Laval Battle – Wikipedia


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View of Laval , engraving by Thomas Drake, around 1850.

Forces in the presence
6,000 men 25,000 men
Unknown Unknown

Vendée War



The Battle of Laval took place during the Vendée war.

After crossing the Loire, the Vendeans had occupied Varades where their officers had gathered on the council on October 19, 1793. General -in -chief Maurice Gigost of Elbée was injured and absent, it was necessary to find him a replacement, the officers then proposed The rank of generalissime to Louis de Salgues de Lescure, but the latter had to decline the offer advancing that his injury was too serious. Instead, Lescure proposed to appoint Henri de La Rochejaquelein. This one, after a moment of hesitation, ended up accepting, and he thus became, at the age of 21, the general-in-chief of the Vendeans.

However, the Council was also to decide the procedure to follow. The objective was to raise the inhabitants of Brittany and the county of Laval, mainly favorable to the royalists. In order to keep in touch with Charette, Lescure proposed to walk on Nantes whose garrison was very reduced. However Talmont, who had many lands in the county of Laval, proposed to take Laval first where he claimed that the influence he had in this province would cause the uprising of several tens of thousands of men. La Rochejaquelein accepted this project.

On October 20, the army started for Laval; In its path, it easily tumbled the weak garrisons of ingrandts and candlesticks the same day, then those of Segré and Château-Gontier on the 21st.

On October 22, the Vendeans were ahead of Laval, defended this time by 6,000 men. The conventional François Joachim Esnue-Lavallée is responsible for 15,000 volunteers for prohibiting their entry. However, the Republicans did not offer a very important defense: from the first Vendée assault, General Letourneur ordered retirement, which turned into a rout, the troops dispersed in the countryside.

All these victories obtained easily re -informed the morale of the Vendeans whose population of Laval had offered a good reception and took care of providing them with food and supplies. The Vendean generals decided to stay a few days in Laval in order to wait for reinforcements and to rest the troops, exhausted by the long steps of the previous days. After the entry of the Vendéens to Laval, M me Monfrand [ first ] succeeded in saving a large number of patriots that the Catholic soldiers, irritated by the Candé massacres, wanted to put to death.

Meanwhile, the western army only crossed the Loire in Angers and Nantes until October 22, leaving behind Haxo to fight Charette.

In these circumstances, the administrators of the department of Mayenne, to prevent detainees, refractory and suspect priests, among which were some patriots, be delivered by the Vendeans, resolved to have them led far from the theater of war.

  1. As soon as the Vendeans left the city, she was thrown into a dungeon and sentenced to death.
  • Émile Gabory, Vendée wars , Robert Laffont, 2009 edition , p. 287-288 .
  • Charles-Louis chassis, The Vendée Patriot (1793-1800) , Volume III, Paul Dupont edition, 1893-1895, p. 237-238 .
  • Yves Gras , The Vendée War: 1793-1796 , Paris, economic, coll. “Campaigns and strategies”, , 184 p. (ISBN  978-2-7178-2600-5 ) , p. 96-99 .
  • Jean Tabeur, Paris against the province, Western Wars , Economica editions, 2008, p. 155-157 .
  • Étienne-Louis Couanier de Launay, History of Laval 818-1855 , Godbert, [Detail of editions]
