Laura Veirs — Wikipedia


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Laura Veirs (born in 1973) is an American singer-songwriter.

Laura Veirs grew up in Colorado Springs, in Colorado, where she often spent her summers to camp with her family, which inspired her in writing her songs.

Veirs says she didn’t listen to music seriously until he was 20 years old. Until then, she only listened to what we went around around her, at home or on the radio, namely pop and classic music.

She was at Carleton College in Minnesota. Laura studied geology and mandarin there.
It was at this time that she began a feminist punk group called Rair KX.

She began to write songs during a geological expedition to China where she served as a translator.


In 1999, she released an eponymous album recorded in concert, on which we find her alone with her guitar.

In 2003, she released the album Troubled by fire With a whole group.

The following year, she signed at Nonesuch Records to release the album Carbon Glacier , followed by the album Years of Meteors in August 2005. Son 6 It is  album, Saltbreakers , was released in April 2007. At Universal, she came out July Flame in early 2010, then Tumble Bee in 2011.

In 2016 appeared the album case/lang/veirs that she made in trio with k. d. Lang and Neko Case [ first ] . Laura Veirs releases a new album , entitled The Lookout.

Laura Veirs frequently runs in Europe, the United States and Australia, both solo and with her group Saltbreakers, made up of Karl Blau on bass and guitar, keyboardist Steve Moore and his partner and producer Tucker Martine battery. Laura Veirs and Tucker Martine are living in Portland, Oregon today.

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