List of bishops and archbishops of Poitiers – Wikipedia


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This article presents a list of the bishops and archbishops of Poitiers.

Late antiquity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The bishops preceding Saint Hilaire are largely under the legend. Only Agon seems proven.

The bishops whose names follow were all between 367/368 and av. 511; However, they are known only by the episcopal lists or the cults that are returned to them, it is therefore impossible to specify the dates of their respective episcopates. This list was established by Robert Favreau.

High Middle age [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

WE It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • of. 511-apr. 533: Adelphe ( Adelphius );
  • 541 : Daniel ;
  • of. 555/557-APR. 561: Pient;
  • Apr. 561: Pescent Ou Saint Pascence;
  • of. 573-AV. 594: Marovée Ou Mérovée;
  • Av. 594: Plato, Party Spequent;
  • 597 – 601 [ 2 ] : Saint Venance Fortunat.

VII It is And VIII It is centuries [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • of. 614: Caregisilus;
  • of. 614-apr. 616: Ennoaldus;
  • of. 616-apr. 627: Jean I is ;
  • AP. 628: Désiré (de Visigothie) (?) [ 3 ] );
  • Until 645: Emmeran [ 4 ] ; Nevertheless relying on a vacuum between 675 and 677 in the list of bishops of Poitiers kept in a catalog, E. Klebel [ 5 ] proposed to place Emmeran’s episcopate during these two years. Some historians [ 6 ] nevertheless questioned the reliability of the mention of Poitiers by Arbéon de Freising in his Vita Haimhrammi ;
  • Ansoald [ 7 ] ;
  • of. 629-Apr. 669: Dido Ou Didon;
  • of. -apr.  : Ansoald.

The bishops whose names follow were all between APR. and av. 785; However, they are known only by the episcopal lists or the cults that are returned to them, it is therefore impossible to specify the dates of their respective episcopates. This list was established by Robert Favreau.

  • Eparchius;
  • Julian;
  • Gausbertus ;
  • Good;
  • Magnibert;
  • Sting;
  • Benoît ( Blessed );
  • Saint Anthème Greek ( VIII It is century) (?) [ 3 ] );
  • of. 785: Jean II;
  • of. 785: Bertrand.

IX It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • of. -Apr. 813: Séverin;
  • of. -apr. 830 : Sigibrand ;
  • Fridebert (?) [ 3 ] );
  • of. -apr. : Ébroïn;
  • of. -apr. : Engenoldus;
  • of. 876: Frotier I is ;
  • of. 876-900: EGFROI

Middle Ages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Incumbent Start of the episcopate End of the episcopate Notes
Frier II 900 ap. 934 Founder of the Monsatère de Saint-Cyprien, in the suburbs of Poitiers [ 8 ] .
Albouin 937 ap. 963-964 Father of Nouaillé in parallel with his episcopate [ 9 ]
Pierre I ap. 966-967 975
Giselbert or Gilbert 975 mars 1019
Isembert September 30, 1023 ap. 1043
Isembert II November 2, 1047 of. 1087
Peter II 1087 1115 Implements the Gregorian reform and facilitates the foundation of the Fontevraud Abbey. Excommunicates the Duke of Aquitaine Guillaume Le Troubadour, who in punishment for the exile in Chauvigny, where he dies. Venerated as Saint, celebrated on April 4.
Guillaume I (Guillaume Gilbert) July 30, 1117 1123
Guillaume II (Guillaume Adelelme) in. 1124 1124
Pierre II de Chatellrault in. 1133 in. 1135
Grimoard January 26, 1141 October 1141
Gilbert the la porn 1142 1154 Theologian, philosopher, pupil of Bernard de Chartres and Anselme de Laon. Participate in the councils of Sens, Paris and Reims. Was Chancellor of the Cathedral of Chartres.
Chalon in. 1155-1157 1158
Laurent 1er May 1159 1161
Jean III Bellesmains in. 1162 End 1182 Friend of Thomas Becket, Henri II installs him as bishop of Poitiers. It will be confirmed by the Council of Tours (1163). Is elected Archbishop of Lyon in 1182
Guillaume III Tempier 1184 1197 Venerated as Saint, celebrated on March 29.
Aymar peiritar 1197 1198
Maurice de Colar 1198 1214
Guillaume IV Prévost 1214 1224
Philippe Baleos 1224 1234
Jean de Melun 1234 1257 Member of the house of Melun, canon of the cathedral of Sens before becoming bishop of Poitiers
Hugues de Chateauroux 1259 1271
Gautier they are used 1279 1306 Appointed against his will. Excommunicates its suffrage, Bertrand de Got, bishop of Bordeaux. Having become Clément V, Bertrand destined Gautier.
Arnaud d’Aux De Lescout 1306 1312 Close to Clément V, becomes Cardinal-Bishop of Avignon in 1312
Strong 1314 1357
Jean v the Lioxix 1357 1362
Aimey de Mons 1363 1371
Guy of evils 1371 1375 Nephew of the Clément VI and Grégoire XI popes, he is bishop of Lodève before being elected in Poitiers. He left his episcopate in 1375 after being appointed cardinal-bishop of Sainte-Croix-de-Jerusalem
Bertrrand the maumont 1376 1385
Simon de Cramaud (1st episcopate) 1385 1391 Is bishop of Béziers during his election at the bishopric of Poitiers. Became a Latin patriarch of Alexandria in 1390.
Louis d’Orléans 1391 1394 Brother of John II Le Bon.
Ithier de Martreuil 1395 1403 Chancellor of Jean de Berry, bishop of Puy before being appointed to Poitiers
Gérard de Montaigu, said The young 1403 1409 Chancellor of Jean de Berry in 1404, appointed bishop of Paris in 1409
Pierre Troussel, also said Pierre Trousseau 1409 1413
Simon de Cramaud (2nd episcopate) 1413 1423 Created Cardinal by John XXIII during the Council of Rome, was appointed a second time bishop of Poitiers until his death.
Louis de bar 1423 1423
HUGUES DE COMBAREL 1424 1440/1441
Guillaume Gouge de Charpaignes 1441 1448
Jacques Jouvenel des Ursins November 5, 1449 1457 Previously Archbishop of Reims.
Léon Guérinet 1457 1462 Becomes bishop of Fréjus in 1462
Jean VI Du Bellay says The young 1462 1479 Previously bishop of Fréjus, takes the episcopate of Poitiers with the involvement of René d’Anjou, which he exchanges with Léon Guérine
Guillaume de Clugny October 26, 1479 1481 Master of requests from Charles the Bold before his named

Epoque Moderne [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Contemporary period [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Incumbent Start of the episcopate End of the episcopate Notes
Jean-Baptiste-Luc Bailly September 30, 1802 October 24, 1804 Appointed after the concordat signature in 1801
Dominique Dufour de Pradt December 18, 1804 1808 Baron d’Empire, consecrated bishop by Pius VII. Leave the episcopate to become Archbishop of Mechelen
Sylvestre-Antoine Bragouse de Saint-Sauveur 31 mars 1809 1816 Appointed bishop by Napoleon I, but is not confirmed by Pius VII, who refuses her motu ownership.
Jean-Baptiste de Bouillé 1817 January 14, 1842
Joseph-André Guitton 1842 May 7, 1849 Died during a pastoral visit to Niort
Louis-Édouard Pie September 28, 1849 May 18, 1880 Vicar General of the Diocese of Chartres before being appointed bishop. Raised to the dignity of Cardinalice in 1879, it was one of the leaders of Ultramontains.
Charles Louis Gay October 23, 1877 May 18, 1880 Collaborator of Bishop Pie since 1857, became bishop-auxiliaire in 1877.
Jacques-Edmé-Henri-Philadelphe Bellot des Minières December 13, 1880 15 mars 1888 Brother of Alcide Bellot des Minières
Augustin-Hubert Juteau April 23, 1889 November 25, 1893
Henri Pelgé January 29, 1894 May 31, 1911
Joseph-Marie-Louis Humbrecht September 1, 1911 September 14, 1918
Olivier de Durfort de Civrac September 3, 1918 December 22, 1932 Resigning for health reasons
Édouard Mesguen December 7, 1933 August 4, 1956 Build a retirement home for the priests of his diocese. He was accompanied by Mgr Vion from 1948.
Henri Vion August 4, 1956 July 5, 1975 Bishop coadjutor of Poitiers from 1948.
Joseph Rozier July 5, 1975 June 12, 1994 Bishop coadjutor of Poitiers then bishop on the death of Mgr Vion. Travel to the USSR in 1987 and opposed the Gulf War and the National Front.
Albert pnet June 12, 1994 December 16, 2002 Bishop Coadjutor from 1993. Last bishop of Poitiers
Auxiliary bishops:

Apostolic administrator:

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Robert Favreau ( you. ) et al. , The diocese of Poitiers , Paris, , 366 p. , p. 341-342
  • Georges Pound and Yves Chauvinist , The foundation of the Maillezais abbey: story of the stone monk , La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendéen Center for Historical Research, , 319 p. (ISBN  9782911253096 ) , p. 206, 220

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Name , site of the Conference of Bishops of France, accessed January 7, 2010.
  2. Notice BnF [first]
  3. A B and C This bishop is not mentioned in Robert Favreau’s work et al. (1988).
  4. According to Arregon’s freezing, Bishop of Frisingensis Vitae Haimhrammi and Corbiniani , HANOVRE, B. CARE, coll.  « MGH SRM », , p. 1-99 .
  5. Ernst Klebel, ” On the history of the Duke Theodo », Negotiations of the Historical Association for Upper Palatinate and Regensburg , vol. 99, , p. 165-205 ( read online ) .
  6. cf. L. colmer, Regensburg and Bavaria in the Middle Ages , Gratisbon, coll. “Studies & sources on the history of Regensburg, N ° 4”, , «The execution of St. Emmeram », p. 8-11
  7. CF. K. Debus, Studies on Merovingian documents and floors. Studies and texts , Archive for diplomatics, 14 (1968), p. 96-106 ET 186-189.
  8. P. de Monsabert, ‘Alboin, Albouin or Aubouin ( Alboinus )’, in Dictionary of ecclesiastical history and geography . Paris: Letouzey and Ané, 1912, vol. 1, col. 1710, in Brepolis Encyclopaedias
  9. D. Fonteneau, t. XXI, 273, ms. of the POITIER Municipal Library
