List of French foundations recognized as a public utility – Wikipedia


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This alphabetical list lists part of the foundations recognized as public utility in France (FRUP); However, a foundation can be classified according to a more representative term (or more).
At , there are 659 foundations recognized as a public utility [ first ] .

  • Foundation Abbé-Pierre for the accommodation of disadvantaged, decree of [ 2 ]
  • Acting against exclusion, decree of
  • AGUESSEAU Foundation, Decree of , Jorf du
  • AJD Foundation – Maurice GOUNON (ex association The Friends of Thursday-Dimanche of Lyon ), Decree of [ 3 ]
  • Foundation helps to any distress (ATD Quarte Monde), decree of
  • Albert Gleizes Foundation, decree of
  • Alberto and Annette Giacometti Foundation, decree of
  • Alphamega Foundation, decree of February 19, 2010 [ 4 ]
  • Foundation Anne Marie Rivière, decree of [ 5 ]
  • Alliance française, decree of
  • Institute for Development and Town Planning of the Ile-de-France region, decree of
  • American Hospital of Paris, Decree of
  • APICIL Foundation, Decree of , Jorf du  : NOR : Randa0400082d
  • Arc foundation for cancer research, decree of
  • ARCAD Foundation (Aid and Research in Digestive Cancer), decree of
  • Architects of emergency foundation, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : IOCA0750825D
  • ARHM Foundation (Action Research Handicap and Mental Health), decree of
  • ARP Foundation, Decree of
  • Animal assistance foundation, decree of
  • Foundation of the Salvation Army, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : INTA0000095D
  • Auguste Escoffier foundation, decree of
  • Foundation of the institution of blind people and visually impaired from Nancy, recognized as a public utility by imperial decree of the
  • Foundation of the Blind War, Decree of
  • April foundation, decree of
  • Blaise Pascal Foundation, Decree of , published in the Olympic , NOR : IOCD1135805D
  • Émile Blémont Foundation – Poetry House, Decree of the , modified
  • Brigitte-Bardot Foundation, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : INTA9200054D
  • Henri-Cartier Bresson Foundation, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : INTA0200061D
  • Léa and Napoleon Bullukian Foundation, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : INTA0300269D
  • Foundation Marcel-Bleustein-Blanchet for the vocation, decree of the?, Published at the Jorf le?
  • Foundation of contemporary art Claudine and Jean-Marc Salomon, decree of the?, Published at the Jorf le?
  • Foundation for international cultural action in the mountains, decree of the?, Published at Jorf le?
  • Automobile Foundation Marius-Berliet (heritage linked to the truck)
  • Foundation of Crédit Agricole “Pays de France” decree of
  • Savings box foundation for solidarity, decree of published at the Jorf of page 6 052
  • CARITAS France foundation, created by Secours Catholique, decree of
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, decree of March 11, 2002 [ 6 ]
  • Cassiopée Foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf of
  • Foundation of the Château de Hautefort, decree of
  • Jacques Chirac Foundation, decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • Chirac Foundation for Sustainable Development and Culture Dialogue, Decree of the
  • Clemenceau museum, decree of
  • Cotrel foundation for research in spinal pathology, decree of
  • Castile foundation, decree of
  • Foundation La Cause, Decree of , NOR : IOCA0823603D
  • Le Corbusier Foundation, Decree of
  • Coeur and Arteries Foundation, Decree of
  • Charles-de-Gaulle foundation, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : INTA0500310D
  • Pierre Deniker foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : INTA0750589D
  • Foundation Deutsch de la Meurthe, decree of
  • Dosne foundation, decree of , Jorf du , NOR : IND1531896A
  • Victor-Dillard Foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : I0753456D
  • Foundation for continental law, decree of , published at the Jorf of , NOR : Inta0753731d
  • Foundation of the Lions of France, decree of January 16, 1989, published in Jorf on January 16, 1989.
  • Energy Foundation for the World, Decree of , published at the Jorf of , NOR: INTA9000051D
  • Foundation of the École normale supérieure, decree of
  • Ostad Elahi Foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : INTA0000021D
  • Foundation Together Decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : INTA0400334D
  • Foundation Michelle André Espace-Enfants France, Decree of the , published at the Jorf the , NOR : INTA0700009D
  • Foundation for school, decree of , published at the Jorf of , NOR :   IOCA0756484D
  • Foundation for childhood, decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : Inted1223425D
  • Foundation of France, decree of
  • Foundation of women, under the aegis of the Foundation of France
  • Franco-Japanese Foundation Sasakawa, Decree of the , published at the Jorf of , NOR : INTX9010696D
  • Pierre Fabre Foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf of , NOR : Inta9900035d
  • Pierre Fourier-Alix Le Clerc Foundation (PFALC), decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : IOCA0753644D
  • Foundation Fourmentin-Guilbert, decree of , published at the Jorf of , NOR : INTA9000110D
  • Foundation 30 million friends, decree of , published at the Jorf of , NOR : InTa9500075D
  • Hippocrene Foundation, Decree No. Inta9200043D of
  • Research foundation on high blood pressure, Decree No. Inta0600174D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Hugot Foundation of the Collège de France, decree of , published at the Jorf the
  • Nicolas-Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man, Decree No. InTa9600196D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Hospitals Foundation of Paris-Hôpitaux de France, Decree No. InTa9400468D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Foundation for the protection of wildlife habitats (Wildelife Habitats Foundation, WHF), decree of the [first] , published at the Jorf the , title and statutes modified by decree n ° I0500903a of , published at the Jorf the
  • Jacques-Toja Foundation for the theater, Decree No. [2] of , published at the Jorf the
  • Jean-Jaurès Foundation, Decree No. InTA9200052D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Jérôme-lejeune Foundation, Decree No. InTa9600052D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Josée-et-René-de-Chambrun Foundation, decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • Foundation of French Judaism, Decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • La Mache Foundation, Decree No. IOCA0755264D of , published at the Jorf the
  • MAIF Foundation, Decree No. I8900277D of
  • Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • Providence retirement home foundation, created in 1804, recognized as a public utility in 1817
  • Mansart Foundation – Parks et Demeures de France (ex Parks and gardens of France And Foundation of the Château de Maintenon ), Decree No. INTA0500330D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Marcel-Mérieux foundation, decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • Foundation Marguerite and Aimé Maeght, decree of July 18, 1964, published in Jorf on July 19, 1964
  • International Métapsychique Institute, Decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • Michelle-Darty Foundation (1980)
  • Foundation for international cultural action in the mountains, decree of , published at Jorf le?
  • Foundation Movement for children’s villages, decree of , stop of , published in the Olympic Game
  • Radio Espérance Foundation, Decree No. IOCA0761291D of , published at the Jorf the
  • Foundation ral-foll-foll, covering you , published at the Jorf the
  • Ripaille Foundation, decree of
  • Foundation for medical research, decree of
  • Foundation for strategic research, Decree No. InTa9300119D of
  • Foundation for the Republic, decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR: INTA0100259D . Dissolution (n° INTA0600054D )
  • Res Publica Foundation, Decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : I0500373d
  • Foundation of the Resistance, Decree of
  • Adolphe-de-Rothschild foundation, decree of
  • Royaumont Foundation, decree of
  • Robert-Schuman Foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf the
  • Saint-Cyr Foundation, decree of , published at the Jorf the , NOR : INTA0600328D
  • Saint-Louis Foundation, decree of
  • Saint-Matthieu Foundation for the Catholic School, Decree of the
  • Foundation Health of Students of France (ex Foundation of the Sanatorium of Students of France ), Decree of
  • Foundation Stae Sciences and Technologies for Aeronautics and Space, created by decree of 07/03/2007, NOR: MENR0700454D, published at the JORF of 09/03/2007 4524 n O 19
  • Supélec Foundation, Decree of , published in the Official Journal Le NOR : IOCA082703D
  • Sonnenhof Protestant Foundation, decree of
  • Foundation of French Sport, Henri Sérandour Foundation, Decree of the
  • Service Health Foundation, Decree of
