Line of Voves in Toury – Wikipedia


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The Line of VOVES in TOURY is a French railway line with standard spacing and unlectrified single track. She connects Voves to Toury. Largely downgraded, there remains a freight traffic between Janville and Toury.

It constitutes line 557,000 [ first ] of the national rail network.

In Voves, she is in contact with the Brétigny line at the Membrolle-sur-Choisille, put into service .

In Toury, she is in contact with the Paris-Austerlitz line in Bordeaux-Saint-Jean, leading to Paris in the North, and Orleans to the south, and had a correspondence with the Pithiviers tramway in Tryry.


This line was conceded as a possible basis and as a line of local interest the [ 2 ] to the Compagnie du Chemin de Rail d’Orléans in Rouen.

The line is conceded by an agreement signed the Between the General Council of Eure-et-Loir and the Compagnie du Chemin de Rail d’Orléans in Rouen. It is declared of public utility, as a local interest, by an order of the President of the Council [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] thus making the final concession.

The line is incorporated into the general interest network by law of [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . It is integrated into the network administration of state railways.

The construction was carried out by this last company which put it into service [ 7 ] .

Originally based on the transport of cereals to Chartres to continue to Rouen, the traveler service appeared in the form of reserved trains. They gradually been replaced by mixed trains. The daily frequency is then three trips in each direction.

The line was closed to the traveler service on . She is completely brought back from Prasville to Traincrainville.

Dates of downgrade [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Section of Fresnay-l’Évêque in Tranqurainville (PK 18,200 to 20,200) 😕
  • CRAINCINVILLE section in Janville (PK 20,200 to 23,625): (closed in traffic on ) [ 8 ] .
  • Section in Janville (PK 23.625 to 24,470): (closed to traffic in 1986) [ 9 ] .
  • Section of Voves in Fresnay-l’Évêque (PK 0.500 to 18,200): (closed in traffic on ) [ ten ] .

It is a main line on a single track, the slopes reach 10 ‰.

Although eating by vegetation, the platforms remain visible between Prasville and Transmrainville. Travelers also remain and have been sold to individuals.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Book: Reinhard doubted, The 400 profiles of passenger lines from the French rail network , edited by the life of the rail in August 2011, (ISBN  978-2-918758-34-1 ) , volume 1, page 195.
  2. Reports and deliberations-Eure-et-Loir, General Council, year 1873, page 170.
  3. N ° 467-Order which declares of public utility the establishment of various railways of local interest in the department of Eure-et-Loir: July 31, 1871 », Law Bulletin of the French Republic , Parais, Imprisame national, xii, vol. 3, n O 59, , p. 67 – 73 ( read online ) .
  4. Complete collection of laws, decrees, ordinances, regulations, and advice from the Council of State, year 1871, page 156.
  5. N ° 8248 – Law which incorporates into the network of general interest various railways of local interest: July 31, 1879 », Law Bulletin of the French Republic , Parais, Imprisame national, xii, vol. 19, n O 461, , p. 104 – 105 ( read online ) .
  6. Bulletin of laws of the French Republic, year 1879/07, page 104.
  7. Reports and deliberations-Eure-et-Loir, General Council, year 1896, page 327.
  8. Official Journal of the French Republic of December 7, 1986, page 14 718.
  9. Official Journal of the French Republic of February 18, 1992, page 2 537.
  10. Official Journal of the French Republic of July 14, 1994, page 10 204.

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