Lake de neusedl — Wikipedia


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The Lac de neusiedl or Lac Fertő (German : Lake Neusiedl ; Hungarian: Fertő Lake [ Fɛɾtøː toː ]) is the second largest steppe lake in central Europe (after Balaton) and is located on the border between Austria and Hungary.

This soda lake, endoreic has an area of ​​315 km 2 , including 240 km 2 are Austrians and 75 km 2 are Hungarian. The lake watershed has a area of ​​approximately 1,120 km 2 . From north to south, the lake is 36 kilometers long for a width of 6 to 12 kilometers from east to west. The lake is at an average altitude of 115.45 m Above the Adriatic Sea and its depth does not exceed 1.80 meters. Because of its shallow depth, precipitation and aridity can cause significant variations in its level. So it has happened several times in the past that the lake has completely disappeared, the most recently at the start of XX It is century. In 2003, the water level decreased sharply (minus 30 centimeters in one year) which posed problem for navigation and commercial exploitation, because the boats agreed more and more often.

Most of the lake, a vestige of the old Pannonian lake, is surrounded by reedlières which are so many biodiversity shelters. More than 250 species of aquatic birds have taken up residence there: herons, water hens, ducks and wild geese, seagulls, sacelles, storks, outtards, dumber, etc. The characters of its water are determined by the high salt content and by the anoxic mud forming the sediments. During the summer months, fires around its periphery are not uncommon, because the dry reed is easily flammable, and the lights spread quickly due to the wind.

Before the drainage work of XIX It is A century, the lake extended to the southeast to the Hanság marshes. The works connected it to the Danube and the Raab. Today, the water level is regulated by a lock located on Hungarian territory, near Fertőújlak (Mekszikópuszta). Bilateral questions are dealt with by the Austro-Hungarian Water Commission.

In 1977, the lake was recognized as a Biosphere reserve by UNESCO in its Austrian part in 1977 [ first ] and Hungarian in 1979 [ 2 ] . In 2001, national parks Nasidsee-sea-sea shop , located in Austria, and Fertő , located in Hungary, were registered simultaneously on the World Heritage List [ 3 ] . Their objective is to preserve the fauna and flora typical of the transitional area between alpine space and Euro-Asian space.


The Neusiedl Lake region attracts many tourists each year. The lake is nicknamed the “Viennese Sea” because it offers good conditions for the practice of sailing and windsurfing. In winter, the gel transforms the body of water allowing the practice of sailing or ice sail. In 1996 and 2010, he welcomed the world ice chariot championships. Professional fishermen also exercise there.

LES LOCALITE LEW PLUS-INSPORTANTS SUPECTING SUVAGE YOU LACOGHING IN THE SEEH, NOWARDS AND PURTHER CLOSE IN THE NEXTRUARY SEE Mortiburg on the see an automatic, it is fiertőrákos, fresrőz, fresrőd, fres őd ,jjake it balf a hongrie. Les Communes the Illmitz, the Podersdard settlement it the Apetlon Form ends Sea shop (Lake corner), which is located between the Lake and the Hungarian border.

To remedy the drying up of the lake, a project provides for a water supply channel dug from an tributary of the Danube. But it comes up against the resistance of environmental defenders, who fear any interference in the natural cycle with the supply of external waters diluting saline levels and causing irreparable damage to the ecosysteml [ 4 ] .

Literature [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Françoise Chandernagor, at the end of her novel The Archangel of Vienna , evokes the disappearance of the Neusiedlersee, once per century [ 5 ] .

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external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On other Wikimedia projects:

  1. (in) Neusiedler See | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization » , on (consulted the )
  2. UNESCO – MAB Biosphere Reserves Directory » , on (consulted the )
  3. Fertö / Neusiedlersee cultural landscape On the UNESCO website
  4. Discord around an Austro-Hungarian lake to dry out » , on Lefigaro , (consulted the )
  5. Françoise Chandernagor, The Archangel of Vienna , Editions de Fallois, the pocket book 6984, , 919 p. (ISBN  9782253057161 ) , p. 915 – 919
