union , Ocean Pictures, Moscow, 1998, 369 p.
  6. (RU+EN) Sokolova et al , Crystal structure of the new Y-Al silicate kuliokite-(Y), Y 4 Al (sio 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 F 5 » , SOV. PHYS. Dokl. , vol. thirty first, n O 8, , p. 601-603
  7. (in) Advise , Sæbø , Austrheim And Kristiansen , Kuliokite-(Y) and its alteration products kaysite- (y) and kamphaugite-(Y) from granite peggmatite in tørdal, Norway » , European Journal of Mineralogy , vol. 5, , p. 691-698
  8. Collection de Tomas Husdal
