LeChuck – Wikipedia


LeChuck He is a non-muorte pirate captain present in the video game saga of Monkey Island . Lechuck is the main enemy of Guybrush Threepwood, the protagonist; Both are in love with Elaine Marley, governor of the area of ​​the three islands. And just to eliminate the rival and conquer the girl, the evil pirate (with an unmistakable black beard, which in some episodes such as Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge He lives of his own life) devised traps and various obstacles that make up the video game juice.


LeChuck It impersonates the classic stereotype of the Edward Teach -style pirate, starting with clothing, consisting of a long red jacket, a chapel and the aforementioned black beard. Lechuck is the only pirate who has ever managed to find Big Whoops, thanks to which he obtained immortality.
Together with its pirate crew, among which there are the Bob and Largo Lagrande skeleton (which has an important role in the second video game), travels on a ghost ship with the tetroes and torn sails, while its lair is located in the depths Monkey Island’s sulphurous colors, under the temple of the large monkey head.

It is known that when he was still alive he landed on Blood Island, and the most beautiful girl on the island Minnie Goodsoup fell in love with him. During the tests of the wedding he removed the diamond from the ring and said he wanted to take him out to take some air. Immediately afterwards he sold him to the smoking smoker smuggling by breaking the heart of his future wife.
Later, Lechuck falls in love with Melee Island Elaine Marley in love, who refuses him because of his rough and uncivilized ways. In order to impress her, Lechuck leaves Monkey Island, but his ship is destroyed by a terrible storm.

After finding Big Whoop, Lechuck becomes a ghost.
As a ghost pirate goes to kill three of the four owners of the Big Whoop map: Raps Scallion the cook, young Lindy the hub and Rum Roger the Nostromo. To kill Scallion, it causes a fire in the kitchen on Scobb Island in which the cook works. As for Rum Rogers, he throws him a toaster heated in the bathtub in his villa on Phatt Island. Finally, it makes sure that Lindy’s company on Booty Island faces, bringing it to the pavement and inducing it to suicide. Even Captain Horatio Torquemada Marley in theory would have to perish at the hands of Lechuck, having caused the latter caused a reel in the sea during the America’s Cup, in which Marley participated, making him fall into it. However, the thing will be clarified on the run from Monkey Island: Lechuck had created the reel, but it was Ozzie Mandrill, another rival of Marley, who threw it inside. Marley, however, managed to survive ending up on Monkey Island and taking Herman Toothrot’s identity.

Subsequently, he will try at all costs to conquer Elaine Marley’s love. Initially, under the false appearance of the Sheriff Fester Shinop, tries to kill the rival Guybrush Threepwood, throwing it under water attached to a stone idol. Guybrush runs away easily and reaches Lechuck on Monkey Island, where he prepares root beer, which he then uses on Mêlée Island to break down Lechuck.

Later, thanks to the help of the sorcerer Voodoomaster and Largo Lagrande who recovered his living beard by Guybrush Threepwood, the pirate manages to return to life in the form of zombies.
After having built a playground on Monkey Island, he tends a trap to Threepwood, who trying to save his friend Wally, kidnapped by Lechuck, is captured. Lechuck, however, lets himself escape Threepwood, who arrives on Dinky Island, the seat of the Big Whoop treasure, which communicates with Melèe Island via an underground tunnel. In this, a duel takes place with voodoo dolls between the two pirates, in which Guybrush has the upper hand. Finally, Lechuck with a deception, manages to trap Guybrush on Monkey Island in the “Fiera dei damnati”.
Subsequently, the Zombie leaves for Plunder Island. Here in an attempt to conquer Elaine Marley’s heart with his voodoo sphere, he explodes with it due to the recoil of one of his cannons, lit by Guybrush Threepwood while he was trapped in the hold of his ship.

Lechuck, thanks to the power of Big Whoop, rises in the form of a demon, and returns to the Damnati fair, where he will later be able to bring Guybrush and Elaine. After a long dialogue with Guybrush, in which they come into light of the first hidden truth, Lechuck transforms him into a child. Despite this, it is buried by Guybrush, returned great, under a mountain of ice. After some time, he is freed from his ice prison by Ozzie Mandrill. Lechuck, under the appearance of Charles L. Charles, applies to Mêlée Island’s governor against Elaine Marley. Subsequently it helps Mandrill to take possession of the supreme insult, the powerful amulet recovered by Guybrush on Jambalaya Island. Finally, he was defeated by Guybrush in a Monkey Kombat race.

In the fifth episode of the saga, after being pierced by Guybrush Threepwood with a particular voodoo saber that should have killed him, Lechuck is instead suddenly changed in human form, and apparently cleaned up of any wickedness. In this apparently harmless form, Lechuck manages to make his way between the feelings of Elaine Marley, convincing her to follow him for the Caribbean with the apparent reason to remedy his past evil.
Its human form proves, despite the significant loss of physical and magical power complained by Lechuck himself, the most dangerous of all, since, conquered the trust of Elaine and Guybrush, finally after years of continuous pursuit Lechuck manages to bring his enemy closer Always enough to pierce him treacherously, under the eyes of an astonished Elaine, to whom he renews the invitation to follow it. After yet another refusal, Lechuck regains his demonic features, addressing his attention to the Caribbean.


In the fifth episode of the saga, after having become human and having pierced more treacherous guybrush, Lechuck uses the large exponer, a sponge capable of capturing unlimited quantities of voodoo, to absorb infinite evil energy directly from the world of spirits, and become So the pirate God Lechuck.
In this form, Lechuck has practically unlimited powers, it can stop time, it is invulnerable, and is able to instill its own essence in other people, transforming them into almost omnipotent malignant deities (so in fact it does with Elaine Marley, finally managing to transform it into the his demonic bride). However, he is defeated by a combined action by Guybrush (returned from death in the form of zombies), Morgan Leflay, and Elaine. The first makes the sponge harmless by blocking the flow of energy, and sacrifices his last shred of life to block his enemy halfway between the physical and spiritual world, and then Morgan, in the form of a spectrum, and Elaine, who while Lechuck It is trapped, they hit him simultaneously from the two worlds with two enchanted swords.
At that point the pirate God would seem to vanish in an blinding light. At the end of the episode, however, it is seen that Morgan’s ghost trapped Lechuck’s essence in a bottle, and brought it to the Voodoo Lady to obtain the permission in exchange to return as a spectrum in the world of living. The intentions of the Voodoo Lady by the way remain unclear.

Lechuck is a great connoisseur of Voodoo. He acquired his main power thanks to Big Whoop: immortality. In fact he always manages to be reborn every time he dies, in an increasingly powerful body. Another great power of his is to know how to assume other identities. Indeed:

  • Monkey Island 1 : Diventa party shinetop;
  • Monkey Island 2 : creates an illusion of being the brother of Guybrush, Chuckie, making his parents appear (in reality Ron Gilbert, author of the first two episodes, had planned a third chapter in which the question would be deepened, but was then forced to abandoning Lucasarts and the matter was liquidated by his successors as a dream induced by magic);
  • Monkey Island 3 : makes guybrush child;
  • Monkey Island 4 , he manages to become Charles L. Charles and to take possession of a gigantic statue.
  • Monkey Island 5 , while at the beginning it is located in a particular “new demonic form”, while it performs a strange rite that should give it unlimited powers, it suddenly finds itself human and without powers, and although it seems also become good, in reality decides to replace cunning To the brute force, conquering the trust of Guybrush and Elaine in order to regain his power and obtain revenge. Received his power becomes the pirate God, his most powerful form, with infinite resources of voodoo energy available, and therefore practically unlimited powers.

In the third, fourth and fifth chapter of Monkey Island we can hear Lechuck’s voice.

In original, the voice Earl Boen, in Italian Pier Luigi Zollo, who passed away in 2005, lends him his voice.
