Leslie Manigan — Wikipedia


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Leslie manigat , born the in Port-au-Prince and died the in the same town [ first ] , is a Haitian statesman of Democrat-Christian trend, who was president of the Republic in 1988 for four months.

Son of teachers, Leslie Manigat comes from the progressive elite of the north of Haiti. He followed university studies at the Sorbonne where he obtained a doctorate in philosophy.

He was director of political affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 1950s and was a supporter of François Duvalier. In 1958 he created the school of Advanced International Studies.

His relations with Duvalier deteriorated later. Accused of supporting the strikes of students in the early 1960s, he was thus imprisoned two months in 1963 before going into exile in France, the United States and Venezuela.

He was called upon to teach in several universities including the Johns-Hopkins University in Baltimore in the United States, the Paris Political Studies Institute, the University of Western Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, the Yale University ( For a brief period) and at the University of Caracas in Venezuela (today Central University of Venezuela).

He campaigned for opposition from outside and created in 1979 in Caracas the rally of Progressive National Democrats (DRNP), a party claiming to be Christian democracy. Thus, after the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier, he was a candidate in the elections which were to take place the . He is also a regular contributor to the daily Le Nouvelliste.


Following acts of violence and a killing in a polling station caused by Macoutes uncle, the National Council of Government (CNG) canceled these elections and decided to dissolve the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). Manigat then refused to openly criticize the CNG, and even suggested that CEP had its share of responsibility in fiasco. Affirming that the army is essential and that it was to take it in the word when it says it is able to organize free and honest elections, it was therefore a candidate in the January 17 elections organized by the latter and became Thus president of the Republic of Haiti on February 7, 1988, thanks to the support of the Armed Forces of Haiti.

Arrived under these suspicious conditions, he subsequently dismissed and arrested General Henri Namphhy, close to the Duvalierist circles, due to insubordination. This daring act also marked the end of his presidency. Indeed, on the night of 19 to , it is overthrown by a coup organized by certain members of the Haiti armed forces who once again gave Henri Namphy the reins of executive power. Leslie Manigat, once again, went into exile to return until the 1990 elections.

His wife, Mirlande Manigat, was a candidate for the presidential elections at the end of 2010 and had come to the top of the first round with just over 31% of the votes. But singer Michel Martelly prevailed in the second round with 67.5% of the votes.
