List of directors general of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations – Wikipedia


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Éric Lombard is the current managing director of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.

This article lists, in chronological order, the senior officials of France who have held the post of director general of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations since its creation in 1816.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. After the appointment of Henri Deroy to the post of secretary general of the Ministry of Finance in 1940, and until his return to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in 1943, the interim was provided by Maurice Chasse, secretary general.
  2. After the end of the mandate of Philippe Lagayette the , and until the appointment of Daniel Lebègue the , the temporary worker is provided by Gilles Benoist (d) , general secretary [ first ] .
  3. After the death of François Mayer , and until the appointment of Augustin de Romanet the , the interim is provided by Jean Sebeyran, secretary general.
  4. After the end of the mandate of Augustin de Romanet the , and until the appointment of Jean-Pierre Jouyet the , the temporary worker is provided by Antoine Gosset-Grainville, Deputy Managing Director.
  5. After the appointment of Jean-Pierre Jouyet to the post of secretary general of the Presidency of the Republic on , and until the appointment of Pierre-René Lemas the , the temporary worker is provided by Odile Renaud-Basso, Deputy Managing Director.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jeanne shiploberg-cat, Caisse des Dépôts , Paris, Puf, coll. “What do I know? “( n O 3835), , 128 p. (ISBN  978-2-13-056607-6 ) , “The general directors since 1816”, p. 126 [ read online ] .
  • (in) Manfred Pohl  (in) , Sabine Freitag et European Association for Banking History  (in) , Handbook on the History of European Banks , Aldershot et Brookfield, Edward Elgar Publishing  (in) , , 1303 p. (ISBN  1-85278-919-0 ) , “List of representative personalities of the establishment: Directors General” , p. 244 [ read online ] .
  • In the Bulletin of laws , on Gallica:
  1. Decree of , Jorf n O 326 of , p. 7249.
  2. Decree of , Jorf n O 87 of , p. 1330.
  3. Decree of , Jorf n O 307 of , p. 6397.
  4. Decrees of A you , Jorf n O 152 of , p. 3536.
  5. Decree of , Jorf n O 140 of , p. 3277.
  6. Decree of , Jorf n O 33 of , p. 1530–1531.
  7. Decree of , Jorf n O 2 of , p. 79.
  8. Decree of , Jorf n O 22 of , p. 368.
  9. Decree of , Jorf n O 289 of , p. 11266.
  10. Decree of , Jorf n O 163 of , p. 7090.
  11. Decree of , Jorf n O 125 of , p. 1744.
  12. Decree of , Jorf n O 285 of , p. 16771, nor ecot9226063d.
  13. Decree of , Jorf n O 293 of , p.  18319, NOR ECOX9702466D.
  14. Decree of , Jorf n O 296 of , p.  21223, texte n° 61, NOR ECOT0226312D.
  15. Decree of , Jorf n O 58 of , p. 4544, text n O  76, NOR ECOZ0700124D.
  16. Decree of , Jorf n O 167 of , text n O  66, NOR EFIT1228801D.
  17. Decree of , Jorf n O 118 of , text n O  51, NOR PRMX1411378D.
  18. Decree of , Jorf n O 287 of , text n O  178, NOR ECOT1733208D.
  1. S. R., «  Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations: Philippe Lagayette leaves tomorrow evening », The echoes , n O 17534, , p. 27 ( read online ) .
