Leonor from Bourbon and Ortiz — Wikipedia



Leonor de Bourbon and Ortiz [ N 1 ] , Princess of Asturias, born on In Madrid, is a member of the Spanish royal family. Elder daughter of Felipe VI, king of Spain, and his wife the Queen Letizia, as well as granddaughter of King Juan Carlos I is and Queen Sophie, she is the heiress of the Spanish throne from the .

Birth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The infant Leonor is born the To first h forty six , in Madrid, Spain. It weighs 3.540 kg and measure 47 cm [ first ] .

The royal family announces the birth of Leonor to the press by SMS [ 2 ] . To celebrate this birth, Air Berlin and Niki aviation companies offer a free trip to all Spanish calling for Leonor [ 3 ] . The princess national identity document number is 16 [ 4 ] .

Choice of first name [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The princess bears the first name Leonor, Spanish form of Aliénor (or Éléonore) [ 5 ] , traditional at the time of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. This first name entered the royal family of Castile with Aliénor of England (1161-1214), daughter of Aliénor d’Aquitaine and Henri II Plantagenêt (count of Anjou and King of England), queen of Castile by her Marriage with Alphonse VIII. Five queens of Aragon bore the name of Aliénor, as well as three queens of Castile, two queens of Navarre and four queens of Portugal, just like Éléonore de Habsbourg, sister of the emperor and king Charles Quint who married in seconds wedding King François I is of France. As part of the discussion on the rules of succession to the throne, the infant was therefore endowed with a traditional first name in the royal line; However, it is a less symbolically loaded first name than that of Isabelle (in reference to Isabelle La Catholique as well as Isabelle II, only women – with Jeanne La Folle – to have so far inherited from the throne of Spain ).

Baptism [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Leonor is baptized at the Zarzuela Palace, during a public ceremony at which many Spanish officials attend. The religious office is led by the Archbishop of Madrid, Monsignor Antonio Rouco Varela, and the princess is sprayed with water from the Jordan, drawn by the Franciscan brothers of Jerusalem. His godfather and godmother are his paternal grandparents, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophie of Spain.


Dynastic question [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Princess Leonor comes to first place in the order of succession to the throne of Spain, before her younger sister, the infant Sofía, and her aunt, the infant Elena, Duchess of Lugo, who now occupies third place [ 6 ] .

His birth raises the question of a possible modification of the rules of succession to the throne to which seven countries of Europe (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and United Kingdom), as well as the fifteen monarchies whose Queen Élisabeth II was also the sovereign, already replied by favoring the first born child, whatever her sex [ 7 ] . However, such a modification requires, according to article 168, the two -thirds agreement of the Congress of Deputies and then of the Senate, after which the two chambers must be dissolved, new elections convened and a new vote organized on the same project which must be adopted by the new assemblies also by two thirds. Only the king who can dissolve the Parliament, at the request of the President of the Government, he would then take the risk of losing his majority at the Congress. Finally, this proposal must be subject to a referendum [ 8 ] .

According to the current Spanish Constitution, Princess Leonor can only reign if she has no living brother on the death of her father. However, the birth of a male inheriter is unlikely, the royal couple having reached fifties.

Education [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

She continued her schooling at the Santa María college in Los Rosales, in Madrid [ 9 ] , [ ten ] . In , she joined Atlantic College, in Wales, where she completed the preselection exams and selection of foreign students [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] . After obtaining her international baccalaureate, the princess will follow, from 2023, training in the three Spanish military academies: the General Military Academy, the Military Naval School and the General Academy of Air (is) [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] .

Besides the Spaniard, Princess Leonor speaks English and Arab; She receives training in the three regional languages ​​co-official (Basque, Catalan and the Galician). During her schooling, she also learned French, German and Chinese [ 15 ] .

Official activities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Princess Leonor regularly accompanies her parents during their royal visits. She makes her first public intervention on , the day of his thirteenth birthday, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution. On this occasion, she reads article 1 alongside her father [ 16 ] .

She delivered her first speech , at the Campoamor theater in Oviedo, as part of the Princess of Asturias prize award [ 17 ] .

In 2020, during the confinement implemented in Spain as part of the COVVI-19 pandemic, she addressed with her sister a video message to the young people of the country, in which she also pays tribute to the action of the nursing staff [ 18 ] .

At the age of 15, Princess Leonor assumed her first alone commitment to the 30 It is Anniversary of the Cervantes Institute [ 19 ] .

Offender [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Description de l'image Coat of Arms of Leonor, Princess of Asturias.svg.
Indirect His Royal Highness
Direction Your Royal Highness
Alternative Madame

In Spain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • : His Royal Highness Leonor de bobon and Ortiz, Infante D’espagne.
  • Since : His Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias.

As the heir to the heir to the crown of Spain, Leonor receives at birth the dignity of infant of Spain with predicate of Royal Highness, in accordance with article 3 of the royal decree of [ 20 ] .

At the time of the accession to the throne of his father the , Leonor, then aged 8 years , becomes the youngest heiress heiress in Europe, until the birth of Prince Jacques de Monaco, the [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] . It automatically takes the traditional titles of the heir to the Spanish Crown:

For French legitimists [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For French legitimists, she is Mademoiselle [ 23 ] , fille you «Premier Prince you sang» Felipe we [Insufficient source] As an Arrière-Petite-Fille de Juan de Borbón, count of Barcelona, ​​younger son of Alphonse XIII (or “Alphonse I is For legitimists) and brother of Jacques-Henri de Bourbon (claiming the throne of France under the name of “Henri VI”).

Coat of arms [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Royal Decree 979/2015 of Defines the Princess Asturias Princess Coatms [ 24 ] :

Blason Coating:

Torn apart: at I , Gules at the Counted Château covered and openwork azure (Castile); At II , silver with armed purple lion, tired of gules and crowned with gold (Léon); At III , gold at the four pals of gules (Aragon); At IV , gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded in the heart of an emerald naturally (Navarre); Accompanied in a silver point to an apple pomegranate of gules tiger and sinople leafy (pomegranate); On the whole of azure with the three golden lilies at the edge of gules (Bourbon-Anjou), with the azure lambel posed on the whole.

Comments: The coat of arms is surrounded by the Golden Fleece badge and stamped with the crown of the Prince of Asturias.

Decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Princess Leonor alongside her father Felipe VI in .

Distinctions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since , Princess Leonor is honorary president of the Princess of Asturias Foundation and the Princess Foundation of Girona (is) [ 26 ] . As such, she is represented by the King and the Queen until she is old enough to assume these functions and attend events related to foundations [ 27 ] .

Tributes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , day of the second anniversary of the infant, daily life The country Announces the sale of a “Leonor” collection doll by an Alicante factory [ 28 ] .

The , the president of the Madrid community, Esperanza Aguirre, announces that the names of the girls of the Prince of Asturias, Leonor and Sofía, will be given to two new public hospitals in the capital [ 29 ] . The hospital Infanta Sofia , located in San Sebastián de Los Reyes, a commune near Madrid, opens its doors and the hospital Leonor’s infant , located in the Vallecas district, in the Madrid suburbs, was inaugurated on the 29th of the same month.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Its name is officially translated into the regional languages ​​of Spain: Alionor de Borbón y Ortiz in Aragonese, Lleonor de Borbón y Ortiz in Asturien, Elionor de Borbó I Ortiz in Catalan, Leonor Borboikoa Ortiz in Basque, Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz in Galicien . Note that in French, Leonor or Leonor without It is Final is the masculine of the first name Léonore, variant of Éléonore and Aliénor.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Leonor, new princess of Spain » , on The free , (consulted the ) .
  2. (is) The birth of Leonor de Borbón Ortiz, a birth transmitted by SMS and a surprise because it has been a child » , on Elconfidallowigital.com , (consulted the ) .
  3. (is) Calling Leonor in Spain has a prize for Air Berlin » , The voice of Galicia , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  4. 20Minutos , Infantas Leonor and Sofia already have DNI – 20minutos.es » , on 20minutos.es – Latest News (consulted the ) .
  5. (is) Fernando Savater , Column | Aléor » , The country , (ISSN  1134-6582 , read online , consulted the ) .
  6. (is) His Majesty House The King of Spain – La Corona today – The order of succession » , on www.casareal.es (consulted the ) .
  7. Royal file: Here are the kings and queens of tomorrow » , on RTL.BE , (consulted the ) .
  8. Article 168 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain (December 27, 1978) on Wikisources. The article dealing with the succession to the throne is article 57 (point 1) of title II of the Constitution, the modification of which is subject to article 168 indicated.
  9. (is) M.B., The Leonor and Sofia College: where to walk straight matters more than knowing the lesson » , on The national.cat , (consulted the ) .
  10. (is) This is the College of Infantas heirs to the throne of Spain and other royal heirs » , on Digital journalist , (consulted the ) .
  11. (is) Princess Leonor will study baccalaureate at a school in Wales » , on huffingtonpost.es , (consulted the ) .
  12. (is) Royal House announces that La Princess Leonor will study El Bachillerato en un Colegio de Wales » , on ELPPURAL.com , (consulted the ) .
  13. Dominique Bonnet, For Princess Leonor of Spain, after the bac, it will be the army » , on Paradch.com , (consulted the ) .
  14. Nicolas Fontaine, Princess Leonor will join the three military academies after obtaining her baccalaureate » , on histoiresroyal.fr , (consulted the ) .
  15. (is) The polyglot princess: Leonor exhibits her mastery of co -official languages, English and Arabic » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  16. The young princess Leonor of Spain made her first public speech » , on RTL.FR , (consulted the ) .
  17. VIDEO. The first speech of Leonor of Spain » , on Point of view (consulted the ) .
  18. On video, Princesses Leonor and Sofia of Spain have a message for young people confined » , on Madame.lefigaro.fr , (consulted the ) .
  19. Princess Leonor of Spain already very pro at 15, during her first solo commitment » , on Paradch.com , (consulted the ) .
  20. Boe.es-Consolidated document Boe-A-1987-25284 » , on www.booe.es (consulted the ) .
  21. Spain: Leonor, eight years old, the youngest heiress in Europe princess », lapepeche.fr , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  22. Jacques de Monaco: designated crown prince to the detriment of his sister » , on The Internet user , (consulted the ) .
  23. Present state of the house of Bourbon: to serve as a result of the Royal almanac from 1830 and other official publications of the house , Paris, Éditions du Palais Royal, then the golden leopard : first re ed. (1975), p. 26, 2 It is ed. (1983), p. 26, 3 It is ed. (1986), p. 29, 4 It is ed. (1991), p. 142, 5 It is ed. (2012), p. 142.
  24. Boe.ES-Consolidated document Boe-A-2015-11729 » , on www.booe.es (consulted the ) .
  25. Boe.ES-BOE-A-2015-11718 Document » , on www.booe.es (consulted the ) .
  26. (is) Ana de Castro, Leonor, princess of Asturias, turns ten in the strictest family intimacy » , on republica.com , (consulted the ) .
  27. (is) The first Princess of Asturias awards will not have their princess » , on hola.com , (consulted the ) .
  28. (is) “For sale the doll Leonor “, on the site of The country .
  29. (is) “The Leonor and Sofia hospitals”, Sur Le Site D ‘ The country .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (is) José María Zavala, Infantas: From the firstborn of Felipe V to the successor of Felipe VI , Plaza & Janés, (ISBN  8401346525 ) .

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
