Lard critic – Wikipedia


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Lard criticism (France) or Guess who comes to criticize dinner (Quebec) ( Guess Who’s Coming to Criticize Dinner ) is the 3 It is Episode of season 11 of the animated television series The Simpsons .

Homer accompanies Lisa and Bart during a visit by students of the Springfield school to the local newspaper ( Springfield Shopper ) and becomes a culinary critic of the newspaper but, his articles being too mediocre, Lisa helps him. At first everything is going well but Homer is too nice in his criticism. On the advice of his colleagues he becomes more mean, which annoys Lisa who decides to stop collaborating with him. His criticisms being bad again, cooks try to kill him by offering him a deadly chocolate flash but fail.

  • The mustache cook who makes “the bomb”, the lightning that must kill Homer, is French but it is doubled in French with Russian accent.
  • We learn through a newspaper microfilm, which dates from the day of the birth of Homer, that the latter was an exceptionally large baby. However, a newspaper that talks about the birth of Homer cannot date from the same day of his birth: it should rather be the newspaper published the day after the birth.
  • The original title is a word game with the original title of the film Guess who comes dinner? ( Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner ).
  • The song recorded on a tape recorder by Homer, to make believe that he is working, is an approximate French version of She Works Hard for the Money by Donna Summer. This is particularly obvious in original version [ first ] .
  • When Homer sings in the starting pot of the old gastronomic criticism of the Springfield Journal, in the original version, he takes up the air of I’m So Pretty taken from the musical West Side Story .
  • When Homer is about to write on the typewriter, Marge tells him that the letter “E” does not work, reference to the film and the book “Misery” by Stephen King.
  • One of the restaurants is called Labelle paw , reference to the singer Patti Labelle.
  • The French pastry chef stand who wants to kill Homer is called “The French Confection”, a play on words referring to the title of the novel/film French Connection .
  • The name of one of the restaurants visited is called Planet Springfield This name is inspired by Planet Hollywood.
  • The way the French restaurateur sets the drummer, is taken up from the film The man with a gold pistol .
  • Luigi claims to have already “cut the head of a horse to take revenge” he refers to the film The Godfather .
  • Captain McCallister makes a nightmare where he ends up with a whale, this is a nod to the book Moby Dick .
  • Wolfcastle refers to Chuck Norris.
  • When Marge warns Homer that the “E” key of the typewriter no longer works, Homer replies “that he does not need it. This scene refers to the book by Ernest Vincent Wright, Gadsby , or that of Georges Perec, Disappearance . Two lipogram books which do not contain the letter “e” once.
