List of football episodes 2 rue – Wikipedia


This article presents the list of episodes of the television series Foot 2 rue .

  • The final ( first re part)
  • The final ( 2 It is part)

This double episode is mainly made up of elements of the last episodes of season 1.

Table of Contents

Episode 1: Duel at Old Port [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The group of friends, Sébastien dit Tag, Gabriel, the twins Tekno and Tony are boarders at the Riffler Institute in the city of Port-Marie and are passionate about football. Tag is an orphan, Gabriel’s parents are doctors in Africa and Asia while twins are the elders of a family of ten children, their parents’ accommodation is too small for such a family. Little dragon, a young resident would like to stay with Tag that he idolizes but Chrono, the goalkeeper convinces him to leave with his mother, M me Wong the music teacher. One Sunday, while the other students go back to their parents, the Tekno brothers are forced to stay at the Institute because their parents could not come and pick them up. Tony is upset because Tag and the others prefer to play with their old ball that with his ball signed by the players of the 1998 France team. He is proud of his ball but he gets racked by two young thugs, Coud ‘ [ first ] ball and cartoon.


Episode 2: Goal Surprise [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Today, it is the day scheduled for meeting with the Sharks of the Port. It is also the day of the anniversary ceremony of the old founding count, in its time, of the Riffler Institute. Éloïse, the latest descendant dated the Riffler and Football Passion, is looking for an excuse not to accompany her parents to this boring meeting. Our boys, they take advantage of a soporific discourse to escape and go to their appointment with the sharks of the port. Eloïse decides to follow them without being seen. She thus witnessed the betrayal of the big Tony, the loose goalkeeper who fled from the field to the first difficulty because the inhabitants of the neighborhood, whose match disturbs the tranquility, want to complain to the police. Eloïse soon decides to intervene.

Episode 3: Typling [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Shark asked that all the captains of the city’s street football teams meet in the evening for the “big vote”. It is a question of knowing whether the vampires of the boulevards, the ghosts of the city, the vagabonds of the park, as well as the barracudas of the shopping center, agree to recognize the new team of the Riffler Institute. Our heroes immediately collided with the hostility of Ben, captain of the ghosts of the city. Put to the test, they must compete with a team formed by the various captains. Meanwhile, Tony who spied on the boys, is punished by the twins. Eloïse is definitively accepted in the team.

Episode 4: The friendship of a captain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the captains of the street football teams of Port-Marie are summoned to the old factory in Sardines for the draw for the port tournament. Cartoon informs Eloïse who warns Gabriel; But Gab does not send the summons to Tag (being sad because having watched a love film between a father and his son, reminding him that he is an orphan). Gabriel is therefore in place of tag at the captains meeting. The draw designates the ghosts of the city as opponents of the Riffler Institute team. Tony, eager to take revenge on his former friends, was hired by Ben as a goalkeeper: a real union of the wild beast and the serpent according to Cartoon. In addition, Tag, Eloïse and the Tecno despise Gabriel because of his self -proclamation of captain. Will the riffler win?

Episode 5: The African Lion [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The mayor of Port-Marie has developed an ultra-modern police system intended to improve the repression of the city’s “street pirates”. During the match between the institute’s team and that of the park’s vagabonds, Ben fuels the hostility of the population against the players by launching a second ball against a scaffolding, which collapses. Omar, a young South African immigrant, cousin of the Class, captain of the park vagabonds, is wrongly arrested by the police, and the cousin family is expelled from his accommodation by Mr. Gréti, the racist owner. Revolted, Tag is determined to react.

Episode 6: paper tigers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Following a false maneuver, the Ballon des Riffler landed in Madame Véra’s shop, then in the hands of a young Chinese delivery man who saves him from the police. The delivery man agrees to restore the ball provided that the Riffler Institute team faces Shanghai dragons in the Chinese district. However, these have a formidable reputation. During the meeting, the ball breaks the window of a merchant, and the police intervene against our boys. Saved thanks to their Chinese challengers, members of the two teams fraternize.

Episode 7: Birth of a dream [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thanks to the research done by Gabriel on the Internet, boys are now convinced that there are street football teams around the world. The Toronto Dogs organized a cat on the internet at midnight. The boys participate using the computer of the Mademoiselle Adélaïde office. Tag then offers to create a street football world cup. Warned by an anonymous letter from Toni, the boys are surprised by the Chrono father. Unmasked by Gabriel, the awful Toni receives the “punishment of the cafeters”: he finds himself locked in the coal cellar. Chrono, which is aware of the tag World Cup project, finds the idea great.

Episode 8: The big selection [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thanks to the Père Chrono, our boys received the support of Luis Ornanldo known as “Fédé”, a former international champion who is now dedicated to underprivileged children around the world. Thanks to its organization, “Children of the World”, the selection of teams that will compete in this first world of street football is done everywhere on the planet. In Port-Marie, the semi-finals oppose the vampires of the ghosts of the city on the one hand and on the other hand the two friendly teams of the Riffler and the Port sharks. While Gabriel is madly in love with Eloïse, the latter innocently asks him to help him conquer. The heart of Tag, which plunges Gabriel into depression.

Episode 9: an impossible choice [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The day before the qualification final, the parents of the Tecno twins land at the Riffler Institute accompanied by the coach of Olympique. This last search for young attackers for his team of cadets. Olympique is the dream for any young footballer. The Tekno must leave the institute on the spot to become a resident of the very luxurious Olympic, in order to pass tests there. They should have been crazy about joy, but like the other members of the Riffler team, they are paid to the idea of ​​missing the final which was to oppose them to the ghosts of the city, and thus to offer victory to the hateful Ben. Faced with this big problem, Tag will consult shark.

Episode 10: Bronx Devils [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The selection for the first world street football is now over and the teams will arrive in Port-Marie to meet there. The young players of the city are preparing their arrival, trying to transform the old factory in Sardines into a street football city. Suddenly, the Devils of the Bronx, a team of girls from New York, disembark and manifest their dissatisfaction loudly, because we forgot to register them. Shark then decides a match between them and riffler for the next day, in order to judge their level, in which case they will be able to participate in the World Cup. While Eloïse offers hospitality to newcomers, the treacherous Ben is simmering a new dirty blow.

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Teams from all over the world are secretly landing in Port-Marie for the World Cup. The Riffler Institute team is renamed “Bleus de Port-Marie”. Mr. Albert, the hairdresser of the old place, flanked by Marcel his heart dog spotted the city of street football where the launch party takes place. He sees it as the perfect opportunity for the police to strike a big blow which will finally put an end to the actions of these thugs. The World Cup game opposes the Blues to the Devils of the Bronx and takes place on the motorway site.

Episode 12: Enemies in the shadows [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Faced with the incapacity of the mayor and the police to ensure calm in the city, some citizens have decided to insure it in their place. The merchants of the old town created a secret organization including Madame Véra, the vegetable, Mr. Albert, the hairdresser and Mr. Salim. Their motto: “Cleanliness and civilization”. They decide to take action and kidnap a Wallabies player in the middle of a match against the Blues. Street soccer players decide to react.

Episode 13: Inseparable [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Two of the world’s players, Jane des Diables du Bronx and Eduardo des Méninos du Brazil, had fun terrorizing the population of Port-Marie with a previously stolen police car. Having thus violated the street football code and therefore put all the teams in danger, they were excluded from the match which must oppose their two teams. They are replaced by players drawn, which designates Tarek and his northern twin brother. The two inseparables therefore find themselves in two opposite teams. Meanwhile, the mayor tracks the “street pirates” in helicopter. Since his little heart dog scored a goal, Mr. Albert the hairdresser has become a big fan of the Blues and street football. It is now part of the World Cup protection service. However, playing against your twin brother is more difficult than expected. And the situation is not better when it is Tag and Éloïse who take their place and must play against each other.

Episode 14: Brazilian romance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The next match will oppose the Blues to the Meninoss of Brazil. During training, Tag becomes jealous of Zanghezino because he approaches Eloïse, whom he fell in love. Relations between the 3 players become tense while the match is approaching …

Episode 15: The Institute is in danger [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The population of Port-Marie is increasingly attracted by the beauty of the matches, the talent of these young people and the interest of this global competition. The Blues have made many allies. But Mr. Maroni, the mayor, is determined to win his war: to crush these thugs which begin to undermine his popularity with voters. He understood that “evil” has its root at the Riffler Institute. As the buildings are dilapidated, it involves an inspector who, he calculates, can only decree his closure and thus destroy street football in the city. He can count on the collaboration of the traitor Ben and his ally Tony which will once again undergo the “punishment of the cafeters”.

Episode 16: The buried secrets [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The boutique of the Big Madame Véra, the acariose and irreducible enemy of our boys, was robbed. The booty being found in the boys’ room, they find themselves accused of theft. Maroni the mayor of Port-Marie is an excellent pretext to finally close this “Voyoure nursery”. But Mademoiselle Adélaïde stands in front of the mayor; However, it prohibits any exit to the Blues. The latter subjoint that the villain Tony and Ben his boss are again in the spot. In the meantime, they are still “red lantern” in the World Cup classification and must meet the formidable Cobras of Calcutta this evening!

Episode 17: Red card [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The unthinkable has arrived! Tag was fierce with his opponent on the ground. He may deny, the proof is there: a witness had filmed everything. Faced with such a fault and such savagery, Fédé and Chrono do not hesitate a second to definitively exclude it from the World Cup. They also pronounce the cancellation of the victory of the Blues on the scorpions of the desert. For tag everything is over. And since nothing holds him back in this city which does not want to hear it, Tag entrusts his team to shark and decides to leave forever. But the truth will eventually burst.

Episode 18: at the glow of the stars [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mr. Albert managed to mobilize the coach of Olympique de Port-Marie (OPM) to take care of the Blues before the match scheduled for evening at 9 p.m. against the scorpions of the desert. But Tag is injured in the knee during this training. Z, the world football superstar, is precisely at the headquarters of Olympique to discuss before the doubtful mayor Maroni of his entry into the OPM. Z is accompanied by his official healer, Sylvius, old friend of Chrono. The latter asks him to treat Tag. Tag is immediately brought to the headquarters of the OPM where the talks between the Z group, the club leaders and the mayor take place. Maroni then coincidences the conversation of the friends of Tag, and thus learns the place and time of the evening match. Delighted, the mayor decides to trap and capture all street soccer players all at once. And during this time Z understood that it was a trap.

Episode 19: The Scorpions of the Desert [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mr. Albert and Mr. Salim, who have become the most fervent supporters of the Blues, surprised the scorpions of the desert training. Disstructedly, they come to prevent our heroes that scorpions have a new secret weapon. The Blues then burst out laughing because they have already beaten this team more than once. But underestimating the opponent is always very dangerous.

Episode 20: The secret of Mamie Riffler [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While the entire Blues help the Devils of the Bronx to train for their next match, the parents of Eloïse are looking in vain for their daughter. Worried, they call the mayor who, seeing there a great opportunity to settle their account for young players, is happy to tell them that their daughter frequents thugs, and that the person responsible for this situation is a certain Luis Ornanldo says “Fédé ». He advises them to file a complaint against him in order to have him arrested and expelled. The count and the countess therefore file a complaint, and Fédé is arrested. Furious, Éloïse decides to leave her parents’ home forever. But the old granny Riffler who never said anything, begins to open the eyes of Dad and Maman Riffler.

Episode 21: Shanghai dragons [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues must face Shanghai dragons tomorrow. These are really very strong. They have once again triumphed, under the panicked gaze of the Blues who, demoralized, think they have no chance against this undefeated team since the start of the World Cup. In the evening, Gabriel then undertook a special training that would allow the team to defeat them. Unfortunately, during this intensive session, Tek falls, loses consciousness and is brought by ambulance to the hospital.

Episode 22: Gabriel cracked [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Gabriel continuously spent without counting for others. These have become used to this situation. It is loaded with all the chores, but no one is never there to take care of him. Even his parents, whom he seeks to reach by phone, disinterested what he says. Very depressed, he disappears a few hours before the match. All his friends – and there are many – feel guilty for not having been more careful and began to look actively. Having no idea where he hides, they deduce from a Bronx Devils player that Gabriel took the plane for Bamako, hoping to join her inattentive mother. Only the truth is quite different.

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Tonight, the parents of Eloïse organize a large garden-party in their sumptuous residence. We must carry out the draw for the semi-final matches. All the players of all the World Cup teams are invited. There is also a somewhat special guest: Mr. Pico, the owner of the large sports equipment factories that bear his name. He says he is ready to sponsor the finalist teams and offers meninos and blues – that he thinks of being the future finalists – to equip them for free with his brand new article: “Pico Super Foot” shoes .. provided they sign contracts and train under his leadership.

Episode 24: Overcome with the enemy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We are on the eve of the semi-final of the World Foot 2 rue, but a big tile strikes the Blues team: Gabriel is blocked by a tornado in Africa and will not be able to play the long-awaited match, which must oppose our friends to the Wallabies of Australia. It must be replaced urgently. And although many friends are numerous, none is able to integrate by playing in the manner of the Blues. Tag then has an idea. He asked Ben, former enemy of the team, but who made in his honorable time, to replace Gabriel at the raised foot. No one has studied the game of Blues better than Ben in the past, in order to sabotage it. Ben accepts on the edge , but the acceptance of his presence by the other members of the team poses major problems.

Episode 25: The best of us [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It’s night. Tomorrow will take place the second semi-final which will oppose the Meninos of Brazil to the Dragons of Shanghai, and the party will be in full swing. But Tag can’t sleep. He realized that the great adventure is coming to an end. He suddenly leaves the institute, and heads for the port where he is joined by Ben, who has become a friend, and who cannot sleep either. Tag tells him about his concerns: soon the twins Tecno will leave him to perfect their training at Olympique and Gabriel will join his parents at the end of the world. He will only be “captain of nothing at all”. Ben tries to reassure him by stressing the importance and the great success of his work, and telling him that he is the best of the captains. The next day when the match takes place in front of an enthusiastic crowd, Tag wanders in the city. He is followed as his shadow by the very young P’tit Dragon, one of his very many admirers.

Episode 26: Black Out on the final [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The final match must take place in the evening after sunset. Maroni, concerned about his re -election, definitively capitulated in front of the success of street football. He invited a team from the World Sport TV channel to cover the event. In the early morning, reporter Peter Stones, interviews the young people of the two teams. But on the orders of the odious Steph Lombard, boss of the chain who wishes to sow Zizania between the teams in order to make lucrative scoops, Stones proceeds to false montages and makes them diffuse. The quarrel spreads quickly and soon a violent confrontation threatens the meninos and the Blues. While Fédé reconciles the players, Ben, who understood the dirty role of the TV, forms a commando in order to cut the power supply of the city. They are surprised by the very clumsy agent Pradet, who inadvertently creates a short circuit and thus cuts all electric current in the city.

After an intense match, the Blues win 1-0 and are crowned world champions for the first time.

Episode 1: 2 Blues in the Blues [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It’s back to school. During the summer, the Tekno brothers left the Riffler Institute to join Olympique, and the Blues are only three. Jérémy Weber, a new resident of the Institute offers Tag to join the team. It is in fact very good. Facetious and unruly, he has already undergone eight references from various colleges. On the other hand, the Blues are challenged by a team of thugs: the mega-killers, picked up the worst scrapers of the city which begin to exert a dangerous influence on the young people of the city. Jérémy manages to force his hand to Tag by accepting the Mega-Killers challenge on behalf of the Blues. Tag must therefore urgently engage two recruits. This is how Jérémy, then a girl by the name of Samira, entered the team …

Episode 2: Jap with his past [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jérémy is contacted by his former teammates, the Skyrunners, Urbanball Champions, who offer him to be part of their team again. He hesitates: he must continue his adventure with the Blues with a view to winning a qualification for the World Cup, or finding the absence of constraint of the lifestyle of Skyrunners.

Episode 3: The irreducible [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues receive a call from a certain Stéphane, captain of the irreducible team in a city of Port-Marie. Its goal is to keep young people away, thanks to football, from delinquency that reigns in this district; He wishes to meet them in the city of Ifs not far from Port-Marie. The Blues go there and discover that Stéphane is a boy in a wheelchair. He challenges them: the Blues against his team. But a band of thugs, the demonic, whose leader is Stéphane’s older brother, make the law in this city: racketeering, theft, crime. They intervene to chase the Blues of their territory and, armed with baseball bats, enjoin them to never set foot there. Regardless, Tag decided that this match would take place …

Episode 4: Hell fishing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues must soon face the formidable desperados in a match counting for qualifying in the future world. They attend the match between the tigers and their future opponents, and are impressed by the effectiveness of a player called rust stain. Jérémy also decides to train regularly to be able to compete with him. Shortly after, late in the evening, the Blues surprised a rust spot receiving a suspicious sachet, from a stranger who came to put him back by car …

Episode 5: Match Match [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Samira and her girlfriend Manuela want to participate in a Jerckyball tournament in their city. But they are denied registration because they are girls. Samira talks about it to Eloïse who offers her to disguise himself as boys. Tag worries by thinking that Eloïse sees another boy. Meanwhile, Samira entrusts a baby, Momo, in Tag, Gabriel and Jérémy …

Episode 6: a broken heart [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues must soon compete in the Apaches in a match counting for qualifying at the World Cup. While in the Blues team, two couples were formed (Jeremy and Samira/Tag and Eloïse), Gabriel is always without soul mate. When he goes to the slam cafe, he quickly finds himself harpooned by a certain Marie with whom he soon flirts throughout his free time, now neglecting the team and training. A rapid investigation of the Blues reveals that Marie is in fact remote -controlled by the Apaches to put the grapple on Gabriel and thus destroy their future opponents. But love is blind, and Gabriel refuses to accept the sad truth. A large quarrel is triggered. In the meantime shark has thought it was doing well by hiring a funny Hurluberlu (his cousin Robert dit Mahatma) as coach for the Blues …

Episode 7: Old resentments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The city of Port-Marie is organizing a prize ceremony rewarding the best students in the city, all schools combined. Éloïse thus meets Victoire Malotra, pupil and daughter of the director of the Saint-Xavier private school, a nest of snobinards where she was once a student. Victory, a small plague of which Éloïse was the best friend, won the prize for the best student in the city, while Eloïse receives a special prize to reward his work within the Blues in favor of street football. But victory wants to have a lot in Eloïse that she accused of having abandoned her and left without protection when he left Saint-Xavier. She is also an accomplished footballer and would like to enter the Blues team. In the meantime, they train for the match against the formidable team of atomic bombs. To force tag to accept it in the team, Victoire will implement more than doubtful means …

Episode 8: Dakar operation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For his birthday, Gabriel is invited by his parents to join them in Dakar a fortnight later, during the holidays according to the exams. He then launched a call on the website of Foot 2 Rue , hoping to bring together sports equipment to give to the children he will meet during his stay in Senegal. And it is an avalanche of parcel that falls on the Riffler Institute, to the chagrin of Mademoiselle Adélaïde. Tag offers that the entire team support Gabriel to ensure the distribution of this mass of packages. Thanks to the help of Fédé who unearthed a ship holder for transport, Mademoiselle Adélaïde finally accepts, provided that the three boys obtain the average for exams, and this in all branches. This poses a big problem in Jérémy, undoubtedly the biggest dunce in school.

Episode 9: The Sai-Sai [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues are welcomed in Dakar by Fédé and the Sai-Sai, the strongest team in Senegal. Gabriel must review his parents and the Blues must attend the final of African qualifications for the next World Cup. She opposes the Sai-Sai, whose captain is a daughter called Fatou, to the Wacham lions led by a certain sancoun. Gabriel falls in love with the beautiful Fatou. During the match between the two teams, the players have an abnormal behavior, and the Sai-Sai play frankly badly. The lions prevail, but Tag smells a rigged match …

Episode 10: Black Devils [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While the Blues are preparing to meet the formidable bulldozers of terror, the black devils – a new team – become more popular with street football fans every day. Sporting a diabolical mask, they openly propose to replace the Blues as world champions. Soon the Bulldozers abandon the competition, one of their own having dropped the team for the benefit of the Devils. A quick shark investigation shows that the devils have their HQ in Saint-Xavier school, the fief of the sinister victory. Fédé announces shortly after the match against the bulldozers is replaced by a black blue-diable meeting …

Episode 11: Too many fathers for tag [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jérémy guessed that Tag suffers from not knowing his father. One night, he enters the office of Mademoiselle Adélaïde – who, it is said, knows a lot about his friend’s parents – to access Tag’s file. He discovers an adoption file that reveals the identity of this father. He hasten to give him the information, including a photo of the supposed father. Tag immediately went in search of the latter. He had cultivated a lot of hope about his father, and is therefore dismayed by discovering that it is a homeless person. He will be embarrassed, and will lie to his friends by making them believe that his father is an incredible man (secret agent, rich).

Episode 12: Personally [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While in the national classification, the Blues are still preceded by the black devils, Shark announces to the members of the team that Jérémy is currently top scorer than Tag, with two goals in advance. A stupid competition then engages between the two boys. They no longer stop getting more and more ridiculous challenges, to the chagrin of the other three members of the team who see this foolish competition turning to vinegar … Now the Blues must soon meet the leaping sworders, and the Two boys, forgetful of team spirit, are swept away by their rivalry of young males. The match promises to be in the dark very auspices. Meanwhile, Shark is struggling with the classification of other teams and it is Samira who is the best drummer.

Episode 13: On the key [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At Olympique where the Tecno brothers are, the coach is unhappy with the performances of his team. He organized a friendly street football match with the Blues, to improve the agility and technique of his young people. Samira and Jérémy agree without problems playing the two brothers with them and thus reconstructing the former team of the Blues from last year. Decision that they regret immediately …

Episode 14: Forgotten links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To weaken the Blues, the nasty victory concocted a Machiavellian trap against Jérémy. Via the Fan-Club des Bleus, she asked that a friendly match takes place against a small village team led by a young priest, the magic wild boars. The Blues accept. The day of the meeting, at the sight of one of the opposing players, Jérémy becomes extremely brutal, and continues to attack the young player scandalously. The match is then arrested and Jérémy was suspended. He runs away and remains not found. The priest filmed the entire meeting. Learning this, the odious victory decides to seize this video to have it spread by the press …
Will the Blues manage to prevent victory from having this video broadcast?

Episode 15: The balloons of shame [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues go to Asia to attend the meetings counting for the qualifications of the World Cup. Jérémy, eager to learn kung-fu, soon begins a hard and humiliating learning with a great master of this art. Meanwhile, the Blues discover that the children of the Asian snake team are forced to work in a football balloons that operates them, depriving them of school. Young people are also beaten and sequestded by an abominable chiourmer armed with a large stick. Revolted, the Blues will do everything to get them out of there. Subsequently, the snakes will be able to qualify for the second world football world football.

Episode 16: Wild cats [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Gypsies arrive in a group in Port-Marie, and are badly received everywhere. Agent Pradet, a daily racist, neglects nothing to make them feel. The young people have formed a street football team: wild cats. They challenge the Blues. Decided to cheat to win, they buy several identical balloons from a grumpy merchant. During the transaction, a thief succeeds in seizing the store of the store, and the merchant accuses of young gypsies, who detailed with their balloons, however duly paid. The long-awaited match for cats takes place the same evening …

Episode 17: Pact with the Devils [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The angels of the street, next opponents of the Blues, are very low. Victory decides to train them and offers them their own players as a replacement. At the same time, it organizes a Machiavellian plan. While Jérémy is at a rap concert, she sends three of her players to break her leg, incognitos. Jérémy must quickly be replaced for the match against the street angels. The Blues turn to Laclasse, player of the African Lion team, to replace him. Jérémy is nevertheless disappointed not to be able to play. He occupies his day investigating the accident and quickly understands that Victoire is behind all this. The Blues, on the other hand, are surprised by the improvement that the street angels have shown, and especially when they understand that Victoire pact with this team, and offers players to replace the injured players from their protected team. Will the Blues succeed in diverting his plan and qualifying for the World Cup?

Episode 18: White bears [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It’s winter, and Fédé decided to take the Blues to Greenland to train a team that must play the country’s qualifications: white bears. On the spot, the Greenlanders prove to be very poor players. And Gabriel, African, not supporting the cold, stripped like a mummy … After a solid training, the bears manage to beat the excellent team of red impulses, and thus qualify for the Groenland final which must put them in the grip With sea lions. But red impulses, believing that the bears have been too favored by the help of the Blues, ask Fédé that a match between blues and white bears will take place and that the bears are only qualified Condition that they win this match, which is accepted by Fédé. The day before the match, to the chagrin of the Blues accustomed to the mild south climate, following a cold wave, Eloïse is not found and the ground has turned into an ice rink …

Episode 19: Packed match [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jealous of the popularity of the Blues and especially Eloïse, Victoire develops a sly plan with his sinister father. At their instigation, the mayor organizes a “friendly” match between the Blues and the black devils, the two best teams in the city. Billing, the Blues cannot shirk, and Tag hires Tekno twins as a replacement. Before the match, the mayor organized a collection carried out by the players, in favor of the city’s homeless. At the end of collection, one of the devils pours a mass of banknotes in the Eloïse bag which, quickly denounced by the father of Victoire, was immediately arrested by agent Pradet.

Episode 20: 24 minutes flat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the match against the bulldogs, the Blues learned by Chrono that the end of year control was advanced today. Unable to cancel the match, the Blues must finish it in less than 24 minutes before returning to the Institute. Things get complicated when the Ballon bursts and they are forced to improvise with various objects, while Cartoon and Coup’boule go in town trying to find one …

Episode 21: Roller Team [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tag finds himself at the institute for the weekend. Even Eloïse drops him to accommodate a family of friends from his parents, including a young man -sighted man, called Thibaut, who flirts and tags her openly. Feeling neglected, he discreetly joined the roller team, a group of very friendly young adults who specialize in acrobatics and jumps on rollerblades in urban areas. Following a series of misunderstandings, Tag believes that his team is no longer interested in him and decides not to see them again, especially since Eloïse did not respond to the letter he has him sent…

Episode 22: To help a friend [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues leave for the holidays in Brazil in Rio, under the supervision of Madame Riffler and Chrono. They intend to help Zangezino, captain of the meninos, whose father is very sick. In order to pay him the care, the two teams will make a charity match, but the money offered by the spectators is not enough. A actual producer then offers them a large sum on the condition that the Blues let the meninos win …

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The meninos are at the top of the Latin America ranking. But Zangezino must replace his father to distribute the mail the day of a decisive match against the Lamas of Bolivia. He asks Tag to take his place as a captain. But following the flight of her handbag, Mrs. Riffler refuses to let Tag go out the day before the match to train with the meninos in the favelas. Accompanied by Jérémy, he managed to make the wall. But they end up getting lost in the favelas which are very dangerous at night.

Episode 24: slippage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues have new supporters: the Blue Total, poorly raised adolescents who involuntarily give a bad image to their idols, whistling and insulting the opponents of the latter. Victory decides to use it to have the Blues disqualify. Meanwhile Éloïse and Samira are particularly annoyed by the behavior of the boys on the team who have started to show off to impress Chloé and Lola, two Groupies. They decide to set up a clip by filming them in rather embarrassing attitudes. In this clip, they accidentally discover victory and one of his acolytes preparing a bad blow.

Episode 25: Dangerous game [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the match between the Blues and the Corsaires, two bandits robbed a jewelry and make the hat bring to the elder brother of the Cura Captain. The two teams must ally to find the real culprits.

Episode 26: Final fight [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is the qualifying final in Port Marie. Blues and black devils being equally, they will have to compete in a decisive match. Victory and his father send an academy inspector friend to put Jérémy in a recovery house and send Mademoiselle Adélaïde from his post to prevent others from training. That’s not all. The academy inspector takes the place of Mademoiselle Adélaïde and sends Gabriel and Tag to do the worst household chores, not to mention that training is over. Will they succeed in getting out of this petrin to win their place for the World Cup? It is in this episode that the Tekno brothers make their return.

Episode 1: a new world [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The long holidays have finally arrived at the same time as the new street football world which will take place on Melville, an old boat. The Blues, discover the other teams including their next opponents, the Dolphins of Oceania. The latter are joined by Victoire, who threatens to reveal that they are in reality the older brothers of the players of the real team. In order to win the World Cup and humiliate the Blues, Victoire will be ready in the worst: it will even go so far as to pour a vomit into the orange juice of the Blues. All patients (except Jérémy and Éloïse), the two players will have to engage in a 2 match against 5 …

Episode 2: The 6 It is Saï-saï [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The training of the Blues is compromised by the idyll between Gabriel and Fatou, the captain of the Sai-Sai. Things do not manage when a Sai-Sai twists his ankle and Gabriel must replace him. But unfortunately, the Blues are not in the truth of Gabriel.

Episode 3: The children of the ball [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jérémy learns by shark that the children of the ball, coming from the Moscow circus school, were joined by their last player, the mysterious Natacha. Wanting to know more, he tries by all means to find it. He finally discovered his true identity during a match: it is actually an extremely agile guenon. In addition, following several misunderstandings, Samira doubts Jérémy’s loyalty …

Episode 4: a disturbing replacement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An old acquaintance returns to Port-Marie: well of the ghosts of the city. The players of the Blues, except Tag, find it difficult to accept it after his bad deeds … and especially with a jealousy of replacements towards those who are on the field. And things don’t get better when Tag hurts and Ben must replace it.

Episode 5: Alter ego [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tek is tired of being confused with no and even going so far as to dye her hair in blond. This fraternal argument arrives at the wrong time because the Blues must face the Celtics of the Highlands, of happy colossi including their captain Sandra, their little sister, and continues to tag the Tag team. Meanwhile Tag is looking for his ball and gets lost with Eloïse in the boat.

[ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Martin Goupil, presenter of Canal Truth A reality TV show, goes from contracts to several teams, preventing training and compromising the World Cup. Meanwhile Tag has trouble getting used to the idea that Gabriel will go next year at the Charlemagne high school.

Episode 7: The return of the mega-killers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The mega-killers are determined to take revenge on the Blues and all the other street football players by sowing chaos in Port-Marie and making them wear the hat.

Episode 8: Captain Jérémy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tag falls ill and asks Jérémy to replace him as captain for the match against the Gauchos de Buenos Aires. Unfortunately Jérémy has a lot of trouble refining training and ends up putting the other players on the back. Meanwhile, a wealthy shipowner pays two men to infest the Melville from rats, in order to be able to offer his boat instead. Tag, staying on board for its convalescence, spots sabotage, but is spotted and kidnapping.

Episode 9: the regulation is the regulation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Following several problems during the matches, Fédé and shark load Gabriel to establish a regulation. Meanwhile the other Blues train hard to face the Masaïs du Kilimandjaro in the next match. But Victoire manages to lock them up in their cabins at night so that they arrive late and be disqualified …

Episode 10: A new mayor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Although street football is popular, many citizens are still quite reluctant about the World Cup, with those who vandalize and the objects that disappear. An opponent of Maroni plans to play on this to win the municipal elections. Meanwhile, to offer a gift to Samira, Jérémy earns money by cleaning the city. Only, all that Samira sees is that he spends his time with Brenda and Crystal, two players from the South African team of Soweto’s panthers, which has the gift of making her jealous.

Episode 11: Samira takes off [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Annoyed by Jérémy’s childish attitude, Samira is moving away from him and approaches a young biker. But this young man will bring him a lot of trouble. And the appearance of suspicious flights do not arrange things …

Episode 12: Disappearance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Eloïse’s parents go to New York to see their families, including his cousin Déborah. Victoire immediately puts a sneaky plan to make the Blues lose by kidnapping Eloïse, which does not fail to shock the players on his own team, forced to obey him under penalty of being denounced to Fédes. Meanwhile, shark and his gang are tired of complaints from participants in the tournament, and decide to strike.

Episode 13: A girl like no other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues have much to face the Malaysia tigers, and especially their player Farah. Stratege, beautiful and mysterious, it also pleases shark. Only, the Blues discover that Farah is a boy, called Amir, and the regulations want each team to have at least one girl in their ranks. Suffice to say that it jeopardizes their participation …

Episode 14: cheating is not playing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tag suspects the Iroquois of Quebec of having cheated in a match. However, no one seems to notice anything, including their own team. Tag then decides to conduct his own investigation, but the Iroquois captain and their star player will not let him do it!

Episode 15: Diva [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Eloïse is very appreciated, very pretty and Tag feels lowered in front of her. Victory that has smelled the pigeon decides to use this weakness and arranges so that Eloïse was named “World Miss” and thus disturb the next qualifying match … It follows scandalous rumors who would say that Tag would be depressed because he and Eloïse are no longer together. In addition, Eloïse is disturbed by the many fans and paparazzi who keep following her. Gabriel begins to understand that Victoire is behind all this.

Episode 16: The secret of Atsuko [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Atsuko, which is one of the manga of Tokyo, is a girl with a strong character. She became friends with Samira but takes up Éloïse in flu, which compromises the friendship of the girls of the Blues. Things get worse when Atsuko reveals that she left Japan without the agreement of her parents.

Episode 17: a coach for the Blues [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The atmosphere is not in good shape among the Blues. They decide to hire a coach in the person of an old friend of Samira’s mother. The latter has a lot to do because Jérémy does not appreciate that she spends time with Gabriel to make a documentary on the World Cup.

Episode 18: Drague technique [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tek falls in love with Lyraz, player of the Nile Pharaohs. Despite the help and advice of other boys on the team, he cannot declare his flame for him. Worse, she believes that he is trying to destabilize it, which is false.

Episode 19: Cruise with Nico [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Fédé decides to give a break to the players of the World Cup by offering them a cruise. He also presents Nicolas Anelka, an old friend who sympathizes with the Blues. During the cruise, Shark told them that it is Fédé’s birthday. The Blues and Anelka decide to occupy his attention while the other teams are responsible for preparing a big party in his honor. The only victory refuses to participate.

Episode 20: Welcome to Tunis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues and Anelka disembark in Tunis, where they meet young players whom they convince to form a team and play a gala match against a selection of players from the Dauphins of Oceania and the Blues of Port-Marie. This team is called the Tunis suns.

Episode 21: Written in the stars [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An amusement park arrives in town and the Blues will go there and come across a clairvoyant. The latter predicts bad news to Jérémy who disturbs him. Then the other teams go to this clairvoyant in turn, but it widespread things.

Episode 22: ghost stories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While they have fun frightening each other during a thunderstorm, children come to wonder if the cargo is not haunted. Indeed, provisions disappear and strange noises are heard at night. To support their suspicions, the logbook of a former Melville captain, Samuel Pankaldi, who died more than half a century ago, is discovered in the ship’s hold.

Episode 23: A bad past past [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jacky, a former Fédé teammate, visits him and gets to know the children. While Fédé is retained by a strange administrative inspector, who seems determined to prevent the World Cup from taking place, Jacky, for his part, discreetly rises the children against the organizer. Fortunately, the Blues are there to watch over the grain …

Episode 24: Fear of getting lost [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Éloïse, who has just learned that she will have to leave Port Marie, has a hard time telling her friends and her announcement has the effect of an electric shock. Everyone then realizes that at the end of the summer, the Blues will have to say goodbye, to leave each of them, Éloïse a New York, Gabriel at the Charlemagne high school and the Tecno at Olympique.

Episode 25: The winning spirit [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Blues are starting to find it really strange not to succeed in getting information on the dolphins team. They conduct their investigation and, victory, which feels on the verge of being discovered, already simmering a bad plan. But a strange meeting will make him change his mind … At the same time, Tag is turned upside down by the announcement that Mademoiselle Adélaïde made he had to see her father.

Episode 26: The Blues forever [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While the Blues must face the Panthers of Soweto in the final, Tag leaves with his father in South America, leaving Eloïse regrettable, Gabriel is injured in the knee and Tek left after the semi-final. The Blues must then find two replacements.

  1. In the big leagues
  2. The first game
  3. A blow in the back
  4. Surprise visit
  5. The big jump
  6. L’Alandon
  7. The good choice
  8. The test
  9. Blackmail
  10. False hopes
  11. Return match
  12. Enemy sisters
  13. Renaissance
  14. Locked up!
  15. Farewell to the World Cup
  16. Missed appointment
  17. 13/20
  18. Back to square one
  19. A new family
  20. The big announcement
  21. The big clash!
  22. Luxury replacement
  23. Frank’s dream
  24. Reunion
  25. Replacing
  26. The Blues in the final!
  1. Bool, G.M. , Oxford University Press, coll.  « Benezit Dictionary of Artists », ( read online )
