Lise St-Denis — Wikipedia


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Lise St-Denis (born In Montreal) is a Canadian Quebec politician. It represented the district of Saint-Maurice-Champlain in the Chamber of Commons of Canada of the At .

Lise St-Denis has an ES arts baccalaureate as well as two master’s degrees in Quebec education and literature. She held the position of teaching French in high school for 34 years.

Lise St-Denis began to campaign for the new democratic party around 2001 [ first ] . She was a candidate defeat in 2008 in Longueuil-Pierre-Boucher, then elected in 2011. After eight months as deputy for the NPD, she announced in that she will now sit with the liberals [ 2 ] .

Of At the end of her mandate, she was a liberal spokesperson for preschool and daycare. She is also a member of the official language committee of the House of Commons.

As a politician, Lise St-Denis is mainly interested in education, post-secondary training and the condition of women, especially those who have children and who return to studies. The deputy also takes care of internet access, unemployment and the indigenous file.


In She announces that she will not be a candidate for the elections scheduled for 2015 [ 3 ] .

Electoral results [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the elections of , 48,871 voters out of a total of 80,534 voters appearing on the electoral lists, caught their voting rights, or 60.7% of the voters in this constituency. From this number of 48,871 ballots, 1,193 were rejected, there were 47,678 valid votes. According to Elections Canada, 8,242 voted in advance [ 4 ] .

Canadian Federal Election of 2011 [ 5 ]
Candidate Party # voice % voices
Jacques Grenier Conservative +0 8 447 , 17.72%
(outgoing) Jean-Yves Laforest Bloc Québécois + 13 961 , 29.28%
Yves Tousignant Liberal +0 5 670 , 11.89%
Lise St-Denis NPD + 18 628 , 39.07%
Pierre Audette Green +00 972 , 2.04%
Total 47 678 100%
Élections 2011 Saint-Maurice-Champlain.jpg

The distribution of votes by territory shows fairly similar proportions, with a few slight variants: the voters of the MRC of the CHANNES voted a little more for Lise St-Denis (NPD) than the other three territories; those of Shawinigan a little more for Jean-Yves Laforest (Bloc Québécois); those of the MRC de Mékinac a little more for Jacques Grenier (curator); And those of the Tuque more for Yves Tousignant (liberal).

Canadian federal election of 2008
Candidate Party # voice % voices
Jacques Bouchard Conservative +0 7 210 , 14.38%
Jean Dorion Bloc Québécois + 23 118 , 46.12%
Ryan Hillier Liberal + 10 920 , 21.79%
Lise St-Denis NPD +0 7 021 , 14.01%
Danielle Moreau Green +0 1 752 , 3.5%
Serge Patenaude Marxist-Leninist +00 103 , 0.21%
Total 50 124 100%
  1. Louise Plant, Learning year for Lise St-Denis » , on The Nouvelliste , (consulted the )
  2. Hugo de Grandpré, The neo-democrat Lise St-Denis goes to the PLC » , on The press , (consulted the )
  3. 2015 federal elections: Lise St-Denis will not be a candidate » , on Radio-channel , (consulted the )
  4. Canada elections, Forty and first 2011 general election, official elections of the election , [on line] (accessed January 17, 2012)
  5. Canada Elections .

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
