Leguide.com – Wikipedia


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The LeGuide Group is a company editor of several websites price comparators and purchasing guides in several European countries including France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy or the Netherlands and this , under different domain names. The company was founded in 1999 by Christian Vigneau then joined by Michael Copsidas, Igor Schlumberger and Jean de Beaumont during the takeover of Promoselect.

Its capital was detained between and 2016 at 96.5% by Lagardère active following a hostile OPA [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

The company was bought by Kelkoo in 2016.


1998: launch of LeGuide.com.

1999: The site incorporates services to help the user in their act of purchase: weekly newsletters, mediation in the event of a dispute between a surfer and an e-merchant, a consumer forum called “consumption” of purchasing guides Themes, etc.

2000: The company merges with laventis [ 4 ] : a search engine and the price comparator in order to consolidate its economic model. The aim of this merger is to provide internet users with additional service: comparison of products and prices. 2000 is also the year of the takeover of webmarchand.com [ 5 ] ; A directory of merchant sites.

2002 – 2003: The company is embarking on a multi -site strategy and develops product search engine sites: Webmarchand.com and LeGuide.net. These complete the offer offered by the Leguide.com site, which is defined as a purchasing guide.

Between 2004 and 2006: LeGuide.com opened sites in Germany, Spain, Great Britain, then in Poland, Italy and the Netherlands

2006: IPO to strengthen its positions in its markets and support European development [ 6 ]

2006 is also the year of the acquisition of the Dooyoo.com site, a European platform claiming to be “social shopping”, that is to say exchanges of opinions between cyber-crusters on products

2008: Signature of the Charter of Comparators [ 7 ] : Leguide.com as well as 6 comparators sign with the support of the Fevad and in the presence of Eric Besson, a charter in order to guarantee the transparency and the relevance of the information presented to the consumer [ 8 ]

2011: Launch of the LeGuide.com application. [ 9 ]

2012: in , Leguide.com buys the European Ciao comparator, owned by Microsoft [ ten ]

2012: in , Lagardère Active finalized the acquisition of LeGuide.com for the sum of 92 million after a “media” OPA and appoints Olivier Sichel, CEO and chairman of the board of directors [ 11 ] .

2012: The , Leguide.com is launching the Choozen.com shopping engine to replace the LeGuide.net site.

2013: The , Leguide.com is launching its first 100% radio advertising campaign. Turnover exceeds 47 million euros this year [ twelfth ] .

2016: During the summer, Leguide.com was bought by his competitor Kelkoo, himself held by the Jampent English fund, following his acquisition in Yahoo in 2008 [ 13 ] We do not know the amount of the transaction but it should be noted that the Lagardere group in 2015 had depreciated the value of its participation at only 35 million euros [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] .

  • 82,645 referenced e-merchants [ 17 ] .
  • 193 million offers [ 18 ] .
  • 19.8 million unique visitors in [ 19 ] .

Functioning [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The site offers research by tree or keywords.

E-merchants can reference their products online.

Leguide.com indicates controlling the research and purchase process and only references products whose merchants comply with the provisions of the Consumer Code as well as the LeGuide.com Charter [ 20 ] .

Leguide.com Group has an activity in 14 European countries [ 21 ] .

  1. https://www.verif.com/bilans-gratuits/leguide.com-425085875/
  2. LAGARDERE S.C.A.: Quarterly information – Third quarter 2012 » , on zonebourse.com , (consulted the )
  3. Lagardère succeeds in her hostile opa on LeGuide.com » , on http://lexpansion.lexpress.fr , (consulted the )
  4. Frantz Grenier, Coralie Cathelinais, Leguide.com, price comparison and purchase assistance » , on 01Net.com , (consulted the )
  5. Legal Notice » , on Webmarchand.com (consulted the )
  6. IPO of LeGuide.com S.A. on EURONEXT Paris Alternext » , on Leguide.com , (consulted the )
  7. Lescomparators, A ethical charter for price comparators » , on lescomparateurs.com , (consulted the )
  8. Transparency, charter, confidence, comparators » , on lefigaro.fr (consulted the )
  9. Christopher, LeGuide.com lance son application shopping sur iPhone » , on blog.leguide.com , (consulted the )
  10. Je Moll G., Microsoft gives Ciao to Leguide.com » , on Generation-nt.com , (consulted the )
  11. Lagardère gets hold on the leguide.com comparison » , on lesechos.fr ,
  12. [ https://www.societe.com/bilan/leguide-com-425085875201312311.html Leguide.com � Paris 9 (75009), free assessment 2016, on Societe.com (425085875) “], on www.societe.com (consulted the )
  13. Lagardère turn leguide à kelkoo », FIGARO , ( read online , consulted the )
  14. Lagardère turn leguide à kelkoo » , on FIGARO , (consulted the )
  15. Kelkoo buys Leguide.com in Lagardère » , on leparisien.fr , 2016-10-13cest13:20:16+02:00 (consulted the )
  16. Kelkoo finalizes the acquisition of the Guide.com in Lagardère Active » , on Strategies , (consulted the )
  17. Leguide: Strong increase in profits » , on scholarship holder , (consulted the )
  18. Leguide.com – 2013 – Leguide exercise: Strong profits » , on scholarship holder , (consulted the )
  19. Leguide.com – 2013 – Leguide exercise: Strong profits » , on scholarship holder , (consulted the )
  20. Consumer code » , on Legifancance.com (consulted the )
  21. Who are we ? » , on Leguide.com (consulted the )

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
