Le Furisher — Wikipedia


They laid him is a Swiss commune in the canton of Neuchâtel, located in the coastal region.


It is the only Neuchâtel commune Riveraine du Lac de Bienne.

Fortified medieval village close to the Thielle and Lake Bienne, which, even today, presents itself under the same aspect as several centuries ago. The city of Landeron, founded in 1325 by Rodolphe IV of Neuchâtel, center of a Châtellenie, had its own military organization. In 1449, she concluded with Soleure a treaty of Combourgeoisie which forced her to provide soldiers to this city. It must also put it at the service of the Count of Neuchâtel. Hallebardiers, Piquiers, Couleuvriniers, crossbowmen are frequently mobilized.

According to the Federal Statistics Office, the Landeron measures 10.31 km 2 [ 2 ] . 15.2% of this area corresponds to housing or infrastructure areas, 39.7% with agricultural areas, 43.5% with wooded areas and 1.7% with unproductive areas.

The town is bordering Cressier and Lignières in the canton of Neuchâtel, and the Neuveville, Gals and Cerlier in the canton of Bern.

Its minimum altitude is Lake Bienne at 429 m and its maximum is located in the Serroue forest at 1,055 m .

Middle Ages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The name Le Landeron appeared for the first time in 1209, it was mentioned in writings of the Benedictine monastery of Erlach. Before that the group of surrounding houses was called Nugerol [ 3 ] .

Reform [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Only from the whole canton of Neuchâtel, the municipalities of Landeron, Cressier, Lignières and Enges did not pass to the reform, thus creating a Catholic island in Protestant land. From 1530 to 1562, the cas du Landeron And from its region divides the county of Neuchâtel and disturbs relations between Swiss cantons. In their fight for the maintenance of their faith, the inhabitants of the two municipalities can count on the support of their Soleur Combourgeois. Landeronnaise identity, so special – Catholic Châtellenie in a Protestant state – Dates back to these years and to the protection of Soleur.

In the complex framework of a confederation where precarious peace reigns between reformed and Catholics, the case of the Châtellenie du Landeron takes on an importance without common measure with the demographic and economic reality: this confessional enclave attracts the attention not only of the reformers, Guillaume Farel in mind, but also influential characters such as François I is or the Duke of Guise. Threats and legal claims on the Protestant side, protective measures and opposite argumentation on the Catholic side intersect for thirty years [ 4 ] .

Modern period [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Two fires devastated the Bourg du Landeron in 1751 and 1761, destroying many homes. At XIX It is century local authorities have a perfected fire pump with an actuated pumping mechanism thanks to a pendulum. This sets in motion pistons pushing the water in a pressure bell, itself connected to the extinction lance [ 5 ] .

According to the Federal Statistics Office, the Landeron has 4,642 inhabitants at the end of 2020 [ first ] . Its population density reaches 450 in a way. /km 2 .

The following graph sums up the evolution of the Landeron population between 1850 and 2008 [ 6 ] :

The Landeron has an active tourist activity; Indeed, thanks to its entertainment such as:

  • Lagoon
  • Ancient Rome
  • L’Aquarium
  • The next
  • The carnotzet
  • The Escarbot (café-restaurant)
  • The harbor master’s office
  • Nemours
Public places
  • A football, tennis and basketball field
  • Places of play
  • The lake with the nearby port
  • Walks along the Thielle
  • Forests and vineyards

Maillart gallery atelier

  • Fishing campsite
  • CAP (Youth Group)
  • A museum in the old town
  • Two wine cellars

It is in the Middle Ages that history begins between the Landeron and Soline with many trade. For centuries, the two municipalities were exchanging commercial wealth. The Landeron and Soleure finally led to sign the , a treaty of Combourgeoisie. This signature assured the Landeron the protection of the imperial city of Soleure. But in exchange, the Landeron bourgeois had to participate in the Soleur war campaigns. By wanting to honor his obligations, the Landeron soldiers participated in all the military expeditions of Soleur, during the XV It is century. It is therefore 590 men who fought under the soleur colors from 1523 to 1562.

In the middle of XVI It is Century, Neuchâtel and Berne tried for 30 years to implant reform on the Landeron territory, but thanks to the help of their Soleur Combourgeois, the Landeron resisted. Without them, they should no doubt have joined the Protestant reform.

The culture of the vine also played a big role in the diplomatic links of the two municipalities. Because the bourgeois de Soleure owned vines in Landeron and in the neighboring villages. At XVII It is century, they still expanded the extent of their vines by acquiring land in Auvernier and Colombier. To date, SOLEURE has 10.5 hectares of vines in the canton of Neuchâtel.

The two municipalities will wait for the To officially sign a twinning pact.

  • The door and the faubourg of the city (the gateway to Saint-Jean being destroyed to widen the road)
  • The town dating from XIV It is century
  • The Chapel of Combes
  • Twenty historic fountains
  • The Saint-Maurice church

The village has been a part of the association of the most beautiful villages in Switzerland since 2016 [ 8 ] .

Hôtel-de-Ville museum [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This small museum offers visitors passionate about history, a look at the past of this city and shows some weapons, cannons of the Battle of Morat, banners, armor, engravings and pendulums, furniture, a carpet of the town from the Landeron in 1680 and old documents. A slideshow invites the visitor to a stroll in the heart of the Landeron of yesterday and today.

Drawing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The collection of drawings by international artists at the two Thielles school center brings together 134 drawings by European artists and Martin Disler, Swiss artist.

Festival God in old town
  • On the bienne – Neuchâtel rail line
  • Downingugate for boats connecting the lakes of Biel and Neuchâtel
  • A5 motorway, outings 19 (Le Landeron), 20 (La Neuveville)
  • Postal bus line Le Landeron – Enges, via Tène
  • Postal bus line towards Lignières
  • Postal bus line towards Erlach

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Literature [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Armorial you Landeron . ST-Black: Departes 1981 Sparges SA, 1991. A very interesting reference for those interested in the coat of arms of families. French.
  • The Landeron. City stories . Hauterive: Gilles Attinger. The history of the town. French.
  • They laid him . Le Landeron: Schneider agency, 1998. Brief description of the origins of the landeron supported by old photographs. French/German texts.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Demographic assessment according to the institutional geographical level » , on Federal Statistics Bureau (consulted the ) .
  2. a et b Regional portraits 2021: key figures from all municipalities » Accès libre[xls] , on Federal Statistics Bureau (consulted the ) .
  3. The Landeron in the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland »
  4. Bartolini Lionel: Resistance to reform in the country of Neuchâtel: Le Landeron and its region (1530-1562). Neuchâtel, 2006: Alphil. (ISBN  2-940235-18-X )
  5. Gillian Barthe, « A fire pump », Simple past , n O 66, , p. 33
  6. [zip] Evolution of the population of municipalities 1850-2000 » , on Federal Statistics Bureau (consulted the )
  7. The Landeron Castle
  8. The Landeron is one of the most beautiful villages in Switzerland » , on Canalalpha.ch , (consulted the )
