Leon Eisenberg – Wikipéd


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Leon Eisenberg ( [ first ] ), son of Judeo-Russian immigrants, is an American child psychiatrist and a social psychiatrist [ 2 ] , as well as a medical trainer “Who transformed pediatric psychiatry by advocating research on the development of problems [ trad 1 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . » He proposed several “first” in medicine and psychiatry. He distinguished himself in child psychiatry, autism (by getting involved in controversies), random clinical trials, social medicine, global health, positive discrimination [ 5 ] and in psychiatry based on facts.

He left the Department of Child and adolescent psychiatry of Johns Hopkins Hospital In 1967, where he was director of the department since the departure of Leo Kanner in 1959 [ 6 ] . After leaving the Harvard Medical School In 1988, he held the position of professor emeritus in social medicine and psychiatry in Department of Global Health and Social Medicine from Harvard Medical School in Boston [not clear] . He gave lessons, wrote and supervised students [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] . He held this position until a few months before his death in 2009.

He obtained his baccalaureate and his medical diploma from the University of Pennsylvania. While he followed his training in psychiatry in two institutions, the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and the Massachusetts General Hospital In Boston, he was there Chief of Psychiatry For both institutions.

While all his life he had helped develop the concept of attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) to the point of being considered the “scientific father”, Leon Eisenberg made, shortly before his death ( of prostate cancer, at the age of 87), this final declaration to the newspaper The mirror , published the :

“In the DSM, the deficit disorder of attention with or without hyperactivity appeared in 1968 and there is still its place today, under the name of ADHD, which has become commonplace in the meantime. It was a disease in the world that pleased many people. The idea that ADHD has genetic causes and that it was therefore congenital relieved parents, because it cleared them for example a bad education if their child was not “in standards”. Thus in Germany, there is now statistically a child in each primary school class with the diagnosis of ADHD. For these children to become quieter, they receive drugs, such as ritalin. The industry was delighted: consumption of methylphenidate it contains reached new records each year. While 34 kilos were still manufactured in pharmacies in 1993 last year (in 2008), they were 1,760 kilos. “ADHD is an excellent example of a manufactured disease [ ADHD is a prime example of a fabricated disease ] [ 9 ] .


Original quotes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. (in) transformed child psychiatry by advocating research into developmental problems »

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Boston Globe obituary
  2. (in) David Healy (psychiatre), The Creation of Psychopharmacology , 2002
  3. (in) [first]
  4. (in) David Demaso, http://www.
  5. [PDF] (in) Alane shanks, Thirty Years of Affirmative Action at Harvard Medical School: A Mixed Method Program Evaluation , U Mass Edd, 2004 (theneese)
  6. (in) L. Children it l. ironberg, Child psychiatry; mental deficiency , American Journal of Psychiatry , 1955: 111: 520-523
  7. Eisenberg occupied the pulpit Maude and Lillian Presley
  8. (in) Biography on the website of Harvard Medical School
  9. Jörg sheet « : Melancholy without shame », The mirror , vol. 6, ( read online , consulted the )
