List of intendants of the generality of Bourges – Wikipedia


Date Name 1642 – 1647 Jacques bulls (1614-1683)
Marquis de la Galissonnière
Advisor to the Parliament of Metz in 1633, lawyer general at the Grand Council in 1634, master of requests , Intendant of Bourges (1642-1647), intendant in Orléans (1664-1665) before being appointed Intendant de Rouen, Councilor of State in 1672 1656 Jacques Jubert [ first ] (1616-1656)
Lord of Bouville and Saint-Martin-aux-Buneaux
Advisor to the Parliament of Normandy (1637), then master of requests (1641), State Councilor in 1647, appointed Intendant of Berry in 1656.
– 1661 Bernard’s strong IV (1624-1694)
Lord of Plessis-Cléreau, Plessis-Furmentières
Advisor to the Parliament of Rouen in 1642, master of requests , Intendant of Poitiers and Intendant of La Rochelle (1653-1658), intendant in Orleans and steward in Bourges until 1661, intendant of Riom (1664-1669) then commissioner of the Ardente Chamber of the Arsenal in 1679
1661 – 1665 Auguste-Robert de Pomeru (or Pommereu) (1630-1702)
Lord of Bretesche, Saint-Nom and Vauxmartin, Baron de Riceys
Intendant in Auvergne (1663-1664), in Bourges at the same time as he was intendant of Moulins, provost of the Paris merchants in 1676, intending to Brittany (1689-1692)
1665 – 1668 Henri Lambert the herbigny (1623-1700)
Lord of Herbigny, Marquis de Thibouville
father of Henri François Lambert d’Herbigny (died on ) who followed the same career and replaced it several times as an intendant after 1690
He was then stewarded in Dauphiné, in 1679, intending to Montauban, in 1691, appointed Intendant in Lyon, in 1694, and stewarded in Rouen, the same year.
Charles Tubeuf (1634- )
Blanzat Baron
Advisor to the Parliament of Paris in 1654, master of requests , Intendant of Languedoc in Toulouse and Montpellier (1665-1668) jointly with Claude Bazin de Bezons, steward at Moulins and Bourges (1668-1674), then stewarded in Tours (1674-1680). He died in Tours, the
Antoine Louis Jules de Malon de Bercy
Sieur de Bercy – 1682 Mathias Poncet de la Rivière ( – )
Count of Ablis, lord of La Rivière and Boussinghen, Baron de Presle. Brother of Michel Poncet de la Rivière, bishop of Uzès, father of Michel Poncet de la Rivière, bishop of Angers
Advisor to the Parliament of Paris the , King’s advisor in his state and private councils, master of ordinary requests from his hotel in , steward of justice, police, finance and troops in the upper and bass Alsace, country of Suntgau, Brisgau, and adjacent land (1670-1673), then intendant in Metz ( -1674), intendant of Berry, he was appointed president of the Grand Council on . He finished stewarded in Limoges in 1683
– 1702 Louis François Dey de Séraucourt (or Louis François d’A) (1645- )
Then first clerk of the king’s house 1702 – 1706 Nicolas-Etienne Roujault de Villemain
Master of requests then Intendant of Hainaut (1706-1709) and Intendant in Poitiers (1709-1713) and intendant in Normandy [ 2 ] 1706 – 1709 Guy Carré
Lord of Montgeron
master of the requests then intendant in Limoges (1709-1711)
1709 – 1715 Etienne-Hyacinthe-Antoine Fullée ( )
Marquis de Martangis, grandson of Étienne Foulée, intendant in Montauban, intendant in Languedoc, intendant in Limoges and Moulins, Intendant of Finance (1649-1658), son of Hyacinthe-Guillaume Fullé, Ambassador to Denmark
Advocate General for Hotel Requests, Master of Requests Le , named Intendant of Berry in , then stewarded to Alençon (1715-1718)
1716 – 1720 Marc-Antoine Turgot de Saint-Clair ( )
Lord of Saint Clair, son of Antoine Turgot de Saint Clair (1625-1713) who was appointed in 1671 Intendant to Limoges
Advisor to the Grand Council in 1692, master of requests in 1703, intending to Riom (1707-1714), intending to Moulins (1714-1720) with the stewardship of Bourges from 1716, then stewarded to Soissons (1720-1722) , master of honorary requests
1720 – 1728 Jacques Barberie de Courteille ( – )
Marquis de Courteille, father of Jacques-Dominique Barberie de Courteille (1696-1767) Ambassador to Switzerland (1738-1749)
Master of requests, previously intendant of Alençon
1728 – 1767 Denis Dodart (1698- )
grandson of Denis Dodart (1634-1707) and son of Claude-Jean-Baptiste Dodart (1664-1730), first doctors of Louis XIV and Louis XV
received advisor to the parliament of Paris on , master of requests from the King’s Hotel the same year, State Councilor
[ 3 ] 1767 – 1776 Nicolas Dupré de Saint-Maur ( )
Master of requests, he was the deputy of Denis Dodart in 1767 before becoming steward in Bourges, then Intendant of Guyenne 1776 – 1779 Charles-Henri de Feydeau ( )
Marquis de Brou and Dampierre-en-Burly, count of Gien, master of requests (1775), intendant of Berry (1776-1779), from Burgundy (1781-1783) then in Caen (1783-1787), Deputy Director General Economats, State Councilor, President of the Aid Court (1798).
Son of Antoine-Paul-Joseph Feydeau (1731-1762), Marquis de Brou, intendant in Rouen, and grandson of Paul Esprit Feydeau de Brou, Keeper of the Seals of France (1762-1763).
1780 – 1790 Jean-Baptiste-Claude Dufour de Villeneuve (1737- )