List of Anglo-Saxon saints-Wikipedia


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This list brings together the saints from Anglo-Saxon England, to the Norman conquest of 1066. It also includes saints not originating from England, but which are particularly linked to it.

Name Death Sanctuary Party Notes
Acca 740/742 Hexham October 20 Edition view the hexham.
Adrien de Cantorbéry 710 Cantorbéry January 9 Originally from Africa.
Æbbe the young 870? Coldingham ? Doubt historicity.
Ælfthryth de Crowland Around 835 Crowland August 2nd Princess of Mercie.
Ælfwald de NorthumBrie 788 Hexham September 23 Northumbrie’s Roi.
Æthelberht de Kent 616 Ramsey February 24/25 King of Kent.
Æthelberht d’Est-Anglie 794 Hereford May 20 King of East Anglie.
Æthelburh de Barking After 688 Barking October 11 Barking abbess.
Æthelburh de Kent 647 Lyminge September 8 Princess of Kent and Queen of Northumbria.
Inthelhard 805 Cantorbéry May 12 Archbishop of Cantorbéry. Worship deleted by Lanfranc.
Æthelthryth 679 Ely June 23 Princess of East Anglie.
Æthelwold de Winchester 984 Winchester first is august Eviens the Winchester.
Aidan de Lindisfarne 651 Lindisfarne August 31 Originally from Ireland. Bishop of LISSFARNE.
Alcmond De Derby around 800 Derby 19 mars Prince of Northumbrie.
Hexham alcmond 781 Hexham September 7 Edition view the hexham.
Aldhelm 709 Malmesbury May 25 Bishop of Sherborne.
Cantorbéry Alphège 1012 Cantorbéry April 19 Cantorbéry archbishop, martyr.
Alphège Le Chauve 951 Winchester 12 mars Eviens the Winchester
Augustin 604 Cantorbéry May 26/27 Member of the Gregorian mission. Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Baldred de Tyninghame 757 Tyninghame, Durham 6 mars Ermite et abbled northumbrien.
Bède the venerable 735 Durham 25/27 May Monk and columnist.
Benoît Biscop 690 Thorney January 12 Abbé de Wearmouth-Jarrow.
Berthe de Kent Around 612 Cantorbéry first is May Kent queen.
Bertwald 731 Cantorbéry January 9 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Move to 649 Winchester December 3 Bishop of Dorchester.
Boniface 754 Fulda June 5 Archbishop of Mainz.
Bosa around 705 York 9 mars Edition the york.
Botwulf 680 Thorney June 17 Founder of the Icanho monastery.
Bregwin 764 Cantorbéry August 26 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Burchard Around 755 Wurtzbourg October 14 Partner the Wurtzbourg.
Byrnstan 934 Winchester November 4th Eviens the Winchester.
Cedric 664 Lastingham October 26 Bishop of London.
Cheefrith 717 Wearmouth-Jarrow September 25 Abbé de Wearmouth-Jarrow.
Chad 672 Lichfield 2 mars Bishop of Mercians and Northumbrians.
Cuthbert de Cantorbéry 760 Cantorbéry October 26 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
CTHBERT DE LINDISFARNE 687 Lindisfarne 20 mars Bishop of LISSFARNE.
Deusdedit 664 Cantorbéry July 14th Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Dunstan 988 Cantorbéry May 19 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Eadberht 698 Lindisfarne May 6 Bishop of LISSFARNE.
Eadwold IX It is century Core August 29 Hermit.
Eanflad 704 Whitby November 24th Princess of Northumbria.
Eanswith ap. 630 Folkestone August 31 or September 12 Princess of Kent, founder of the Abbey of Folkestone.
Ecgwine 717 Evesham December 30 Bishop of Worcester.
Edgar 975 Glastonbury July 8 King of England.
Wilton edith 984 Wilton September 16 Princess of England.
Edmond Le Martyr 869 Bury St Edmunds November 20 King of East Anglie, martyr.
Édouard the confessor 1066 Westminster January 5 King of England.
Édouard the martyr 978 Shaftesbury 18 mars King of England, martyr.
EDSE 1050 Cantorbéry October 28 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Erkenwald 693 London April 30 Bishop of London.
Armenilda around 700 Ely February 13 Princess of Kent.
Finan 661 Lindisfarne February 17 Originally from Ireland. Bishop of LISSFARNE.
Felix de Burgondie 647/648 Dommoc, Ramsey 8 mars Originally from Burgundy. Bishop of East Anglie.
Guthlac 714 Crowland April 11 Moine it ermite mercies.
Hilda de Whitby 680 Whitby November 17th Abbess of Whitby.
Honorius 653 Cantorbéry September 30 Member of the Gregorian mission. Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Itamar 655 × 664 Rochester June 10 Bishop of Rochester.
Jacques the deacon After 671 Cantorbéry August 17 or October 11 Member of the Gregorian mission.
Jænberht 792 Cantorbéry August 12 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Jean the beverley 721 Beverley May 7 Edition the york.
Just cantorbéry 627 × 631 Cantorbéry November 10th Member of the Gregorian mission. Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Laurent de Cantorbéry 619 Cantorbéry February 3 Member of the Gregorian mission. Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Lioba 782 Fulda September 28 Member of the Boniface mission in Germania.
Lull 786 Hersfeld October 16 Archbishop of Mainz.
Marguerite d’Ecosse 1093 Dunfermline November 16th Princess of England.
Mellitus 624 Cantorbéry April 24 Member of the Gregorian mission. Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Mildburh 715? Wenlock February 23 Princess of Mercie, abbess of Wenlock.
Mildthryth 716 × 733 Minster-in-Thanet July 13 Princess of Mercie, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet.
Nothhelm 739 Cantorbéry October 17 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Oda the severe 958 Cantorbéry 4th July Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Humble around 700? St Osyth October 7 Princess of Surrey, martyr.
Oswald De Worcester 992 Worcester February 28/29 Bishop of Worcester.
Oswald de Northumbrie 642 Bardney, Gloucester 5 August Northumbrie’s Roi.
Deira Oswine 651 Tynemouth 20 August Roi de Deira.
Paulin 644 Rochester October 10 Member of the Gregorian mission. Bishop of York and Rochester.
Cantorbéry stone After 614 Cantorbéry January 6 Member of the Gregorian mission. Father of Saint-Augustin.
Plegmund 923 Cantorbéry August 2nd Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Cite 694 London August 29 Roi d’Essex.
Seaxburh d’Ely Around 699 Ely July 6 Kent queen, abbess of Ely.
Siegfried of Sweden 1045 Växjö February 15 Evangelizer of Sweden.
Sigeberht d’Est-England Around 634 Växjö October 29 ? King of East Anglie, martyr.
SUITBED THE WORTH 713 Kaiserswerth first is  mars Execreputor of the frieze.
Swithun 862 Winchester July 15th Eviens the Winchester.
Tancrède, torthred et tova 870? Thorney September 18 Ermites to Thorney.
Tatwin 734 Cantorbéry July 30 Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Théodore de Tarsus 690 Cantorbéry September 19 Originally from Tarsus. Archbishop of Cantorbéry.
Wealdburg 777/779 Eichstätt first is May Abbesse de Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm.
Walstan 1016 Bawburgh May 30 Patron saint of farmers.
Werburh 699 Hanbury, Chester February 3 Princess of Mercie.
Wigstan 840 × 849 Repton first is June Prince of Mercie.
Wihtburh 743 ? Dereham July 8 Abbess of Dereham.
Wilfrid 709/710 Ripon April 24 or October 12 Bishop of Northumbria.
Wilfrid II 745/746 York April 29 Edition the york.
Willibald Around 787 Eichstätt July 7 Partner’s most lunch.
Wulfhilde After 996 Barking September 9 Barking abbess.
Hulfish 1002 Sherborne January 8 Bishop of Sherborne.
Wulfstan 1095 Worcester January 19 Bishop of Worcester.
Wulfthryth 985 Wilton ? Abbess of Wilton.
Wynnehald 761 Heidenheim December 18 Missionary and founder of Heidenheim Abbey.
  • (in) John Blair , « A Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Saints » , in Alan Thacker and Richard Sharpe, Local Saints and Local Churches in the Early Medieval West , Oxford University Press, , 581 p. (ISBN  0-19-820394-2 ) , p. 495-565 .
  • (in) David Farmer , The Oxford Dictionary of Saints , New York (N.Y.), Oxford University Press, , 5 It is ed. , 496 p. (ISBN  978-0-19-959660-7 , read online ) .
