Laura Boldrini — Wikipedia



Laura Boldrini ( / ˈe l a in r a b O l ˈe d r i ː n i / [ first ] ), born In Macerata, is an Italian journalist and politician.

Former spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, she is elected deputy under the colors of the left party, ecology and freedom (salt) in . Notwithstanding her lack of political experience, she then became president of the Chamber of Deputies until .

She is re -elected deputy in , then in .

Journalist studies and career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A graduate, in 1985, of a law license that she obtained at the University of Sapienza in Rome, Laura Boldrini left to work in a rice field in Venezuela. Back in Italy, she was hired by Italian radio-television (RAI) as a journalist. From a union with a colleague, Luca Nicosia, from which she is now divorced, Laura Boldrini gave birth, in 1993, to a girl, Anastasia. Since 2008, she has been the partner of the Vittorio Longhi journalist [ 2 ] .


Having left the RAI, she joined the radio service of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), then became spokesperson for the World Food Program (PAM) in 1992. Six years later, she is appointed to exercise this function from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

UNHCR spokesperson [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Also coordinator of High Commission Information Activities in Southern Europe [ 3 ] , Laura Boldrini also collaborates with On themes related to cooperation by taking a blog, entitled ” Peoples on the run (Peoples on the run).

In the exercise of her duties, she has often alerted her colleagues to the inappropriate use of the word “clandestine” in order to indicate the migrants who reach the Italian coast on boats, when they do not die during the crossing: “When We set up a migrant like a clandestine, it is not a problem of semantics but we make a political choice “because” it is obvious that the person who flees a war or a persecution does not have time to take with you His papers ” [ 3 ] .

In 2009, she was the subject of harsh attacks by the Italian Minister of Defense, Ignazio La Russa, for whom “be she is inhuman – what [he] accuses her – because she pretends to keep them locked up For months contained in the centers and then expeling them, it is criminal, because it wants to bypass the law and it wants that once in Italy, they escape and scatter in the [Italian] territory ” . He adds that “Boldrini is deemed to be a member of communist refoundation and bears the family name of a head known to supporters, very respectable, to tell the truth” [ 3 ] . In , she publishes with Rizzoli All back (“All behind”), an essay in which she presents her career and defends her convictions and her fight.

Laura Boldrini was critical, in 2012, of the migration policy led by the government of Mario Monti, which she accuses of not taking enough distance from political movements favorable to the expulsion of foreigners without papers.

President of the Chamber of Deputies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A candidate for the legislative elections, Laura Boldrini is elected deputy for the district of Sicily, on the list of the left movement, ecology and freedom (salt), led by the president of the Pouilles, Nichi Vendola, during the parliamentary ballot of the 24 and . Proposed as a candidate by the Italy coalition. Common well led by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Pier Luigi Bersani, she was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies, March 16 [ 4 ] ; In the fourth ballot, Boldrini collected 327 votes out of 618, against 108 votes to the candidate of the 5 -star movement, Roberto Fico, 19 various votes, 10 votes and 155 white votes [ 5 ] . She is thus the third woman, after Nilde IoTti, of the Italian Communist Party, and Irene Pivetti, of the Northern League, to be elected at the third charge of the Republic.

In her inauguration speech, the new president of the Chamber, who says he wants to be “the president of all [the deputies]”, evokes the European commitment of Italy, pays tribute to the recent Pope Francis as to the president of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, “rigorous guardian of the country’s unity and the values ​​of the republican constitution”. “We must make this assembly the house of good policy” declares Laura Boldrini, calling her colleagues to transparency as well as sobriety which she considers as “a duty” vis-à-vis the Italians who must find at the Montecitorio palace “The place of citizenship of the most needy” [ 6 ] . If his speech is praised by the center-left of the political spectrum, the election of this woman engaged in the humanitarian causes is however welcomed in a more nuanced manner by the deputies close to the former president of the Council, Silvio Berlusconi [ 7 ] .

Four days after his election to the chairmanship, appears his second book, Only the mountains never meet. History of Murayo and its fathers , in which she tells the story of a seriously ill Somali child, whom an Italian soldier brought in Italy in 1994 and who after 14 years recognized her father in an episode of the program Who has seen ? , where, encouraged by her Sicilian adoption family, she resumed contact with her father.

From April 18 to 20, Laura Boldrini, as president of the Chamber of Deputies, presided over the electoral college for the election of the President of the Republic; A historic ballot, since it had the re -election of the outgoing head of state for the re -election, Giorgio Napolitano, never an outgoing president having been renewed in his functions since 1946. On April 22, it was she who presides over in fact the re -elected president’s inauguration.

On June 22, Laura Boldrini participated in the Gay Pride of Palermo; It is the first time that a president of the lower room explicitly has explicitly manifested, in this way, his support for the cause of the LGBT community.

From the , Laura Boldrini will again chair the plenum for the election of the President of the Republic, convened after the resignation of President Napolitano. It is the first time in the history of the Italian Republic that a president of the Chamber of Deputies finds himself twice in a row responsible for preside over the election of the Head of State.

In , the Democratic Party makes a bill debate a bill, repressing by prison terms the propagation of texts and images relating to fascism. When Laura Boldrini evokes the fact that the resistance fighters can feel “Offeved by fascist monuments” , many newspapers are indignant: “It requires the demolition of three -quarters of Italy, if we count public buildings, popular houses, ports, airports, streets, hospitals, monuments, and so on! »» For The espresso , “Intolerance is not fighting for prohibitions” , but in “Cultivating the passion of the past and the historical truth” [ 8 ] .

Laura Boldrini was decorated, in 1999, for the official medal of the National Commission for Parity and Equality of Rights, then was made knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic in 2004 [ 9 ] . In 2006, she received the prize Consort of the President of the Republic .

The year 2009 is that of a double award since it won a prize for the National Council of the Order of Journalists for her press attachment career, before being called “Italian of the year” by the weekly Christian family “For its flawless commitment, with humanity and balance, for the benefit of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers” [ ten ] .

  1. Standard Italian pronunciation transcribed according to API standard.
  2. (it) “President Laura” , D – The Republic of Women ,
  3. A B and C (it) Boldrini, from a journalist to spokesperson Unhcr. La Russa said: “Inhuman or criminal” ». Writing, Daily fact ,
  4. (fr) “Italy: a Democrat President of Parliament” , Euronews,
  5. (fr) “Italy: a woman on the left at the head of the Chamber of Deputies” , Point ,
  6. (fr) “Discourse on taking office of President Laura Boldrini” , House of Representatives
  7. (fr) “Maybe a first step towards the end of the crisis for Italy” , Euronews,
  8. (fr) Italy. Should we strengthen the law against fascist propaganda? » , on , (consulted the )
  9. (it) “Dr. Boldrini Laura” , official website of the Presidency of the Italian Republic
  10. (it) Boldrini, from the commitment of refugees to the presidency of Montecitorio », The Republic ,

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