List of chuck gadgets – Wikipedia


Logo original de la série

The List of gadgets , that the American television series can contain, Chuck , created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak, broadcast in 2007 on NBC. Its main theme is espionage and insists on the technological aspect by presenting a large number of gadgets. These can have a comic effect or, as the Intersecret , play a crucial role in the series.


The castle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The castle is the code name of the underground base located under the Orange Orange , the yogurt store where Sarah Walker works as part of her cover. It only appears from the second episode of the second season [ first ] . The castle has many cells as well as pieces where interrogations. It is very well connected to the different communication networks and has access to CIA databases. It is also connected in videoconferencing with the NSA and CIA offices. Finally, this is one of the places where the surveillance cameras and the microphones installed all over the surroundings are checked.

Its main entrance is located in the Orange Orange , but a tunnel also makes it possible to escape towards the Buy More . Appeared only in the second season of the series, the castle played a pre -eminent role in the eighth episode of the latter, while Fulcrum agents try to infiltrate it [ 2 ] . On a daily basis, it houses the meetings and briefings of the members of the Operation Chuck Bartowski .

The Buy More [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Buy More is the departmental department store located in Burbank in which several of the characters in the series work, including Chuck himself. THE Buy More is thought of as a parody of the household appliance chain Best Buy . Within Buy More is the Nerd Herd , the store’s technical service. This is a parody of the company Geek Squad . Each employee of Buy More is dressed in a uniform which indicates its position in the hierarchy: sellers carry for example green polo shirts and employees of the Nerd Herd Short -sleeved shirts with a tie.

The store is often the subject of adventures: indeed, from the second season, it is recognized by Fulcrum as an area of ​​interest. If during the first season, it is used by the characters as a main base, he lost this status in the second season for the benefit of the castle. Many equipment remains installed there, in particular in the demonstration room of home cinema : This is indeed modified to allow the video conference with the offices of the NSA and the CIA, hidden compartments contain weapons. Finally, a tunnel provides access to the castle from the locker room.

In episode 19 of the third season [ 3 ] , the Buy More is destroyed by explosives installed by Daniel Shaw, who were accidentally activated when Morgan dropped the detonator. This fiasco was then attributed to Jeff and Lester as a criminal fire, before being rebuilt and infiltrated by agents disguised as sellers for the last two seasons of the series.


Casey’s apartment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Casey’s apartment is located in the same real estate complex as that of Chuck and his sister Ellie. This apartment is frequently used as a secondary base by the characters in the series during the first and the second season. As in the castle or in Buy More, the apartment has a video-conference system. A former sniper, Casey also installed a real gallery of scrolling targets on which he trains. A decontamination room in the event of poisoning is also installed. Finally, the decoration of the room is marked by the presence of a photo of the former very conservative president Ronald Reagan.

Chuck watches [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Chuck has, throughout the series, possessed several watches. The first, created by a scientist from the CIA Lazslo Manhovski is destroyed by the latter when, trying to flee his laboratory, he meets Chuck [ 4 ] . It contains a GPS as well as a microphone and speakers allowing Chuck to communicate with Sarah and Casey [ 4 ] . After the destruction of this first watch, Chuck is entrusted with another, similar features. She is also equipped with a GPS except that Chuck often leaves her behind when he does not want to be followed [ 4 ] .

At the end of season 3, Chuck learns that intersecret has an impact on the brain and cause madness in its user. Stephen, Chuck’s father, then makes a special watch called the governor, supposed to counter the side effects of the intersecret. Initially built for the Intersecret 1.0, a near modifications, it becomes functional for the Intersecret 2.0 .

Micros [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Em-50 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This micro-espion is the favorite of John Casey, who uses it many times [ 5 ] .

GLG-20 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The GLG-20 is a microphone designed to listen to conversations. It has a limited scope and must therefore be placed near a receiver which records or transmits the data [ 5 ] . It can be used for both live listening and recording [ 6 ] . He plays an important role in the last episode of the first season, an episode in which an agent of Fulcrum has it inside the Buy More [ 5 ] .

GLG-4000 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The GLG-4000 is an exceptionally powerful GPS, going so far as to transmit from the mountains of Afghanistan, and which continues to transmit only if the signal is blocked by at least two meters of metal. Despite its very important scope, it is small enough to be established in the human body (it is in the series used in place of a pacemaker). This device appears in the eighteenth episode of the second season ( The heart at work ).

License plates [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Ford Crown Victoria of John Casey is equipped with license plates containing a GPS. The car is destroyed when Chuck chooses to divert a missile by directing it to the only GPS coordinates he knows, those of the Casey car [ 7 ] .

Chuck’s car [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A Toyota Matrix is ​​used in the series.

Chuck Bartowski’s car, main character in the series, is a Toyota Matrix he uses for his work at Buy More , but also, occasionally, for his missions with John Casey and Sarah Walker. Almost destroyed in the first episode of the series, it is repaired by the CIA, which changes it, adding a GPS [ 8 ] Ejectable seats [ 4 ] , a control of the passenger side, a space where the prisoners lock up [ 2 ] , the possibility of driving the car by radio control [ 6 ] , a MODE Auto-Destruction [ 4 ] and finally a camera in one of the rear seats [ 9 ] .

The car is destroyed, while Chuck uses the radio control to remove the car and the bomb it contains [ 6 ] . Chuck no longer drives a similar car before the twenty-first episode of the second season [ ten ] . This episode does not reveal at any time that the car driven by Chuck is equipped with the same devices as the previous one.

Chuck also leads a Ferrari F430 Spider loaned by the CIA to the sixth episode of the second season [ 11 ] .

Spray peppermint sleeping pills [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Appearing in the form of a mint spray for breath, it is in fact a powerful tranquilizer. It is used in the fourteenth episode of the second season by Chuck [ 6 ] .

Grenades Balles de Tennis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

These grenades appear in the fourteenth episode of the second season. Considering inside tennis balls, they are stored in tubes stored in the castle. Loaded with white phosphorus, their detonation would be able to melt metal. These weapons have never been used in the series [ 6 ] .

Wrist computer [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Orion’s computer is close to this Arch Control Systems zypad

Orion carries a computer to his left wrist which he himself has specially designed. It can be used to control drones General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper from the USAF, send messages [ twelfth ] or deactivate safety systems [ 13 ] . Orion, who revealed herself to be Chuck’s father, confides this computer to his son in the last episode of the second season [ 14 ] .

Appeared for the first time in the episode Emergency protocol , this computer is similar to that carried by the Yautjas of films Predator [ twelfth ] .

NSA incinerator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This remarkably powerful bomb can be inserted in, and activated by a classic mobile phone. She has a powerful load to destroy objects the size of a van or a 4×4 [ first ] . It is used in the second episode of the first season, Hélico soon , speak D r Jonas Zarnow to simulate his own death and then in an attempt to kill Chuck and Casey [ first ] .

L’ Intersecret ( Intersect in VO and in all other translations) is a super-computer created jointly by the CIA and the NSA following the attacks of September 11, 2001. Secondary characters of the series such as the D r Howard Busgang (code name “Perseus”) or the D r Jonas Zarnow participated in his realization, supervised by Orion, who will later prove to be Chuck’s father. The goal that presided over its construction was to share the information, hitherto separated, from the two American intelligence agencies, which would facilitate the defense of the territory.

The system was first hosted in a specific room. This room was completely empty if not a terminal, resembling a 128k Macintosh. The walls were grid of white screens at rest – thus recalling what could be seen in the film Tron -, to which the series often refers. Once the system is activated from the terminal, the screens turned on, displaying extremely rapid images of images [ 15 ] . It is by looking at these images that compatible subjects can memorize computer data.

Despite the amount of information it contains, the Intersecret Can be stored inside an ultra-mobile PC, as in the first episode of the series, where Bryce Larkin sends it from its UMPC to Chuck by email. Once the Intersecret Starting the memorization of the data can be blocked by closing the eyes, or even simply by wearing sunglasses [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] .

Chuck Bartowski downloaded him during the first episode of the series while Bryce Larkin, his former comrade to Stanford University, sends him by email in an effort to protect data from a plot led by Fulcrum. I’ Intersecret is a major element of the series, at the base of the plot.

Flashes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A person who memorized data from the Intersecret uses them by what members of the series call “flashes [ 17 ] ». During a “flash”, information appears in Chuck’s eyes in the form of photographs, sounds, sequences similar to videos or even document photocopies. For a very short moment, Chuck sees nothing other than these images and these sounds that parade. Nothing allows to know that Chuck has “flashed”, if not a short moment of disorganization, shock, as after a blow [ 17 ] . Chuck protectors have learned to recognize the signs of “flashes” and very often ask Chuck if he has flashed.

In the fifth season, Morgan decided to rename the “flashes”, “zooms [ 18 ] ».

L’ Intersecret beta [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is actually a Intersecret which was supposed to remove the one in Chuck’s head. He is invented by Orion (Chuck’s father) when he was a prisoner. After being used, it is destroyed due to an overload.

L’ Intersecret 2.0 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

L Intersecret original allowed only to obtain information on a spy or a situation. On the other hand, the Intersecret 2.0 Allows Chuck to assimilate and use combat techniques in just a few seconds (martial arts, gymnastics, shooting, foreign languages, specific weapons …) but also very diverse capacities: he plays guitar, dance or use Devices of which he absolutely does not know how it works. As’ Intersecret original, l’ Intersecret 2.0 works on the system of flashes , and Chuck can only use it when the situation requires, generally in the event of danger. However, unlike the Intersecret original, l’ Intersecret 2.0 Can stop working when Chuck is too tense, insufficiently concentrated or not controlling his emotions.

L’ Intersecret 3.0 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

L’ Intersecret 3.0 is the latest version Shaw has developed to take control of the CIA in the fifth season and which has not led thanks to the intervention of Chuck. It would have allowed him to update the Intersecret With the new CIA info base and also add new skills.

The key [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the fifth season, it contains 3 songs that are separated around the world, Quinn tries to bring them together in order to be able to add new skills as Intersecret .

  1. A B and C See season 2, episode 2: Seduction operation .
  2. a et b See season 2, episode 8: The dizziness of love .
  3. See Chuck and the women of his life ( Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II in In ).
  4. A B C D and E See season 1, episode 6: A worm .
  5. A B and C Season 1, episode 13: Family jewels
  6. A B C D and E Season 2, episode 14: The enemies of my best friend
  7. See season 1, episode 11: Charity and False Tickets .
  8. See season 1, episode 2: Hélico soon .
  9. Season 2, episode 7: The treasure hunt
  10. See season 2, episode 21: One against each other .
  11. See season 2, episode 6: Chuck and his ex .
  12. a et b See season 2, episode 17: Emergency protocol .
  13. See season 2, episode 19: The job of his dreams .
  14. See season 2, episode 22: The Lord of Covenants .
  15. a et b See season 2, episode 11: InterSecret Story .
  16. See season 2, episode 1: Spy despite everything .
  17. a et b See season 1, episode 1: Spy in spite of himself .
  18. See season 5, episode 1: My small business ( Chuck Versus the Zoom in In ).
