Langhe — Wikipedia


THE Langhe (French: Langhes) are a historic region of Piedmont, now straddling the provinces of Coni and Asti and border with the Liguria. Since , some Langhe vineyards are registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List, as part of a single appellation also targeting Roero and Montferrat: “Viticultural landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato” [ first ] .


The etymology of the name Langhe who in foothills is the plural of Besides which means hill is uncertain. Dante Olivieri had proposed a first rapprochement with the term lombard chain Skis Éseuite adhé. Gi Giareíri Sicily 的 – et n partant de la et ntnique ligure * langates , has rebuilt a base * Besides which refers to the position of the castle or the same castle where these populations lived.

Nino Lamboglia is more favorable to a rapprochement with a non-European base * lanka that we also find in Langobriga (Iberian city) whose probable meaning is conque, and from there hilly area .

Feuda langarum is an extent of countries which includes the hills of the beginning of Apennin.
This region contained 58 fiefs which were up to the Holy Empire and which were granted by the emperor Charles VI to the Duke of Savoy at the time, Charles-Emmanuel III, in the peace treaty concluded in 1735 ending the war of succession from Poland.

The fiefs are located between Ceva and Alba.

Langhe hills offer a wide variety of wines. These are made up of red grape varieties such as Nebbiolo, Barbera, Dolcetto, Freisa, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah, as well as white grape varieties, favorite and Chardonnay. It is a tote name that allows producers to make international style wines, regardless of too restrictive legislation.

The vineyard Langhe has a Doc appellation since . Only the wines harvested inside the production area defined by the decree are entitled to DOC.


Les Vignables Autisés Se Situent en Province de Coni Dans Les 94 Communes Sutrums: Alba, Albaretto della Torre, Arguello, Baldissero D’Alba, Barbaresco, Barolo, Bastia Mondovì, Belvedere Langhe, Benevello, Bergolo, Bonvicino, Borgomale, Bosia, Bossolasco, Bra, Briaglia, Camo, Canale, Carrù, Castagnito, Castellinaldo, Castellino Tanaro, Castiglione Falletto, Castiglione Tinella, Castino, Cerreto Langhe, Cherasco, Cigliè, Cissone, Clavesana, Corneliano D’Alba, Cortemilia, Cossano Belbo, Cravanzana, Diano D ‘Alba, Dogliani, Farigliano, Feisoglio, Gorzegno, Govone, Grinzane Cavour, Guarene, Igliano, La Morra, Lequio Berria, Levice, Magliano Alfieri, Mango, Marsaglia, Mombarcaro, Monchiero, Mondovi, Monforte d’Alba, Montà d’Alba , Montaldo Roero, Montelupo Albese, Monteu Roero, Monticello d’Alba, Murazzano, Narzole, Neive, Neviglie, Niella Belbo, Niella Tanaro, Novello, Perletto, Pezzolo Valle Uzzone, Piobesi D’Alba, Piozzo, Pocapaglia, Priocca, Prunetto, Roascio, Rocca Cigliè, Rocchetta Belbo, Roddi, Roddino, Rodello, San Benedetto Belbo, San Michele Mondovì, Santa Vittoria d’Alba, Santo Stefano Belbo, Santo Stefano Roero, Serralunga d’Alba, Serravalle Langhe, Sinio, Somano, Sommariva Pivo , Torre Bormida, Treiso, Trezzo Tinella, Verduno, Vezza d’Alba, Vicoforte.

The production area encompasses the Barolo, Barbaresco and Roero appellations.

The names of the production area are:
